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Phuket student slays ex-girlfriend’s new love in knife attack


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How Thais deal with jealously and losing to another man. sad.png

They really cannot except losing at all, can they? sad.png

Pitiful specimens.

Good then that this only happens with Thais.

Well, no, but certainly to the degree that it happens here. International football team walking off the pitch because they didn't agree with the ref's decision. Police man executing 6 of his colleagues because another got a promotion ahead of him, young man in a Benz driving into a bus stop of people and killing a granny because he collided with a bus and they blamed him and not the bus driver.... etc etc etc.

News report after news report of locals killing each other over petty issues.

I'm sorry for your need to defend such a pitiful social traits.

Same all over the world.

I am not defending any social 'traits', I am just pointing out to you you have a limited point of view. Shame you find it necessary to start acting aggressively.

"Same all over the world."

No it isn't. :)

To ask for examples of the points I made happening in say the UK would be off topic. So I won't ask for them. Though of course, there are none.

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This is the consequences of getting your self into deeper love with a woman that does not value what you worth to her, all they value is what you have and not your love to her. The repercussion has gone on the opposite side of the game. R.I.P.


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You guys act like bad things only happen in Thailand. Get back to me when Thais have mass shootings in movie theaters and schools. Get back to me when Thai people go on a rampage with large knives and start randomly attacking people on subways.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Very sad but also could have happened in (pick your country). Not a Thai thing. Just a sad thing.

Only other thought, is to blame the girl, when a guy cannot handle being dumped, well, just does not make sense. PERIOD, no matter what or who she is. A guy killing another guy over a girl is just what it is. A guy killing a guy over a girl.

Not changed a lot over the last 10,000 years in any region or country I suspect............................... Stupid then, stupid now.

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Lunatics hold in their feelings of pent up rage and lost face,

then get drunk and let them all out in a violent rage.

This is one of the fundamental problems with society here.

No societally acceptable way to let out bad feelings before they go ballistic.

So sad, dead at 22 for falling in love with a girl.

RIP for the young man.

The victim was 20 and it is an assumption that he fell in love. His position might have been missionary. But, your first two paragraphs are spot on, mate.

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.... because they never lose?

They pass their exams sooner or later - so life is just the same isnt it??

How Thais deal with jealously and losing to another man. sad.png

They really cannot except losing at all, can they? sad.png

Pitiful specimens.

Good then that this only happens with Thais.

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Another pointless murder in Thailand, and more pointless non news from Thai Visa same same every day.

This Forum would be full if all the murders that occur are reported. (there were two last week 50 metres from my house....two Burmese killed each other)...yes, that is boring news. Other Boring stuff on here is reports of people falling from balconies, people seeing Ghosts. Thaksin and Yingluck get daily mentions, Tax iand Jet Ski Mafia,.Thai Politics

etc. etc. ....Give us a break from all this rubbish and get some fresh and interesting news and events.

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The more I live in Thailand, the more it reminds me of China. Morality down the toilet, unbelievable immaturity, selfishness, "face" above all else...the only difference is that here we have attacks with guns and grenades, in addition to knives. In China we are restricted to reading about knife attacks only, thank God.

Edited by elzach
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This is the consequences of getting your self into deeper love with a woman that does not value what you worth to her, all they value is what you have and not your love to her. The repercussion has gone on the opposite side of the game. R.I.P.

I hope you don't end up in news! You obviously had your share of heart break.

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Lunatics hold in their feelings of pent up rage and lost face,

then get drunk and let them all out in a violent rage.

This is one of the fundamental problems with society here.

No societally acceptable way to let out bad feelings before they go ballistic.

So sad, dead at 22 for falling in love with a girl.

RIP for the young man.

Societally ? Could you possibly mean socially ? Not wishing to be accused of "flaming", and may 25 years of pox be my lot if I should be found guilty of such a heinous crime :)

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plenty fish in the sea, but who would not be angreed if some guy comes to steal your fish ?

over the top, crime of passion ?

No, that is too simplistic. She's not a piece of property to be "stolen".

She make a choice of who she wanted to be with. This guy couldn't accept her choice.

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"This is the consequences of getting your self into deeper love with a woman that does not value

what you worth to her, all you value is what you have and not your love to her"


When everybody disagrees with you, you know that you're right on target.

This is why Oscar Wilde said, 'Don't say that you agree with me. When people agree with me

I always feel that I must be wrong'.

I'm sorry i agree with you.

Most Thai women will want you for a specific reason that serves her selfish interests. That's a


Who knows, this particular one may very well have been with Muhammad only to inflame the

other bloke.

But your case is hopeless here, as this is mostly an anglo-saxon community, and anglo-saxon

males are just that, mere males, not men, individuals hopelessly subservient to women &

intrinsically not different from them.

Have you noticed how afraid they are to call women women? They call them 'girls' or 'ladies',

even though many of the women they're referring to are not girls, & most are definitely not ladies!

Have you noticed how feminized they are? ... calling their pectoral muscles 'boobs' & their

private parts "junk" in this very forum! Did you ever hear a woman refer to her genitalia as


Your idea(l)s show you're not one of them. So does your language. Stick to your guns.

This lot will be quick to label anything misogyny, for they've been trained to (read, brainwashed

to), but will never ask why misogyny exists at all.

Anyway, let me end by saying that nothing justifies murder, least of all a woman (or a man,

for that matter)

Jealousy springs out not from love but from selfishness ... you're mine, you belong to me alone.

This is the root-cause of situations such as the one at hand. And selfishness of course has its

source in low self-esteem ... you've got to get hold of something to fill the emptiness, don't you.

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Very sad but also could have happened in (pick your country). Not a Thai thing. Just a sad thing.

Only other thought, is to blame the girl, when a guy cannot handle being dumped, well, just does not make sense. PERIOD, no matter what or who she is. A guy killing another guy over a girl is just what it is. A guy killing a guy over a girl.

Not changed a lot over the last 10,000 years in any region or country I suspect............................... Stupid then, stupid now.

Or even worse, blaming the whole male population as having 'wrong traits'.

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"This is the consequences of getting your self into deeper love with a woman that does not value

what you worth to her, all you value is what you have and not your love to her"


When everybody disagrees with you, you know that you're right on target.

This is why Oscar Wilde said, 'Don't say that you agree with me. When people agree with me

I always feel that I must be wrong'.

I'm sorry i agree with you.

Most Thai women will want you for a specific reason that serves her selfish interests. That's a


Who knows, this particular one may very well have been with Muhammad only to inflame the

other bloke.

But your case is hopeless here, as this is mostly an anglo-saxon community, and anglo-saxon

males are just that, mere males, not men, individuals hopelessly subservient to women &

intrinsically not different from them.

Have you noticed how afraid they are to call women women? They call them 'girls' or 'ladies',

even though many of the women they're referring to are not girls, & most are definitely not ladies!

Have you noticed how feminized they are? ... calling their pectoral muscles 'boobs' & their

private parts "junk" in this very forum! Did you ever hear a woman refer to her genitalia as


Your idea(l)s show you're not one of them. So does your language. Stick to your guns.

This lot will be quick to label anything misogyny, for they've been trained to (read, brainwashed

to), but will never ask why misogyny exists at all.

Anyway, let me end by saying that nothing justifies murder, least of all a woman (or a man,

for that matter)

Jealousy springs out not from love but from selfishness ... you're mine, you belong to me alone.

This is the root-cause of situations such as the one at hand. And selfishness of course has its

source in low self-esteem ... you've got to get hold of something to fill the emptiness, don't you.

Everybody wants somebody for their own selfish reasons.

You make some good point in the end though.

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How Thais deal with jealously and losing to another man. sad.png

They really cannot except losing at all, can they? sad.png

Pitiful specimens.

While I'll agree with you most Thais seem to have a problem when dealing with losing (face), I think it's rather naive to say that jealous and dangerous, jilted exes are unique to Thailand.

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How Thais deal with jealously and losing to another man. sad.png

They really cannot except losing at all, can they? sad.png

Pitiful specimens.

While I'll agree with you most Thais seem to have a problem when dealing with losing (face), I think it's rather naive to say that jealous and dangerous, jilted exes are unique to Thailand.

Not just losing face. Had made the experience that it's not always healthy to win a fight. Five friends came back and bet the <deleted> out of me.

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Lunatics hold in their feelings of pent up rage and lost face,

then get drunk and let them all out in a violent rage.

This is one of the fundamental problems with society here.

No societally acceptable way to let out bad feelings before they go ballistic.

So sad, dead at 22 for falling in love with a girl.

RIP for the young man.

Yes, it's so strange. Nothing like this ever happens in the U.S. or U.K. or Europe, of course. Our societies are so free of violence. Also, too, when I was in my twenties I never had strong feelings for a silly girl -- there are so many fish in the sea.

The point is not that this doesn't happen elsewhere, jealousies and loss are not unique to Thailand.

But that it happens much more here per capita, in much more egregious ways.

The why has to do with cultural norms, not general percentages of aberrant behaviours cross-cultures.

It becomes an incubator for aberrant behaviours that might not have exploded, had there been

adequate, socially acceptable, ways to show or release feelings of loss, rage, and feelings of lost face.

It seems it doesn't matter if they lost to a 'new date' directly,

or if that 'new love' happened well after the break up,

they still see the other person with 'what they have lost'

and makes their face loss something tangible in the moment.

They also know their loss of the other person was seen by the world around them.

So a social loss of face and position in society. In their eyes, if not on others.

Then they fester, and eventually get drunk to let it out. BOOM!

So rather than focus their anger at correcting their incompatibility issues with their lost love,

which most of the time is the cause of a break-up, they assume the new date / lover

has caused their loss maliciously, and revenge is the only way to save face.

They can't imagine that they possibly might be the cause themselves,

god forbid she just got sick of them and moved on...

Childish emotions mixed with Kow Tow face loss and their position in society descending in their eyes.

Edited by animatic
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How Thais deal with jealously and losing to another man. sad.png

They really cannot except losing at all, can they? sad.png

Pitiful specimens.

While I'll agree with you most Thais seem to have a problem when dealing with losing (face), I think it's rather naive to say that jealous and dangerous, jilted exes are unique to Thailand.

Not just losing face. Had made the experience that it's not always healthy to win a fight. Five friends came back and bet the <deleted> out of me.

Again, Thais can never lose and move on. It eats away at them. They have to be the victor in their perceived challenges, at all cost.

Edited by Dave 74
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How Thais deal with jealously and losing to another man. sad.png

They really cannot except losing at all, can they? sad.png

Pitiful specimens.

While I'll agree with you most Thais seem to have a problem when dealing with losing (face), I think it's rather naive to say that jealous and dangerous, jilted exes are unique to Thailand.

Who has mentioned that it's unique to Thailand? :huh:

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I am not sure what the big deal is. In Thailand, it is called losing face, so some attach all the baggage that this implies to the topic and blame it on the Thai's. Bottom line is it is "false pride", in any other part of the world.

As they say on the T shirts here in the LOS..........................Same Same but Different...................

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"Face" is a global issue. When Westerners say "I wouldn't be seen dead wearing that", we are talking about face. However, face is elevated to whole other levels in Asia. No, Thailand is by no means worst, though the Thai lack of a sense of Queensberry rules, whether that be in terms of armaments or numbers, doesn't help. China is quite strong on face issues, likewise Japan (though, more likely to result in suicide on the part of the person who has lost face). Surely, the paradigm in these matters is the Indian Sub-Continent, with its honour killings and mutilations.

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