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my wife tried to get her son who is also my step son a visa for a one month holiday whilst on school holiday....he was refused as they were concerned about his safety whilst in the uk.....unbelievable but true......plus it took me 3 attempts to get my wife over to the uk even though we had been together 4 years

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If you want to discuss your case in detail, I'll be happy to do so; but not in this topic; perhaps you want to start a new one?

I will say, though:-

The guidance on supporting documents recommends the documents that should be submitted to support the application; including evidence of the finances available to the visitor, such as bank statements etc.

'On the balance of probabilities' is a legal term and a far easier test to pass than 'beyond reasonable doubt.'

The onus is on the applicant to provide the evidence required to help the ECO reach a decision, not on the ECO to chase up applicants who haven't researched properly.

Can't comment on the appeal; except to say that the waiting times are dependant, like any court case, on availability of tribunal time. At least you could appeal; the right of appeal for family visits has now been abolished by the government.

I agree that the website is not the easiest to navigate around if not used to it; even more so now that they've changed it!

Unfortunately, in the past many people have entered the UK as visitors and never left; this is why UKVI, or rather their political masters, have tightened up procedures and place more emphasis on returnability.

Any such bond is unenforceable under the law in any part of the UK; therefore UKVI don't accept them.

I don't have the figures to hand, so I hope you'll take my word when I say that worldwide approximately 90% of visit visa applications are successful.

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If you want to discuss your case in detail, I'll be happy to do so; but not in this topic; perhaps you want to start a new one?

I will say, though:-

The guidance on supporting documents recommends the documents that should be submitted to support the application; including evidence of the finances available to the visitor, such as bank statements etc.

'On the balance of probabilities' is a legal term and a far easier test to pass than 'beyond reasonable doubt.'

The onus is on the applicant to provide the evidence required to help the ECO reach a decision, not on the ECO to chase up applicants who haven't researched properly.

Can't comment on the appeal; except to say that the waiting times are dependant, like any court case, on availability of tribunal time. At least you could appeal; the right of appeal for family visits has now been abolished by the government.

I agree that the website is not the easiest to navigate around if not used to it; even more so now that they've changed it!

Unfortunately, in the past many people have entered the UK as visitors and never left; this is why UKVI, or rather their political masters, have tightened up procedures and place more emphasis on returnability.

Any such bond is unenforceable under the law in any part of the UK; therefore UKVI don't accept them.

I don't have the figures to hand, so I hope you'll take my word when I say that worldwide approximately 90% of visit visa applications are successful.

Many thanks, will do.

However, as the visa app is full of personal details, may I send the info in a PM please.

If yes, I will need to get off the iPad and onto the computer where all the data is stored.

We are currently holidaying in Chiang Mai for another week before we head home south of here.

If you are able to determine where the errors are being made, maybe we can create a new post that may assist the others who suffer refusals.


Had you known each other for three years and were considering marriage and her moving to the UK to live with you then her visiting you in the UK for 6 months to 'test the water' would seem, to most people, reasonable.

But you have only known each other for three months!

Those of a suspicious mind set (e.g. Entry Clearance Officers) may think she is merely using you as a means of getting into the UK and may then disappear and overstay.

The pinned topic Beano refers to is UK visit visa basics.

Exactly what I thought. She wants to go to the UK, because she knows somebody there?

And who "helped" her to go to Europe before? C'Mon, you know this woman for three months. Just let her apply and if she visits you, fine. If not then...


I sympathize. The real problem is having gals that succeeded in getting these visas abroad make it look simple. Of course, these gals did almost nothing (as most would not be able to even fill out the forms correctly, without outside help.

Each case is different.... a lady with a house payment and/or a career job and money in the bank who can prove she will return to Thailand is an easier case than an 18 year old, tatoo toting, orange haired gogo dancer.

Worst thing is to have the Embassy think a guy fell in love and she is getting the visa in order to overstay and/or work in the foreign country...and marry her partner there..

We came inches away from getting a fiancee visa....the problem was what address did I have? I had none! Lived 18 years in S.E. Asia, and almost gave that up to marry somebody from thailand and make her work in a horrible climate at a small paying job. I owe nothing and make 30,000 usd military pension/yearly. No Children. They wanted me to stay at least six months in the USA, pay all that rent money, have a full time job (I am 60...and get added social security in 2 years my income would go up to 45,000 usd) and then they might consider it.

Welll....we just decided the Grand Canyon and Niagrara Falls are best viewed from video. All my dollars will now be spent outside the USA. So much for farang logic.

hah.... Welcome once again to the beach....

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She wants or you want ?

The only visa the G/F would qualify to apply for would be a visitors visa.

She (not you) would have to be able to convince the ECO that she would intend to return to Thailand.

As most Thais would be unable to take 6 month holidays the G/F will have produce some pretty compelling argument as to why she should be given a visa.

You I fear are correct ---------mission impossible.

My now wife, got a six months Visit Visa first time, She had no job , 3000 baht in the Bank, So its not mission impossible,

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"She seems to think its easy to get the visa if I help her."

​As the adult in the relationship, you can tell her that it isn't. There's nothing we can do to solve your problem.


If she gets her visa, and that'll be tough, make sure you buy the ticket rather than send the money over for her to buy one. You may not see her or your money again.

She is going to pay for her own ticket.


Good luck!! I applied for a 2 week holiday visa for my wife. Despite being married 4 years,my mother living in surrey,me owning a 300K house,having over 100 K in UK bank and having over 10 milloin in thai bank and owning 2 property here ,they said no!! The reason they said was my wife didnt have substantial money in her own account for 6 months and she might not have enough money to support herself,even though i stated that the trip would cost nothing as i was paying for it and my mother also wrotea letter confirming she would pay if need be!!

Trying again in a month but not holding my breath !!

That certainly shows how hard it is. Thanks for all the other info from other posters.


thinking of marriage after 3 months, that would make the ECO very suspicious.

Tell your GF to apply by herself and not to mention a British boyfriend,

good point Sir

Try to prove that she is coming back within the 6 months visa, to find work in Thailand too.Also show proof that she has bought the airline ticket


I'm not if there is any country quite as hard as AMerican in terms of getting visitor's visa. They think so highly of themselves and their country that like to consistently deny applicants...


She wants or you want ?

The only visa the G/F would qualify to apply for would be a visitors visa.

She (not you) would have to be able to convince the ECO that she would intend to return to Thailand.

As most Thais would be unable to take 6 month holidays the G/F will have produce some pretty compelling argument as to why she should be given a visa.

You I fear are correct ---------mission impossible.

My now wife, got a six months Visit Visa first time, She had no job , 3000 baht in the Bank, So its not mission impossible,

I do not think they are married..... Big diff.

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She wants or you want ?

The only visa the G/F would qualify to apply for would be a visitors visa.

She (not you) would have to be able to convince the ECO that she would intend to return to Thailand.

As most Thais would be unable to take 6 month holidays the G/F will have produce some pretty compelling argument as to why she should be given a visa.

You I fear are correct ---------mission impossible.

My now wife, got a six months Visit Visa first time, She had no job , 3000 baht in the Bank, So its not mission impossible,

This is only really relevant if it happened recently. Any approvals done more than 3-4 years ago were under a much easier review and approval procedure.

On second thoughts, it's irrelevant as your wife got a visa, the OP's relationship with the applicant, ie. girlfriend isn't so secure.

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Gentlemen, Thongkorn does say 'My now wife' by which I assume she was not his wife at the time.

Girlfriends, and boyfriends, do get UK visit visas if they meet the requirements.

But in the OP's case, as I said before, were I the ECO then, due to the short term of their relationship, I would have serious doubts about the genuineness of that relationship and it being the reason she wants to visit the UK and spend 6 months with him.

........ show proof that she has bought the airline ticket

The official advice from UKVI is to not purchase any tickets until after the visa has been issued.

Even if an applicant did, it would not be accepted as evidence of the applicant's intention to leave the UK.

For example, if one's intention was to use a visit visa to enter the UK and then overstay and work illegally then losing the difference in cost between a single ticket and a return would be worth it.


She wants or you want ?

The only visa the G/F would qualify to apply for would be a visitors visa.

She (not you) would have to be able to convince the ECO that she would intend to return to Thailand.

As most Thais would be unable to take 6 month holidays the G/F will have produce some pretty compelling argument as to why she should be given a visa.

You I fear are correct ---------mission impossible.

My now wife, got a six months Visit Visa first time, She had no job , 3000 baht in the Bank, So its not mission impossible,

I do not think they are married..... Big diff.

if you read, I said My now wife, meaning She was single and not my wife when i applied for a visit Visa, I did the Visa myself and got it first time , it took 10 days all told. and had the passport delivered by courier.

It can be done, all i can say is the biggest thing is to prove that she will return to Thailand. At the time I applied, She had little money in the bank, but had a bank book with 6 years of history, by that i mean her wages going in. The Embassy are not stupid and know that its hard to save money if they are earning only 6300baht a month.


My GF didn't have a job or any money of her own when we applied for the first time for a tourist visa. I'd been to Thailand twice to see her at that point and we'd been together around the same amount of time you have. The visa was refused but the biggest reason was the huge holes in my supporting documentation. I failed to show I was supporting her, failed to show adequately how often we communicated to prove the relationship, and other points were raised at the time. Most people were very negative about our relationship but there were a few very helpful posters with reasoned advice so look more to them.

I visited her for a 3rd time March last year, filled in all the gaps identified in the refusal letter and we applied again which was successful and resulted in her coming to the UK for 4 months last June.

I agree with numerous previous posts. You've only known her 3 months, and I'm not sure if you've lived with her in Thailand for that time or have visited her only once. If the latter then you supporting her visit will be very difficult and I would think unlikely to succeed, but not impossible. As she appears to be financially secure in her own right I'd agree with the suggestions that she applies on her own to visit the UK, mentioning her time around Europe previously as an indication that she simply wants to travel. I would only mention you as a friend that she plans to visit, not sure whether she should say she'll stay with you for the whole visit and use your home as a base to visit various parts of the country while she's here so listen to experienced posters like 7by7 who may have an opinion on that.

Of course the more times you visit her in Thailand (take photos to show you were together), and the more you communicate (use something like Skype from which call logs can be exported, or a phone which provides itemised billing) then the better chance you'll have in getting her a visa. Good luck.


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She wants or you want ?

The only visa the G/F would qualify to apply for would be a visitors visa.

She (not you) would have to be able to convince the ECO that she would intend to return to Thailand.

As most Thais would be unable to take 6 month holidays the G/F will have produce some pretty compelling argument as to why she should be given a visa.

You I fear are correct ---------mission impossible.

My now wife, got a six months Visit Visa first time, She had no job , 3000 baht in the Bank, So its not mission impossible,

I do not think they are married..... Big diff.

if you read, I said My now wife, meaning She was single and not my wife when i applied for a visit Visa, I did the Visa myself and got it first time , it took 10 days all told. and had the passport delivered by courier.

What is not said is how long ago this visa was obtained.

Over recent years the requirements/standards for granting visas have risen.


What is not said is how long ago this visa was obtained.

if you read, I said My now wife, meaning She was single and not my wife when i applied for a visit Visa, I did the Visa myself and got it first time , it took 10 days all told. and had the passport delivered by courier.

She wants or you want ?

The only visa the G/F would qualify to apply for would be a visitors visa.

She (not you) would have to be able to convince the ECO that she would intend to return to Thailand.

As most Thais would be unable to take 6 month holidays the G/F will have produce some pretty compelling argument as to why she should be given a visa.

You I fear are correct ---------mission impossible.

My now wife, got a six months Visit Visa first time, She had no job , 3000 baht in the Bank, So its not mission impossible,

I do not think they are married..... Big diff.

Over recent years the requirements/standards for granting visas have risen.

yes but the process is the same, biggest cause for refusal , reason to return.

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