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95.5 percent of Crimeans vote for joining Russia


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Letter from Jürgen Todenhöfer (German peace activist) to Barack Obama - Link: http://astrologieklassisch.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/brief-von-jurgen-todenhofer-an-obama/


Dear Barack Obama,
were you in your speech on 26 March in Brussels tired, drunk or drugged? When you said the attack on your country Iraq is not as bad as the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Did you forget that the U.S. is in Iraq through their international unlawful war lies about half a million people murdered and bombed the country to a traumatized anarchy? Stunned also makes your assertion that the U.S. had the Iraqis their country so returned. With almost the same words were accustomed after the 2nd To World War II, mass rapists before courts martial excuse- they had desecrated the girls and women returned to their families after all. Never be ashamed? Annexation of the Crimea was clearly illegal. But she was at least bloodless. Unlike the over 30 military interventions in your country after 1945. The cost millions of people their lives. Or have you forgotten Vietnam yet?

You forget a lot. From 1845 until today raided and annexed the USA (!) : Texas, California, New Mexico , Arizona, Nevada , Utah, parts of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming , the Philippines (over 40 years ), as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The U.S. has much of an appetite and a huge stomach.

Your UN ambassador said that stolen land must be returned. Please Start with the Indians! The few that are left after the genocide committed against them and betrayal would be pleased.

2008 when you announced the Berliners before the Victory Column Their visions, I was among the 200,000 spectators. Also I thought you and shouted " Yes, we can ." Now I know you can not. You do not want too. You have betrayed almost all values for which they have set out. Even worse, they do not interest you.

To all that I've almost gotten used to. But listen to please, to mock people that your country has driven into misfortune - such as the Iraqis. Cynicism about people lying on the ground, is just pathetic.

your JT

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Letter from Jürgen Todenhöfer (German peace activist) to Barack Obama - Link: http://astrologieklassisch.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/brief-von-jurgen-todenhofer-an-obama/


Dear Barack Obama,

were you in your speech on 26 March in Brussels tired, drunk or drugged? When you said the attack on your country Iraq is not as bad as the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Did you forget that the U.S. is in Iraq through their international unlawful war lies about half a million people murdered and bombed the country to a traumatized anarchy? Stunned also makes your assertion that the U.S. had the Iraqis their country so returned. With almost the same words were accustomed after the 2nd To World War II, mass rapists before courts martial excuse- they had desecrated the girls and women returned to their families after all. Never be ashamed? Annexation of the Crimea was clearly illegal. But she was at least bloodless. Unlike the over 30 military interventions in your country after 1945. The cost millions of people their lives. Or have you forgotten Vietnam yet?

You forget a lot. From 1845 until today raided and annexed the USA (!) : Texas, California, New Mexico , Arizona, Nevada , Utah, parts of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming , the Philippines (over 40 years ), as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The U.S. has much of an appetite and a huge stomach.

Your UN ambassador said that stolen land must be returned. Please Start with the Indians! The few that are left after the genocide committed against them and betrayal would be pleased.

2008 when you announced the Berliners before the Victory Column Their visions, I was among the 200,000 spectators. Also I thought you and shouted " Yes, we can ." Now I know you can not. You do not want too. You have betrayed almost all values for which they have set out. Even worse, they do not interest you.

To all that I've almost gotten used to. But listen to please, to mock people that your country has driven into misfortune - such as the Iraqis. Cynicism about people lying on the ground, is just pathetic.

your JT

Wonder where this guy, or others like him, were in the 1930's when his homeland was begetting Adolph Hitler for all the world to enjoy?

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The Iraq situation is relevant as it's modern history, it is a source of shame to Americans with a conscience but it is true it wasn't about taking over their land. Obama doesn't need to defend Texas and California at this point. The objection about Crimea is Russia breaking the post WW2 rules of border respect and in doing so he has shaken up Europe in THIS era.

Edited by Jingthing
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Letter from Jürgen Todenhöfer (German peace activist) to Barack Obama - Link: http://astrologieklassisch.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/brief-von-jurgen-todenhofer-an-obama/


Dear Barack Obama,

were you in your speech on 26 March in Brussels tired, drunk or drugged? When you said the attack on your country Iraq is not as bad as the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Did you forget that the U.S. is in Iraq through their international unlawful war lies about half a million people murdered and bombed the country to a traumatized anarchy? Stunned also makes your assertion that the U.S. had the Iraqis their country so returned. With almost the same words were accustomed after the 2nd To World War II, mass rapists before courts martial excuse- they had desecrated the girls and women returned to their families after all. Never be ashamed? Annexation of the Crimea was clearly illegal. But she was at least bloodless. Unlike the over 30 military interventions in your country after 1945. The cost millions of people their lives. Or have you forgotten Vietnam yet?

You forget a lot. From 1845 until today raided and annexed the USA (!) : Texas, California, New Mexico , Arizona, Nevada , Utah, parts of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming , the Philippines (over 40 years ), as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The U.S. has much of an appetite and a huge stomach.

Your UN ambassador said that stolen land must be returned. Please Start with the Indians! The few that are left after the genocide committed against them and betrayal would be pleased.

2008 when you announced the Berliners before the Victory Column Their visions, I was among the 200,000 spectators. Also I thought you and shouted " Yes, we can ." Now I know you can not. You do not want too. You have betrayed almost all values for which they have set out. Even worse, they do not interest you.

To all that I've almost gotten used to. But listen to please, to mock people that your country has driven into misfortune - such as the Iraqis. Cynicism about people lying on the ground, is just pathetic.

your JT

Wonder where this guy, or others like him, were in the 1930's when his homeland was begetting Adolph Hitler for all the world to enjoy?

My friend, the answer to your question is very easy, since most of the people in the 1930's were doing and thinking the same way like you're doing it today.

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Letter from Jürgen Todenhöfer (German peace activist) to Barack Obama - Link: http://astrologieklassisch.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/brief-von-jurgen-todenhofer-an-obama/


Dear Barack Obama,

were you in your speech on 26 March in Brussels tired, drunk or drugged? When you said the attack on your country Iraq is not as bad as the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Did you forget that the U.S. is in Iraq through their international unlawful war lies about half a million people murdered and bombed the country to a traumatized anarchy? Stunned also makes your assertion that the U.S. had the Iraqis their country so returned. With almost the same words were accustomed after the 2nd To World War II, mass rapists before courts martial excuse- they had desecrated the girls and women returned to their families after all. Never be ashamed? Annexation of the Crimea was clearly illegal. But she was at least bloodless. Unlike the over 30 military interventions in your country after 1945. The cost millions of people their lives. Or have you forgotten Vietnam yet?

You forget a lot. From 1845 until today raided and annexed the USA (!) : Texas, California, New Mexico , Arizona, Nevada , Utah, parts of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming , the Philippines (over 40 years ), as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The U.S. has much of an appetite and a huge stomach.

Your UN ambassador said that stolen land must be returned. Please Start with the Indians! The few that are left after the genocide committed against them and betrayal would be pleased.

2008 when you announced the Berliners before the Victory Column Their visions, I was among the 200,000 spectators. Also I thought you and shouted " Yes, we can ." Now I know you can not. You do not want too. You have betrayed almost all values for which they have set out. Even worse, they do not interest you.

To all that I've almost gotten used to. But listen to please, to mock people that your country has driven into misfortune - such as the Iraqis. Cynicism about people lying on the ground, is just pathetic.

your JT

Wonder where this guy, or others like him, were in the 1930's when his homeland was begetting Adolph Hitler for all the world to enjoy?

My friend, the answer to your question is very easy, since most of the people in the 1930's were doing and thinking the same way like you're doing it today.

If you seem to think I am a fan of President Obama, you are sadly misinformed.

Mr. Todenhofer must have never heard of the Marshall Plan.

And, since I am a Texan, you should learn the history of the Texas war for independence from Mexico. Texas won independence from Mexico, formed their own Reputlic and entered the Union as a free Republic. There was no US invasion nor was anything stolen from the Mexicans.

Remember the Alamo!!!

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Russia recalls ambassador to NATO amid Ukraine tensions

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Russia recalled its ambassador to NATO for consultations Thursday, two days after NATO member countries suspended cooperation with Russia over the Ukraine crisis, Russian state media reported.

Col. Gen. Valery Yevnevich will return to Moscow in light of NATO's actions, official news agency ITAR-Tass said, citing Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov's remarks to journalists.

"The policy of (deliberately) whipping up tensions is not our choice. Nonetheless, we see no possibility to continue military cooperation with NATO in a routine regime," Antonov is quoted as saying.



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Russia recalls ambassador to NATO amid Ukraine tensions

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Russia recalled its ambassador to NATO for consultations Thursday, two days after NATO member countries suspended cooperation with Russia over the Ukraine crisis, Russian state media reported.

Col. Gen. Valery Yevnevich will return to Moscow in light of NATO's actions, official news agency ITAR-Tass said, citing Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov's remarks to journalists.

"The policy of (deliberately) whipping up tensions is not our choice. Nonetheless, we see no possibility to continue military cooperation with NATO in a routine regime," Antonov is quoted as saying.



Could anyone explain to me why the USA would, by their own admission, 'invest' $5 billion dollars over several years to destabalise a democratically elected government on a continent thousands of miles away, which was clearly in the Russian sphere of influence, resulting in a violent coup replacing said government with a hand picked non elected USA friendly government, and expect Russia to just shrug their shoulders and accept it? Seems a bit naive to me!

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Russia recalls ambassador to NATO amid Ukraine tensions

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Russia recalled its ambassador to NATO for consultations Thursday, two days after NATO member countries suspended cooperation with Russia over the Ukraine crisis, Russian state media reported.

Col. Gen. Valery Yevnevich will return to Moscow in light of NATO's actions, official news agency ITAR-Tass said, citing Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov's remarks to journalists.

"The policy of (deliberately) whipping up tensions is not our choice. Nonetheless, we see no possibility to continue military cooperation with NATO in a routine regime," Antonov is quoted as saying.



Could anyone explain to me why the USA would, by their own admission, 'invest' $5 billion dollars over several years to destabalise a democratically elected government on a continent thousands of miles away, which was clearly in the Russian sphere of influence, resulting in a violent coup replacing said government with a hand picked non elected USA friendly government, and expect Russia to just shrug their shoulders and accept it? Seems a bit naive to me!

Russia broke away from the International Monetary Fund and that will not be allowed. He is now developing his own version of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) along with his own version of Master Card and Visa. He is nationalizing his banks and encouraging his major trading partners to join him in his efforts. He has culled his government of Dual citizens and stopped those left to bank only in Russia. Nobody with a citizenship other than Russian can run a Bank within Russia. He is setting up all of Russia's international business to be conducted in Roubles instead of dollars. He orchestrated the move out of $100 billion in US treasury bills. I could go on and on but time does not permit and this topic is why did 95.5% of Crimeans vote to join Russia.

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Russia recalls ambassador to NATO amid Ukraine tensions

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Russia recalled its ambassador to NATO for consultations Thursday, two days after NATO member countries suspended cooperation with Russia over the Ukraine crisis, Russian state media reported.

Col. Gen. Valery Yevnevich will return to Moscow in light of NATO's actions, official news agency ITAR-Tass said, citing Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov's remarks to journalists.

"The policy of (deliberately) whipping up tensions is not our choice. Nonetheless, we see no possibility to continue military cooperation with NATO in a routine regime," Antonov is quoted as saying.



Could anyone explain to me why the USA would, by their own admission, 'invest' $5 billion dollars over several years to destabalise a democratically elected government on a continent thousands of miles away, which was clearly in the Russian sphere of influence, resulting in a violent coup replacing said government with a hand picked non elected USA friendly government, and expect Russia to just shrug their shoulders and accept it? Seems a bit naive to me!

Russia broke away from the International Monetary Fund and that will not be allowed. He is now developing his own version of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) along with his own version of Master Card and Visa. He is nationalizing his banks and encouraging his major trading partners to join him in his efforts. He has culled his government of Dual citizens and stopped those left to bank only in Russia. Nobody with a citizenship other than Russian can run a Bank within Russia. He is setting up all of Russia's international business to be conducted in Roubles instead of dollars. He orchestrated the move out of $100 billion in US treasury bills. I could go on and on but time does not permit and this topic is why did 95.5% of Crimeans vote to join Russia.

The BRICS countries already have an agreement to conduct all trade between each other in each other's currencies instead of USD.

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Russia recalls ambassador to NATO amid Ukraine tensions

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Russia recalled its ambassador to NATO for consultations Thursday, two days after NATO member countries suspended cooperation with Russia over the Ukraine crisis, Russian state media reported.

Col. Gen. Valery Yevnevich will return to Moscow in light of NATO's actions, official news agency ITAR-Tass said, citing Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov's remarks to journalists.

"The policy of (deliberately) whipping up tensions is not our choice. Nonetheless, we see no possibility to continue military cooperation with NATO in a routine regime," Antonov is quoted as saying.



Could anyone explain to me why the USA would, by their own admission, 'invest' $5 billion dollars over several years to destabalise a democratically elected government on a continent thousands of miles away, which was clearly in the Russian sphere of influence, resulting in a violent coup replacing said government with a hand picked non elected USA friendly government, and expect Russia to just shrug their shoulders and accept it? Seems a bit naive to me!

Russia broke away from the International Monetary Fund and that will not be allowed. He is now developing his own version of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) along with his own version of Master Card and Visa. He is nationalizing his banks and encouraging his major trading partners to join him in his efforts. He has culled his government of Dual citizens and stopped those left to bank only in Russia. Nobody with a citizenship other than Russian can run a Bank within Russia. He is setting up all of Russia's international business to be conducted in Roubles instead of dollars. He orchestrated the move out of $100 billion in US treasury bills. I could go on and on but time does not permit and this topic is why did 95.5% of Crimeans vote to join Russia.

The BRICS countries already have an agreement to conduct all trade between each other in each other's currencies instead of USD.

Of course they do. It wasn't long after a series of BRICS meetings that a great deal of negative press on Putin began to heat up. Putin and his theories on International banking and economics were the inspiration for BRICS.

Edited by Pakboong
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Vlad is now threatening to turn off the gas supplies to Ukraine unless they pay in advance and this will have an impact on euro gas supplies to germany etc ,as theyre getting twitchy about all the provocation from the US and euro countries .As farage said the EU and US is responsible for undermining a democratically elected gumment and replacing it with an extreme right wing bunch of thugs .

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