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60 Day Tourist Visa Still Available?

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I have heard three more reports from people who have not been able to get 60 tourist visas in Cambodia or other SEA countries too. In two cases, a reason was not given, but the request is denied. In one case, they denied the request because they said the guy was a resident not a tourist.

Is it still possible to get these visas anymore? Or have they stopped doing this?

Any advice on the highest chance of getting a 60 day visa?

(I am 48 and have been living in Thailand using this type of visa)



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I believe a R/T air ticket to Cambodia costs around 9,000 Baht. If you add around 10,000 Baht and travel to Australia, Brisbane for example have direct flights, you can get a multiple entry visa valid for one year instead. Visa issued on the spot the same day. You arrive in the morning and leave in the evening. Will be cheaper in the long run!

Here is the url: Royal Thai Consulate, Brisbane http://www.thaiconsulate.org.au

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I have heard three more reports from people who have not been able to get 60 tourist visas in Cambodia or other SEA countries too.  In two cases, a reason was not given, but the request is denied.  In one case, they denied the request because they said the guy was a resident not a tourist.

Is it still possible to get these visas anymore?  Or have they stopped doing this?

Any advice on the highest chance of getting a 60 day visa?

(I am 48 and have been living in Thailand using this type of visa)



They see that you are actually a de facto resident and are denying you a visa on these grounds. George's suggestion is good. Once you get to 50 ( or marry a Thai girl :o ) you'll be fine.

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Thanks Doc,

I will definitely do this.

How can I know if this visa is still available in Australia? I don't want to go there and then get turned down. There is no guarantee about anything, but is there any evidence it really is true.

I guess I can just call them and see (assuming I can get in touch with the right person, and assuming I can communcate my question properly, and assuming they even know the answer).



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Thanks Doc,

I will definitely do this.

How can I know if this visa is still available in Australia? I don't want to go there and then get turned down. There is no guarantee about anything, but is there any evidence it really is true.

I guess I can just call them and see (assuming I can get in touch with the right person, and assuming I can communcate my question properly, and assuming they even know the answer).



You could send an email to [email protected] and ask. RTCG Brisbane

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I just got back from a visa run to phnom penh. in the past, I was able to get a multiple entry visa with 3 tourist visas marked on it.

...that was before the thai embassy got burned down last year.

..now, I was only able to get 1 tourist visa. I asked for more, but was refused.

since I turn age 50 in a couple of months, I'll be applying for a retirement visa soon. looking forward to that.

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Thanks Doc,

I will definitely do this. 

How can I know if this visa is still available in Australia?  I don't want to go there and then get turned down.  There is no guarantee about anything, but is there any evidence it really is true.

I guess I can just call them and see (assuming I can get in touch with the right person, and assuming I can communcate my question properly, and assuming they even know the answer).



I work in sydney at the moment so if you want to PM with some more details about the questions your asking.. it wouldnt be too much trouble for me to make some calls for you...

Happy to help :o

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