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Thailand sucks!


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I hate that Thai people are all brown and stuff. And they keep smiling and saying "kawp kun kap" to me, whatever the hell that means. I'm sure they're just making fun of me.

And just today, I payed a whole $1.20 for lunch! I don't know how much lunch costs here, but I'm sure I was getting ripped off.

Then did you notice? Beer went up like 3 baht. Talk about ridiculous!

Corruption here is horrible! The police wanted a whole $6 from me today for riding my motorcycle without a helmet. Doesn't matter that in my home country they would have taken me to the police station and impounded my bike, this is just wrong! At least in my home country corruption like this is legailized, so cops are sure to get their fair share without having to resort to bribes.

I go for a nice beer at Nana Plaza with my belly hanging out of my wife beater, and all these georgeous Thai ladies want to chat with me. It's all just a sham though, and all they see me for is a walking ATM! It's disgusting, I tell ya! When will the Thais even learn the meaning of respect?

Oh, and don't even get me started on the politics. I mean, they don't affect my life in any shape or form, but if only these Thais would listen to us Westerners and conform to our ways a little more, they'd be better off. Ok, actually... they'd probably be treated even worse than they are now, but at least I'd be happier!

So I finally decided to move onto greener pastures. Found the lady of my dreams, and we're moving up north east to the rice paddies to live a happy, peaceful, quiet life. We built a nice 6 million baht house, bought a bunch of land, a couple vehicles, etc... everything seems great! I seemed to have forgotten I did all this in the middle of a bunch of people who make $250/month, and now the greedy savages think I'm rich or something, and want my money! What a shitty life!

Thailand sucks!

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NO ! Trans, let him JUMP ! it'll be ruled as suicide anyway even if you push him you know that !

Brightens my day to see such enlightening and profound literacy posted for us all to share in the sheer delight of his observations.

I feel so blessed and grateful to have shared in this thread.coffee1.gif

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OP, black humor is not an English trait.

You have to paint it actually black to be understood.

Some people even mention 'sarcasm' at the end or just tell you when to laugh.

The irony of your post is - Thailand really sucks! but for different reasons.

I've never met people dreaming of building a 5M house in the sticks.

All you get is disturb the harmony of the sticks.

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Nothing better to do OP?

Honestly, tonight -- not really, no. Just my summary of various threads / posts on TV.

My apologies if it offends.

I doubt it offended anyone but your attempt at facetiousness failed dismally and just makes you look a little bit sad.

I thought it had its moments

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