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New Virus ...


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a new variant of the virus Bagle appeared yesterday.

update your antivirus and don't open any attached file! unless your are sure of the content and/or of the author.

here is the Alert :

Bagle. J a virus is which propagates by email and via the shared files.

It appears under the shape of a message among which the title and the body are

Random, accompanied with an attached file with an extension in .EXE.PIF

Or .ZIP (12 in 13 Kb). The virus usurps the identity of the person receiving benefits of e-mailer

Of the recipient and plead a technical problem or the supply of one

Free antivirus to incite him(her) to run the attached file. If this file

Is run, the virus sends at the present addresses in the pad

Of Windows addresses as well as the other different files, tent to deactivate

Certain antiviruses and personal firewalls, install a hidden door, then

Try if need be to propagate via KaZaA and files put in sharing.


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Within the last month, I have had over a hundred attempts for someone to offload a virus to my computer, by means of email. Being a smart Cookie I refuse anything with an attachment and only give out my Yahoo email address, until I feel that the person that I am communicating with has earned my trust, at which time he/she gets my normal email. This still without the ability to send attachments to me. Only with this method and the effective use of SpyBot, Ad-Aware and the use of one anti virus program, have I managed to keep the wolves at bay.

Seems that the different writers of the various viruses are battling amongst themselves over control of the zombie computers that they have so far managed to gain control over.

This according to PC Magazine and the Miami Herald who both cite communications between the viruses in the form of included messages to one another's authors.

I strongly suggest that one of the biggies (i.e. Microsoft of the like) get wise and write a virus to knock out the viruses, remove them from our computers and shut down the ports through which the original viruses continue to enter our systems.

The only ones gaining anything from the viruses is THE ANTI VIRUS SOFTWARE COMPANIES, THE SPAMMERS that have likely hired these virus writers for their benefit and LAST BUT MOST OF ALL THE ISP'S that stand to gain on all the traffic sold, so that ordinary users can get updates, anti virus programs and other assistance. Make you think who started this, doesn't it? :o

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