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feel like im dying


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Flat Coca-Cola is good as well, as it rehydrates you and the sugar builds you up...

best of luck..

"Coke" believe that is good for dissolving rust !

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affordability is relative - if I was that sick I would go into debt rather than risk dying.

Is it usual for expats not to maintain health insurance - the idea of living anywhere (other than the UK) without it would scare me rigid - and technically I do pay for healthcare even here

I would not trust my health to an online forum - I can only hope that you do go and seek treatment

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The stupidest thing you have done is post here after suffering for 4 days. I'm one of those who occasionally gets the squirts, takes an imodium and waits a day before everything's right again. The added aches and pains and keeping foods and liquids down would make me think that this time it might be more serious than food poisoning. A clinic is not a sensible option. They usually just guess at the problem and sell medicine. Make the effort and go to a proper hospital today.

Edited by laobali
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Food poisoning does not last four days. Could be a serious stomach virus or stomach flu. Such a virus killed a few people in China in 2009-10. Recommend a proper hospital. You can Google "stomach flu" and get a lot of information.

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If so, you're on the right medication, you can add paracetamol, nothing else.

Actually there are other treatments for dengue too - including IV drip that can be essential especially for some patients.

Best thing is to get a proper doctor. If you have the money/insurance, get yourself to one of the best hospitals in Bangkok - preferably somewhere like Bumrungrad.

If you don't have much money, you can get treatment locally. The treatment you got from the doctor you described was not correct and the charge sounded high (especially for that treatment).

You could have any number of illness - possibly malaria or other blood borne parasite. Best to get your blood tested at a proper hospital/clinic. Even the larger public hospitals in Thailand will be able to help you - go for one that has a lab attached or ready access to a lab.

Best to do this ASAP

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4 days now in bed, aches on every part of my body, vomit, shits 40 times a day, fever, doc in clinic gave me an iv drip 4 days ago but she didnt finish bottle and threw me out as she was closing up clinic, charged me 1500 baht, i thought it was expensive.

what can help me ? on vitimin c pills, sponsor, electrolyte drinks.


You are not dying.

You need Vitamin C, chicken soup, muti-vitamin if you have it, Ibuprofen, ice packs, Gatorade

Stay hydrated with Aura or Nestle's Minere.

Activated charcoal, bananas, chilled watermelon pieces,

Look online for more info.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

None of this will help him if he has dengue. He needs a blood test first and now

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All the wise acres here with their various suggestions and attempts at humour will not help this patient one bit.

His symptoms and the fact that he admits to being bedridden for 4 days indicate that he does not have common diarrhea but something far more serious and potentially fatal or with a possibility of permanent morbidity (such as brain damage).

The best advice for him is to get a blood test and have it interpreted by a qualified clinician.

I wish that he had provided his location so that someone could provide local advice on local hospitals or clinics or even help him out.

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I got back to CM last Nov after a trip home where I had had a full medical and passed AOK. Within days of arrival I caught something with symptoms similar to what you describe. It was terrible like I'd never known before and full on for over a week. After the worst passed I had no appetite and felt absolutely exhausted feeling weaker each day until I could barely stand up. Throughout the whole thing I kept on telling myself that it would pass and I would soon get better of my own accord. I really felt like I was dying and wanted to get home but I didn't have the strength to get to the airport let alone a long trip. Eventually I went to the doctor and after some tests got rushed straight into hospital. They told me afterwards that I was very ill and they weren't sure I would be able to pull through.

So for god's sake don't leave it too late. At least get to an English speaking doctor, they're not expensive, just so you know what's what.

I was in hospital for just over a week. It was my first experience of Thai hospitals and I was well apprehensive, but I tell you I could not have had better care anywhere. I had blood transfusions, drugs, drips, tests, endoscopes, colonscopes, anything and everything required, and really friendly staff.

As I started to feel better I started worrying about how much this was all going to cost but I needn't have worried, the lot came to 16,500b and furthermore when I explained my financial situation they gave me time to pay so I paid it off bit by bit when I could afford it.

Well that was my experience and I hope you get better without all that, but if it does come to it put yourself in their hands with no fears, and sooner rather than later. I left it too long and it was almost too late. They know just what they're doing and they're very good at it, none better.

ps. I feel fine now and I'm planning to enrol on the local health scheme. I don't carry med insurance as I weighed the cost of a flight home for treatment if necessary being less than the premium. I never considered being too ill to get back so I'm doing a bit of thinking about that.

All the best

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After a point you've got no choice but to go to hospital, as you will need drip-fed solution to rehydrate/feed. Don't leave it long. Similar stuff happened to me (contaminated ice). I dehydrated so much they couldn't get the drip feed to stay in - veins had collapsed. If I'd been Catholic, it would have been last rights. As it was, some ancient nurse appeared from somewhere tutted about the incompetent young nurses, not to mention the doctors who wouldn't intervene, saying it was nurses work. She was out to make a point; and, somehow - about 2 days after my admission - managed to get the drip to stay in. Don't, don't let your veins collapse. Death awaits.

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All the wise acres here with their various suggestions and attempts at humour will not help this patient one bit.

His symptoms and the fact that he admits to being bedridden for 4 days indicate that he does not have common diarrhea but something far more serious and potentially fatal or with a possibility of permanent morbidity (such as brain damage).

The best advice for him is to get a blood test and have it interpreted by a qualified clinician.

I wish that he had provided his location so that someone could provide local advice on local hospitals or clinics or even help him out.

He's in Pattaya. I PM'd him early afternoon offering help to contact his condo/hotel staff for help and gave him my phone number. No posts and no contact from him since then.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Food poisoning does not last four days. Could be a serious stomach virus or stomach flu. Such a virus killed a few people in China in 2009-10. Recommend a proper hospital. You can Google "stomach flu" and get a lot of information.

Salmonella did me for longer and I suspect that it cleared up because I was fortunate that I had someone to help. Just saying. The symptoms sound similar.

Edited by delh
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Go to the hospital! Sounds like infectious diarrhea to me. If you are passing little or no urine you probably have acute renal failure too, caused by dehydration and the infection. Treatment is 4-7 days multiple IV antibiotics.

If left untreated it can lead to multiple organ failure.

The hospital should admit you with a 20k฿ deposit or credit card charge.

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I have had two major surgeries in Thai hospitals. One private and one government. Satisfactory outcomes both times. I think it unwise and unfair to condemn Thai health care with a broad brush. Clinics are OK for minor stuff, but hospitals will do better job on diagnosis. You can consult an excellent Physician at any private hospital for under 1000 baht for his diagnosis, The rub starts if they prescribe drugs or want to admit you, then the charges start piling up. Be honest and straighforward with the doctor and tell him/her your financial situation. He may direct you to a government hospital for further treatment. There is a brand-new government hospital on Soi Bukhaow between Pattaya Tai and Soi Diana. Good luck.

Imodium --> Airport --> Home --> Hospital in developed country

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You can't afford the hospital? I recently had a problem with my "titanium" hip. Went to Emergency room because I could not walk, got X-ray, saw doc, gave me a needle in my hip, got script for pain killers with codeine, they told me to take a wheelchair and bring it back when finished.....this was in Pattaya a year ago and received a bill for 3,100 baht just about $100. Are you kidding me that you can't afford to see a doctor and get it right??? You should go to Pattaya-Bangkok Hospital immediately.

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Hospital can be expensive tho


Who cares how much when your like this. Get to a hospital urgent get on antibiotic drip. It sounds like a very bad food poisoning, I had it from chicken in New Zealand 5 days in hospital there.

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4 days now in bed, aches on every part of my body, vomit, shits 40 times a day, fever, doc in clinic gave me an iv drip 4 days ago but she didnt finish bottle and threw me out as she was closing up clinic, charged me 1500 baht, i thought it was expensive.

what can help me ? on vitimin c pills, sponsor, electrolyte drinks.


You are not dying.

You need Vitamin C, chicken soup, muti-vitamin if you have it, Ibuprofen, ice packs, Gatorade

Stay hydrated with Aura or Nestle's Minere.

Activated charcoal, bananas, chilled watermelon pieces,

Look online for more info.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

I started to shit blood after 1 week, lots of it, and my doc told you can easily die from that....

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Had same symptoms my self last wednesday. 2 days i waited at home. My body dehydrated and i felt like dead.
Went to clinic, got anti diarrhea, painkillers and Norfloxacin antibiotics. 24h nothing changed and my healt and feeling goes more bad.

I had no choice but go to the Hospital (Pattaya Memorial) They put me in IV (salty water in vein) and 4 shots of antibiotics in vein.
Gave me different antibiotics (Citrofloxacin 500mg), Bioflora probiotics, anti diarrhea and painkillers. In 12 hours symptoms went away and slowly i could eat normal food and drink normally.

Today i'm nearly fine. Let's say 90% recovered. It was hellish experience.

I think i got it from un-barbequed sticky rice.

Get yourself to Hospital now!!!

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All the wise acres here with their various suggestions and attempts at humour will not help this patient one bit.

His symptoms and the fact that he admits to being bedridden for 4 days indicate that he does not have common diarrhea but something far more serious and potentially fatal or with a possibility of permanent morbidity (such as brain damage).

The best advice for him is to get a blood test and have it interpreted by a qualified clinician.

I wish that he had provided his location so that someone could provide local advice on local hospitals or clinics or even help him out.

(You're not *really* a doctor or a medical professional but you play one on TV, right ;-?)

Thanks for that reprimand there, humqdpf.

(And for good measure, I see you gave the OP a little scolding too ;-)

We all needed that.

In our ignorance and our panic many of us thought we'd help out by suggesting what measures of comfort we could.

In my own case these measures had been effective in treating these very same symptoms.

I thought I'd share them with the guy who was begging for help.

You are also aware that being in such a state the OP would likely be incapable of compiling anything like a list of remedies for these symptoms.

The usual disorientation, memory lapses and irritability as well as possible fever might be kicking in as well, he did not mention them.

Although he DID mention in tones of what appeared to be frustration and disappointment he held what passed for the local medical profession in his area these local "clinics" in Thailand such as the one the OP encountered often do more harm than the suggestions on these boards.

The prospect of a getting a a reliable blood test from a clinician who'd just booted me out of their shop at closing time would not do much to assuage the symptoms the OP mentions or the feelings of anxiety he has communicated.

He was trolling for immediate relief after all.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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