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Suthep to call largest rally ever in Bangkok next few days


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How many final pushes is this we've heard from him?

I'm all for getting rid of corruption and ALL of those involved currently or have been privy to it in the past..but surely you guys who seem to hang on his everyword you all gave a groan at the headline and thought "not again" ??

The final push would be better pushing him away from the PDRCLeadership and put one of the new faces from his eleted peoples council, and for him to step down, I neither like nor dislike the man, and he's definately got some charisma, but he's making me cringe everytime I read about the final push.. from an outside viewpoint it looks more like desperation rather than victory..

Do the followers of Suthep here on TVF not feel embarrased at the number of times he's mentioned the words "Final push" ??

You have to take into consideration 'media poetic license'.

My wife listens to all of his speeches, and has confirmed that he rarely has come out with these declarations of 'victory', 'end game', and 'final push'. These are just embellishments laid on by media who interpret all this stuff as 'D-day' marches.... Probably because the headline looks that much appealing from a journalistic angle.

But every time they come out with this exhausting repetitive embellishment, it undermines his credibility as a leader.

Suthep in actual fact has declared many times that this will not be a quick campaign, and that he fully acknowledges that the government will cling on to the very end, and even that it will take judicial acts to remove them ultimately.

He is a very wise man, he is not stupid, he would mix up the messages constantly. Yet on the other hand, the media are more than capable of inconsistency.

I suggest people stop being so gullible regarding media releases and start actually watching his speeches screened live every night on bluesky.... If indeed you really want the truth behind Suthep's statements.

Also, I would think after all the good work he has done to bring about the fall of this disgusting excuse for a government, to yank him out and replace him would not only be an act of ingratitude and callousness, it would hugely weaken the PDRC movement. The man is NOT replaceable. I doubt anyone in Thailand could have achieved what this cunning fox has achieved for the good of Thailand.

Long may he reign.

Edited to add, here is an official translation of his mention of a rally, which wasn't even a mention of a rally.

Lerla @Lerlaforever 15h

Suthep: All my fellow countrymen, get ready and wait for my whistle to blow. We will stage a mass rally to drive them away, one more time.

That's it, and that is the comment from the stage last night that spurred this entire story.

You are hopelessly henpecked. Anyone who really thinks a democratically elected government should be replaced by an unelected "committee" to accomplish unannounced "reforms" is "not very bright."

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I think a fair amount of the Suthep supporters are getting a little bit confused over those who don't see the man as a saviour as supporting corruption, I think most Thaksin supporters have also stated that corruption has to stop on ALL sides, and are more critical of the way in which Suthep's direction took, I maybe mistaken, but that's from my perspective, as a non coloured farang.

I've also stated on many occasions, the conversations about reformation cannot be all one sided and that for progress to be made, all sides need to sit down and talk, and move forwards unilaterally.

Many are cynical of the peoples council, as it seems to be again, all monopolised by Suthep, so there's suspicion again falling on him.
What does he get out of this? Will he simply go away quietly with a smile on his face knowing he got the better of Thaksin?? I don't think that, despite what he's said, he, in my opinion still has eyes on that tops slot, where better to look down upon his followers and those he "conquered/defeated"

His cause, as in the anti corruption is what I admired about him, I didn't like the blockading of the polling stations or the obstruction of many Thai's basic civil rights to vote, that reeked of something much more sinister than anti corruption.

So, just because many don't agree with Suthep, don't assume they're happy with, nor support corruption. ;)

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He like more money. So he will organize a new rally so he can collect a few millions.

I bet he will do his final push at least 5 times again

you are so lie !!

he never make the money.

we collect the money for the farmer. who is stole the money from the government.

kamnan thep is have no money anymore !! he sell everything he have for the thai people !!


Here on TVF there are many farang who have no right of say in Thailand so they get their 5 mins of glory to write on the posting

Most are hypocrits

1) they say they are sick and tired of Suthep saying this is the last push

2) But on one hand they say they are sick and tired, yet this quickly take their time to read every word 4 times over, and then they reply

3) notice the similar state of mind they have compare to Yingluck

I would say a very small % actually live in Thailand and support a Thai Family

If I talked the way they do, I would be sleeping in the dog house tonight

I love Thailand and love my Thai wife and daughter

This is her country not mind, and I believe if I want to live here I must accept Thai ways.

Not all Farlang are bad

Its just the bad ones can not keep there mouths shut

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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

you wouldn't know true democracy if it bit you in the butt. true democracy is one man one vote! and if you are in the minority, suck it up or try to educate the majority. you being from greece would not know anything about that.

And there is the problem a true democracy is much more than one man one vote. By your reckoning North Korea is a true democracy.

Not quite. Google what a 'vote' means: "a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice." There were no alternative candidates in the N Korean 'election'. Hence not a vote. Thailand has alternatives. You don't like the alternative that wins at the polls. You will say they buy their election wins. However, you cannot explain how they also win in opinion poll after opinion poll.

The problem with this is

Like North Korea in this election there s only 1 side to vote for, so unless they re-hold a new election and the democrates this time thrown in their hats, if PTP wins agin it will not be a democracy, it will be by yours standards

another North Korea

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For max turnout just ask all corrupt to show ,could hoodwink em by offering a bribe like the FBI stings.

Then a campdraft roundup once a sufficiently large lass who has been twirled,Smirk and Mirrors LOS


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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

I still don't understand how trying to overthrow a legally elected government, preventing people from voting and putting an unelected "peoples council" in place is 'true democracy'?

Please wake up

there is no elected government if Thailand since last year

stop trying to re write Thai History

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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

I still don't understand how trying to overthrow a legally elected government, preventing people from voting and putting an unelected "peoples council" in place is 'true democracy'?

You have to remove from your understanding of democracy the concept of the individual citizen being allowed to express their views through the ballot box, or more accurately perhaps, the concept of paying any attention at all to the result of the ballot.

Once you have purged your thought processes of such naivety, you will find their arguments all make sense!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

I still don't understand how trying to overthrow a legally elected government, preventing people from voting and putting an unelected "peoples council" in place is 'true democracy'?

Please wake up

there is no elected government if Thailand since last year

stop trying to re write Thai History

Sorry Tezza, are you telling me the YL and party were NOT elected into power? I could have sworn they were.. so I'm rewriting Thai history by saying YL and her party were elected into power then? How bizarre.

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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

I still don't understand how trying to overthrow a legally elected government, preventing people from voting and putting an unelected "peoples council" in place is 'true democracy'?

You have to remove from your understanding of democracy the concept of the individual citizen being allowed to express their views through the ballot box, or more accurately perhaps, the concept of paying any attention at all to the result of the ballot.

Once you have purged your thought processes of such naivety, you will find their arguments all make sense!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thanks for helping me with that one Jag. Silly me.

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The Constitutional Court's long-awaited ruling today on the 2 trillion baht bill will be a seminal event and the first major volley in the series of legal challenges that the former Yingluck administration faces. If the Constitutional Court deems it unconstitutional, Suthep's suspicions regarding Pheu Thai's response will be spot on. If he is, and Pheu Thai defies the court once again, then that establishes a precedent too frightening to contemplate - a situation where a Constitutional Court ruling is simply ignored, and law itself is seen to be dismiss-able. That is the climate that Pheu Thai and the UDD have been so careful to prepare. It should scare everyone. So, the focus should not be whether Suthep manages to get hundreds of thousands on the streets or even only three or four people. This has never been about Suthep, or the numbers on the streets, or the numbers of tents erected in Lumpini Park. If it was, this movement would have been a non-event from the word go. It hasn't though, and that is because it is a movement of beliefs, not numbers. And the thing about what the PDRC has been consistently right about, and why they have struck such a deep chord in Thai society - is that each day we see actions from Pheu Thai that illuminate the very abuses of power that the PDRC speaks of. Todays' ruling - and Pheu Thai's reaction to it - will indeed be the game-changer. And for those who are skeptical about how the public feels about this throughout the county - need only cast your minds back to the days and weeks following the passing of Thaksin's amnesty bill in the middle of the night.

Without the "numbers" who come out to share that "belief" how are people to know whether or not it's "struck a deep chord in thai society"?. He needs a big turnout to send a big message to get momentum going.

The rubbish that PTP have served up in term of policies, if the opposition can't get their shit together now and unseat them........

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Weird... Thought he already called for

"Final-push" umpteen times.

Isn't he sick of even asking? Cos I sure am sick of hearing it for the

"final" time!

Most likely only the farmers will join in....

Don't contribute/troll the problem unless you've got a solution!!

The guy is a nut case and a lunatic and he has many Thai Visa members laying down in front of him so he can walk without stepping on dirty Thai streets. They worship this idiot and would lay down their lives for this so called messiah, the 2nd coming who is going to take them in his arms. bless them and insure they will be wealthy beyond their dreams.. People he will take a piss on you and charge you for the paper to wipe his penis.

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Weird... Thought he already called for

"Final-push" umpteen times.

Isn't he sick of even asking? Cos I sure am sick of hearing it for the

"final" time!

Most likely only the farmers will join in....

Don't contribute/troll the problem unless you've got a solution!!

The guy is a nut case and a lunatic and he has many Thai Visa members laying down in front of him so he can walk without stepping on dirty Thai streets. They worship this idiot and would lay down their lives for this so called messiah, the 2nd coming who is going to take them in his arms. bless them and insure they will be wealthy beyond their dreams.. People he will take a piss on you and charge you for the paper to wipe his penis.

Sounds a lot like Thaksin and the PTP/Reds to me...

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Apart from been totally bored by his calls for a last push I am at a loss to understand how his supporters are so naive. It is quite legitimate to oppose a government in power and in fact one of the great positives of democracy but I'm not convinced that bringing down this government will change anything. His supporters are calling for reforms that will eliminate corruption but I wonder how many of the elite Bangkok population that are following him became elite without corruption!!!?? Principles are a wonderful weapon in molding the electorate but history has shown us often that those who advocate these principles often do not follow them themselves. I can't see any change in Thailand until law and order us upheld for everyone and can't see that happening soon, unless of course they change the judiciary system and a great number of the police force which ain't going to happen..Sorry for honest Thai people - it's a lovely country full of lovely people but as any one who has seen what has happened here over the last 25 years it's f....d!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Weird... Thought he already called for

"Final-push" umpteen times.

Isn't he sick of even asking? Cos I sure am sick of hearing it for the

"final" time!

Most likely only the farmers will join in....

Don't contribute/troll the problem unless you've got a solution!!

The guy is a nut case and a lunatic and he has many Thai Visa members laying down in front of him so he can walk without stepping on dirty Thai streets. They worship this idiot and would lay down their lives for this so called messiah, the 2nd coming who is going to take them in his arms. bless them and insure they will be wealthy beyond their dreams.. People he will take a piss on you and charge you for the paper to wipe his penis.

This so called Lunatic has taken one of the most corrupt Thai Governments to the Thai people

The people can know see what she really is

But Yingluck needs people like yourself to make her self loon innocent

My Thai wife and over 16 of her friends spent a month in the protests on and off

and she does not like Suthep, and she does not like the yellow shirts but she believes in the future of Thailand

So you writing that Thai people think he is the messiah, has shown the words coming from your mouth have no basis in fact , and you have no idea what the Thai people think, but are your own opinion that you say here, why I not know, but I feel you have no intention of what's best for the Thai people

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"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said."

I wish, this time he succeeds in his quest to bring TRUE democracy in Thailand and get rid of the devouring maggots governing this country.

now here is someone who cares for the Thai people and not just his own ego

Democracy is a matter in which the public create the ruling power via their elected government, countries with such elections are all democratic countries, and democrats do accept governments elected by the people.

Thailand is a democratic country and has been so for many years because the public elected the current Yingluck government, and also the past governments via general elections, and the losers then eventually cause the street riots.

Suthep does not want a public election because he knows the party will not win, hence the violent and messy street protests hoping to get the Yingluck government kicked out, and then his party would be able to rule the country without being elected, this is not a democratic matter, this is similar to dictatorship.

The Thai public should carry on deciding via election which party should rule the country, after all it is democracy.

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How many final pushes is this we've heard from him?

I'm all for getting rid of corruption and ALL of those involved currently or have been privy to it in the past..but surely you guys who seem to hang on his everyword you all gave a groan at the headline and thought "not again" ??

The final push would be better pushing him away from the PDRCLeadership and put one of the new faces from his eleted peoples council, and for him to step down, I neither like nor dislike the man, and he's definately got some charisma, but he's making me cringe everytime I read about the final push.. from an outside viewpoint it looks more like desperation rather than victory..

Do the followers of Suthep here on TVF not feel embarrased at the number of times he's mentioned the words "Final push" ??

You have to take into consideration 'media poetic license'.

My wife listens to all of his speeches, and has confirmed that he rarely has come out with these declarations of 'victory', 'end game', and 'final push'. These are just embellishments laid on by media who interpret all this stuff as 'D-day' marches.... Probably because the headline looks that much appealing from a journalistic angle.

But every time they come out with this exhausting repetitive embellishment, it undermines his credibility as a leader.

Suthep in actual fact has declared many times that this will not be a quick campaign, and that he fully acknowledges that the government will cling on to the very end, and even that it will take judicial acts to remove them ultimately.

He is a very wise man, he is not stupid, he would mix up the messages constantly. Yet on the other hand, the media are more than capable of inconsistency.

I suggest people stop being so gullible regarding media releases and start actually watching his speeches screened live every night on bluesky.... If indeed you really want the truth behind Suthep's statements.

Also, I would think after all the good work he has done to bring about the fall of this disgusting excuse for a government, to yank him out and replace him would not only be an act of ingratitude and callousness, it would hugely weaken the PDRC movement. The man is NOT replaceable. I doubt anyone in Thailand could have achieved what this cunning fox has achieved for the good of Thailand.

Long may he reign.

Edited to add, here is an official translation of his mention of a rally, which wasn't even a mention of a rally.

Lerla @Lerlaforever 15h

Suthep: All my fellow countrymen, get ready and wait for my whistle to blow. We will stage a mass rally to drive them away, one more time.

That's it, and that is the comment from the stage last night that spurred this entire story.

You've been feeding your wife Yaa Baa have'nt you. You awful man. sad.pngw00t.gif

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Weird... Thought he already called for

"Final-push" umpteen times.

Isn't he sick of even asking? Cos I sure am sick of hearing it for the

"final" time!

Most likely only the farmers will join in....

Don't contribute/troll the problem unless you've got a solution!!

The guy is a nut case and a lunatic and he has many Thai Visa members laying down in front of him so he can walk without stepping on dirty Thai streets. They worship this idiot and would lay down their lives for this so called messiah, the 2nd coming who is going to take them in his arms. bless them and insure they will be wealthy beyond their dreams.. People he will take a piss on you and charge you for the paper to wipe his penis.

This so called Lunatic has taken one of the most corrupt Thai Governments to the Thai people

The people can know see what she really is

But Yingluck needs people like yourself to make her self loon innocent

My Thai wife and over 16 of her friends spent a month in the protests on and off

and she does not like Suthep, and she does not like the yellow shirts but she believes in the future of Thailand

So you writing that Thai people think he is the messiah, has shown the words coming from your mouth have no basis in fact , and you have no idea what the Thai people think, but are your own opinion that you say here, why I not know, but I feel you have no intention of what's best for the Thai people

So your wife & friends was only there for the free food & sing song ,the mind boggles (not with her & her friends because they are just doing what Thais do ) more with you wanting to tell the world about it & think you have proved something when everybody knows that there is also he payment that they just can't resist

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Weird... Thought he already called for

"Final-push" umpteen times.

Isn't he sick of even asking? Cos I sure am sick of hearing it for the

"final" time!

Most likely only the farmers will join in....

Don't contribute/troll the problem unless you've got a solution!!

The guy is a nut case and a lunatic and he has many Thai Visa members laying down in front of him so he can walk without stepping on dirty Thai streets. They worship this idiot and would lay down their lives for this so called messiah, the 2nd coming who is going to take them in his arms. bless them and insure they will be wealthy beyond their dreams.. People he will take a piss on you and charge you for the paper to wipe his penis.

This so called Lunatic has taken one of the most corrupt Thai Governments to the Thai people

The people can know see what she really is

But Yingluck needs people like yourself to make her self loon innocent

My Thai wife and over 16 of her friends spent a month in the protests on and off

and she does not like Suthep, and she does not like the yellow shirts but she believes in the future of Thailand

So you writing that Thai people think he is the messiah, has shown the words coming from your mouth have no basis in fact , and you have no idea what the Thai people think, but are your own opinion that you say here, why I not know, but I feel you have no intention of what's best for the Thai people

Your wife and her 16 friends may be Thai, but what makes you think they are representative of what the majority of Thai people believe?

I would be very surprised if Suthep gets anything like his previous numbers for this final, final push.

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The Constitutional Court's long-awaited ruling today on the 2 trillion baht bill will be a seminal event and the first major volley in the series of legal challenges that the former Yingluck administration faces. If the Constitutional Court deems it unconstitutional, Suthep's suspicions regarding Pheu Thai's response will be spot on. If he is, and Pheu Thai defies the court once again, then that establishes a precedent too frightening to contemplate - a situation where a Constitutional Court ruling is simply ignored, and law itself is seen to be dismiss-able. That is the climate that Pheu Thai and the UDD have been so careful to prepare. It should scare everyone. So, the focus should not be whether Suthep manages to get hundreds of thousands on the streets or even only three or four people. This has never been about Suthep, or the numbers on the streets, or the numbers of tents erected in Lumpini Park. If it was, this movement would have been a non-event from the word go. It hasn't though, and that is because it is a movement of beliefs, not numbers. And the thing about what the PDRC has been consistently right about, and why they have struck such a deep chord in Thai society - is that each day we see actions from Pheu Thai that illuminate the very abuses of power that the PDRC speaks of. Todays' ruling - and Pheu Thai's reaction to it - will indeed be the game-changer. And for those who are skeptical about how the public feels about this throughout the county - need only cast your minds back to the days and weeks following the passing of Thaksin's amnesty bill in the middle of the night.

If you believe in your deepest soul that this man Suthep, will somehow be handed the reigns of power and he will bring in his own self-elected council which will rule Thailand as a clean corrupt -free government then you have to stop smoking that stuff and get a reality check.

This is an old money vs new money fight to the death with the military egging the old money on (cos that's where all the old generals are).

Leopards don't change spots, and the corruption riddled elite families who have been sucking up all the money in Thailand for the past 50 years will continue to bankrole Suthep until they're exposed by name or the military step in and hand it back to them.

Thank you - this is the undisputed truth. Clarity, finally. Anyone who sees any kind of nobility or cause on either side is delusional. This is scum on scum and the loser is Thailand. The winner? Soulless cretins, at least in this lifetime.

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Oh, Jeeze, yet Another Final Push? How many does that make now? 5? 10? More? Wish someone would give him a "final push" into a klong with the rest of the garbage.

Excuse me. May I ask you something? Suthep is trying to make a difference to the dirty Thaksin politics that has ruined and divided Thailand. He has categorically stated that he wants no part in a new proper democracy. This is a person trying to make a difference and change things. Would you like everything to remain as it is with the Thaksin family increasingly controlling every aspect of Thai life for their own personal benefit? Are people who try to make a difference, in the face of the most violent opposition, really 'garnage'? Have you ever tried to change tings for the better for your fellow humans? Just asking.

The irony is that you have a man up to his neck in corruption in the past, doing all he can to eliminate it in the future???

This a personal grudge mate more like, between him and Thaksin, using everying in both their powers to grind each other down, Suthep will emerge as a victor, but it's possibly going to be a hollow one, you think Thaksin is the man to forgive and forget?

The real troubles may only be starting, never mind ending, the anti corruption movement would have been better accepted if it hadn't of had a man with a closet full of dirty laundry..and well known as to be less that squeaky clean..

Reformation is need indeed, and that includes all those who profited through corruption to have their assets stripped and seized, and thrown in Jail... the lot of them, Reds and Yellows alike.

Sad i know, but the jails are not big enough. sad.png

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