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I write to ask if you can recommend a pill suitable for treating anxiety. I suffer from anxiety sometimes and feel it would be prudent to take a pill to help chill me out. I thought about valium but dont want to get addicted to anything.

What about herbal medicines?

I dont want an anti depressant as I don't believe that Im depressed. I simply get wired up sometimes which Im unsure is lined to a minor blood pressure issue.

If your taking something at the moment or have in the past can you share your opinion?

many thanks

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You can research about Aswagandha, Valerian root, Tagara and Rhodiola. Then decide which one best fits into your requirement. They are herbal supplements - anti stress, soothing, non-habit farming and no known side effects.

Wishing You Peace

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I have had anxiety for years. The doctor put me on Lexapro and after about 4 weeks the anxiety is gone Thats it no more suffering

You may or may not have a condition Go see the doctor and talk with them They may know what to do

Good luck

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If you try all the natural methods and find they don't work, then Sertraline 50mg (Zoloft - SSRI) might help. You can get it over the counter in Thailand. My sweet spot is 50mg (some take 25 - 100++). I do not have a drugged out feeling like on Zanax (Valium), my head is clear. When stressful things happen, I stay calm. I'm also sleeping rather well since starting on it (I'm a chronic insomniac so this is a big deal for me).

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Be aware that the prescription drugs mentioned above such as Lexapro, Sertraline etc...can become so addictive that you need to go in "rehab" to kick off.

These drugs can have excellent short term effects but MUST be taken under supervision of a doctor


Advising someone to "take" an SSRI is irresponsible.

There are a number of side effects caused by this medication some, very serious. (look up for instance "Serotonin syndrome")

Withdrawal from this medication can also be problematic.

Individuals may "treat" themselves with whatever they wish -----------advising others to do the same is dangerous and potentially life threatening.

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Not advisable to take Sertraline (or other SSRIs), Lexapro or Dextin on your own without at least consulting a doctor first, at a minimum baseline liver function needs to be assessed.

OP does not however seem to indicate that the anxiety is severe enough to warrant heavy pharmaceuticals....

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Anxiety is an emotion thank creates physical reaction when we were cave men we relied on the fight or flight response today we still rely on this response but for many different reasons

there are many videos on utube with affirmation s to assit you realxing and dealing with panic attacks etc Diazapapan and beer not the way to go

Good luck

tru the Charles linden course


If you try all the natural methods and find they don't work, then Sertraline 50mg (Zoloft - SSRI) might help. You can get it over the counter in Thailand. My sweet spot is 50mg (some take 25 - 100++). I do not have a drugged out feeling like on Zanax (Valium), my head is clear. When stressful things happen, I stay calm. I'm also sleeping rather well since starting on it (I'm a chronic insomniac so this is a big deal for me).

I'm on 200mg a day and its turned my life around[zoloft] no feelings of being adversely affected and have forgotten to take a few times with no side effects ,but thats me may affect different people different ways


Exercise,diet...and probiotics...(totally agree with mindfulness and yoga too)


Epicurus says we need 3 things to be happy....

Good luck.

Epicureanism: 3 ingredients for a happy life:

1. Friends – Greatest possession in the world

2. Freedom – Being one’s own boss / working for yourself

3. Self understanding – Leading an analyzed life

- See more at: http://standstrong.tv/jane-mcadam-freud-on-epicureanism-3-ingredients-for-happiness/#sthash.qqaCyMqp.dpuf
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If it's occasional then propranolol can help - it's a beta blocker and I've taken it with success for symptoms of anxiety when I was previously in a very stressful time in my career. This was prescribed for me in the UK so I've no idea if it's available here without a script.

I'd definitely agree with some of the points above, I'd avoid anti-depressants unless you really think it's required - my mum has suffered a number of times with severe depression and while I have a huge amount of respect for what the right medication can do, the wrong medication can have some really negative sides.

Get to the gym, cardio and lifting some heavy weights really will help you. Also while I know some people think it's woo woo stuff mindfulness and meditation have helped me no end through difficult times. Even if you have no belief in the spiritual aspect, learning to control a racing mind is no bad thing. Cosmo88 was on the money.


Did not read all posts above (may have been mentioned), but stay away from Xanax. The stuff works great. Really great. Also highly addictive and withdrawals are epic. Like dropping into a black hole suicidally epic, in some cases. (According to case studies.) I use it occasionally, but never been addictive type.

Indeed, best is exercise. Push yourself, max out every day, get plenty of solid sleep. I generally go for that... and cocktail hour. (Addictive type on that one.)

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You may or may not be depressed (anxiety is often associated with depression). And who knows whether your high BP is a result of something else or your anxiety.

As with any medical problem, you need to get treatment. A doctor (General Practitioner) would at least be able to examine you and assess whether you ought to see a specialist to help deal with your anxiety.

There are many medications out there that can help with various conditions related to anxiety. You need to have a specialist find out exactly what is wrong with you first.


If it's occasional then propranolol can help - it's a beta blocker and I've taken it with success for symptoms of anxiety when I was previously in a very stressful time in my career. This was prescribed for me in the UK so I've no idea if it's available here without a script.

It's available OTC and costs very little. However it's a medicine for hypertension, blood pressure must be monitored.

EDIT: hyper, not hypo.


Do not take any pills at all as most people get addicted and are on them for life or go through 'hell' trying to come off them. Better try doing some vigorous exercise for an hour each day treadmill, jogging or fast walking. Try yoga or having a physical massage. Also make sure you are on a good healthy diet. Good luck to you.


Surly the proper place to look for advice of this nature is from a proper qualified medical practitioner. We are all individuals and what works for one person may not be suitable for another, also ....if you are at present on any medication this has to be taken into the reckoning.


Did not read all posts above (may have been mentioned), but stay away from Xanax. The stuff works great. Really great. Also highly addictive and withdrawals are epic. Like dropping into a black hole suicidally epic, in some cases. (According to case studies.) I use it occasionally, but never been addictive type.

Indeed, best is exercise. Push yourself, max out every day, get plenty of solid sleep. I generally go for that... and cocktail hour. (Addictive type on that one.)

I would have to disagree. You have not asked for specifics, and just are assuming the worst. I have taken Xanax for 30 years. I have a prescription for Xanax and take one only when anxiety is a problem. This happens, for some unknown reason, about once every 30 days, and even then my dosage is only 0.25mg, for three days in a row. Problem then has gone away. You would be hard pressed to call this an addiction, even after 30 years. Xanax is very effective at helping people during those times when it is needed.


By the way, you can only get Xanax with a doctors prescription in Thailand. They banned it a year ago for the silly excuse that it was the drug that was being used as a knock-out drug by thieving ladyboys. That must have been one huge dose. My dosage takes two hours before I begin to get tired.


My daughter suffered for years. Rescue Remedy a herbal cure worked . When leaving home she always has bottled water with a few drops of Rescue Remedy in it. I'm not sure if they sell it here you could try looking at pharmacies here, if not Ebay or Amazon has it.


The various recommendations by the well-meaning folks above are interesting.

They aim to treat (mask) the symptoms.

They do little or nothing about the underlying cause.

For that, professional help is essential.


Most anxiolytics require prescriptions and cannot be sold OTC/pharmacies.

I have found Tranxene (Clorazepate) to be an effective anxiolytic and it tends to have less drowsiness effects then valium or Xanax but like all benzodiazepines tolerance and dependence can develop.

Ativan (Lorazepam) has higher potency and more likely to result in rebound affects if used for prolonged periods.

Atarax (Hydroxyzine) can be purchased OTC though commonly used to relieve itching and other symptoms caused by allergic conditions the calming effects of hydroxyzine can also be used to manage anxiety and tension caused by situations such as acute emotional problems. 10mg should suffice but it will cause significant drowsiness so avoid driving after taking it.

I'd advise using medication as a last resort. Try finding something that relaxes you, putting your feet in warm water, massages, drinking warm milk, or listening to soothing music. It all else fails then you need to consult your doctor before trying to self prescribe anxiolytics as you can easily develop dependency.

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