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good relible Sip service?


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hi, I'm looking for a Sipm service, that will give a virtual thai phone number, that i can configure over my smartphone, and/or my compter/laptop - so that my gf can call me. i'd like it to be as cheap as can for outgoing calles aborad and in Thailand.



Edited by smile2life
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hi, I'm looking for a Sipm service, that will give a virtual thai phone number, that i can configure over my smartphone, and/or my compter/laptop - so that my gf can call me. i'd like it to be as cheap as can for outgoing calles aborad and in Thailand.



If it's just for your GF calling, why not just use one of the many voice apps available? Viber, Line, Tango, Skype, Facetime, Google Hangouts?

Why go through all the rigamarole of a SIP service with virtual Thai number (which can can expensive per month)?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Unless the GF has a smartphone, and reliable WiFi service, the suggested apps. will be of little use. (While some can perform on 3G, you'll spend far more on data than just making a simple call.) This would also require that that the OP have broadband service.

CAT (CAT2CALL), TOT (TOT NetCall) and True (NetTalk) all offer pre- and post-paid VoIP services, offering free/lower-cost calling to/from Thailand. There have been some decent threads on these services here in the past so a search might yield some additional detail?

Without a lot more detail from the OP re: the exact application, # of minutes per month, equipment in hand, location(s), networks, budget, etc., it is challenging to offer a single solution. That said, based on what little he did provide, a simple pre-paid calling card may be the easiest, simplest most straight-forward solution? Free local access for the GF, low calling rates to many locales, controllable expense, easy to add value, etc.

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