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PM Yingluck has yet to decide whether to run for second term


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"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has yet to decide whether she will run for a second term"

She already did.

Her political opposites have self-servingly and fearfully obstructed that election and vote tabulation.

The above title a very hopeful comment by election-challenged PAD-Dem's.

She run in the last election. It seems she's not answering the question of whether she will be a candidate for the next (unscheduled) election. Of course as you point out the question and lack of an answer could be a fabrication by the media.

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she did stand for the cancelled election and the reds won at polling stations, so it looks like she will be standing and has almost a certain chance to win.

as to "reducing political frictions" she was outstanding in dealing with the street mob, offering dialogue numeral times, calling for a new election

I can only assume you are being sarcastic as no sensible person could believe what you have written

no, I'm serious.

you don't believe she had won 2x at elections?

you don't believe she will stand again?

you believe she didn't offer dialogue to protesters

you believe she didn't call for a new election?

Hilarious cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Let me guess:

She will say maybe its best she doesn't run for Prime Minister because she CARES about Thailand's political situation and she wants to allow democracy.

But then suddenly ALL of her MP's call for her to be Prime Minister 9and that she is the best for the job)... so she comes to office (because they asked her), rather than her choosing to.

a PR stunt,

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

she did stand for the cancelled election and the reds won at polling stations, so it looks like she will be standing and has almost a certain chance to win.

as to "reducing political frictions" she was outstanding in dealing with the street mob, offering dialogue numeral times, calling for a new election

Her mere presence as Prime Minister causes political frictions due to her infamous brother. The only way she could be "outstanding" is to step aside and tell her brother to shove it!

If the PTP is serious about "reducing political frictions" they might want to nominate somebody a bit less controversial.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

she did stand for the cancelled election and the reds won at polling stations, so it looks like she will be standing and has almost a certain chance to win.

as to "reducing political frictions" she was outstanding in dealing with the street mob, offering dialogue numeral times, calling for a new election

In 2010, Abhisit let the Red Shirt mob run amok for 2 months, offered dialogue several times, and called for a new election.

Do you think he was similarly "outstanding" at reducing political tensions?

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PM Yingluck has yet to decide whether to run for second term

She never ran for the position last time nor will she need to do so this time.She was,she is a party list candidate therefore she like the rest of these characters have no need to campaign and actually meet and mingle with the masses.

She and others like her were put into the position by her brother so as they could carry on ensuring the Shinwatra family commission income from state contracts and business deals and assorted financial instruments.''The fiddle'' being the most common instrument in the Shinwatra puppet show pit orchestra ensemble.

Note the 2 links below.whistling.gif


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She refused to answer questions

A fitting epitaph for sure.

Seriously though this will she / won't she gossip at the moment is very diversionary. She faces very serious charges, and in a nation where it takes rather a lot for wealthy persons to end up facing serious charges.

This "running for office or not" question doesn't seem to be very apt to ask at the current time. Its like asking the captain of the Titanic if he plans to captain more ships in the future, as he gurgles his way to the seabed.

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she did stand for the cancelled election and the reds won at polling stations, so it looks like she will be standing and has almost a certain chance to win.

as to "reducing political frictions" she was outstanding in dealing with the street mob, offering dialogue numeral times, calling for a new election

which planet are you on. The election was never declared because it was never finalised, the EC did not announce a winner did they!

how will she stand when the NACC charge her with mismanagement and corruption over the rice scam!

How many times did she refuse to speak with suthep? I doubt she could hold her own in any debate, she is not a politician has no political knowledge, dummies don't have brains do they?

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she did stand for the cancelled election and the reds won at polling stations, so it looks like she will be standing and has almost a certain chance to win.

as to "reducing political frictions" she was outstanding in dealing with the street mob, offering dialogue numeral times, calling for a new election

I can only assume you are being sarcastic as no sensible person could believe what you have written

no, I'm serious.

you don't believe she had won 2x at elections?

you don't believe she will stand again?

you believe she didn't offer dialogue to protesters

you believe she didn't call for a new election?

Yingluck wasn't elected in the 2014 election, so I do not believe she has won twice at elections.

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she did stand for the cancelled election and the reds won at polling stations, so it looks like she will be standing and has almost a certain chance to win.

as to "reducing political frictions" she was outstanding in dealing with the street mob, offering dialogue numeral times, calling for a new election

I can only assume you are being sarcastic as no sensible person could believe what you have written

no, I'm serious.

you don't believe she had won 2x at elections?

you don't believe she will stand again?

you believe she didn't offer dialogue to protesters

you believe she didn't call for a new election?

Blatant distorsion of the facts to suit your dreams!

No, she did not won the elections twice!

She rejected talks with Suthep, as it had to be on live tv, one to one......and we all know what would have happened!

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Yes again refusing to answer questions. The caretaker leader in public office with a duty to the public to show transparency and guide and ease the anxiety of the nation is unable to address the public albeit through Facebook of which the majority of Thai's don't have access to.

She is the caretaker defense minister yet won't denounce the actions of "dismantling" (apparently the word "demolish" is too harsh a word for the terrorists on red shirt radio) army bunkers that are overlooking the NACC.

She is the caretaker PM, but won't denounce, Nattawaut, her commerce minister who would have ordered the red shirts to take the military bunker down as well as stating they will attack the NACC and kidnap 6 of the judges.

The PTP official statement stipulated they won't accept the NACC ruling against yingluck yet she indicated on her Facebook message that constitutional stability is crucial. All this indicated to me is she has serious mental health issues and has essentially answered the headline in the OP with a strong, reverberant NO. A sane person does not look at tomatoes in the North the day after a terrorist attack. A sane person does not look at the water level in a river and then tell people to do their job efficiently while the country is on the brink of civil war.

No wonder she won't do public speaking. She would fall apart, the mental disorder would show predominantly and she would not be able to answer the questions without crying.

​If anyone in Thailand can have the opportunity to ask yingluck a question ask her the following and this includes you Amanpour;

  1. Nattawat is the caretaker commerce minster working under you as well as the UDD leader. Do you feel that this link would insinuate that the PTP are in fact controlling the UDD and through that projection, the armed militia as well that is starting to overrun military bunkers in Bangkok?
  2. Do you feel it compromises the morality and the principles of the PTP when the commerce minister is a leader of the UDD that have opening praised the terrorist attacks in Trat as well as openly demanded succession and abdicated attacks on Bangkok if the rule of law proves you guilty?
  3. Have you spoken to Nattawut about this and what have you said?
  4. What do you have to say to the public to ease their concerns that this conflict could develop further into civil war?
  5. ​What are your views on the UDD stating they will dismantle all the independent institutions and replace them with their own "neutral" ones?
  6. The UDD approach of forming these "neutral" independent institutions is not dissimilar to what Suthep is saying in regards to the "neutral" PM scenario to oversee much needed reform yet the PTP and UDD stance on the neutral PM scenario is that it would not be workable. Why would the UDD idea of "neutral" independent institutions be workable in this context?
  7. Do you feel that country needs reform? And if you were elected again could the people trust you to oversee this reform when only 3 months ago you tried to absolve 25 000 corruption cases which is what this reform is trying to stamp out?
  8. You state constitutional stability is critical yet openly stated that you would not respect the NACC ruling. This seems to be self contradictory? Can you explain this to the public?
  9. What is the progress on the investigation into the Trat and Bangkok terrorist attacks?

There a few of the top of my head. I am sure there would be a lot of Thai people that would love those questions answered. Some say Amanpour did a wonderful investigative piece when questioning yingluck. That was a prepared diatribe that looked more at home in advertising the PTP during the Super Bowl halftime TV add break just after the Sinfield ad and before the start of the second half.

In the words of PTP labour minister, you can behead me if these questions are asked and answered. This is why she will never ever be allowed to debate, talk in public and only have scripted interviews. She is a fragile, unstable, uninformed puppet. Not even a puppet. Puppets have more transparency with the public than her. SHe gives puppets a bad name

So to answer the OP headline….Not a f*cking chance!!

She is standing.

Abhisit is not standing.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Yes again refusing to answer questions. The caretaker leader in public office with a duty to the public to show transparency and guide and ease the anxiety of the nation is unable to address the public albeit through Facebook of which the majority of Thai's don't have access to.

She is the caretaker defense minister yet won't denounce the actions of "dismantling" (apparently the word "demolish" is too harsh a word for the terrorists on red shirt radio) army bunkers that are overlooking the NACC.

She is the caretaker PM, but won't denounce, Nattawaut, her commerce minister who would have ordered the red shirts to take the military bunker down as well as stating they will attack the NACC and kidnap 6 of the judges.

The PTP official statement stipulated they won't accept the NACC ruling against yingluck yet she indicated on her Facebook message that constitutional stability is crucial. All this indicated to me is she has serious mental health issues and has essentially answered the headline in the OP with a strong, reverberant NO. A sane person does not look at tomatoes in the North the day after a terrorist attack. A sane person does not look at the water level in a river and then tell people to do their job efficiently while the country is on the brink of civil war.

No wonder she won't do public speaking. She would fall apart, the mental disorder would show predominantly and she would not be able to answer the questions without crying.

​If anyone in Thailand can have the opportunity to ask yingluck a question ask her the following and this includes you Amanpour;

  1. Nattawat is the caretaker commerce minster working under you as well as the UDD leader. Do you feel that this link would insinuate that the PTP are in fact controlling the UDD and through that projection, the armed militia as well that is starting to overrun military bunkers in Bangkok?
  2. Do you feel it compromises the morality and the principles of the PTP when the commerce minister is a leader of the UDD that have opening praised the terrorist attacks in Trat as well as openly demanded succession and abdicated attacks on Bangkok if the rule of law proves you guilty?
  3. Have you spoken to Nattawut about this and what have you said?
  4. What do you have to say to the public to ease their concerns that this conflict could develop further into civil war?
  5. ​What are your views on the UDD stating they will dismantle all the independent institutions and replace them with their own "neutral" ones?
  6. The UDD approach of forming these "neutral" independent institutions is not dissimilar to what Suthep is saying in regards to the "neutral" PM scenario to oversee much needed reform yet the PTP and UDD stance on the neutral PM scenario is that it would not be workable. Why would the UDD idea of "neutral" independent institutions be workable in this context?
  7. Do you feel that country needs reform? And if you were elected again could the people trust you to oversee this reform when only 3 months ago you tried to absolve 25 000 corruption cases which is what this reform is trying to stamp out?
  8. You state constitutional stability is critical yet openly stated that you would not respect the NACC ruling. This seems to be self contradictory? Can you explain this to the public?
  9. What is the progress on the investigation into the Trat and Bangkok terrorist attacks?

There a few of the top of my head. I am sure there would be a lot of Thai people that would love those questions answered. Some say Amanpour did a wonderful investigative piece when questioning yingluck. That was a prepared diatribe that looked more at home in advertising the PTP during the Super Bowl halftime TV add break just after the Sinfield ad and before the start of the second half.

In the words of PTP labour minister, you can behead me if these questions are asked and answered. This is why she will never ever be allowed to debate, talk in public and only have scripted interviews. She is a fragile, unstable, uninformed puppet. Not even a puppet. Puppets have more transparency with the public than her. SHe gives puppets a bad name

So to answer the OP headline….Not a f*cking chance!!

She is standing.

Abhisit is not standing.

Yep. I thought it would be hard to rebut my post heay….

Thanks for highlighting that it is true through your lack of addressing it.

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she did stand for the cancelled election and the reds won at polling stations, so it looks like she will be standing and has almost a certain chance to win.

as to "reducing political frictions" she was outstanding in dealing with the street mob, offering dialogue numeral times, calling for a new election

I can only assume you are being sarcastic as no sensible person could believe what you have written

no, I'm serious.

you don't believe she had won 2x at elections?

you don't believe she will stand again?

you believe she didn't offer dialogue to protesters

you believe she didn't call for a new election?

Blatant distorsion of the facts to suit your dreams!

No, she did not won the elections twice!

She rejected talks with Suthep, as it had to be on live tv, one to one......and we all know what would have happened!

Yes, and there was more.....

Whether she will stand again very much depends on 2 factors - what her brother tells her to do and how successful the NACC case is against her (red shirt intimidation permitting).

She only offered dialogue with pre-conditions. Even worse she (or more correctly, her brother) offered the CAPO/CMPO run by 3 of the worst stooges that anyone could come up with.

There hasn't been any real activity from PTP about a new election - they've been too busy with the usual condemnation and personal attacks on the CC judges.

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She is standing.

Abhisit is not standing.


As the next election has not been announced and it's format very much up in the air, no one is definitely standing or not. All Abhisit has done is stated his current stance and all Yingluck has done is said nothing.

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she did stand for the cancelled election and the reds won at polling stations, so it looks like she will be standing and has almost a certain chance to win.

as to "reducing political frictions" she was outstanding in dealing with the street mob, offering dialogue numeral times, calling for a new election

which planet are you on. The election was never declared because it was never finalised, the EC did not announce a winner did they!

how will she stand when the NACC charge her with mismanagement and corruption over the rice scam!

How many times did she refuse to speak with suthep? I doubt she could hold her own in any debate, she is not a politician has no political knowledge, dummies don't have brains do they?

No she won the election. The EC did release the result inadvertently as part of their usual stats, Democrats got 16.69% "Vote No" and Yingluk got around 75% of the vote. Apparently she even won seats from BJP. Also notice that Suthep succeeded in getting the vote below the 20% limit needed to annul the seat in only one seat.

She was already PM from the last election and still had 2 years to rule before Suthep forced an early election via his coup attempt aswell of course.

She's not charged with "mismanagment and corruption", indeed, they haven't found any corruption, they're trying for a negligence charge in stopping the corruption they failed to find.

"How many times did she refuse to speak with suthep?" That's up to her, she's the Prime Minister of Thailand, Suthep is just a failed coup plotter.

"she is not a politician has no political knowledge" She's the elected Prime Minister of Thailand, and the world leaders rallied around her.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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For her health and mental well-being, she should not run again. Let Suthep and his people reclaim Thailand and civil war will be next for the country. If I were Yingluck and her family, I would seek major investment opportunities abroad and forget about the stupidity of Thailand.

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The Question is , whether the good lady PM wishes to continue to do the dirty work for her brother, I personally think that PM Yingluck is too nice a person to continue, the lady was given a task that turned into a nightmare (Thaskin another miss -calculation) , her personal reputation was one of the highest till this little saga, before PM Yingluck completely destroys her good name or what is left of it and tells her brother to go take a jump and go's back to what she knows best, running her own business , because as a PM you sure don't know how to run a country and neither dose your brother.bah.gif

I don't think her reputation was very high when she left AIS.

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The Question is , whether the good lady PM wishes to continue to do the dirty work for her brother, I personally think that PM Yingluck is too nice a person to continue, the lady was given a task that turned into a nightmare (Thaskin another miss -calculation) , her personal reputation was one of the highest till this little saga, before PM Yingluck completely destroys her good name or what is left of it and tells her brother to go take a jump and go's back to what she knows best, running her own business , because as a PM you sure don't know how to run a country and neither dose your brother.bah.gif

I don't think her reputation was very high when she left AIS.

Edit Seems it's double-post day again.

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" The world has never seen such a set of monkeys in such a banana republic ". Yes , the world has !

Politicians of the more advanced countries never give a straight answer to a question , alway reply with a statement that sidesteps the question , that is politics .

My thinking is that Yingluck was unwise to take on the job of PM ; sure she did because of popular support from the party to do so , as a spit in the eye to anti Thaksinites .

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She is standing.

Abhisit is not standing.


As the next election has not been announced and it's format very much up in the air, no one is definitely standing or not. All Abhisit has done is stated his current stance and all Yingluck has done is said nothing.

I'm stating my opinion on this.

She is standing, nothing has changed about the election format other than she's in a far stronger position now than when Suthep first tried his coup. She was standing in the first round and thus standing now.

Abhisit won't stand for election because he cannot get elected, and his ranking is lower than ever. Since he's not stepping down from the Democrats, the Democrats will decide not to stand for election at their meeting tommorrow.

Suthep is gone, regardless of how this turns out, he'll be thrown to the wolves as a scape goat. He might be hoping for a big rally on Sunday, but his marches around Bangkok this week have flopped and signs are not good for him.

I see a few stories trying to float the idea of Yingluk stepping down in exchange for permitting elections. Of course EC cannot legally make any such trade, and the Commissioners are already walking a very tight rope. Somchai's getting edgy, he knows he doesn't have the cover of legality, and trash collection day is coming.

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For her health and mental well-being, she should not run again. Let Suthep and his people reclaim Thailand and civil war will be next for the country. If I were Yingluck and her family, I would seek major investment opportunities abroad and forget about the stupidity of Thailand.

Is that meant to be a threat?

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Once again. If whatever this woman from the Sae Khun clan (their real chinese name) does, would be for peace justice and prosperity of the country she would step aside. Then Suthep could also step aside. A proper constitution with a just election system could be put in place and THEN after all this time there could be elections. Preferably closely monitored by the UN, just for once. After whats been done to the farmers, the 85% who would die for His Majesty the King and the normal people who need to make a living, shopping constantly more expensive food, I know that there ll be a proper majority to form a government without the thai rak thai, oh no, phue thai or whatever new name they have to come up with to make their illegal party legal over and over again.

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