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Any Mac Users


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Hi to any other Mac users out there, If you have recently upgraded your OS from 10.3 to 10.4 and have the original 10.3 disks, I would be very interested in purchasing them from you. As an Australian pensioner that is forced to return to Oz every 3 months to keep the pension, I am on a very limited budget (costs me a months pension every 3 months just to keep the bloody thing), so can't afford to pay much. Regards, Hugh

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Go your to local computer center in Bangkok, Pattaya, etc. and go the the software stores.

The software stores sell the new Apple OS for 300 baht.

Pantip (Panthip) Plaza is the best place I know for "Apple" software and computers!

They can make copys for you, when they have the old 10.3. version.

The new OSX 10.4. (Tiger) gives only in DVD-Format i think.

When you don't know where it is, here is a link:


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