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Small Business Loans

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Are there other sources to receive financing in Thailand other than banks? I am wanting to open a retail store in the Siam area but the banks won't touch me since I do not own any property in Thailand.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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I have seen advertising boards about UIK-Quick Cash promoting instant cash within 24Hrs. You will see the telephone numbers in Bus stands. Sorry..I do not have much details..May be it can be helpful to you..try..

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Our company does from time to time; accept listings from companies that are in need of venture capital. The company or individuals seeking a joint venture partner must of course have a detailed business plan.

We accept all expenses and only collect a fee if we find an individual or corporation who actually invests in your concept. We work on a success fee basis of amount raised, only after you agree to accept which has our fee included. More important, we do it in a confidential matter.

Your listing not only goes on our website, but in our weekly newsletter to over 12,000 individuals in Thailand, four other websites, Thailand Opportunities magazine, Big Chili and other Thai newspapers. We also introduce it to the Sunbelt network of over 350,000 registered buyers.

We have 24 associates on our staff that interview potential partners and they sign a strictly worded confidentiality contract before the business plan is disclosed.

If this meets with your approval, I'll send a list of questions for the listing paperwork after you e-mail me. We then can meet afterwards and discuss it further.


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Are there other sources to receive financing in Thailand other than banks? I am wanting to open a retail store in the Siam area but the banks won't touch me since I do not own any property in Thailand.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


There are so many opportunities in Thailand to get funding. It comes to the point of how well you are connected and how much of your own funds you bring in.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Are there other sources to receive financing in Thailand other than banks? I am wanting to open a retail store in the Siam area but the banks won't touch me since I do not own any property in Thailand.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


He musta been a troll. First and last posting ... over a month ago.

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I'm not a troll. I have just spend the last month between Chiang Rai, Lampang, & Kampangpet. Although I like this board, it's not my life. Unlike you Dr. Pat Pong who must have nothing better else to do than go back and look at old posts and see if that person has posted again. If this is all you are doing now it is time for you to go back home.

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