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PDRC deluded in thinking it has the upper hand


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The OP dares to make an exceptional statement so it can be expected that he gets confronted by sharp exception among those who fail to comprehend his points. Realism is in short supply among the neofeudalists who have persisted unrelentingly and unrepentantly as they march around in circles.

The facts are progressives in Thailand can be comforted that, despite the many regressive developments that are occurring as neofeudalists and their reactionary forces try to stormtroop democracy, the neofeudalists and their farang advocates have no support internationally, while the government can and does draw on global support, to include the MSM.

Indeed, Thai neofeudalists and their farang enthusiasts have absolutely no support outside of Thailand. Old Guard Thai elites have isolated themselves from Asean governments and societies, are unable to draw aid or comfort from Apec, get only admonishments or criticisms from the United Nations, and have no allies among the UNSC P-5 and the larger 15-nation membership of the Security Council. No government or governments outside of Thailand have lent any public (or private) support to the Thai neofeudalists. The PDRC, the DP, the army, the judiciary, Thai mass media, the bureaucracy, are isolated from the international community, as are their in-country farang admirers and boosters. Both Suthep and Abhisit have been rebuffed in their few and vain attempts to grab global headlines in sympathy of their unsustainable anti-democracy purposes. Indeed, Thai neofeudalists haven’t consciously attempted to win international recognition or support of their strategies or tactics because the neofeudalists well know their methods and means, goals, purposes, are, by design, inherently antisocial, anti-democracy and therefore unsupportable abroad. The direct consequence is that when the neofeudalists aren’t actively denouncing the democratic world, they simply dismiss it, ignore it.

The opposite is clearly true of the government and its supporters throughout the country. The government has consistently and successfully reached out to the international community, the United Nations especially, and continues to do so on a continuing basis. The government successfully secured the support globally of some 40 democratic governments for implementation of the Feb 3rd election, to include explicit criticisms by many prominent democratic governments of the PDRC’s systematic violence directed at innocent voters during early polling and on election day. Many prominent democratic governments have regularly spoken out against all violence that has occurred since and consequent to the PDRC initiated antidemocracy street insurrection of the past four months. The government has appealed to the UN for mediation but, given the unspeakables of Thai culture, society, civilization, no mediator of sound mind or purpose will involve himself in, or commit herself to, the irresolvable absurdities that are contemporary Thailand. International support of a democratic Thailand has contributed significantly to the government’s ability to sustain itself in office to date.

Global mass media have expressed no support of or sympathy towards the PDRC. Global mass media have instead pointed out the undemocratic or antidemocratic nature of the PDRC’s proposed “People’s Council”, the oligarch appointed membership of which remains unknown to the Thai public or to governments abroad, to include at the UN, and which would inflict so-called “reforms” that many suspect (or are certain) would prioritize implementing new autocratic electoral laws to skew voter qualifications so that 1 person 1 vote would be forever denied to historically displaced voters.

Most global mass media consider Thaksin’s time in office to be a wash at best, his own personal failing, save for the historically significant fact Thaksin recognized the electoral power of the newly awakened peasant population of the country, a mass which constitutes a significant socioeconomic movement and force that rightfully demands political inclusion via democratic means, goals, purposes. The fact Thaksin is in a forced, self-imposed exile abroad also strikes the global MSM as a wash, ie, Thaksin convicted of corruption by the historically and shamelessly corrupt opposing elites is a sanctimonious hypocrisy. Global MSM thus focus on the fiercely antisocial and antidemocratic nature and methods of Thaksin’s autocrat opponents whose street mobs and militant leadership tried to shut down Bangkok and physically assault voters at the polls, and on the fact the now- routed mob leaders suddenly and disingenuously claim a constitutionalism that is predicated on the 2007 coup written, army imposed document.

Farang who support the PDRC and the DP in the nefarious methods, goals, purposes of each, and both taken together, isolate themselves from the international community of democracies and from egalitarian socio-political progress itself. Farang in Thailand have myriad reasons to ensconce themselves in the former LOS, however, it has become clear that a certain number of resident or Thai-citizen farang had essentially abandoned their own society, countries, culture of democracy, in favor of discredited philosophies or ideologies that their progenitors defeated as long ago as in World War II. These certain farang who have self-relocated to Thailand are what their democratic forebears fought successfully against to defeat.

Well put well thought highly accurate perception...

This is not entirely accurate as a representation. The world community is happy to deal with whoever Thailand puts as the elected or appointed PM. They didn't have a fit when there was a coup, although they did have some fairly stern words with the coup leaders about making sure that this wasnt' a long term arrangement.

They don't want to deal with Abhsit, because Abhisit has been told to stay at home like a good boy while the real lads sort it out. They gave him his chance before and he screwed it up, so now they have to revert to type and carry out a massive street protest. Suthep won't get his chance to have 18 months of peace and quiet to "reform" the country to expunge the Shinawatras from politics, becuase for the extremely simple reason, they won't give up. He can't win because the Thai people and the rest of the world won't put up with him gerry mandering the system. He won't be allowed to have it 100% his own way, and he won't undertake the real hard types of reforms they need to, so, it will peter out to an election and a Shinawatra win. INEVITABLY.

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