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Forum offers proposal for a directly elected Thai PM


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Forum offers proposal for a directly elected PM


Ex-minister says move would make vote-buying almost impossible

BANGKOK: -- CHANGING THE SYSTEM to provide for a directly appointed prime minister was proposed during the fifth national reform forum held by the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) yesterday in Bangkok's Lumpini Park.

The proposal was made by Thirapat Serirangsan, chairman of the Political Development Council and a former cabinet minister under the junta-appointed Surayud Chulanont administration.

Thirapat was invited by the PDRC to present his proposals and warned that first, people should think through whether they wanted a directly elected prime minister or not. If they did, the idea should be endorsed through a national referendum.

He said a directly elected PM was more suited for Thailand, as Thai people tended to be attached to individuals.

"We should think outside the box and be courageous to seek new ways so we can succeed," said Thirapat. He added there would be less corruption and abuse of power if the prime minister were directly elected and made directly accountable to the people for any wrongdoing through civil litigation. That result would be binding, even after the PM left office.

Thirapat said vote buying would be almost impossible, as it would be too costly to bribe a majority of eligible voters. Also, there should be a system of a run-off between the two top candidates that would make it doubly expensive to buy votes.

The forum heard other ideas, including whether to do away with the Senate altogether, and whether MPs needed to be members of political parties or not. PDRC secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban said two or three meetings on the topic were needed.

Suthep spoke at length yesterday about his views on electoral reform. They included the need to make a political party truly a mass party and not a party under the domination of one person and money politics.

"It shouldn't be that anyone with money and status can just form a political party … because this is the root cause of graft and corruption," Suthep said.

Party-list MP system 'abused'

On party-list MPs, Suthep acknowledged that although the system was aimed at attracting qualified people who were not good at campaigning, it ended up being abused to allow dubious figures, such as local mafias, to enter politics.

As for appointed senators, Suthep said some eventually sold themselves to the big political parties.

On the Election Commission, former election commissioner for Bangkok Sakool Zuesongdham proposed a provincial election commission independent of local governors.

He said when they chaired the commission at provincial level on an ex-officio basis, they tended to interfere.

Associate Professor Taweesak Suthakavatin, a vice president for planning at the National Institute of Development Administration, called for a major overhaul of the electoral system.

"We should do a big overhaul in a way that won't tie us down to the old base," he said, adding that there was no actual equality in society. Even in this forum, he only had the right to speak because he was one of the elite among the group.

-- The Nation 2014-03-20

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"We should do a big overhaul in a way that won't tie us down to the old base," he said, adding that there was no actual equality in society. Even in this forum, he only had the right to speak because he was one of the elite among the group."

I wonder if the non-elected People's Council will be made up of the same "elite."

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"...during the fifth national reform forum held by the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) yesterday in Bangkok's Lumpini Park.

The proposal was made by Thirapat Serirangsan, chairman of the Political Development Council and a former cabinet minister under the junta-appointed Surayud Chulanont administration"

Only the Amart media would couch Lumpini park speeches in officialese, characterizing them as being some sort of regularly occuring, professional forum....And then unashamedly quoting a coup-rooted personage as if there was some degree of credibility.

As I write this, a news conference by the UDD from yesterday, is playing on the AsiaUpdate channel, featuring presentations by Pro-Democracy speakers. Isn't happening as far as the media is concerned. The electoral majority be damned.

Just goes to show that coup-rooted speakers from coup-mongering stages are pre-eminent to the media....It hasn't ocurred to anti-democrats, that electoral issues such as this, can only be deliberated in a nationally representative Parliament.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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I wonder who increase the party list mp from 100 to 125 a few years back? Mark?

Why does this matter now?

btw I don' t like the derogative use of the name Mark, Are you talking about Khun Abhisit?

Who are you to belittle a well educated and integer person ?

Can you compare your standard only slightly with Khun Abhisit?

I doubt that

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A sad indication of the low level of intelligence among the self styled 'elite' in Thailand. The PM would still be exactly the same person, the leader of the party with the most votes. Just try to imagine a different outcome for a moment. The people elect a PTP government, but vote for Suthep as PM. Or they elect a 'Democrat' government and vote for Yingluck as PM. Does any of that sound like even a remotely good idea?

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A sad indication of the low level of intelligence among the self styled 'elite' in Thailand. The PM would still be exactly the same person, the leader of the party with the most votes. Just try to imagine a different outcome for a moment. The people elect a PTP government, but vote for Suthep as PM. Or they elect a 'Democrat' government and vote for Yingluck as PM. Does any of that sound like even a remotely good idea?

The lowest level of intelligence is in the ruling party, hence the mega problems and catastrophic blunders coming out of the cabinet decisions.

A major reform has to take place to put an end once and for all anything happening again on this scale. Accounts needed for all government spending and NO per cent deductions for ANYONE. Clean bona fide construction/projects by reputable companies across the board.

No water management dubious spending--Rice speaks for itself--Tablets for kids--Joke company--and the rest. The reason to follow the money.

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I've followed all these numerous "anti-corruption" ideas about changing how government and independent agencies are elected, selected, and operated. And the common thread to all these ideas seems to be that substantial changes must be made to the Constitution. So wouldn't it be consistent with the criminal charges brought against the PTP leadership for violating or defying the Constitution that the PDRC and all involved in these forums be charged as well? Of course not because part of the PDRC game plan is to suspend the Constitution via its people committee like Egyptian President Morsi did when he came to power. Then the Constitution would be written by an unelected, elite group of people largely representing the political aspirations of Suthep and the PDRC. This is a dangerous path for the people of Thailand and potential loss of the minimal democracy that it holds.

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I think the way Ms. Yingluck has given form to the role of PM has done great damage to that position. She functioned more like a president or the royal family would in many democratic countries, rather than being a PM.

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Reading what the great and all mighty suthep has said, thailand has no one that fits that. Not even suthep nor abhisit. It seems to me that these turkeys want to go back when the general was running thailand and to kill a few hunderd mor people like in 1992. and then in 2010. Suthep at his best is a reall good person to kill any one that disagrees with him.

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I think the way Ms. Yingluck has given form to the role of PM has done great damage to that position. She functioned more like a president or the royal family would in many democratic countries, rather than being a PM.

What is the difference between a president and a prime minister??????? NONE

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I've followed all these numerous "anti-corruption" ideas about changing how government and independent agencies are elected, selected, and operated. And the common thread to all these ideas seems to be that substantial changes must be made to the Constitution. So wouldn't it be consistent with the criminal charges brought against the PTP leadership for violating or defying the Constitution that the PDRC and all involved in these forums be charged as well? Of course not because part of the PDRC game plan is to suspend the Constitution via its people committee like Egyptian President Morsi did when he came to power. Then the Constitution would be written by an unelected, elite group of people largely representing the political aspirations of Suthep and the PDRC. This is a dangerous path for the people of Thailand and potential loss of the minimal democracy that it holds.

This present consitution was written by the army, and suthep and his thugs had the opportunity to make changes, but did not. WHY? if they had he would not have made more money.

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A sad indication of the low level of intelligence among the self styled 'elite' in Thailand. The PM would still be exactly the same person, the leader of the party with the most votes. Just try to imagine a different outcome for a moment. The people elect a PTP government, but vote for Suthep as PM. Or they elect a 'Democrat' government and vote for Yingluck as PM. Does any of that sound like even a remotely good idea?

The lowest level of intelligence is in the ruling party, hence the mega problems and catastrophic blunders coming out of the cabinet decisions.

A major reform has to take place to put an end once and for all anything happening again on this scale. Accounts needed for all government spending and NO per cent deductions for ANYONE. Clean bona fide construction/projects by reputable companies across the board.

No water management dubious spending--Rice speaks for itself--Tablets for kids--Joke company--and the rest. The reason to follow the money.

Out of curiosity Ginjag, can you list any examples of Democrat wrongdoing, corruption or mismanagement?

Or in your world are they faultless and perfect.

(please don't respond with they just did a little bit and Thaksin took it to extremes - because that's BS)

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I think the way Ms. Yingluck has given form to the role of PM has done great damage to that position. She functioned more like a president or the royal family would in many democratic countries, rather than being a PM.

What is the difference between a president and a prime minister??????? NONE

hmm I think there is... PM elected by the Parliament and President by the people by direct vote? so Suthep is advocating a republic??? of course we cannot discuss that here! Shhhh

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I've followed all these numerous "anti-corruption" ideas about changing how government and independent agencies are elected, selected, and operated. And the common thread to all these ideas seems to be that substantial changes must be made to the Constitution. So wouldn't it be consistent with the criminal charges brought against the PTP leadership for violating or defying the Constitution that the PDRC and all involved in these forums be charged as well? Of course not because part of the PDRC game plan is to suspend the Constitution via its people committee like Egyptian President Morsi did when he came to power. Then the Constitution would be written by an unelected, elite group of people largely representing the political aspirations of Suthep and the PDRC. This is a dangerous path for the people of Thailand and potential loss of the minimal democracy that it holds.

This present consitution was written by the army, and suthep and his thugs had the opportunity to make changes, but did not. WHY? if they had he would not have made more money.

The present constitution was mostly written in 1997. The Democrats did make some changes to it, but they were just part of a coalition, so couldn't push all the changes that they wanted through parliament the way that PTP can.

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A sad indication of the low level of intelligence among the self styled 'elite' in Thailand. The PM would still be exactly the same person, the leader of the party with the most votes. Just try to imagine a different outcome for a moment. The people elect a PTP government, but vote for Suthep as PM. Or they elect a 'Democrat' government and vote for Yingluck as PM. Does any of that sound like even a remotely good idea?

It appears to be along the lines of the US system, where the executive is split from the legislative (president / congress + senate)

Adds an extra layer of protection against majority rule but also stifles the ability of an administration to govern effectively.

Look at all the chaos the Republicans have caused in the US with government shutdowns etc. - and they only control 1 of the 3 bodies (lower house)

The US system is much more susceptible to money politics and undue influence than the English Westminster system - so it's probably no good for Thailand.

You're probably right in saying that the 'professor' doesn't know the difference between a President and a Prime Minister. Like I said, they're not very bright. Also, if you read the headline and first line of the article you'll see that the writer doesn't know the difference between 'elected' and 'appointed'.

And yes, anyone who thinks that adopting the American form of government would eliminate corruption must have more teeth than brain cells.

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Quit trying to reinvent the wheel guys its been done better elsewhere than anything this lot will come up with. Take a long proven working model from a stable and respected country and adopt that, properly not half assed and enforce the laws they already have ... end of debate,

oops sorry forgot where I was for a second.

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A sad indication of the low level of intelligence among the self styled 'elite' in Thailand. The PM would still be exactly the same person, the leader of the party with the most votes. Just try to imagine a different outcome for a moment. The people elect a PTP government, but vote for Suthep as PM. Or they elect a 'Democrat' government and vote for Yingluck as PM. Does any of that sound like even a remotely good idea?

The lowest level of intelligence is in the ruling party, hence the mega problems and catastrophic blunders coming out of the cabinet decisions.

A major reform has to take place to put an end once and for all anything happening again on this scale. Accounts needed for all government spending and NO per cent deductions for ANYONE. Clean bona fide construction/projects by reputable companies across the board.

No water management dubious spending--Rice speaks for itself--Tablets for kids--Joke company--and the rest. The reason to follow the money.

Out of curiosity Ginjag, can you list any examples of Democrat wrongdoing, corruption or mismanagement?

Or in your world are they faultless and perfect.

(please don't respond with they just did a little bit and Thaksin took it to extremes - because that's BS)

Excuse me my man, did I mention anything about the Dems, ???? I am not a Dem man, nor any party supporter, I see mega wrongs and post about them.

My response is nothing to do with the Dems, this is in your mind not mine. You fight for the wrongs being done and you would look more good as a poster should be.

Your posts always counter any argument about corruption and scams with the DEMS subject. Looking for other wrongs does not justify what is happening NOW.

All wrongdoers should be handed over to the courts. Please do not condone this corrupt regime.

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I wonder who increase the party list mp from 100 to 125 a few years back? Mark?

You mean together with raising the total number of MP's to 500?

There may be 500 seats, but the only beneficiaries of abhisits changes to the organic laws on the election of MP's were meant to be the dems in the 2011 election, for two reasons

1. abhisit changed the multi seat constituencies to single seat constituencies to keep his coalition partners sweet, yet coincidentally the number of seats in the North and North East were reduced by 16 and only 2 in the south, for obvious reasons.

2. abhisit also increased the number of party list MP's (being one himself) from 80 to 125 as historically the dems gain more party list seats than constituency seats.

So having loaded the bases in preparation for the election, abhisit seems to have forgotten that also historically, the dems have a less than stellar reputaion for winning elections and old standbys like blaming unfair elections and vote buying don't cut it anymore.

Unfortunately for the dems and more pertinently abhisit, you just can't legislate for being unelectable.

Edited by fab4
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A sad indication of the low level of intelligence among the self styled 'elite' in Thailand. The PM would still be exactly the same person, the leader of the party with the most votes. Just try to imagine a different outcome for a moment. The people elect a PTP government, but vote for Suthep as PM. Or they elect a 'Democrat' government and vote for Yingluck as PM. Does any of that sound like even a remotely good idea?

The lowest level of intelligence is in the ruling party, hence the mega problems and catastrophic blunders coming out of the cabinet decisions.

A major reform has to take place to put an end once and for all anything happening again on this scale. Accounts needed for all government spending and NO per cent deductions for ANYONE. Clean bona fide construction/projects by reputable companies across the board.

No water management dubious spending--Rice speaks for itself--Tablets for kids--Joke company--and the rest. The reason to follow the money.

Out of curiosity Ginjag, can you list any examples of Democrat wrongdoing, corruption or mismanagement?

Or in your world are they faultless and perfect.

(please don't respond with they just did a little bit and Thaksin took it to extremes - because that's BS)

Excuse me my man, did I mention anything about the Dems, ???? I am not a Dem man, nor any party supporter, I see mega wrongs and post about them.

My response is nothing to do with the Dems, this is in your mind not mine. You fight for the wrongs being done and you would look more good as a poster should be.

Your posts always counter any argument about corruption and scams with the DEMS subject. Looking for other wrongs does not justify what is happening NOW.

All wrongdoers should be handed over to the courts. Please do not condone this corrupt regime.

So no list then?

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I think the way Ms. Yingluck has given form to the role of PM has done great damage to that position. She functioned more like a president or the royal family would in many democratic countries, rather than being a PM.

What is the difference between a president and a prime minister??????? NONE

A President is a monarch without a crown, whereas a Prime Minister is the Crown without the monarch.

One is head of state, the other is head of government.

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I think the way Ms. Yingluck has given form to the role of PM has done great damage to that position. She functioned more like a president or the royal family would in many democratic countries, rather than being a PM.

What is the difference between a president and a prime minister??????? NONE

hmm I think there is... PM elected by the Parliament and President by the people by direct vote? so Suthep is advocating a republic??? of course we cannot discuss that here! Shhhh

Faulty logic, my dear binj.

do some studying and if you still fail to see where you went wrong, ask me (nicely) wai.gif

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