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Pill to assist with anxiety


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Some people favour St John's Wort. It's herbal, and gives you a lift, but without the fiercer lift of prozac and the modern heavies.

I took it a few years back, and it worked OK for a few weeks. IF you can get it in LOS, make sure you check the interactions. There are 1 or 2 other drugs which you cannot take with it.

Swimming, walking etc are definitely underrated. Charles Dickens allegedly suffered from depression/anxiety (in the days before Valium or Prozac), so he walked 10-12 miles every day. Exercise releases the brain's natural chemical highs (which is why you always feel good after swimming, riding or playing football--whatever it is that you do).

If your anxiety is more than temporary or if it gets worse, you may need therapy/counselling or some type of tablet. Different tablets suit different people. In general, I am against 'artificial' chemicals, but if the effects of your anxiety are disabling, and you cannot work or function in social situations, then you may need something stronger, but do not self-prescribe as there are many pills out there. The 'Valium family' of pills has a completely different action to stuff like Prozac, and beta-blockers (propanolol etc.) are actually drugs which steady the heart rate and blood pressure--they may have some use in conjunction with other drugs but are not often used as the primary drug for anxiety.


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Once again I say try eating durian it is high in serotonin plus very high in many vitamins . It is not called the king of fruits for nothing . Google benifits of durian you will be amazed . I was diagnosed with depression and took drugs for 4 years but my girlfriend hates drugs and convinced me to try Durian and I must say along with 1 hour of walking everyday plus a little swimming I have never felt better . But what works for one might not work for another . We also drink every morning a fresh kale ,carrot ,pear and ginger juice . I wish you all the best and hope you are feeling better soon . Cheers

P.S. If you do try durian a piece the size of an apple is plenty a day .

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I went to go buy this pill, but got to anxious and turned around. Then I had it shipped. Too anxious to open the box.

exercise is key. and not just going slow. go out and rock it!!!!

i will try durian. and just hold my nose.

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Please Read This

There is one major cause of over 80% of anxiety.....it is breathing!!!!!!!! Yes definitely begin exercising everyday for at least 30 minutes



you can easily read up on it by googling it.... but basically your body produces GABA but people who suffer from anxiety have lower or decreased levels in their body. GABA is an amino acid, you need to increase your levels.....you will not believe all of the benefits of restoring your GABA levels in your body....no more anxiety.....more peace on your life.....more focus....

I hope you will take this advise

It will also help you to eat more green vegetables.....which are sometimes hard to find in Thailand....

Good Luck

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OP "I write to ask if you can recommend a pill suitable for treating anxiety. I suffer from anxiety sometimes and feel it would be prudent to take a pill to help chill me out. I thought about valium but dont want to get addicted to anything".

Have you identified and tried dealing with the cause of your anxiety?

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Lots of great info above. Truly on board with most. Exercise, meditation, all good and in fact great for controlling a racing mind. Prescription drugs. Well, tread cautiously, and only as a last resort after truly buying into the effort involved and trying the great advice given above.

Only thing I would add, and what has worked for me, is after doing a little research, after having my Thai Wife weigh in on issue of anxiety and stress several years ago was to boil up some lemon grass tea. Her Mom passed this down to her. I then researched it on the internet. Truly works, and also helps with sleep. At least that is what they say it will do, and it worked for me.......................................

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Did not read all posts above (may have been mentioned), but stay away from Xanax. The stuff works great. Really great. Also highly addictive and withdrawals are epic. Like dropping into a black hole suicidally epic, in some cases. (According to case studies.) I use it occasionally, but never been addictive type.

Indeed, best is exercise. Push yourself, max out every day, get plenty of solid sleep. I generally go for that... and cocktail hour. (Addictive type on that one.)

I would have to disagree. You have not asked for specifics, and just are assuming the worst. I have taken Xanax for 30 years. I have a prescription for Xanax and take one only when anxiety is a problem. This happens, for some unknown reason, about once every 30 days, and even then my dosage is only 0.25mg, for three days in a row. Problem then has gone away. You would be hard pressed to call this an addiction, even after 30 years. Xanax is very effective at helping people during those times when it is needed.


By the way, you can only get Xanax with a doctors prescription in Thailand. They banned it a year ago for the silly excuse that it was the drug that was being used as a knock-out drug by thieving ladyboys. That must have been one huge dose. My dosage takes two hours before I begin to get tired.

You are correct in that the dosing schedule you maintain will likely not cause addiction, though the argument for reliance can be made(30 years).

Problem is with benzos that many do get addicted, do take more than the suggested dosing, etc etc. Benzo withdrawal can be a medical emegency like alcohol withdrawal.

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Propranolol; has been used for anxiety. because it can slow the HR and lower BP you should have a ecg and basic check up before.

Benzos; work but cause drowsiness and addiction potential, horrendous withdrawal.

Herbal stuff may also work

One other OTC pill thats been used for anxiety is benadryl. it is typically for itching and allergic reactions but a side effect is drowsiness calming. shouldnt drive or operate machinery, etc etc.

Exercise can do wonders as well as keeping your mind busy.

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Did not read all posts above (may have been mentioned), but stay away from Xanax. The stuff works great. Really great. Also highly addictive and withdrawals are epic. Like dropping into a black hole suicidally epic, in some cases. (According to case studies.) I use it occasionally, but never been addictive type.

Indeed, best is exercise. Push yourself, max out every day, get plenty of solid sleep. I generally go for that... and cocktail hour. (Addictive type on that one.)

I would have to disagree. You have not asked for specifics, and just are assuming the worst. I have taken Xanax for 30 years. I have a prescription for Xanax and take one only when anxiety is a problem. This happens, for some unknown reason, about once every 30 days, and even then my dosage is only 0.25mg, for three days in a row. Problem then has gone away. You would be hard pressed to call this an addiction, even after 30 years. Xanax is very effective at helping people during those times when it is needed.


By the way, you can only get Xanax with a doctors prescription in Thailand. They banned it a year ago for the silly excuse that it was the drug that was being used as a knock-out drug by thieving ladyboys. That must have been one huge dose. My dosage takes two hours before I begin to get tired.

You are correct in that the dosing schedule you maintain will likely not cause addiction, though the argument for reliance can be made(30 years).

Problem is with benzos that many do get addicted, do take more than the suggested dosing, etc etc. Benzo withdrawal can be a medical emegency like alcohol withdrawal.

Thank you for coreecting stoli, with whom I've had this argument once before. His consumption is not going to create a depency, so he seems to assume that, based on his experience, benzos are fine. What irresponsible tosh. Millions of people take benzos on a daily basis - not sporadically like he does - and that is where the problem begins. You don't get addicted, you develop a dependency. Coming off it is hell, and I talk from first hand experience. The multiple faux heart attacks and strokes leave you a quivering mess.

But to address the OP, having survived withdrawal from chemicals (benzos), and come out the other side and trying to get my life back together again, all I can say is to repeat what other posters have said. The things that have helped me the most are purely physical and metaphysical - regular exercise, meditation, mindfulness and a bloody good sense of humour.

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While some people prefer Valerian as an herbal solution for anxiety, I personally find Skullcap to be extremely effective. You can get it in tea, capsule, or tincture form (I like the capsules). Also, Ashwagandha (which someone already mentioned) is also great. I prefer Ashwagandha in tincture form. Kava Kava and Passionflower are also good options. Chamomile tea seems to do it for some people.

Everyone is different, so you need to find what works for you. Valerian doesn't do it for me (but it does work for others), while, like I said, Skullcap does. However, I have friends who swear on Kava Kava.

It's also important to do your research and to be careful. For example, Skullcap and Kava Kava should never be mixed with alcohol.

And, I'll echo all the posters who mention exercise and breathing techniques. You should try out a few different types of exercise and see what works for you. For me, personally, long runs and yoga do me a lot of good.

Edited by sheachristine
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As "Uptheos" put it or in other words, help the OP, anyone?? Diazepam won't work, Xanax does but now is illegal in Thailand. Zolam, the substitute does work but you need a subscription from a doctor which is pennies on the dollar. Request 2 months supply for 3 times a day.

All the herbal remedies are just....well opinions of smoke & wishful thinking.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I find some of the posts warning about near instant drug addiction and misuse of drugs to be over the top. Far too many people put too much trust in doctors ... when doctors often do not pay attention to patient needs. Doctors often prescribe the wrong medications, too many conflicting drugs prescribed and not listening to the patient... And I am talking about American doctors ... I don't expect Thai doctors to be any better... So I say - GET EDUCATED and help yourself. Be cautious -- but being paranoid about self-treatment is silly. There is a wealth of education on the web.

SAMe S-Adenosyl Methionine is a great remedy for anxiety and mild depression. And please read up ... anxiety and depression are often related -- flip side of the same coin.


SAMe works well for mild depression and anxiety without over medicating.

SAMe has been available as an Over The Counter (OTC) medication in the USA since 1999 - sold in such places as Walmart and most major drug stores. One of the best things about SAMe it is not addicting ... I took it daily for 10 years - came to Thailand - haven't found a source yet... Absolutely no withdrawal symptoms.

Just read on another Thaivisa.com thread that SAMe is available at Thaihealth, 1st Floor, Smart Brain Building,

1st Road, Pattaya. 20260... But I am not near Pattaya right now. But this tells me it can be found elsewhere in Thailand. I have found that some of the pharmacies in Thailand will special order items... I got some Saw Palmetto Extract that way just recently.

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Hello, sorry to hear about your anxiety, I am sure it's hard enough to deal with not to mention trying to find something that works for you to correct the problem. I hope i can help you in anyway. This is a suggestion only: Have you ever considered you maybe asking the wrong question? Instead of asking what drug or herb can i take to fix A,B, or C ; try asking What am I toxic with or deficient from?

The body has basic needs, we function chemically, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. There is never just one element that has to be fixed in order to be at your best, it's typically finding a balance in each area of your life. There will never be a pill that will fix anything; pills may help with symptoms but there is no fix from a pill.

All solutions are within, sometimes you need a coach, or professional guidance to help in learning how to help yourself, but nobody can help you and hurt you more than you. Learning a few basic healing principles can help you be on your way to correcting your not just anxiety issues; but anything else that maybe holding you back from being 100%.

Best Wishes to you. Hope i can help.

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Do not take any pills at all as most people get addicted and are on them for life or go through 'hell' trying to come off them. Better try doing some vigorous exercise for an hour each day treadmill, jogging or fast walking. Try yoga or having a physical massage. Also make sure you are on a good healthy diet. Good luck to you.

Absolute rubbsih

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Difficult to suggest anything as people do have different reactions to drugs. Personally, I find diazepam (Valium) to be very effective for anxiety and I don't feel any desire to take it for recreational purposes. I'd prefer to find a non-pharmaceutical remedy but in the meantime I still need to be able to function as normally as possible. It doesn't make me drowsy, although it did the first few times I took it. The hypnotic effect of diazepam pretty much disappears if you use it for any length of time.

However, I have come across people who have serious issues with benzodiazepines so people are right to recommend caution.

I have tried Valerian root and it does have a certain calming effect but nowhere near as strong as diazepam. Cognitive behavioural therapy is what I believe I need but there do not appear to be any practitioners in Thailand, at least according to my doctor anyway.

if you suffer from social anxiety, i.e. you are only nervous / anxious when around other people, you can obtain an audio CBT course that may be useful.

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Difficult to suggest anything as people do have different reactions to drugs. Personally, I find diazepam (Valium) to be very effective for anxiety and I don't feel any desire to take it for recreational purposes. I'd prefer to find a non-pharmaceutical remedy but in the meantime I still need to be able to function as normally as possible. It doesn't make me drowsy, although it did the first few times I took it. The hypnotic effect of diazepam pretty much disappears if you use it for any length of time.

However, I have come across people who have serious issues with benzodiazepines so people are right to recommend caution.

I have tried Valerian root and it does have a certain calming effect but nowhere near as strong as diazepam. Cognitive behavioural therapy is what I believe I need but there do not appear to be any practitioners in Thailand, at least according to my doctor anyway.

if you suffer from social anxiety, i.e. you are only nervous / anxious when around other people, you can obtain an audio CBT course that may be useful.

There are therapists doing CBT in Thailand. See the pinned mental health thread.

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Difficult to suggest anything as people do have different reactions to drugs. Personally, I find diazepam (Valium) to be very effective for anxiety and I don't feel any desire to take it for recreational purposes. I'd prefer to find a non-pharmaceutical remedy but in the meantime I still need to be able to function as normally as possible. It doesn't make me drowsy, although it did the first few times I took it. The hypnotic effect of diazepam pretty much disappears if you use it for any length of time.

However, I have come across people who have serious issues with benzodiazepines so people are right to recommend caution.

I have tried Valerian root and it does have a certain calming effect but nowhere near as strong as diazepam. Cognitive behavioural therapy is what I believe I need but there do not appear to be any practitioners in Thailand, at least according to my doctor anyway.

if you suffer from social anxiety, i.e. you are only nervous / anxious when around other people, you can obtain an audio CBT course that may be useful.

There are therapists doing CBT in Thailand. See the pinned mental health thread.

Ah yes, thanks. Perhaps he meant in Chiang Mai - I couldn't see any in this area. I know there is a clinical psychologist in Chiang Mai who has been "learning CBT" but I am not sure whether that counts or not.

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The best thing is exercise & a consistent routine hobby & a balanced diet. Anti-depressants are as addicting as cigarettes & will forever alter your brain chemistry. Anti-depressants like many anti-anxiety pills do more damage than good in the long run. The major problem with them is the body becomes addicted quicker than you notice. Even the withdrawal effect is much stronger than stated by doctors, the withdrawal symptoms can easily be the same as that of a full-time heroine addict. Also take notice, at least in the US, doctors get kick-backs from pharmaceutical companies for pushing their "legalized" drugs.

And so....the why to stop funding money to charities claiming to be looking for cures of whatever. Which is all Charities. But however idiots are born daily, or better said are not, but US school teachers, professors will make sure the end result is the same.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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