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Battle Royal - The Patong Showdown

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What are you talking about NKM ....

Are you dreaming. You really think a non registered (in Phuket) Thai person is going to re-register for a mere 500 baht. That person will receive at least 500 baht for voting in their local area. Plus they are not the least bit interested in politics. Whereas they are more interested in 'helping' out in their home village. Please their parents and extended family, etc. You really have no idea given your long time in Thailand ... shake my head icon

I doubt they travel all the way back to Issan to vote, in any election. If an election happens to be on, when they are there, sure, they will take the money and vote.

As for Patong, they can register to vote here, and then vote. Nothing illegal about it.

Keesin, and others, have never bothered with these constituents, but Thaksin did, and bought himself the top job in the country, twice, and once through his sister.

Maybe 500 baht is a bit short, but it could work. i'm surprised you think it couldn't work, because it's how the elections have been running here, for years. You know that. All I am saying is it would be farang money, not a candidate's money.

Wrong. Some of them do travel home to vote in local elections as often family members and friends are standing. For general elections and senate elections there's no need for them to go home as they can cast a vote for their local constituency right here in Phuket. Also they are more interested in their local family areas than they are in a place where most of the workers are transient. Most Patong workers probably don't really want to be there but that is where the work is.

Interestingly, some of Pian's supporters, namely taxi drivers, have to be registered on a Phuket tabien baan in order to get a taxi licence.

"Wrong. Some of them do travel home to vote in local elections as often family members and friends are standing." - I'm sure the majority of girls working in the sex trade on Phuket have family and friends in politics in Issan. cheesy.gif

Have you ever been to a Thai village?

Someone has to be the Puuyai, someone has to be the kamnan. We are not talking top politicians here, just someone to represent the village. Many of these guys have a tiny budget so the amount of potential corruption is nothing compared to a politician somewhere like Phuket. Their salaries are very low, but it's prestigious for the family. There may only be a few hundred people voting and that's why they get the family and friends back to cast their votes.

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@ madmitch

Yes, I've been to several Thai villages. I am aware of the small time politics in Issan.

Why don't you ask a few bar owners if they have ever had to give a girl a few days off so she could go home and vote? biggrin.png

I'm sure the money she sends home is worth more than her vote. In fact, it probably helps buy several votes. Hence, it's best she stay working. biggrin.png


@ madmitch

Yes, I've been to several Thai villages. I am aware of the small time politics in Issan.

Why don't you ask a few bar owners if they have ever had to give a girl a few days off so she could go home and vote? biggrin.png

I'm sure the money she sends home is worth more than her vote. In fact, it probably helps buy several votes. Hence, it's best she stay working. biggrin.png

You believe what you want. I'm not saying most girls do this, but it does happen.

Anyway, this was really an aside to the main point that their loyalty lies with their own real home and not in Patong or wherever else they happen to be working.

Also I am not specifically talking bar girls but any transient worker.

I won't post again regardless of your reply as I know you never give up.


@ madmitch

Yes, I've been to several Thai villages. I am aware of the small time politics in Issan.

Why don't you ask a few bar owners if they have ever had to give a girl a few days off so she could go home and vote? biggrin.png

I'm sure the money she sends home is worth more than her vote. In fact, it probably helps buy several votes. Hence, it's best she stay working. biggrin.png

You believe what you want. I'm not saying most girls do this, but it does happen.

Anyway, this was really an aside to the main point that their loyalty lies with their own real home and not in Patong or wherever else they happen to be working.

Also I am not specifically talking bar girls but any transient worker.

I won't post again regardless of your reply as I know you never give up.

"I'm not saying most girls do this, but it does happen." - sure, I suppose it has happened, but seriously, it would be a very small minority.

"their loyalty lies with their own real home and not in Patong" - I'm sure you know there is no political "loyalty" here. People will vote for who pays the most. It's undeniable. Vote buying is rife, at all levels of politics here.

"I am not specifically talking bar girls but any transient worker." - so am I. The money doesn't have to come from a candidate. It can come from a farang, to vote for a particular candidate. That's the beauty of the corrupt political system here, and farangs need to get into the game. :)

"I won't post again regardless of your reply as I know you never give up." - ok, so we agree to disagree.

In the mean time, I will be keeping my eye out for a nice bar girl with political connections in Issan. cheesy.gif


People will vote for who pays the most. It's undeniable.

My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.


People will vote for who pays the most. It's undeniable.

My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.

Not trying to be rude, but I find this very hard to believe! I would say the same for ANY election in Thailand! If no money, the coercion of some sort.


People will vote for who pays the most. It's undeniable.

My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.

Not trying to be rude, but I find this very hard to believe! I would say the same for ANY election in Thailand! If no money, the coercion of some sort.

Doesn't really matter what you believe, that is the way it is.


People will vote for who pays the most. It's undeniable.

My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.

Not trying to be rude, but I find this very hard to believe! I would say the same for ANY election in Thailand! If no money, the coercion of some sort.

It's the senate, the upper house, so these guys don't have big budgets to siphon. Fewer corruption opportunities than MPs and Local Government officials.


People will vote for who pays the most. It's undeniable.

My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.

Not trying to be rude, but I find this very hard to believe! I would say the same for ANY election in Thailand! If no money, the coercion of some sort.

Doesn't really matter what you believe, that is the way it is.

Ahh the old, I say so therefore it must be true argument!

Like your style tiger!

As a side note, what I believe DOES matter as much as what you or your wife believes! To say otherwise is plain rude!

  • Like 1

My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.

Not trying to be rude, but I find this very hard to believe! I would say the same for ANY election in Thailand! If no money, the coercion of some sort.

Doesn't really matter what you believe, that is the way it is.

Ahh the old, I say so therefore it must be true argument!

Like your style tiger!

As a side note, what I believe DOES matter as much as what you or your wife believes! To say otherwise is plain rude!

First of all it makes sense what she says, see also Mitch's post.

Second of all, of course I believe someone who I trust and actually has a say in this over someone I don't know who's gut tells him it can't be true but has no first hand experience.


Doesn't really matter what you believe, that is the way it is.

Ahh the old, I say so therefore it must be true argument!

Like your style tiger!

As a side note, what I believe DOES matter as much as what you or your wife believes! To say otherwise is plain rude!

First of all it makes sense what she says, see also Mitch's post.

Second of all, of course I believe someone who I trust and actually has a say in this over someone I don't know who's gut tells him it can't be true but has no first hand experience.

I never said it does not make sense, I understand the rules of economy very well & understand the costs involved. Therefore negating the rampant vote buying in years gone by. To say out of of the many thousand potential voters, that vote buying will not happen is beyond the realms of what I can accept.

I further understand you trust what she says, no gut feeling here but using logic, reasoning & recent history! Futhermore, my wife was approached to sell her vote last time round by our landlord. She declined.

I am happy to debate this, but for you to issue a blanket statement and not expect it to be questionned ? i think not!


Doesn't really matter what you believe, that is the way it is.

Ahh the old, I say so therefore it must be true argument!

Like your style tiger!

As a side note, what I believe DOES matter as much as what you or your wife believes! To say otherwise is plain rude!

First of all it makes sense what she says, see also Mitch's post.

Second of all, of course I believe someone who I trust and actually has a say in this over someone I don't know who's gut tells him it can't be true but has no first hand experience.

I never said it does not make sense, I understand the rules of economy very well & understand the costs involved. Therefore negating the rampant vote buying in years gone by. To say out of of the many thousand potential voters, that vote buying will not happen is beyond the realms of what I can accept.

I further understand you trust what she says, no gut feeling here but using logic, reasoning & recent history! Futhermore, my wife was approached to sell her vote last time round by our landlord. She declined.

I am happy to debate this, but for you to issue a blanket statement and not expect it to be questionned ? i think not!

I presume you're talking about the same election I'm talking about, the senate election of this weekend?


People will vote for who pays the most. It's undeniable.

My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.

Is that why she will not be voting???? biggrin.png

She is voting, which is why your claim is deniable.


People will vote for who pays the most. It's undeniable.

My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.

Is that why she will not be voting???? biggrin.png

She is voting, which is why your claim is deniable.

So what's in it for her? :) :)


My wife just told me me:no money for this weekend's election.

Is that why she will not be voting???? biggrin.png

She is voting, which is why your claim is deniable.

So what's in it for her? smile.pngsmile.png

If you're not contributing to a discussion and only baiting, please don't post.


I never said it does not make sense, I understand the rules of economy very well & understand the costs involved. Therefore negating the rampant vote buying in years gone by. To say out of of the many thousand potential voters, that vote buying will not happen is beyond the realms of what I can accept.

I further understand you trust what she says, no gut feeling here but using logic, reasoning & recent history! Futhermore, my wife was approached to sell her vote last time round by our landlord. She declined.

I am happy to debate this, but for you to issue a blanket statement and not expect it to be questionned ? i think not!

I presume you're talking about the same election I'm talking about, the senate election of this weekend?

why would you presume that? did you read the title of the thread?


I never said it does not make sense, I understand the rules of economy very well & understand the costs involved. Therefore negating the rampant vote buying in years gone by. To say out of of the many thousand potential voters, that vote buying will not happen is beyond the realms of what I can accept.

I further understand you trust what she says, no gut feeling here but using logic, reasoning & recent history! Futhermore, my wife was approached to sell her vote last time round by our landlord. She declined.

I am happy to debate this, but for you to issue a blanket statement and not expect it to be questionned ? i think not!

I presume you're talking about the same election I'm talking about, the senate election of this weekend?

why would you presume that? did you read the title of the thread?

Because you were replying to my post, which clearly says this weekend's election.

Agree with you that (big) payments will be made for the mayor's election.


@ stevenl

I'm not "baiting."

What is her motivation for voting?

May I suggest you read up on the subject of voting.

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It seems as though you believe that Thais will not do anything if there's no money involved, including voting.

Well, this may be true for some but certainly not all.

They don't get paid for advance voting in elections, for example, unless they get an envelope in the post containing a crisp 500 baht note, which I very much doubt.

Believe it or not most Thais do actually care about their country, often with quite extreme views, as seen by the current big political divide. Some protestors get paid for their support at these rallies but most are there of their own free will.

We're well off-topic now. So back on topic, there will be plenty of money changing hands for the Patong showdown in a few weeks. To be the mayor of a sleazy, mafia-run tourist area with uncontrolled development is rather more lucrative than being a member of Thailand's upper house.

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It seems as though you believe that Thais will not do anything if there's no money involved, including voting.

Well, this may be true for some but certainly not all.

They don't get paid for advance voting in elections, for example, unless they get an envelope in the post containing a crisp 500 baht note, which I very much doubt.

Believe it or not most Thais do actually care about their country, often with quite extreme views, as seen by the current big political divide. Some protestors get paid for their support at these rallies but most are there of their own free will.

We're well off-topic now. So back on topic, there will be plenty of money changing hands for the Patong showdown in a few weeks. To be the mayor of a sleazy, mafia-run tourist area with uncontrolled development is rather more lucrative than being a member of Thailand's upper house.

"It seems as though you believe that Thais will not do anything if there's no money involved, including voting."

"there will be plenty of money changing hands for the Patong showdown in a few weeks"

Enough said. biggrin.png

This is Phuket, not Thailand. :)


Anyway...on a positive note, as the levels of corruption in Phuket reach dizzying heights, it is nice to see that inflation is also acting to increase the amount that has to be paid to buy a vote. My girl has just told me that her and her collegues in the office were offered 2000THB for their vote...cash up front.

Looks like gone are the days were a sly 2 or 3 hundred bath could cut it.

Very...interesting to note that even in a quintessentially corrupt environment, the free market still functions to dictate pricing...

Maybe the key to winning an election in Phuket is to set up an Ebay shop with a dutch auction. The voters can log on and chose at what price they will sell their vote.

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