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For Once, I Love Superstitious Thais


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There is no doubt in my mind that someone snatched the watch, but when he/she heard that a curse would he heading his/her way, that person decided that it wasn't worth it and placed the watch where he/she thought we had slept the night before.

But that would also mean that the person in question has access to the sister in laws house, and probably is a close relative. Some nice family in law to keep..........................an eye on.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Have you got the number of the witch doctor ?


For ignorami like me


Yes, but in answer to a phone number request, have you ever noticed Hollywood movie phone numbers always start with "555"? So "555 5555" is quite a good (funny) reply on two counts.

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There is no doubt in my mind that someone snatched the watch, but when he/she heard that a curse would he heading his/her way, that person decided that it wasn't worth it and placed the watch where he/she thought we had slept the night before.

But that would also mean that the person in question has access to the sister in laws house, and probably is a close relative. Some nice family in law to keep..........................an eye on.

The house was being used by quite a few visitors to sleep in. It is down a small path in the jungle, quiet, with plenty of floor space. Because of the visitors, it was unlocked. Anyone actually staying there would have known we didn't show up that night. Those at the party in the evening, though, would have thought we stayed there as one guy on the karoke laughed and announced to everyone that all the singers were driving us to the sister-in-laws.

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Instead of superstition, I'm more inclined to believe someone gave someone hell, and due to that your watch reappeared, but you never heard about it. It's a village after all, so everyone knows everyone, word gets around quick, and nobody wants to live in disgrace amongst their fellow villagers.

That certainly could be the answer, but my wife and her sister are going with the fear of the curse angle.

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Your story makes me think of the Rolex watch I also owned. I really loved that watch, but had to sell it fast because of financial problems. Was not hard to sell and got THB 165.000 cash for it instantly, which help us survive during some very hard times. It was however quite sad to have to sell it, because it really symbolized how our life had changed financially at that point.

Anyway, 1,5 years later my girlfriend surprised me with a new watch for Christmas. She had saved money for a long time and purchased it a Central using points of her "One"-card and therefore gotten a huge discount. Personally, I had forgotten all about the Rolex, but my girlfriend had felt horrible the day I went to sell it and had started saving for new watch for me.

She still insists, that she will buy me a Rolex again at some point (if she wins the lottery i guess), but really I am much more happy with the more "normal" watch I have now. Simply because of all the effort she put into buying it for me, at a time where we could not really afford something like that.

Only problem is just that this watch will not save us, if we come into financial trouble again :-) But it does hold the time better.

Sorry... of topic, but your story just reminded me of my old Rolex.

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Yes, but in answer to a phone number request, have you ever noticed Hollywood movie phone numbers always start with "555"? So "555 5555" is quite a good (funny) reply on two counts.


The Chinese one was news to me

When I lived in HK, was in touch with a real fox, but when I gave her my new work number (no cells in those days), never heard from her again, because 4444 was part of the number..it means die in cantonese..I was told..

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