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I know what I am looking for but I can't find it anywhere on goggle or here. I must be spelling it wrong or the plant goes by another name. We see it everywhere in Thailand, covering wire shaped animals along the roads in Bangkok, along fences, and many other places. It looks like a vine that grows maybe two meters long. Has small deep green leaves. Trained up on a trellis it looks like a hedge. Please tell me the correct name if you know and a link to it also if you can. Thank you very much. bubbaba


I think i know what hedge plant you are referring to... I have the green-yellowish type hedge, up north here in Chiang Rai it is call Thon (Thon as refer to a Plant) Cha Thong.. When planted on wire mesh, it can be trim and shape into animal designs or even shape into alphabet characters. The emerald green type are also call Cha Hokkien here. Go to plant nursery store, they are sold for 2-3 Thb per plant. Or grow your own, just cut a small branch diagonally on the stem and stick it in the ground with some compost.

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