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CAT CDMA / EVDO was better than any of the current "3G" packages


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Just an observation

Nearly 10 years ago, I had a sierra wireless air card with CAD EVDO. I constantly got over 1Mb connection. It never dropped out or seemed like the network was clogged. It had unlimited data usage (not restricted Kb after so many GB download). It didnt work in Bangkok but since I didnt live there it wasnt an issue. I could get a signal practically every small villiage I went to - although I did have an external "bee sting" antenna.

As far as I can see, this technology was better (in practice) than any of the current "3G" packages ive seen in Thailand. TOT do 1/2Mb unlimited/unrestricted plan but their coverage seems to be far worse than the old CAT EVDO coverage.

The downside to the CAT EVDO is it wasnt for phones, you needed a special aircard that was really expensive and didnt take a SIM card. I saw this as an advantage as it priced all the gamers and downloaders out of the market and meant you got a decent connection ALL the time. Actually it was far better than and ADSL connection i could get at the time

Any comments?

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TOT do 1/2Mb unlimited/unrestricted plan but their coverage seems to be far worse than the old CAT EVDO coverage.

I think TOT has pretty decent coverage, and very few customers. Have you been using TOT/3G?

MybyCAT (My data Unlimited - 3G/850 MHz) might be another option? They have great coverage, and a double up promotion currently, at the top-end offering 10 GB (2x 5 GB; 384 Kbps FuP) for 750 baht/month.

Do you spend a lot of time moving about from rural village to rural village? Or are you relatively stationary? If the latter, a broadband wireless solution might address your requirements better? What are your primary applications? How much data do you use per month? What is your budget.

That said, comparing the old CAT/CDMA service from 10 years ago when there was little internet uptake seems, well, nostalgic but hardly relevant in today's mobile data landscape.

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TOT do 1/2Mb unlimited/unrestricted plan but their coverage seems to be far worse than the old CAT EVDO coverage.

I think TOT has pretty decent coverage, and very few customers. Have you been using TOT/3G?

Nope, but ive seen their coverage map it it looks terrible outside of main cities

MybyCAT (My data Unlimited - 3G/850 MHz) might be another option? They have great coverage, and a double up promotion currently, at the top-end offering 10 GB (2x 5 GB; 384 Kbps FuP) for 750 baht/month.

Does that mean its 10GB allowance per month after its throttled back to 384 Kb/s? Price seems good. Does it use regular sim card and work in a phone not just a dongle?

Do you spend a lot of time moving about from rural village to rural village? Or are you relatively stationary? If the latter, a broadband wireless solution might address your requirements better? What are your primary applications? How much data do you use per month? What is your budget.

Actually i spend most of my time in my condo in chiang mai. I use the shared connection in the building which can be dodgy at times so i need a backup without worrying about running out of data limit too much

That said, comparing the old CAT/CDMA service from 10 years ago when there was little internet uptake seems, well, nostalgic but hardly relevant in today's mobile data landscape.

Thats true - but it was better. Id sooner be subscribed to that service if it still existed

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I think TOT has pretty decent coverage, and very few customers. Have you been using TOT/3G?

Nope, but ive seen their coverage map it it looks terrible outside of main cities

Suspect you are mis-reading the TOT 3G coverage maps; they have decent national coverage with 5,230 base-stations, with many in the Chiang Mai area, and just announced a plan to add 13,000/15,000 more this year. Obviously I might not rely on a map, but might use a device to determine coverage?


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TOT do 1/2Mb unlimited/unrestricted plan but their coverage seems to be far worse than the old CAT EVDO coverage.

I think TOT has pretty decent coverage, and very few customers. Have you been using TOT/3G?

MybyCAT (My data Unlimited - 3G/850 MHz) might be another option? They have great coverage, and a double up promotion currently, at the top-end offering 10 GB (2x 5 GB; 384 Kbps FuP) for 750 baht/month.

Do you spend a lot of time moving about from rural village to rural village? Or are you relatively stationary? If the latter, a broadband wireless solution might address your requirements better? What are your primary applications? How much data do you use per month? What is your budget.

That said, comparing the old CAT/CDMA service from 10 years ago when there was little internet uptake seems, well, nostalgic but hardly relevant in today's mobile data landscape.

I think in terms of 'unlimited' the CDMA option was better, as unlimited meant unlimited with no data caps. I feel that when I was made to change to CAT 3G (only 15 months ago, hardly nostalgia) it was a step back in terms of service. I was very pleased with the speed and service I got when using CDMA. Being a heavy internet user once again I spend most of the month at speeds that were more at home 10 years ago.

Do you have a link to the 10GB offer, is it open to current customers?

totster smile.png

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For those who require more of an uncapped broadband solution, you could try one of the wireless PtP solutions like AIS AirNet, 3BB broadband wirelesss, TOT Wi-NET.

We've had good luck with some AIS AirNet installs recently.

I wasn't sure if the OP can accommodate this solution in his condo in Chiang Mai - although the antenna is fairly unobtrusive - or if he can meet the residency requirements for a contract.




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