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Valuable Advice For Hungry Tourists Who Are Almost Broke: NO JOKE!

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I could give you bums a dollar, but for those of you who are not bums, which I feel confident is the majority, I will instead provide this advice concerning how to get really full of food that tastes GRAND for about 30 Baht. This will work anywhere in Thailand, except maybe those tourist areas where you do not want to be, anyway.

Disclaimer: I only tried this once when the local vendor ran out herself, and so I got creative ----

How Many of these do you need per day to stay fully full? Only Two.

HERE IS WHAT YOU DO IF you are hungry and only have about 30 Baht per meal:

1. Go outside your room, apartment, or hovel (In Thailand, I have never seen a hovel, so you are obviously living in pretty nice circumstances, and not like foreigners overseas.)

2. Find a 7 (Seven): If you do not know what this is, then please ask someone you meet. This will do wonders for your self-esteem if you are willing to talk to people.

3. Determine if the time of day is approximately after sundown and before about 1am, depending on the area that you happen to be.

4. OK! Just look around the Seven for one of those street vendors who is cooking the egg omelettes in those square frying pans that are just big enough for single good sized omelette.

4b. These sellers around here provide a 2 egg omelette with plenty of butter, and spices, and chili, onions, and what have you, for ONLY 17 Baht!!!!! What kind of a ridiculously low price is this for a 2 egg omelette, anyway! Especially because they put this omelette on top of a whole cupful of steamed rice with a plastic spoon in a foam box.

5. BUT WAIT, there is more.

6. Now, once you have found your omelette vender, you just say to the girl: WAIT, I will be back. I must go into the Seven and buy 6 more eggs. If I bring back the eggs, will you just please add three of them to my order and cook the 5 eggs together, instead of the original 2?

6b. My experience is that she will, because it is the exact same amount of effort as 2 eggs.

7. So now you have your 5 egg omelette, with 1 cup of steamed rice, and lots of spices which makes the whole thing taste fit for even the most discriminating palate.

7b. Go get some water, if you are on a budget, then sit down and enjoy the heck out of the meal.

8. What did this cost you?= Only 17 Baht for the original 2 eggs and rice and cooking, plus 3.8 Baht per egg for the ones you bought from SEVEN. If you add 3 eggs to the 2 eggs, then you have 5 eggs and a huge meal, I would say, for only 29 Baht.

9. So, it is perfectly easy to live for a month on two of these per day without getting hungry, and maybe even putting on a bit of weight.

Does it taste good? Yes. Would it get monotonous? Slightly. I could easily do it, and I have one 2 egger per day, anyway, even though am relatively rolling in dough.

THIS IS JUST MY GOOD WILL advice to any of you who happen to be temporarily low on funds. You need not go hungry, and you can still eat well for 60 Baht per day. Add different spices each week, is my advice.

Hope you get rich soon.

But if you do not..........

Who cares? You are still full of eggs!

Edited by CzarThustraThusSpake
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Is this a joke? You truly must have too much time on your hands if this is what you think about all day. I would just add that anyone who visits a place and has not the funds to FEED them selves should not hold a passport for a start.

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Is this a joke? You truly must have too much time on your hands if this is what you think about all day. I would just add that anyone who visits a place and has not the funds to FEED them selves should not hold a passport for a start.

Quite a harsh statement for a member with a profilephoto of the Dalai Lama !

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5 eggs? Wow, goodbye hunger, hello cholesterol and vitamin deficiency.

TWICE a day, between sundown and one in the morning. True, the meals might cheap - but it'd cost four times that in air freshener.
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Is this a joke? You truly must have too much time on your hands if this is what you think about all day. I would just add that anyone who visits a place and has not the funds to FEED them selves should not hold a passport for a start.

How can you even read the whole post? If you don't know what 7 is...holy pope..bah.gif

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Or go onto the campus at Chiang Mai University (try not to look like a Chinese tourist so they won't charge you entry fee to campus) and eat at one of the restaurants there that makes cook to order meals, not one of the coffee shops. The food is cheap and must be government subsidized for the students.

There is a clean, bright food court on the third floor above the emergency room at Suan Dok (Maharaj) hospital where you can select two entrees over rice for 25 baht. A fried egg is a few baht more if you want to keep your egg intake up. A clear soup and unlimited free water comes with the meal. I think they'll do three entrees over rice for about 35 baht. Since Suan Dok is University hospital, I think this food court is also gov't subsidized. However, it's only open for lunch.

There are many creative ways to eat for 30 baht a meal without clogging your arteries and suffering vitamin deficiency.

Edited by NancyL
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Home Sukaphan in Chiang Mai offer free coffee, cordial and snacks in their store. I say again. FREE!

Beat the rush fellows.

*disclaimer* it is out on the superhighway so you will need to use some gas in your scooter to get there which will cut some of you out.

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And after the copious meal head for the nearest office building and get a cup of free water from the dispenser.....

and while there pop into the office toilets and steal the toliet paper for use at home and also avail yourself to the free aircon for a little while

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That makes the 1,850Baht imported Australian steak I had for lunch yesterday look a tad on the expensive side. thumbsup.gif

Nearly the value of 500 eggs....and that was only for lunch.....

That's true, but I stole two sachets of sugar and three toothpicks, so it was real value for money.

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