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Gas Prices & Consumer Protection!


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gas prices at pump stations inched up another 50 satang, even though world oil prices are about 7 percent below the record levels.

is nobody checking on these inflationists!

o, and thank you thailand for being so supportive for hybrid technology!

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Interesting... :D

There was a press release 2 days ago about not increasing fuel prices... :o

PTT announces it will not increase retail fuel price at the moment

PTT Public Company Limited has revealed that it will not adjust retail fuel prices in Thailand today, while other fuel companies are considering their courses of action.

Mr. Chaiwat Churit (ชัยวัฒน์ ชูฤทธ), the PTT Deputy Managing Director, said it will monitor the global oil price trends over the next couple of days. He said this decision is in accordance with the company policy to help the nation in easing its oil price crisis.

At the latest, benzene fuel is down by 40 satang per liter, while diesel has climbed by 30 satang per liter. Other fuel companies, such as Bang Chak, have revealed that they are in the process of evaluating the current state of affairs and whether or not they will increase the oil prices.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 29 May 2006

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You don't get it : the gvt and PTT, have for long time subsidized the gasoline price, even when we had the record price of almost 75 USD per baril a few weeks before (and even last september, after hurricane season on the US).

So actually, right now, they sell diesel for instance below the total cost (oil + refinery).

So you can say that the gvt is all but "inflationist".

They know that a very high gasoline price can kill completly all their popularity and their populists policies.

Which would be very bad... for the next general elections.

The people don't vote for ideas, they vote usually for their wallet...

gas prices at pump stations inched up another 50 satang, even though world oil prices are about 7 percent below the record levels.

is nobody checking on these inflationists!

o, and thank you thailand for being so supportive for hybrid technology!

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Retail oil prices to rise Wed by Bt0.50 a liter

Local oil retailers, excluding PTT Plc, will raise their retail prices of benzene and diesel fuel by Bt0.50 a liter, effective Wednesday.

Full story here.

Sorry... missed it earlier... :o

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There were fuel subsidies from Oil Fund, but these days it's the other way around - part of fuel revenues goes to paying back 80 bil in Oil fund debts. The governement can reduce these oil fund contributions to keep the price lower for a while.

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There were fuel subsidies from Oil Fund, but these days it's the other way around - part of fuel revenues goes to paying back 80 bil in Oil fund debts. The governement can reduce these oil fund contributions to keep the price lower for a while.

They've done it already.

1 month ago : they reduced of 1 THB/liter of diesel the contribution to the Oil Fund.

This is why the subsidies are not over. on the contrary. Thaksin will do everything to curb the price of gasoline before the elections. Even to put the economy in danger.

The -political- stakes are too important.

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The other side of the coin: Saudi Arabia recently decreased the price of petrol at the pump from 0.9 Riyals to 0.6 Riyals per liter. That's from 9.18 Baht to 6.12 Baht per liter.

Sorry guys. Just had to say that.

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There were fuel subsidies from Oil Fund, but these days it's the other way around - part of fuel revenues goes to paying back 80 bil in Oil fund debts. The governement can reduce these oil fund contributions to keep the price lower for a while.

They've done it already.

1 month ago : they reduced of 1 THB/liter of diesel the contribution to the Oil Fund.

This is why the subsidies are not over. on the contrary. Thaksin will do everything to curb the price of gasoline before the elections. Even to put the economy in danger.

The -political- stakes are too important.

If Thaksin is willing to put the Thai economy in danger, then he's the man! I would love to see a repeat of the 1997-era.

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The other side of the coin: Saudi Arabia recently decreased the price of petrol at the pump from 0.9 Riyals to 0.6 Riyals per liter. That's from 9.18 Baht to 6.12 Baht per liter.

Sorry guys. Just had to say that.

Think I'd rather be stuck with 30 baht per litre and Muang Thai than risk losing a hand for swilling a beer. :o

Mate you still got it cheap, prices in aussieland is about 110 baht a litre for unleaded, diesel is about 140 baht

Surely you mean A$1.10 and A$1.40 respectively, Donz?

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woops abit of a calculation error, about 40 baht per litre for unleaded and 50 baht for diesel

Off-topic a little... but just out of curiosity, what is the current price in Australia of gas? (LPG, LNG etc)

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at the end of the day those subsidies are just window-dressing as the government makes much more from taxing the gas than paying subsidies.

the calculation is simple: PTT had record incomes this quarter and all of them have record incomes these quarters.

because they streamlined operations?

give me a break. because nobody is checking on the appropriate prices at pump stations.

just the very fact that all pump stations by now raise their prices TOGETHER (except PTT the last two times) speaks of the cartel-kind of agreements behind the scenes.

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PTT is considering on the fuel prices in the global market

PTT Public Company Limited wants to consider the fuel prices in the global market before it will decide on whether it should raise its fuel prices.

Mr. Prasert Boonsampan (ประเสริฐ บุญสัมพันธ์), the PTT Managing Director, said that PTT will not adjust the oil prices today as the company wants to consider the oil price trends in the world market. The average fuel prices in the market are around 10 satang per unit.

According to the company’s decision to maintain its oil prices, he said that PTT is carrying a financial burden worth 20 million baht per day. Over the past two months, PTT has lost 2.4 billion baht in total.

Mr. Prasert said that he cannot announce how much PTT will increase the fuel prices as PTT is considering the prices in the global market.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 01 June 2006

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Another interesting thing I have noticed is their ability to squeeze more and more gas into the tank. Although my car has a 42 liter tank according to the manual, sometimes they manage to get 47-50 liters into the tank when I fill up. A few months ago, a Jet station in Kanchanaburi even tried to claim that they had filled me up with 78 liters. I took out the manual from the glove compartment, showed them that the tank volume is 42 liters and told them that I was going to call the police. They then charged me for 42 liters worth of gaoha (and who knows if the octane level is what they claim it to be)...

Isn't anyone (gov't or anyone else) checking the calibration of the pumps and certifying them? Where I come from the pumps need to be certified (and sealed) by a government agency every year.

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Another interesting thing I have noticed is their ability to squeeze more and more gas into the tank. Although my car has a 42 liter tank according to the manual, sometimes they manage to get 47-50 liters into the tank when I fill up. A few months ago, a Jet station in Kanchanaburi even tried to claim that they had filled me up with 78 liters. I took out the manual from the glove compartment, showed them that the tank volume is 42 liters and told them that I was going to call the police. They then charged me for 42 liters worth of gaoha (and who knows if the octane level is what they claim it to be)...

Isn't anyone (gov't or anyone else) checking the calibration of the pumps and certifying them? Where I come from the pumps need to be certified (and sealed) by a government agency every year.

maybe they intentionally didnt switch the counter back to zero. happend to me many times upcountry.

another problem: where I come from we have a kind of glass the gasoline is flowing through - to make sure there's no air coming with the gasoline.

by the sound certain pumps here make I'm sure they fill in air as well - which counts as volume/liters.

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