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Annoying Girlfriends Friends?


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I agree with most of what you say.

But definitely not this:

It is impolite to offend someone in any way what so ever.

It is far more impolite to take offense. Let yourself get all bothered by petty stuff is just renting space in your head to all the idiots out there - and yes they're out there, so thicken up that skin and you'll have a much more enjoyable life.

It is impossible to control or even predict what any given person will find offensive. Best you can do is try, but it really isn't the actor/speaker's obligation to try too hard, especially a local talking to a foreigner. AS LONG AS it isn't their INTENTION to antagonize, light-hearted teasing is different from TRYING to provoke a negative reaction or INTENTIONALLY trying to make someone feel bad.

And this:

In case of OP, the "friend" was out of order, rude and ignorant ill mannered bitch and there is no excuse for her behavior, you trying to justify it i guess speaks volume of your manners, sadly

I also disagree with this. Perhaps we'd know more if we were there to witness her facial expression and tone of voice, but I don't think she was purposefully "putting him down", just poking fun, trying to make a connection despite the language differences.

As with so many other threads maybe the root of the problem is we older white males think we should automatically get some respect from the average Thai.

When now more and more of them are aware we're just not all that anymore, in fact many of us are sex-obsessed alcoholics that wouldn't get any respect back home either if people knew how we lived our lives here.

When people treat us according to such stereotypes, we shouldn't take offense. Best we can do is show by our lives and our actions that we aren't as bad as most farang living here.

Whether they buy it or not is out of our control; accept the things we cannot change. . .

Edited by wym
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Why farangs get so easily offended? It's the ''land of smiles'' so they say. So keep smiling. Take shit lightheartedly. Any other way will get you ony discomfort and agony. Just think of them as little 5 year olds, and treat them like that. In your western country, you would take no offence if a 5 year old gives u their childish .... do you?

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I know Thai people especially the kids call a friend fat its a Thai Thing But.. Ok if you know the person

I was waiting on a taxi with my Girlfriend a few months ago and out of the Blue a lady says to me "Are you Pregnant?" I turned to my girlfriend and said "What the *edited* is she talking to me for?"

"Oh That's my Friend from work, no problem"

Oh right I taught to myself funny way to introduce herself as I never seen her before.

Now every time I see her the first thing out of her mouth is something about me been Fat lol, I am 5 10 and under 13 stone, I have a bit of a belly but not much.

Today her spelt was you drink Ouisi and not beer and you look not fat and young haha

I was like what the *edited* your no supermodel but I said nothing. As I couldn't be bothered with her I don't even really know her, But what is it with this Girl is she a hater or is this the way some Thai girls behave? Very Rude if you ask me...

I don't understand why your gf didn't let her friend know this was not ok.. unless she agrees of course

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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OP, do not waste your time.

Thais and etiquette do not go together in the same sentence.

Christ, they think calling baby a fat pig is cute.

Explaining things would also be a waste of time.

Best you can do is speak first and mention something like "ohh your skin looks darker"

This will make her NOT want to speak with you and she will try to avoid you.

On the other hand, you can just ignore

The Chinese call babies and small children "fat pig" all the time. It is a term of endearment. You need to remember that words don't translate well.

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OP, do not waste your time.

Thais and etiquette do not go together in the same sentence.

Christ, they think calling baby a fat pig is cute.

Explaining things would also be a waste of time.

Best you can do is speak first and mention something like "ohh your skin looks darker"

This will make her NOT want to speak with you and she will try to avoid you.

On the other hand, you can just ignore

The Chinese call babies and small children "fat pig" all the time. It is a term of endearment. You need to remember that words don't translate well.

I agree, it is odd that people know exactly what has been said to them in Thai yet they appear not to be able to speak Thai. Much of the advice given whether in English which they need to translate, or phonetic Thai ('Pak men') which they are unable to pronounce correctly, it doesn't appear to be of much use.

If you believe that someone is being nasty the best solution is to drop any attempt at Thai and say what you think in your own language. I speak a fair amount of Thai but that is my response. It is easy to show that you are pissed off in your own language and if their intention was to piss you off it cements the relationship, and if not they will normally behave better in future encounters.

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The Chinese call babies and small children "fat pig" all the time. It is a term of endearment. You need to remember that words don't translate well.

I agree, it is odd that people know exactly what has been said to them in Thai yet they appear not to be able to speak Thai.

Comes from literal word-wise translation, lack of the mental flexibility to seek the gist of whole phrases.

And for some prejudice and negative outlook on life feeding their predisposition to paranoia.

Not specifically referring to the OP of course, just generalizing.

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Ask her why her skin is so dark!

This will shut her up ......

'Sawadee cap dam_n pit pee.'

Roughly translated 'Hello, black one.'

This is priceless!!!! Bravo! I will give you credit for every time I use this line from now on!!!!

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Ask her why her skin is so dark!

This will shut her up ......

'Sawadee cap dam_n pit pee.'

Roughly translated 'Hello, black one.'

That's a great retort. However, phonetically, (jus saying), I would try, " Sawadee Kahn, dum pit pee".

Your phonetics are incorrect.

'Dam_n' as in 'Dam_n it to hell' is correct.

'Dum' would be 'button'

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Not sure if you've lived here long......But the Thai's have a way of being really blunt!.....Asking "How much money do you Make?", "Are you rich?", "Do you have a rich friend for me?" and Yes....you are Fat!.....I've gotten used to it....it seems the Thai's do not have a brain filter for the things they say....

Maybe some guys need to understand that they are not living in their falangcountries anymore. Maybe try to understand that thai have no need to adapt to english culture,

why not you yourself try to adapt together with your friends....

this is completely and utterly stupid really..


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