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Pheu Thai 'not surprised' by loan bill verdict


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Pheu Thai 'Not Surprised' By Loan Bill Verdict
By Khaosod English


BANGKOK: -- The ruling Pheu Thai Party accepts the court verdict which invalidates the bill seeking loans for the 2.2 trillion baht infrastructure project, says its spokesman, Mr. Prompong Nopparit.

"We are not surprised by the verdict," Mr. Prompong added.

His comment followed the decision reached by the Constitutional Court which declared the loan bill as unconstitutional, arguing that the bill violated the check-and-balance system instituted in the 2007 charter by allowing the government to borrow the funds without oversight from the Parliament.

Mr. Prompong insisted in the press conference that the bill was meant to pave way for the 2.2 trillion baht project which would vastly improve the public transportation system in Thailand, such as construction of high-speed railway and replacing the old diesel trains with new electric ones.

"The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1394626885&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2014-03-13

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"The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

............tell that to the farmers you have screwed.

Freudian slip on his part, referring to themselves as uncivilized (i.e. feudalists/liege lords) with aspirations to become more civilized. Hopefully, they actually mean that, rather than lead the country through hardship for their own personal gain, as they have thus far. A little too late Prompong, let's close the chapter on PTP.

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Mr Prompong is not surprised at the verdict. He and his ilk knew from it's inception that it was crooked.

However, he must have been totally astonished that this scene, along with the failed amnesty plan and Rice Pledging deal, started the demonstrations which have led to the situation he finds himself in now.

The Thai people had been compliant with PTPs crooked ways for too long.

Hopefully he is well out of pocket

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"The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

With proper budgeting, feasibility studies and transparency, a better future for Thailand would have been possible. Since PT couldn't provide that, THEY are to blame for holding Thailand back.

Simple as that.

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Good to see Pheu Thai acknowledge that they were basically playing a con with his loan bill and accept with good grace that the judiciary didn't fall for it.

In time if a future government of whatever political persuasion can come up with a sound proposal for improving the nation's infrastructure I'm sure a loan would be considered but let's be grateful for now that the crooks and clowns who promoted this bill have been .... erm... derailed.

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Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

The court just told the Prime Minister that she couldn't spend USD 60,000,000,000 (60 billion) without transparency and budgeting and PT asks the Dems not to criticize the Prime Minister for trying to mislead the taxpayers. Unbelievable.

Well it's the same old problem, hypocrisy. The Democrats themselves borrowed 400 Billion baht off budget for their 1.43 Trillion baht Thai Kem Kaeng infrastructure project

In the end, the Abhisit government didn’t go through with all the projects, but it did borrow 400 Billion baht off-budget for spending over multiple years. How is this conceptually different from the 2 trillion baht infrastructure project?

Sure, it is more money and over a longer time, but conceptually it is the same. On this, Appointed Senator Khamnoon Sithisamarn on Kom Chad Luek TV show on September 19, 2013 on the government’s 2 trillion baht infrastructure project pointed this out that the Democrats did exactly the same thing with the Thai Kem Kaeng- around the 14-15 minute mark….

BP was a little surprised – based on the Bangkok Post op-ed and the above audio excerpt – on how far Korn has tried to shift the goalposts and how little he has been called out on this. Off-budget borrowing is common in Thailand because of the difficulties in spending money quickly and all the hurdles and bureaucracy. It is not something new…..


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That must be very disappointing for those first in line to skim the biggest chunks of this money off the top. But of course they aren't surprised. I think for them it was sort of like putting a few bucks in a slot machine and hoping to win the super jackpot.

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Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

The court just told the Prime Minister that she couldn't spend USD 60,000,000,000 (60 billion) without transparency and budgeting and PT asks the Dems not to criticize the Prime Minister for trying to mislead the taxpayers. Unbelievable.

Well it's the same old problem, hypocrisy. The Democrats themselves borrowed 400 Billion baht off budget for their 1.43 Trillion baht Thai Kem Kaeng infrastructure project

In the end, the Abhisit government didn’t go through with all the projects, but it did borrow 400 Billion baht off-budget for spending over multiple years. How is this conceptually different from the 2 trillion baht infrastructure project?

Sure, it is more money and over a longer time, but conceptually it is the same. On this, Appointed Senator Khamnoon Sithisamarn on Kom Chad Luek TV show on September 19, 2013 on the government’s 2 trillion baht infrastructure project pointed this out that the Democrats did exactly the same thing with the Thai Kem Kaeng- around the 14-15 minute mark….

BP was a little surprised – based on the Bangkok Post op-ed and the above audio excerpt – on how far Korn has tried to shift the goalposts and how little he has been called out on this. Off-budget borrowing is common in Thailand because of the difficulties in spending money quickly and all the hurdles and bureaucracy. It is not something new…..


Perhaps it is best just to accept that two wrongs don't make a right.

I'm not suggesting it does. In case you missed it posters on here were decrying Prompong for telling the dems not to "use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

Which is precisely what they have been doing despite having used off budget funding themselves.

That is why I was pointing out the hypocrisy, not because of the facile "two wrongs do not make a right" argument.

Edited by fab4
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Two wrongs don't make a right....,Right ..but the problem here is if one group does it and gets away with it... not held accountable... it somehow okays the right of another group to attempt the same... fair in any schoolyard ... hey they did it we should too...and when it comes up short and fails ( who knows why...ahem)... then for the First group to somehow claim scoring a goal... is a bit of a reach..but I am sure Abhiset and Suthep will make a meal of it...... as if they need more piling on ...cheers!

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"The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

By competing with 'other' civilized nations, first you must be 'civilized' yourself.... Bring jobs?... It would end up being built by migrant workers on the cheap... Thais don't really like physical work too much. New flash trains won't improve the life of an ordinary Thai, it will be out of their price range. Also, it will only be a matter of time before the derailments start and at 145 KM/H would obliterate the train stock and kill all on board. I certainly wouldn't step onto one.... The people are better off with the slower but free/cheap old ones.

Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.


What would the PTP be doing right now if the circumstances were reversed?.... Possibly 'criticizing and manipulating' the issue, to depose the Dems perhaps??

I don't think the courts are actually going to let the issue end here, this plea is simply because they know that the C Court now has the power to chop heads, and to be quite frank, I don't know why they have not taken this opportunity already.... we are waiting.

It warms my heart to think of all that land that Thksin/Shins/PTP MPs/Cronies have probably bought where the tracks would have ran through allowing them to buy cheap land at about 40K/rai and sell it to the government for 1 million a rai in order to skim off the first half trillion for themselves.... Now they are likely sat on hundreds of thousands of rai worth about 40K/rai....... hahahaha

Yes and the sooner we can get this band of crooks out of government it will give the crooks less of a chance to recoup their loss through some other scheme.


"Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.

piece was an open admission of knowing they were doing wrong and a plea to forget it.

No sir Mr. Prompong the people are not going to forget it. Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense.

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"The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

By competing with 'other' civilized nations, first you must be 'civilized' yourself.... Bring jobs?... It would end up being built by migrant workers on the cheap... Thais don't really like physical work too much. New flash trains won't improve the life of an ordinary Thai, it will be out of their price range. Also, it will only be a matter of time before the derailments start and at 145 KM/H would obliterate the train stock and kill all on board. I certainly wouldn't step onto one.... The people are better off with the slower but free/cheap old ones.

Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.


What would the PTP be doing right now if the circumstances were reversed?.... Possibly 'criticizing and manipulating' the issue, to depose the Dems perhaps??

I don't think the courts are actually going to let the issue end here, this plea is simply because they know that the C Court now has the power to chop heads, and to be quite frank, I don't know why they have not taken this opportunity already.... we are waiting.

It warms my heart to think of all that land that Thksin/Shins/PTP MPs/Cronies have probably bought where the tracks would have ran through allowing them to buy cheap land at about 40K/rai and sell it to the government for 1 million a rai in order to skim off the first half trillion for themselves.... Now they are likely sat on hundreds of thousands of rai worth about 40K/rai....... hahahaha

Yes and the sooner we can get this band of crooks out of government it will give the crooks less of a chance to recoup their loss through some other scheme.


"Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.

piece was an open admission of knowing they were doing wrong and a plea to forget it.

No sir Mr. Prompong the people are not going to forget it. Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense.

"Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense."

Well, if Suthep and his goons, the EC and the Constitution Court allow them, the people will be able to demonstrate that in an election.

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Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

The court just told the Prime Minister that she couldn't spend USD 60,000,000,000 (60 billion) without transparency and budgeting and PT asks the Dems not to criticize the Prime Minister for trying to mislead the taxpayers. Unbelievable.

Well it's the same old problem, hypocrisy. The Democrats themselves borrowed 400 Billion baht off budget for their 1.43 Trillion baht Thai Kem Kaeng infrastructure project

In the end, the Abhisit government didn’t go through with all the projects, but it did borrow 400 Billion baht off-budget for spending over multiple years. How is this conceptually different from the 2 trillion baht infrastructure project?

Sure, it is more money and over a longer time, but conceptually it is the same. On this, Appointed Senator Khamnoon Sithisamarn on Kom Chad Luek TV show on September 19, 2013 on the government’s 2 trillion baht infrastructure project pointed this out that the Democrats did exactly the same thing with the Thai Kem Kaeng- around the 14-15 minute mark….

BP was a little surprised – based on the Bangkok Post op-ed and the above audio excerpt – on how far Korn has tried to shift the goalposts and how little he has been called out on this. Off-budget borrowing is common in Thailand because of the difficulties in spending money quickly and all the hurdles and bureaucracy. It is not something new…..


So let us assume you are rite which knowing you is probably a wrong assumption.

That would make it OK for the PTP to borrow 2.2 trillion baht with no plan for it other than a vague improve infrastructure no budget and no research on it.

Truly you are grasping at straws best not to post unless you can defend it. Which you cant as it was a ill conceived not thought out unresearched attempt at putting more money into the trough that they had already emptied and now found them selves unable to explain or justify it.wai.gif

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They would be lying if they said they were surprised. They new it was against the law when they did it so could never be surprised. That much at least is the truth!!!

When they did it they were still under the impression that the silent majority would accept any thing they did just like the lunkhead red shirts did.


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"The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

By competing with 'other' civilized nations, first you must be 'civilized' yourself.... Bring jobs?... It would end up being built by migrant workers on the cheap... Thais don't really like physical work too much. New flash trains won't improve the life of an ordinary Thai, it will be out of their price range. Also, it will only be a matter of time before the derailments start and at 145 KM/H would obliterate the train stock and kill all on board. I certainly wouldn't step onto one.... The people are better off with the slower but free/cheap old ones.

Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.


What would the PTP be doing right now if the circumstances were reversed?.... Possibly 'criticizing and manipulating' the issue, to depose the Dems perhaps??

I don't think the courts are actually going to let the issue end here, this plea is simply because they know that the C Court now has the power to chop heads, and to be quite frank, I don't know why they have not taken this opportunity already.... we are waiting.

It warms my heart to think of all that land that Thksin/Shins/PTP MPs/Cronies have probably bought where the tracks would have ran through allowing them to buy cheap land at about 40K/rai and sell it to the government for 1 million a rai in order to skim off the first half trillion for themselves.... Now they are likely sat on hundreds of thousands of rai worth about 40K/rai....... hahahaha

Yes and the sooner we can get this band of crooks out of government it will give the crooks less of a chance to recoup their loss through some other scheme.


"Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.

piece was an open admission of knowing they were doing wrong and a plea to forget it.

No sir Mr. Prompong the people are not going to forget it. Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense.

"Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense."

Well, if Suthep and his goons, the EC and the Constitution Court allow them, the people will be able to demonstrate that in an election.

That is exactly what Suthep wants to do. Reform the government so it can have a honest election.

Do you find fault with having an honest election?

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"So we can compete with other civilised nations"

What does he mean by "other"?

you know what - Thais think they are on similar level to Japan S. Korea Malaysia and Singapore - they actually believe that, the truth is vastly different - hub of...............cheap labour - corruption - greed and underdevelopment - they talk the talk but are far from walking the walk, it's time they all took a reality pill and realised just exactly were they are at - a little above Cambodia and Myanmar but a long way to go to reach any similarity to the other four - a massive mindset change would be needed before they could even start on that road

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Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

The court just told the Prime Minister that she couldn't spend USD 60,000,000,000 (60 billion) without transparency and budgeting and PT asks the Dems not to criticize the Prime Minister for trying to mislead the taxpayers. Unbelievable.

Well it's the same old problem, hypocrisy. The Democrats themselves borrowed 400 Billion baht off budget for their 1.43 Trillion baht Thai Kem Kaeng infrastructure project

In the end, the Abhisit government didn’t go through with all the projects, but it did borrow 400 Billion baht off-budget for spending over multiple years. How is this conceptually different from the 2 trillion baht infrastructure project?

Sure, it is more money and over a longer time, but conceptually it is the same. On this, Appointed Senator Khamnoon Sithisamarn on Kom Chad Luek TV show on September 19, 2013 on the government’s 2 trillion baht infrastructure project pointed this out that the Democrats did exactly the same thing with the Thai Kem Kaeng- around the 14-15 minute mark….

BP was a little surprised – based on the Bangkok Post op-ed and the above audio excerpt – on how far Korn has tried to shift the goalposts and how little he has been called out on this. Off-budget borrowing is common in Thailand because of the difficulties in spending money quickly and all the hurdles and bureaucracy. It is not something new…..


It's the opposition's job to highlight possible corrupt and irregular practices by the government to the public. I am sure that if the Dems did something wrong PT was also all over it.

So what is your point again??

Edited by Nickymaster
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Just for the fun of it, let's remind the ruling of the CC:

"The court ruled that the bill violated the charter both in its content and in its enactment procedure, Chaowana Traimas, the secretary to the Constitutional Court said."

"The court said the loan bill was illegally revised in its content breaching Articles 169 and 170 of the Constitution, and also in the passage procedure."

Edited by rubl
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"The government wants to lead the country to a better future, especially by creating opportunities and jobs, and improving quality of life," Mr. Prompong said, "So we can compete with other civilised nations".

By competing with 'other' civilized nations, first you must be 'civilized' yourself.... Bring jobs?... It would end up being built by migrant workers on the cheap... Thais don't really like physical work too much. New flash trains won't improve the life of an ordinary Thai, it will be out of their price range. Also, it will only be a matter of time before the derailments start and at 145 KM/H would obliterate the train stock and kill all on board. I certainly wouldn't step onto one.... The people are better off with the slower but free/cheap old ones.

Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.


What would the PTP be doing right now if the circumstances were reversed?.... Possibly 'criticizing and manipulating' the issue, to depose the Dems perhaps??

I don't think the courts are actually going to let the issue end here, this plea is simply because they know that the C Court now has the power to chop heads, and to be quite frank, I don't know why they have not taken this opportunity already.... we are waiting.

It warms my heart to think of all that land that Thksin/Shins/PTP MPs/Cronies have probably bought where the tracks would have ran through allowing them to buy cheap land at about 40K/rai and sell it to the government for 1 million a rai in order to skim off the first half trillion for themselves.... Now they are likely sat on hundreds of thousands of rai worth about 40K/rai....... hahahaha

Yes and the sooner we can get this band of crooks out of government it will give the crooks less of a chance to recoup their loss through some other scheme.


"Nevertheless, Pheu Thai Party will not contest the ruling, he said, adding that he hoped the anti-government protesters and Democrat Party will not use the issue to criticise or manipulate it to depose the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

"Please let this issue end," Mr. Prompong pleaded.

piece was an open admission of knowing they were doing wrong and a plea to forget it.

No sir Mr. Prompong the people are not going to forget it. Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense.

"Suthep will make sure they remember your attempt to enriche your selves at the cost of the peoples grand children's expense."

Well, if Suthep and his goons, the EC and the Constitution Court allow them, the people will be able to demonstrate that in an election.

Do me a favour. Ask the Thais around you how many 0's there is in one trillion baht, and let me know if anyone with less than a bachelor degree can answer that. If they cannot, then what sense does it make to ask them what they want in an election?

If you have small kids, do you then allow them to vote when deciding how to spend the family budget? If not, then why not? Should they not be allowed to vote like you and everyone else in the family? Odds are they want to spend it all on icecream, perhaps even open a new credit card for some more ice cream, and if that is the majority decision (several kids perhaps?), then should you not accept their vote and spend all the money on icecream?

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"Yes and the sooner we can get this band of crooks out of government it will give the crooks less of a chance to recoup their loss through some other scheme."

Yep.... and make way for the new band of crooks...

which is why they have been asking for reform...easy really dont know why people have a problem with it..

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