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Suthep to call largest rally ever in Bangkok next few days


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Itll have to go some way to beating the millions "apparently" out before... world record wasnt it ? whistling.gif whats he going to do get 10 million likes on facebook this time ?

Dream on Mc Duff its D again folks move along nothing to see here coffee1.gif

so when the governing body

rips of the Thai people

in your mind

who cares

The more the thais are ripped off the better mny falang feel they are the master race

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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

now here is someone who cares for the Thai people and not just his own ego

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I don't agree that Suthep is advocating anarchy. He's advocating changing the system but still having a system. Anarchy is no system. Not expressing support to any side here. Just making an observation.


Anarchy merely means no archy.

Anarchy has no implication for any system or law, other than the archy.

I don't find your comment clever.

In any case, Suthep's movement which represents "traditional" Thai values is certainly not a movement that is working towards anarchy. Of course he isn't using democratic means to try to achieve his goals. But not the same as claiming he is anything like an anarchist.

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He like more money. So he will organize a new rally so he can collect a few millions.

I bet he will do his final push at least 5 times again

you are so lie !!

he never make the money.

we collect the money for the farmer. who is stole the money from the government.

kamnan thep is have no money anymore !! he sell everything he have for the thai people !!

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He like more money. So he will organize a new rally so he can collect a few millions.

I bet he will do his final push at least 5 times again

you are so lie !!

he never make the money.

we collect the money for the farmer. who is stole the money from the government.

kamnan thep is have no money anymore !! he sell everything he have for the thai people !!

facepalm.gif Still around with your archaic rhetoric and propaganda?

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How many final pushes is this we've heard from him?

I'm all for getting rid of corruption and ALL of those involved currently or have been privy to it in the past..but surely you guys who seem to hang on his everyword you all gave a groan at the headline and thought "not again" ??

The final push would be better pushing him away from the PDRCLeadership and put one of the new faces from his eleted peoples council, and for him to step down, I neither like nor dislike the man, and he's definately got some charisma, but he's making me cringe everytime I read about the final push.. from an outside viewpoint it looks more like desperation rather than victory..

Do the followers of Suthep here on TVF not feel embarrased at the number of times he's mentioned the words "Final push" ??

Not really. A little tired of it but then I stop reading Thai Visa and look at the position he has pushed the Government into I say well why not. If it will kill maggots it has to be good.wai.gif

Not that sure that I would call him the savor of Thailand but he certainly has some of the qualities. Not many willing to stand toe to toe with the Shinawatra clan. I guess if it was the Chinese it would be a Tong Thailand calls it a mafia. Kind of like back home in the states in their hay day the Mafia was divided up into families. Here we have the Shinawatra family.wai.gif

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So we can expect more than 6 million people at the rally. Hang on hasn't he already had 15 final pushes? You have already played this script you toolcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Try coming up with something new. This is like sitting down and watching the same episode of Gilligans Island over and over and over.

So in other words you are supporting corrupt government that keeps on breaking the law???

Shame on you , really Shame on you

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Weird... Thought he already called for

"Final-push" umpteen times.

Isn't he sick of even asking? Cos I sure am sick of hearing it for the

"final" time!

Most likely only the farmers will join in....

Don't contribute/troll the problem unless you've got a solution!!

Well their is a million farmers and Suthep does have a solution.thumbsup.gif

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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

you wouldn't know true democracy if it bit you in the butt. true democracy is one man one vote! and if you are in the minority, suck it up or try to educate the majority. you being from greece would not know anything about that.

And there is the problem a true democracy is much more than one man one vote. By your reckoning North Korea is a true democracy.

Not quite. Google what a 'vote' means: "a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice." There were no alternative candidates in the N Korean 'election'. Hence not a vote. Thailand has alternatives. You don't like the alternative that wins at the polls. You will say they buy their election wins. However, you cannot explain how they also win in opinion poll after opinion poll.

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Here we go again.

This guy has so many final pushes, I'd hate to be his lover!

Come again

I think what he is saying is, "For crying out loud how many times do I have to ask you people to dust off this virgina so I can get my appendix in. I know she has been shaved but I still can't reach the ........

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He like more money. So he will organize a new rally so he can collect a few millions.

I bet he will do his final push at least 5 times again

you are so lie !!

he never make the money.

we collect the money for the farmer. who is stole the money from the government.

kamnan thep is have no money anymore !! he sell everything he have for the thai people !!

You are very funny. He sell evrrything he have and give it to the Thai people...ha ha ha that was a good joke

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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a man without a plan making it up as he goes along.

as i've said before; any opposition that cant unseat this discredited, corrupt and unpopular government via the ballot box doesn't deserve to be in power. now, back to my cup of tea coffee1.gif

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The Constitutional Court's long-awaited ruling today on the 2 trillion baht bill will be a seminal event and the first major volley in the series of legal challenges that the former Yingluck administration faces. If the Constitutional Court deems it unconstitutional, Suthep's suspicions regarding Pheu Thai's response will be spot on. If he is, and Pheu Thai defies the court once again, then that establishes a precedent too frightening to contemplate - a situation where a Constitutional Court ruling is simply ignored, and law itself is seen to be dismiss-able. That is the climate that Pheu Thai and the UDD have been so careful to prepare. It should scare everyone. So, the focus should not be whether Suthep manages to get hundreds of thousands on the streets or even only three or four people. This has never been about Suthep, or the numbers on the streets, or the numbers of tents erected in Lumpini Park. If it was, this movement would have been a non-event from the word go. It hasn't though, and that is because it is a movement of beliefs, not numbers. And the thing about what the PDRC has been consistently right about, and why they have struck such a deep chord in Thai society - is that each day we see actions from Pheu Thai that illuminate the very abuses of power that the PDRC speaks of. Todays' ruling - and Pheu Thai's reaction to it - will indeed be the game-changer. And for those who are skeptical about how the public feels about this throughout the county - need only cast your minds back to the days and weeks following the passing of Thaksin's amnesty bill in the middle of the night.

Quote: " it is a movement of beliefs, not numbers"

Yes Scampi, for once you admit the truth. The belief is the the amart has to control the country. That ordinary Thais are not part of this belief system is indicated by the lack of numbers supporting Suthep and his backers. The protest sites are now occupied only by those paid to be there. Ordinary Thais have sussed out Suthep long ago.

And he knows this is all fact as he was paid to say it by some one above the law of the Land

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Suthep... do you realize how many people are trying to earn a living in Bangkok's hospitality industry?

You tried this many times already, it didn't work and it wont work this time either... surely you've got enough publicity by now....

if the people think what you are offering is really better than the current lot, then they can vote for you next time

and if the people dont support you then the power grab isnt going to last but will just lead to more disruption & death, so whats the point?

My Thai wife says, whats the use of working hard if these thieves will steal it all of you

Better to hunger for a short time to live well for a long time

But as a Farlang I bet you eat well every night

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So we can expect more than 6 million people at the rally. Hang on hasn't he already had 15 final pushes? You have already played this script you toolcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

Try coming up with something new. This is like sitting down and watching the same episode of Gilligans Island over and over and over.

Not as half as bad aswatching the Saints trying to win a flag. Now there are real tools.

Oh come on Guys! we all know the West Coast Eagles will win the flag in 2014

ouch now that was below the belt.biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png

I believe it is the prerogative of a Bombers supporter to comment thus.

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i am 100% behind Suphet and 100% against vile corrupt dictatorship of Taksin and his cronies

But <deleted> i wish he'd stop talking about final big push

Thai wife says she has never heard him say this in any of his speaches

She says this term is only used in English translation

That of coarse would make all the comments on this posting make the posters look like fools, as it their language not Thai who have been saying this over and over again

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How many final pushes is this we've heard from him?

I'm all for getting rid of corruption and ALL of those involved currently or have been privy to it in the past..but surely you guys who seem to hang on his everyword you all gave a groan at the headline and thought "not again" ??

The final push would be better pushing him away from the PDRCLeadership and put one of the new faces from his eleted peoples council, and for him to step down, I neither like nor dislike the man, and he's definately got some charisma, but he's making me cringe everytime I read about the final push.. from an outside viewpoint it looks more like desperation rather than victory..

Do the followers of Suthep here on TVF not feel embarrased at the number of times he's mentioned the words "Final push" ??

Not really. A little tired of it but then I stop reading Thai Visa and look at the position he has pushed the Government into I say well why not. If it will kill maggots it has to be good.wai.gif

Not that sure that I would call him the savor of Thailand but he certainly has some of the qualities. Not many willing to stand toe to toe with the Shinawatra clan. I guess if it was the Chinese it would be a Tong Thailand calls it a mafia. Kind of like back home in the states in their hay day the Mafia was divided up into families. Here we have the Shinawatra family.wai.gif

He holds similar characteristics to Nelson Mandela though Neslon had 189 more terrorist charges against his name than Suthep currently does.

He is a brave man to go against the thaksin regime in his fight for democracy. (NB - Suthep is delaying one principle of democracy (elections) to ensure the remaining principles of democracy are adhered too. PTP are pushing one principle of democracy (elections) to ensure the remainder of the principles of democracy are not adhered too)

My post below shows what happens to Thaksin critics. It aint pretty.



Edited by djjamie
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