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Thai court's ruling pointing to the wrong exit from crisis


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With well-intentioned collaboration of the court and other independent organisations that never deemed the election disruption to be illegal, the election in Thailand is now being held hostage by the protesters as a political bargaining chip. They said they would not allow an election unless their men were installed into power.

That meant the people of Thailand would not have a chance any more to use an election to reflect their free minds on changing and installing a new government to run the country.

Might take issue with the first three words in that sentence but other than that "verdad".. follows Sutheps plan perfectly...

With well-intentioned....

Edited by DirtFarmer
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In fairness why Feb 2nd , the elections should have been called at the max amount of days allowed under the Constitution or at a date suitable for all parties , that is the crux of this matter, now lets hold some meaningful elections, after August , no obstructions , democracy voting , no grenades or bullets being fired, elect a government , then lets piss that lot off and then form a reform panel without one parliamentarian , present or previous, no party hacks , all to be panel members to have a degree in Democracy or affinity with Democracy , lead by General Prayuth. That will cause some indjgestion bah.gif

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This slippery slope(Clarkson?) started when another court ruled that it was Suthep's democratic right to stop the country from exercising it's right to vote.

The (non) Independants agengcies have tied the country in knots because they are trying to get rid of the elected government and bring back the Amart.

Thailand is becoming a laughing stock


Suthep a slippery slope.....I like that!

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Yingluk insisted that a snap election be held...no ifs and buts.

The EC has a massive logistical process to arrange a national election, and in my view, couldn't manage it.

They recommended not to hold the election at that time, but, as would be expected, their advice was ignored.

It's not difficult to understand really!

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This slippery slope(Clarkson?) started when another court ruled that it was Suthep's democratic right to stop the country from exercising it's right to vote.

The (non) Independants agengcies have tied the country in knots because they are trying to get rid of the elected government and bring back the Amart.

Thailand is becoming a laughing stock

Sorry I don't agree with this sentence.

It should read IS!

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The conclusion from this article is that it's okay to having any number of polling dates set over any particular timespan. So the author would say that it's proper to set an election date and set any number of polling dates at any time. Next election let's have the EC set an election date, and then instead of having a nationwide poll, have one per week per province. Finish polling in three years. Why not?

Here is one spot where reform is badly needed. Some amendment to the constitution to tighten up elections.

Edited by gabruce
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The idea of having elections on different dates, is for advance polling, for people who can't be there on the actual election day. On election day, the remaining ballads are supposed to be cast. That is how it works in most democracies, including Thailand. This wasn't done and therefore the elections were annulled.

This Nation writer is once again showing is IQ level, which seems to be at about the same level as a lot of the Red's.

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6 for to 3 against. In a jury system, this verdict will not stand. Still good to see that the court practice some sort of popular voting system and reach a verdict. Something that Suterp will not accept in an elecion but he will accept the court popular voting verdict.

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This article in the Nation is right . To my way of thinking the Constitution needs rethinking and amending . The EC should be abolished and maybe the constitutional court .

Suthep is abusing the right of peaceful demonstration . To disrupt the elected government and running of the country , to undermine industry , foreign investment , tourism , is against the interests of Thailand and her people . I would call it Treason !!! The problem in Thailand is that high IQs are lacking in people who most need .

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This article in the Nation is right . To my way of thinking the Constitution needs rethinking and amending . The EC should be abolished and maybe the constitutional court .

Suthep is abusing the right of peaceful demonstration . To disrupt the elected government and running of the country , to undermine industry , foreign investment , tourism , is against the interests of Thailand and her people . I would call it Treason !!! The problem in Thailand is that high IQs are lacking in people who most need .

Are you suggesting he do it like the red shirts did in 2010?

I don't think that would happen. He has to much integrity to lower himself down to that level.

He is right up front with his demands for negotiation. He is not faking negotiations and then backing out of them when they are accepted.

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