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No alcohol sells the next 2 weekends.

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Friday night get drunker than an Irish sailor,by the time you're able to even look at a beer the crisis will be over.wink.png

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I must admit I did laugh when I went to buy a case of beer in Tesco and they pointed me to the sign banning sale during certain hours. But they told me if I bought two it was OK, so I did.

I was under the impression that the law was there to prevent alcohol sales.


Over a certain volume of alcohol the rules change from retail to wholesale. There are no hours restrictions on wholesale alcohol sales.



^^ 10l (thus one case not enough).

Indeed, a daft rule that no doubt winds up an already wound up populous; brought in by none other than... yep you guessed, T & co. Well, the curtailed hours at the least. Remember when it was all 24/7?

And yes, these threads to tend to draw in the gloater. Think about those in the trade that are getting the shaft. It's all about the principal and logic. :$


10 litres need to be bought, so could I go into a bar and pay for 16 big bottles for me and 4 friends?


According to this it is only to 4 pm tomorrow afternoon.w00t.gifdrunk.gif

The EC ready for pre-election tomorrow; targeting 70% voter turnout

BANGKOKarrow-10x10.png, 22 March 2014 (NNT) - The Election Commission's Secretary-General Puchong Nutrawong, has announced that all preparations for the pre-election tomorrow have been completed. Opening hours are from 08.00-16.00hr. The EC believes that there won't be any political obstruction nor blockage. Moreover, 70% of 2,100,000 people who registered for pre-election are expected to show up for voting. Eligible voters can check their polling station at www.khonthai.com

According to election law, not only is selling alcohol prohibited from 18.00hr on the 22nd of March to 16.00hr on the 23rd of March, but also electoral campaigning near polling stations is not allowed.

After the election finishes, all senatorial candidates are requested to submit to the EC, a financial statement of the electoral campaign within 90 days.

For those who registered for pre-election but are no longer available for the election on March 23, the EC must be informed in order to rearrange the constituency and advise polling stations ahead of the 30th March election.

-- NNT 2014-03-22



According to this it is only to 4 pm tomorrow afternoon.w00t.gifdrunk.gif

The EC ready for pre-election tomorrow; targeting 70% voter turnout

BANGKOKarrow-10x10.png, 22 March 2014 (NNT) - The Election Commission's Secretary-General Puchong Nutrawong, has announced that all preparations for the pre-election tomorrow have been completed. Opening hours are from 08.00-16.00hr. The EC believes that there won't be any political obstruction nor blockage. Moreover, 70% of 2,100,000 people who registered for pre-election are expected to show up for voting. Eligible voters can check their polling station at www.khonthai.com

According to election law, not only is selling alcohol prohibited from 18.00hr on the 22nd of March to 16.00hr on the 23rd of March, but also electoral campaigning near polling stations is not allowed.

After the election finishes, all senatorial candidates are requested to submit to the EC, a financial statement of the electoral campaign within 90 days.

For those who registered for pre-election but are no longer available for the election on March 23, the EC must be informed in order to rearrange the constituency and advise polling stations ahead of the 30th March election.


-- NNT 2014-03-22


It Is interisting that your quote shows the limit until 1600 on Sunday and not 2359 (midnight) on Sunday night as stated elsewhere. Is this just a BKK thing or have we got it all wrong here in CM?


It Is interisting that your quote shows the limit until 1600 on Sunday and not 2359 (midnight) on Sunday night as stated elsewhere. Is this just a BKK thing or have we got it all wrong here in CM?

National News Bureau of Thailand that gives this report is national not Chiang Mai specific.


Sure are conflicts..Ask the BiB's.


"The four dates selected for voting, March 23 and 30 for the senator election and April 20 and 27 for the MP election, fall on Sundays. In accordance with the law, alcohol bans will begin at 6pm the night before and extend to midnight on the day of the election."


It Is interisting that your quote shows the limit until 1600 on Sunday and not 2359 (midnight) on Sunday night as stated elsewhere. Is this just a BKK thing or have we got it all wrong here in CM?

National News Bureau of Thailand that gives this report is national not Chiang Mai specific.

I know the NNB of T is Thai wide (teh secret is in the title after all!) but the paragraph heading states Bangkok and 'could/may' imply that the whole article aplies to just BKK. I am just saying that yet more confussion.

As a matter of interest the staff at a certain bar just inside the moat claimed to know nothing about 'no booze after 1800 etc' when I explained I would not see their lovely smiles till Monday!

Confusion and ignorance rules!


Late posting this..Cheers.

posted Today, 17:44

RT@underexpose: REMINDER: Thailand nationwide alcohol ban starts in twenty minutes.

I'll drink to this.burp.gif


Late posting this..Cheers.

posted Today, 17:44

RT@underexpose: REMINDER: Thailand nationwide alcohol ban starts in twenty minutes.

I'll drink to this.burp.gif

I am. Football is good on the TV in the bar I am in (if you are a chelsea supporter and a blind referee).

Let's drink to these laws and blind referees!


None of you can call yourselves true alchies if you find these 'dry' spells a problem. Firstly, you should always have a back-up supply prepared, failing that, prepare to stock up before such an event. Failing that, just buy it from the mom and pop store.

I'm not having any problem.



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None of you can call yourselves true alchies if you find these 'dry' spells a problem. Firstly, you should always have a back-up supply prepared, failing that, prepare to stock up before such an event. Failing that, just buy it from the mom and pop store.

I'm not having any problem.



What dry spells ?

I just got home from shopping to stock up on steak and snags for the barbie this arvo and grabbed 2 slab's of piss from the mom and pop store.

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I was told as recently as Thursday and Friday by bar managers and employees that they could stay open this weekend - apparently the police did not get the word out much in advance.

Not a problem to find a drink though if you know where to go.


We walked through a bit of the old city and down Sridonchai Road last night. The only place not serving alcohol was 7-11!

Sent from my GT-I8552 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Police closed all the Loi Kroh bars on Saturday night, I think the rest of Chiang Mai was open as usual.

No booze enforcement on Sunday as far as I know.


Am I the only one really living in Thailand? Most 'mom n pop' stores will sell alcohol, and so will many 'bars.' Of course, you may have to drink your beer out of a coffee cup.

Which is great is you have a 'mom n Pop" store nearby which few tourists will....

These threads bring out some of the really "holier/Thai-er than thou' posters on the forum - the "if you can't handle a few days without a drink" then stay home" merchants/prats...makes it pretty clear who don't wear the pants in their houses and whose wives don't let them go out too much...

Ignoring their pointless posts...yup, indeed this is a fine case of Thailand showing itself to be stuck in some preposterous archaic mindset where a handful of stuffed shirts feel the need to sit on the population while they get bollocksed in their Ivory Towers....

For those who claim this won't harm tourism, I suggest you ask some tourists over the coming weekends as they wander around their respective destinations trying to find a bit of night life to (God forbid) enjoy on their holidays and share your 'wisdom' with them Suradit....I doubt Thailand will be high on their list of places to return to next holiday....

Well, just for you I went tourista--I spent Saturday 3/29 in Nana Plaza and drank all day without a problem; after 6pm I had to drink out of a glass and pay as I went. It was the same all up and down Soi Nana, only place I saw closed was the falang-owned Tavern. Talk about a "preposterous archaic mindset where a handful of stuffed shirts feel the need to sit on the population while they get bollocksed in their Ivory Towers.... "

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do people really have any problems finding alcohol on ban days??? I have only been here 2 years now but have never had a problem finding a cold beer on Wan Makabucha or the like...it really ISNT that hard if you know where to go...i.e. NOT 7-11 and those shops, but your mom and pop store on the corner...ain't nothing going to stop them from selling the stuff

Totally agree, I just don't understand why some can't find alcohol, really?

A few like to give 'expert' opinions on how it is in Thailand.......Finger on the pulse type of comments...............But can't seem to grasp the basics of living here, or have any idea as to what is going on around them.


I must admit I did laugh when I went to buy a case of beer in Tesco and they pointed me to the sign banning sale during certain hours. But they told me if I bought two it was OK, so I did.

I was under the impression that the law was there to prevent alcohol sales.


Perhaps they want you to indulge in binge drinking...wai2.gif

As far as I am aware of you can by Alcohol even during these hours if you buy more than 13 litres of it. It is assumed that you bulk-purchase alcohol for re-sale (e.g. your own business). Somebody correct me if I'm wrong...


I must admit I did laugh when I went to buy a case of beer in Tesco and they pointed me to the sign banning sale during certain hours. But they told me if I bought two it was OK, so I did.

I was under the impression that the law was there to prevent alcohol sales.


Perhaps they want you to indulge in binge drinking...wai2.gif

As far as I am aware of you can by Alcohol even during these hours if you buy more than 13 litres of it. It is assumed that you bulk-purchase alcohol for re-sale (e.g. your own business). Somebody correct me if I'm wrong...

The fact that it is assumed to be for re-sale is correct, but I think it is 10 litres.

On Saturday night I went to a well known out of town Pizza restaurant, almost exclusively used by Foreigners. I asked the proprietor if it was possible to get a beer......whereupon he gesticulated towards a corner where a middle aged Thai gentleman who I understand was an off duty cop was sitting waiting for food, but more obviously in my opinion scrutinising the (entirely Foreign) customers making sure they werent drinking any alcohol.

As I understand it the purpose of the alcohol ban during elections was intended to ensure no "vote buying for a beer". Not a single person in this joint was even involved in the election, and whilst I appreciate you cant have one rule for Thais and another for Foreigners, a bit of common sense could surely apply?

Common sense? Reason? Logic?......sorry, forgot, we re in Thailand, lets hit the very people who we massively rely on for business, the tourists, people who are here for a few weeks trying to spend money in "the land of (not many) smiles" !!!!!

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Common sense? Reason? Logic?......sorry, forgot, we re in Thailand, lets hit the very people who we massively rely on for business, the tourists, people who are here for a few weeks trying to spend money in "the land of (not many) smiles" !!!!!

While I agree with your post. The police where I come from are even worse when it comes to enforcing stupid laws. At least the Thais often ignore them.


Common sense? Reason? Logic?......sorry, forgot, we re in Thailand, lets hit the very people who we massively rely on for business, the tourists, people who are here for a few weeks trying to spend money in "the land of (not many) smiles" !!!!!

While I agree with your post. The police where I come from are even worse when it comes to enforcing stupid laws. At least the Thais often ignore them.

Agreed. Its yet another classic case of "cant see the wood for the trees". A lot of the cops probably think the alcohol ban during elections is some kind of "mark of respect to the election"....a bit like no alcohol on Buddhist days......but its not......we all know that but those who apply the laws dont!!

I guess thats precisely why the cops terrorise the "tourist/ Foreigner" type bars, like the UN Irish, despite the fact that not a single customer in there has anything to do with the election!

And whilst we re on the subject.....it defies all logic (in this day and age) that you cant buy one bottle of wine between 2 and 5, but you can buy a dozen....so its out of order to have a small drink, but its OK to get really really drunk!!!!!!!! Hey ho !

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Common sense? Reason? Logic?......sorry, forgot, we re in Thailand, lets hit the very people who we massively rely on for business, the tourists, people who are here for a few weeks trying to spend money in "the land of (not many) smiles" !!!!!

While I agree with your post. The police where I come from are even worse when it comes to enforcing stupid laws. At least the Thais often ignore them.

Agreed. Its yet another classic case of "cant see the wood for the trees". A lot of the cops probably think the alcohol ban during elections is some kind of "mark of respect to the election"....a bit like no alcohol on Buddhist days......but its not......we all know that but those who apply the laws dont!!

I guess thats precisely why the cops terrorise the "tourist/ Foreigner" type bars, like the UN Irish, despite the fact that not a single customer in there has anything to do with the election!

And whilst we re on the subject.....it defies all logic (in this day and age) that you cant buy one bottle of wine between 2 and 5, but you can buy a dozen....so its out of order to have a small drink, but its OK to get really really drunk!!!!!!!! Hey ho !

I was not the only falang drinking in Nana Plaza Staurday night, in fact, the girls, who I believe are Thai, were drinking too--several rounds of Tequila verified that fact.

So, if you encounter a problem one place, go to another one which may have a better relationship with the powers that be.


Why is the money paid to certain person(s) to allow the sale of alcohol (and other services/products) outwith the law called Tea Money? I want to drink alcohol, and do a few other things, but not drink tea.

A serious(!) Question. I can think of so many more appropriate terms!


Just round the corner from UN Irish you could sit outside with a full beer tower, no prob and not have to look at some scruffy guy with a face like a smacked arse, who should be greeting customers!!!

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