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Yingluck means more than peace in wearing peace pendant


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The PROBLEM is that she is carrying the sins of her brother, and the other BIG PROBLEM is that she is being forced to live and work with many absolutely corrupt and lying government officials, and the other BIGGER PROBLEM is that during the first few months of her term she was preoccupied with other things rather than being available in parliament, and the other EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM is that she intrusted many of her duties to the corrupt members of her team, and believed all their lies, and now she is carrying the brunt of everything, and what she and other people may not realise, is that she is perhaps going to be used as the sacrificial lamb to insure the continuation of the rape of the Kingdom.

What is actually needed is a complete re-vamp of her members to insure that the corrupt, lying, members that also come to work intoxicated, or just sit and play Facebook, watch pornographic movies, or sometimes dont even bother to come to work when an important sessions are in progress, and replace them with solid, publically elected members that carry the interest of the Kingdom at heart.

I actually have wondered how she would do if she was on her own. With all her prepared-canned answers and her lack of command of the English language it is difficult to say IMO. Being a long time guest here I do not care who the government is but would like to see a bipartisan one in power that would take care of the Thai people and this wonderful country. For the first six months when TS first came to power I really had a good feeling about the government. After about one year he became scary.

What does her command of English have to do with her ability to govern a non-English speaking country? And what head of state doesn't have canned answers?
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you have to laugh at her stupidity, she just keeps coming up with all these benign ideas and thinks the people will love her for it. Unfortunately for her everyone in Thailand is not as simple/stupid as her red supporters and know she is not capable af a rational thought let alone understand the true meaning of things in general.e

I wish you smart asses would resist being so rude an insulting. The PM had a strong mandate she does not deserve to be criticized by apparent retards that are unable to write a critique that is intelligent and informing.

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She'll be wearing a cheesecloth dress and dabbing patchouli oil behind her ears next. smile.png

How about a prison uniform? biggrin.png

I wish you smart asses would resist being so rude an insulting. The PM had a strong mandate she does not deserve to be criticized by apparent retards that are unable to write a critique that is intelligent and informing.

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That's kind of nice in a way. Almost makes me wonder if she had miraculously been elected PM without her brothers help and constant interfering whether she might have actually tried to do some good. Then reality kicks back in.

I think the answer is no. The reason she's PM may be because of her brother but the reason she can't do the job very well is because she isn't a politician.

If she wanted the job she should have started at the bottom not the top but even then she might have found it difficult as she was never interested in politics. At least if she'd done that you could admire her for trying.

Even if she wanted to do things properly now it would be difficult or impossible as she can't really work her way up now and she tainted by the association with her brother.

ow up.

She's an adult so she should have known better but you have to feel a little sorry for her the way she's been treated by Thaksin.

Congratulations your kind and structured reply speaks your truth without insults maybe your peers can write like this when they grow-up.

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The PROBLEM is that she is carrying the sins of her brother, and the other BIG PROBLEM is that she is being forced to live and work with many absolutely corrupt and lying government officials, and the other BIGGER PROBLEM is that during the first few months of her term she was preoccupied with other things rather than being available in parliament, and the other EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM is that she intrusted many of her duties to the corrupt members of her team, and believed all their lies, and now she is carrying the brunt of everything, and what she and other people may not realise, is that she is perhaps going to be used as the sacrificial lamb to insure the continuation of the rape of the Kingdom.

What is actually needed is a complete re-vamp of her members to insure that the corrupt, lying, members that also come to work intoxicated, or just sit and play Facebook, watch pornographic movies, or sometimes dont even bother to come to work when an important sessions are in progress, and replace them with solid, publically elected members that carry the interest of the Kingdom at heart.

I actually have wondered how she would do if she was on her own. With all her prepared-canned answers and her lack of command of the English language it is difficult to say IMO. Being a long time guest here I do not care who the government is but would like to see a bipartisan one in power that would take care of the Thai people and this wonderful country. For the first six months when TS first came to power I really had a good feeling about the government. After about one year he became scary.

What does her command of English have to do with her ability to govern a non-English speaking country? And what head of state doesn't have canned answers?

Speaking other languages and English in particular would be a help in be. However it wouldn't be impossible to run the country.

She isn't the head of state. The head of state speaks English very well I believe.

If you mean the heads of government then most in democratic countries have to be able to respond to questions on the fly. They are prepared but still have to put those answers across. Abhisit was able to do that in interviews and and of course without an interpreter for an English speaking countries.

I don't know about his English skills but I think Thaksin was able to answer questions without canned answers.

Yingluck's problem is however sincere she is, she isn't an experienced politician so she's been put in a position she can't handle by her brother.

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That's kind of nice in a way. Almost makes me wonder if she had miraculously been elected PM without her brothers help and constant interfering whether she might have actually tried to do some good. Then reality kicks back in.

I think the answer is no. The reason she's PM may be because of her brother but the reason she can't do the job very well is because she isn't a politician.

If she wanted the job she should have started at the bottom not the top but even then she might have found it difficult as she was never interested in politics. At least if she'd done that you could admire her for trying.

Even if she wanted to do things properly now it would be difficult or impossible as she can't really work her way up now and she tainted by the association with her brother.

ow up.

She's an adult so she should have known better but you have to feel a little sorry for her the way she's been treated by Thaksin.

Congratulations your kind and structured reply speaks your truth without insults maybe your peers can write like this when they grow-up.


I do occasionally post a small insult but only for humour. I'm often sarcastic also usually for humour but sometimes to take the edge off of the rudeness . I do find that a lot of posts on here are very biased to one side or the other and don't really deal with the issues. sometimes this can be difficult as politics is a very complex subject and it can be difficult to cover all the issues without writing a complete book and whilst staying on topic. I have to confess to doing that sometimes so I have to try to make sure I include some reference to the topic. However tenuous.

Anyway if Yingluck wants to wear a peace pendant then that's up to her and not really a big issue.

See what I did there.

Let's hope the mods are lenient with me. wai.gif

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This is just like a beauty paegeant contestant saying "I want to save the whales", "I want to make the world a better place" blah blah blah, without really knowing what has just been said, or the meaning - real meaning - of what was said.

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The PROBLEM is that she is carrying the sins of her brother, and the other BIG PROBLEM is that she is being forced to live and work with many absolutely corrupt and lying government officials, and the other BIGGER PROBLEM is that during the first few months of her term she was preoccupied with other things rather than being available in parliament, and the other EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM is that she intrusted many of her duties to the corrupt members of her team, and believed all their lies, and now she is carrying the brunt of everything, and what she and other people may not realise, is that she is perhaps going to be used as the ‘sacrificial lamb’ to insure the continuation of the rape of the Kingdom.

What is actually needed is a complete re-vamp of her members to insure that the corrupt, lying, members that also come to work intoxicated, or just sit and play Facebook, watch pornographic movies, or sometimes don’t even bother to come to work when an important sessions are in progress, and replace them with solid, publically elected members that carry the interest of the Kingdom at heart.

I actually have wondered how she would do if she was on her own. With all her prepared-canned answers and her lack of command of the English language it is difficult to say IMO. Being a long time guest here I do not care who the government is but would like to see a bipartisan one in power that would take care of the Thai people and this wonderful country. For the first six months when TS first came to power I really had a good feeling about the government. After about one year he became scary.

I knew he was a Prick from the get go and said so coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The PROBLEM is that she is carrying the sins of her brother, and the other BIG PROBLEM is that she is being forced to live and work with many absolutely corrupt and lying government officials, and the other BIGGER PROBLEM is that during the first few months of her term she was preoccupied with other things rather than being available in parliament, and the other EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM is that she intrusted many of her duties to the corrupt members of her team, and believed all their lies, and now she is carrying the brunt of everything, and what she and other people may not realise, is that she is perhaps going to be used as the sacrificial lamb to insure the continuation of the rape of the Kingdom.
What is actually needed is a complete re-vamp of her members to insure that the corrupt, lying, members that also come to work intoxicated, or just sit and play Facebook, watch pornographic movies, or sometimes dont even bother to come to work when an important sessions are in progress, and replace them with solid, publically elected members that carry the interest of the Kingdom at heart.

I actually have wondered how she would do if she was on her own. With all her prepared-canned answers and her lack of command of the English language it is difficult to say IMO. Being a long time guest here I do not care who the government is but would like to see a bipartisan one in power that would take care of the Thai people and this wonderful country. For the first six months when TS first came to power I really had a good feeling about the government. After about one year he became scary.

Most heads of states have canned answers to stupid questions. Yingluck has caned misinformation for most answers.

Even her brother is calling her aides inadequate.

I would expect a far better English from some one who got a degree in a collage that only uses the English language. Her education is suspect.

I wish you smart asses would resist being so rude an insulting. The PM had a strong mandate she does not deserve to be criticized by apparent retards that are unable to write a critique that is intelligent and informing.

No body is denying that she has a strong mandate. That is the problem. She has a mandate to do what is imposable for her to do.

You people who keep over looking that little fact are just encouraging her in her folly. It is embarrassing to her but passably fatal to the country. In fact over 20 dead all ready.

Take your pick embarrass her or see people killed I choose to embarrass her. If I thought intelligent conversation would do it that is what I would choose. Unfortunately with her that is a impossibility.

Tears and all we want is to do good things for the country doesn't cut it with me.

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She said she wanted to see equal treatment of all sides with mercy and generosity, stressing that all these would bond Thai people together to have peace in minds and lived happily.

Damn is she on the ear drops as well??

Equal treatment starts by quit the government and stop stealing from the poor and needed

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you have to laugh at her stupidity, she just keeps coming up with all these benign ideas and thinks the people will love her for it. Unfortunately for her everyone in Thailand is not as simple/stupid as her red supporters and know she is not capable af a rational thought let alone understand the true meaning of things in general.e

I wish you smart asses would resist being so rude an insulting. The PM had a strong mandate she does not deserve to be criticized by apparent retards that are unable to write a critique that is intelligent and informing.

indy says in his first line that he wishes "certain" posters would resist being so rude and insulting. In his very next line he refers to these insulting posters as being "apparent retards". ??????? Sounds like something a PTP spokesperson would come out with !

A couple of things make me chuckle when I read posts by PTP and redshirt supporters, like the way they cling on to this thing about the government being "democratically and fairly elected". Judging by the government's track record and long and growing criminal history and rap sheet, these fair and democratic elections have not really been a big success, have they ?

And the way the democrats/elites/hi-sos etc are constantly accused of considering the Isaan people as being "not too bright". What the heck do you call what the PTP have been doing to the people regarding all the corruption, graft, lies etc ? Ask any of the farmers who have been blatently screwed by the government what they think of the way they have been treated.

I don't mind helping out my wife's family who are struggling with money because they still have not been paid for their last crop, but I wish the PTP would take over as my money will only last so long and they were the ones who were voted into power "fairly and democratically", not me.

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She said she wanted to see equal treatment of all sides with mercy and generosity, stressing that all these would bond Thai people together to have peace in minds and lived happily.

<deleted> is she on the ear drops as well??

Equal treatment starts by quit the government and stop stealing from the poor and needed

when this b-mb- took office all we heard was the voice of her criminal brother - reconciliation 10 times a day every day for months - now where is it - I can name about 100 people that if they got on a plane with a one way ticket to Dubai right now the Thai people would be completely reconciled - these evil people need to go, their poison has all but destroyed the goodness in this country, and those that are still stupid enough to be singing the Thaksin tune need to take a long hard look and get their thoughts in order before it's too late - those that know stuff need to start telling it - this idiotic regime is finished - get on the right side and start telling some truths

and Suthep - offer an amnesty to those willing to come forward and tell the truth - this shit has gone on long enough

Thai people be reconciled not brainwashed

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I agree with anyone who wears the CND symbol and who actually knows what it stands for. It isn't just a peace symbol, it stands for no nukes (including power stations) no bio/chemical weapons etc. Some experts say all nuclear reactors are dangerous, even modern well-maintained ones, and many old reactors are totally unsafe.

One of my biggest fears is the building of nuclear reactors in nations that are unstable politically, corrupt or just prone to mismanaging things. Mentioning no names.

Maybe she is wearing this symbol as a crisis-reflex, she is under attack and so she reaches for a defensive symbol. Maybe she reads the newspapers and shares my fears about a US/Russia clash in the Ukraine. Maybe she knows that Fukushima is a much bigger disaster than the control-groups have been telling people. I've never owned a CND item myself, but I agree with their stance completely and I could understand why people would wear this symbol especially in 2014.

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