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my lentil stew I spent all Sunday afternoon preparing

The whole afternoon? Please give us the recipe. Maybe you will convert a few of us (not including Tutsi, I'm afraid,... :o ).

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natee...whats a lentil stew without a ham hock?...defamation of righteous cuisine...

blue cat...leather coats, jack boots and scarred faces with monocles will not prevent tutsi from hoisting the red flag of truth and justice...I shall prevail...

Ive been a devout vegetarian for 6 years now, and on my last trip i found it almost impossible to eat good food.

I have been vegetarian for six years, three of which were in Chiangmai. I haven't had much problem getting veggie food when eating out, but you generally have to ask to have it prepared specially, taking care to remember to mention no meat, no eggs, no fish sauce, etc. You'll run in to the occasional cook who will downright refuse to make a veggie meal for you (not sure why, I think they're afraid it won't be tasty because they've never made a meatless dish before), but these are few and far between and you simply don't patronize them again. And sometimes you have to settle for the standard fried veggies or a salad. The way I see it, I can't be as choosy as when I'm in my home country, nor should I expect to be able to get the same kinds of foods as I'm used to from halfway around the world.

This surprised me a lot because of my preconceptions about Buddhists being a mostly vege lot!

This surprised me as well, and is a very interesting topic. One of the Buddhist precepts forbids killing. The typical Thai interpretation is that consuming an animal does not violate this precept. The butcher sins, but the eater does not. It seems most Thais take a literal approach: "I don't want to sin, so I will not kill animals," rather that a more holistic view like, "Buddha says not to kill animals, because animals are a form of life, and we do not want to harm other lives. Consumption of meat implies ultimate harm of animal life, therefore I should not consume meat." On the other hand, I have yet to see a Thai who won't smack a mosquito in half a millibleeb. What surprises me the most of all this is that the majority of monks in Thailand will eat meat. Part of that I imagine is that a monk may not refuse any offering, and so if offered food containing meat must accept it. However I know of no rule that requires a monk to actually eat said food. I think here a monk has a choice. If it were me in the robes, I would accept food with meat and then pass it on -- to my fellow templemates or temple children.


Ive been a devout vegetarian for 6 years now, and on my last trip i found it almost impossible to eat good food. This surprised me a lot because of my preconceptions about Buddhists being a mostly vege lot!

Maybe its an idea to anyone looking to set-up a restarant, a niche in the market. Would be great among the semi-hippie backpackers! :D

I've been a vegetarian fo last 15years and been coming to LOS 5 years - and so far never founf it impossible, although true - more difficult then say in Malayasia...

yet nothing is impossible - depends on one's determination only


Actually there is a small growing number of good vegetarian restuarants developing here, and they do have the tasty meat alternatives... here just a couple I know of, there are more....

hey, that's more than a 2 couples, dude! thanks anyway - practically all of them I never knew b4

I can add few more though:

1) on the 6th floor of MaBoonKrong (MBK, near National Stadium BTS) in the food centre

2) behind the Tops supermarket on the ground floor of Central Plaza near ChitLom BTS

3) Dosa King Indian restaurant on Sukhumvit SOi 19 near Asoke Station and Robinson

4) newly opened Veggie Lovers indian restaurant on Sukhumvit after Asoke intersection near to that Soi Cowboy bar compex

5) on Sukhumvit soi 20 (or is it 18?) - Komala indian restaurant - sort of fast food McDonald style, but totally veg

6) huge veg complex opposite the gates on Jatujak Market where the ATM and Bank and administration is - just cross the road and go inside small lane between some book stores and then cross tiny bridge and there u r - a lot of restaurnats there and food is very cheap amn there are also few stores selling lots of soya meat substitues etc.

7) finally in every Tops supermarket in suasages section there is ALWAYS few items of pure veg soya meat

there are few more veg places like May Kaidee of Khao San Road - great , perhaps best thai style veg food in the city

and few more which I can't recall at the moment...

I have to admit - there is a lot of change in Thailand regarding veg food compare to the first time I came over her in '99

Thanks filch for those will check them out. Tutiswarrior - lets say u drink beer but no Heinekein here or u eat meat but no sausages or meat pies............i just think its bizarre that in a mainly buddhist country which has a precept that no life should be taken that it isnt at the forefront of non-meat cuisine thats all. But am not surprised.

well I had a conversation with one buddhist monk in '99. I've met him in General Post offise - he requested me to help with english spelling which he had difficulties with, although his spoken english was quite good. he was sending papers to Taiwan for arranging his visa to go there...

he was from Sri Lanka though and therefore more open minded for discussion regarding this issue

he explained to me that in Thailand they practice Theravada Buddhism which has sort of concept that whatever is given to them as donation must be accepted

although he himself is a vegetarian and in fact he said that Theravada was brought to Thailand from Sri Lanka - sort of re-established buddhist here in Thailand. neverheless in Sri Lanka Theravada buddhists are vegeterian and in Thailand - not. he said something like here they practice it in Tibetian version - who are also non- vegeterian.

for that reason mainly he was heading to Taiwan that time coz he said there they practice Mahayana Buddhisms and practically all of them are vegeterian. well at least those who does practice, that is.


yeah - In taiwan and Malaysia, Singapur it is much easier and food is very tasty

but here one can still find quite nice food too

holy sh*t first it's cigarette butts now it's 'healthy eaters' complaining about lack of meat substitutes...as if Thailand didn't have enough problems...


u r funny guy!

nobody is complaining!

it is just a matter of ur perception

and then - why u bother even to open a thread which u know u r not interested in or have pre-justice about?

save urself a hussle - don't bother to read things which u don't want to !

natee...it is my right as a Nobel laureate and long time poster on this forum to be drunk, obnoxious and otherwise hostile to vegetarians. Vegetarianism means political correctness, then no smoking in bars or on the street...fighting in bars and wild polemic that may result in the expulsion of all foreigners from Thailand.

Hitler had a fifth column in the UK...same with vegetarians around the world...look what happened in California...

being hostile to anybody, as well as obnoxious drunk and whatever else - hardly different form being fascist ....

the thing is - everyone has a right to east or do or think/speak what they prefer

and what da f*** u r talking about? I doubt rthat sick minded person who hustliy generalise people and calls names can eve even approach to be something like Nobel laureate

the simple truth is: there are just a few people in every Forum - be it this web site or any other - who consider themselves almighty opinionated. they are mostly the only ones who write most of texts in amost each and every thread.

they don't give a piece of sh** about whatever is any thread about... they just bored to death by their lyfestyle and therefor try to at least get some fun by pretending to be smart asses and apearing so smart in all and every subject.

when ppl ask some sincere Qs or request for some infromation or help - you can immidietly regognises these guys by their smart ass answers which are mostly irrelefvent to the subject matter and simply sort of same boring competition amongst themselves - who will say something smarter and funnier..,,,

it sucks!

chill out man! don't pretend being smarter then u r ! coz your limits would always be obvious to those who realy does know the difference of who is and isn't competent in particular subject! so don't make a fool of ur self - and main thing is : for what? just to feel better by puting someone down? or geting recognition as Mr. Smartest Ass? anyway most of ID are anonymous here - what this recognition will gain you in real life? only sort of mental orgasm?

there are places and times when ppl are not talking anything serious in particular and only fooling around - and there are threads when someone's trying sincerely discuss something which might be important for him like that guy about his GF whom all of u smart asses were trying to riducule and mock for 17 pages... so f***ing funny, huh?

last point is: may be it is even better to be someone like Hitler then some "smart ass" - well at least he WAS smarter; although not necessary was a good person; but again those who aren't smart - also not necessary good... but definetely those who step on others heads to get cheap recognition as some senior or advanced or whatever member - by writing in every thread they know or not anything about - while exposing their own ignorance by mocking and ridiculing other ppl - hardly can ever be real smart.

just simply disgusting!


aaaaaaa...you baaaad...holy <deleted>, a newbie with an attitude problem...too many newbies at the same time with attitude problems...

As an American that has criticized America in previous posts this makes me suspicious...

aaaaaa, this forum is available to all of us that would want to crack wise and etc...maybe I'll nominate your momma for Nobel consideration later in the year...

but no one ever said that tutsi was a nice guy...sensitive perhaps but that's not worth much in Thailand...

Do you play golf?

aaaaaaa...you baaaad...holy <deleted>, a newbie with an attitude problem...too many newbies at the same time with attitude problems...

As an American that has criticized America in previous posts this makes me suspicious...

aaaaaa, this forum is available to all of us that would want to crack wise and etc...maybe I'll nominate your momma for Nobel consideration later in the year...

but no one ever said that tutsi was a nice guy...sensitive perhaps but that's not worth much in Thailand...

Do you play golf?

Tutsi - bored and nothing new to say - must be lonely where u are.

aaaaaaa...you baaaad...holy <deleted>, a newbie with an attitude problem...too many newbies at the same time with attitude problems...

As an American that has criticized America in previous posts this makes me suspicious...

aaaaaa, this forum is available to all of us that would want to crack wise and etc...maybe I'll nominate your momma for Nobel consideration later in the year...

but no one ever said that tutsi was a nice guy...sensitive perhaps but that's not worth much in Thailand...

Do you play golf?

hmmmm, I'm bad , huh?

just coz u don't like what I said 2 u?

and u know what? u r very snobish!

snob: person who despises those inferior in social position, wealth, intellect, taste etc. (like choise of food or expression of attitude or perhaps even the superficial rank in membership in some forums infested by bored ppl.... :D ) and such an artifcail and superficial social position as some conditional identification as newbie or senioir mamber in some virtual reality as anonymous on-line forum ?

u wanna crack wise - it's up 2 u... but not on account of other ppl ... coz it is realy cheap - to try appear wise simply by tring to prove that others r stupid or puting them down so that automatically at least in ur own eyes - if not in other's - u rise a lot ! do u think it is wise? simply disgusting!

or may be u mean in idiomatic sense - cracking wise meaning making a joke? common! this is not a joke when u mock someone and make them feel bad or embarrased etc... that is a sign of rather inferiority complex! have u been mocked a lot, tutsi or feel inferior?

law of jungle, huh? "if I don't cut another person's throat - he will cut mine" shit! this is so sick!

yeah I've got an attitude - why can't I ? or is it only a privelage of "senior members"? but I never said I have a problem with it. it rather seems like u've got a problem with my attitude, dude! huh? than that's totally ur problem - not mine !!!

sure u pissed me off by ur comments! coz I'm a vegetarian and never tried to impose my opinions on ne1 or propogate anything what to speak to force ne1 to become such... and many other ppl feel the same by some careless replicas like urs...

as u said urself: "aaaaaa, this forum is available to all of us"

that means - ALL not only "senior members" , dude!

so if ppl want to talk about something and simply express their opinion and share some info they need - what makes u so up set about it so that u call them nazis?

who da f*** r u to judge who is a nazi or fascist? do u have f***ing idea about nazis? have ever nazis been there in ur sunny California or even on the blessed soil of ur land of paradise on earthto give u some approximate idea of who they were and what atrocities they did ? well, at least British had their cities bombed severly.... but u didn't even have any serious war or alien invading troops on ur soil ever since couple of hundred years to be so judgemental and arrogant ! so what do u think - u make it a joke by saying those who try to be healthy eaters or whatever are nazis?

that ur country is so screwed up - why, that is ur problem! it has been conceived so... all kinds of ppl flocked there ever since. and u r perhaps one of those who think of themselves as real americans, who's ancestors slauthered natives and never even tried to apologise to them as at least Australian did to their aborigenes (so funny! "sorry, we genocided u !") and then later tried to prevent or control those who were trying to get to the same land later then them... what do u expect? yeah, of coz u can't stop it - the blending in all those chinese, indians , latinos... do u know why? simply coz u propogate ur values all over the world so much - naturally ppl want to embrace these values and where to do that better than in the land of their origin? and what makes u different as a descendent of those first emigrants from "newbies" (yeah, same attitude!)? or may be u r even not a descendent of the first, but of second, third, etc. huh??

anbother thing is: u r not there now I suppose - but half world away, in different culture. so perhpas it would be realy wise if u at least try to adjust to different culture and ways, huh? it is asia, man! even though it is so much changed under the constant persistent and intensive influence of so called western culture - it still keeps on its own tracks! so don't try to issue ur judgements based on ur values there simply coz it is not necessary every one else in the world agrees with ur illusion that those values are the best!

u stick to those values and lyfestyle, ways, etc. - ok, good 4 u! but don't f***ing try to impose them on others - coz others not tryin the same on u !

u like to drink and smoke - do it! but why da f*** I must inhale it too? u do it without making trouble to other ppl - that's all.... but no! such ppl as u start to call nazis everybody who has different point of view or taste... and most funny - who try simply to object that - sorry, I don't want to breath it in with u simply coz I don' like it. so if other peson doesn't like it and not silent about it but tells u so or trying to prevent u from make him inhale that smoke - that makes him hazi? then perhpas this world is hopelessly sick !

that it is screwed up there in ur state to totally another extreme - doesn't men it is a fault of ppl who don't smoke or don't want to eat meat....

BTW do u realise that many ppl do read this forums from time to time for years may be but are discouraged to participate for reason of avoiding eing mocked by or even argue with some smart asses who consider themselves eligible to judge ne1 here? u might discourage them by ur attitude - like caling some nazis, fascists etc. like that person said: if I enjoy my lentil soup does it make me nazi?

or may be u write ur comments in ever drunk state and therefor don't realise and not even try to grasp the sense in what u say to whom? or that u may

so just coz they might not acumulate so much whatever is needed for the "senior member" rank doesn't necessary mean they are newbie....

anyway... this is simply childhish - make some sort of discrimination similar to senior-junior shit which u probably had even in your primary school ... have u been a bully there in ur childhood, tutsi? or perhaps been bullied instead so that u've similar attitude now? :o

last thing: don't take me wrong dude! I have nothing against u as a person. just watch ur mouth and don't offend other ppl under the pretend of "cracking wise" - ok?

peace man! :D:D


aaaaaa...calm down,man...nobody is here to deliberately upset others (I'm not, at least). Yeah...I don't like politically correct vegetarians or non-smokers that gloat when smokers that mind their own business cannot go to bars and restaurants anymore.

If you post on this forum then you are a target for anyone else that posts...don't like the heat then stay out of the fukcin' kitchen...


I don't know much about vegetarian restaurants in Bangkok, but there are about 30 of them here in Chiangmai, ranging from little "hole in the wall" places that nevertheless produce excellent food, to Khun Chern on Nimenheimen Soi 11, with its all you can eat veggie buffet every day. The price is 55 baht. Many of the restaurants have their own specialties. The biggest problem is dinner, as most veggie places close early.


Hey Maverick

So you are a veggie or just dislike meat.

This from someone who thinks people who play Golf are old Fartz, what a self opinionated biggot you are.

Name a place veggie <deleted> and we will see who the old Fart is.

You dont like meat, does this mean that all I have heard about you and ladyboys is untrue over there in Pattaya, best stay there, Hua Hin is for families and decent people.


oh dear...this 'newbie' business is now out of hand...

As a respectable poster on this forum I demand that newbies be tagged and licensed to prevent further outbursts from 'goosebuggers' that seek to destroy the respectibility of this forum...


Check out www.asoke.info

This is the website of a large veggie Buddhist community in Thailand. They have centers all over and make their own tofu and other veggie products.

I have just recently found out about them. My wife has told me that her cousin and her family live in one of their communities in the Issan area.

They attempt also to get "off the grid" as much as possible and sound like nice people.

PS It's too bad to see this name calling and threats starting in an other wise peaceful discourse... :D

I thought there were rules about that? :o

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