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'Clone' Yingluck faces the same fate as Thaksin


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Setting the groundwork for another judicial coup, I see. Screw real democracy; only the elite should rule. Blah, blah, blah...

Only 3 words made any sense in your post and that was BLAH,BLAH,BLAH

The rest was pure BS & HS thumbsup.gif Do you wave the Red Shirt Flags with one hand or both whistling.gif

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Good post.

With social and family pressure in Thailand being so rigidly enforced, it's hard not to have a little sympathy for Ms Yingluck. After all, she is not the mastermind (far from it), and she is not her own person. She will be self-exiled, with her millions, to some nice area of England where she can reacquire her badly deteriorated English skills and the sun won't burn her delicate Thai complexion like Dubai will. She will miss Thailand for a few years but she will get used to it as she will have her son with her and she can fly friends in from time to time. Thaksin won't suffer as he has sister Yaowapa to possibly be his next 'clone' though Thaksin will have to worry more as Yaowapa has her own power base and is not as easily manipulated by her brother. It will be very interesting to see who Thaksin chooses to lead his next puppet government. So many are crawling on their bellies for that job only to stab him in he back if given the chance. Seriously, this family is beginning to compare to the Borgias for intrigue. I hope I live long enough to see the television miniseries of 'The Shinawatras of Chiang Mai'.

You are on point. Another good post.

Yeah yeah...buuut she won the election. The others didn't. Case closed.

Sure Thaksin won... nearly three years ago. Non-stop scandal and corruption since. A lot of people have had the wool pulled off their eyes. Most voters in the last (annulled) election either voted non-of-the-above or stayed home. Winning an election also doesn't make one immune to prosecution and imprisonment or self-imposed exile (most likely they'll give her plenty of chances to abscond)

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Dr. Thaksin is a narcissist and doesn't see how his actions destroy other people's lives; including the life of his youngest sister, Yingluck. In Thailand, there is a phenomenon called, 'nong'. Nong is the youngest sibling and they grow up sheltered from the world and protected and spoiled by the older siblings. The do not know how to take care of themselves or learn responsibility. As nong, Ms Yingluck is very inexperienced in life and has always been protected. Nong is a double-edged sword in that Ms Yingluck cannot refuse older brother Thaksin when he asks her to represent the family's interest as his 'clone' PM. She, also cannot refuse to appoint those he wants her to appoint and to promote his policies. Because of the way Thai society defines the role of 'nong', Ms Yingluck is truly a puppet in every sense of the word. She doesn't have enough life experience to stand on her own and she cannot say no to her brother. Dr. Thaksin has mercilessly exploited his youngest sister to the detriment of her and the country. She will not be able to use 'nong' as a defense and will suffer whatever the law deals to her. It is a tragedy. A narcissist with billions of dollars on a power trip. This saga is a long way from over and fifty years from now will be a favorite subject of television serials.

Good post.

With social and family pressure in Thailand being so rigidly enforced, it's hard not to have a little sympathy for Ms Yingluck. After all, she is not the mastermind (far from it), and she is not her own person. She will be self-exiled, with her millions, to some nice area of England where she can reacquire her badly deteriorated English skills and the sun won't burn her delicate Thai complexion like Dubai will. She will miss Thailand for a few years but she will get used to it as she will have her son with her and she can fly friends in from time to time. Thaksin won't suffer as he has sister Yaowapa to possibly be his next 'clone' though Thaksin will have to worry more as Yaowapa has her own power base and is not as easily manipulated by her brother. It will be very interesting to see who Thaksin chooses to lead his next puppet government. So many are crawling on their bellies for that job only to stab him in he back if given the chance. Seriously, this family is beginning to compare to the Borgias for intrigue. I hope I live long enough to see the television miniseries of 'The Shinawatras of Chiang Mai'.

England? Well if she has convictions the Poms might extradite her. As a previous poster pointed out. Megalomaniacs have a hard time to finde safe places to hide in the is "brave new world." I wonder if big brother told her about that?

Montenegro is nice and her brother has investments there. Nice sea views.

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The reference to horoscopes and star signs is very telling. The Nation reporter brings no credit on themselves or the content of the story for invoking such.

IMHO it seems that there are old money voices and resources railed against a populous becoming more and more educated.History is littered with tales of the peasants rising up against the aristocracy. As I see it, said big wigs will lose their metaphorical heads if this rivalry of law court / media manipulation (?) versus a popularly elected government continues. We have just seen the voices of 20 million voters overturned by the voice of a nine man electoral commission, and as far as I can see no electoral laws were broken. A free and fair election designed to clear the political air was derailed by those capable of using people in a small number of provinces to muddy the waters. A re-run of ballot in just those areas seems the most sensible outcome, and far less costly to a strained national budget..

I can almost hear the rattle of a rusty guillotine being wheeled out.

Perhaps in this vein could someone please elaborate on the structure of the Thai Senate. I'm informed there are 76 appointed positions in a house of 150 seats. Is this true. Some I spoke to felt that there was little point in voting because of this structure.

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I hear Dubai is a pretty nice place to live!

It's where the world's rich, elite, high society people like to gather.... the most luxurious place in the world.

Where else would a champion of Thailand's downtrodden poor live? biggrin.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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And yet both still win the popular vote while the other couldn't and have to resort to retro-active laws to get rid of one and the collective might of the independent agencies and the courts for the other. Fair fight? Neh. Conspiracy? Yes.

Yeap, populist pandering does work that way some times. Unfortunately, it creates an outraged opposition that has little trouble knowing just exactly where to twist the knife. TS proxied his way into this mess; let him proxy his sycophantic cronies out of it.

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I hear Dubai is a pretty nice place to live!

It's where the world's rich, elite, high society people like to gather.... the most luxurious place in the world.

Where else would a champion of Thailand's downtrodden poor live? biggrin.png

Thaksin is Robin Al-Hood.


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Yeah yeah...buuut she won the election. The others didn't. Case closed.


Not exactlly, she still had to form a coalition, and irrespective of winning an elcetion, it's doesn't mean that she is above the law.

Democracy, for those that don't understand, doesn't end at the ballot box.

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Yeah yeah...buuut she won the election. The others didn't. Case closed.


Not exactlly, she still had to form a coalition, and irrespective of winning an elcetion, it's doesn't mean that she is above the law.

Democracy, for those that don't understand, doesn't end at the ballot box.

But it starts at the ballot box...something your team isn't able to do, right?

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Dr. Thaksin is a narcissist and doesn't see how his actions destroy other people's lives; including the life of his youngest sister, Yingluck. In Thailand, there is a phenomenon called, 'nong'. Nong is the youngest sibling and they grow up sheltered from the world and protected and spoiled by the older siblings. The do not know how to take care of themselves or learn responsibility. As nong, Ms Yingluck is very inexperienced in life and has always been protected. Nong is a double-edged sword in that Ms Yingluck cannot refuse older brother Thaksin when he asks her to represent the family's interest as his 'clone' PM. She, also cannot refuse to appoint those he wants her to appoint and to promote his policies. Because of the way Thai society defines the role of 'nong', Ms Yingluck is truly a puppet in every sense of the word. She doesn't have enough life experience to stand on her own and she cannot say no to her brother. Dr. Thaksin has mercilessly exploited his youngest sister to the detriment of her and the country. She will not be able to use 'nong' as a defense and will suffer whatever the law deals to her. It is a tragedy. A narcissist with billions of dollars on a power trip. This saga is a long way from over and fifty years from now will be a favorite subject of television serials.


Krama of Shin.

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Yeah yeah...buuut she won the election. The others didn't. Case closed.


Not exactlly, she still had to form a coalition, and irrespective of winning an elcetion, it's doesn't mean that she is above the law.

Democracy, for those that don't understand, doesn't end at the ballot box.

But it starts at the ballot box...something your team isn't able to do, right?

Not my team at all Blackbird

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sagitarius, doent that make her a goat, certainly would explain the way she is as it would sum her up perfectly, also does the same for suthep. Actually, wouldnt that make her goat "poo".............cheesy.gif

Actually Goat is Capricorn .. Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer--half-man, half-horse. This symbolizes the Sagittarian's attempt to free itself from man's animal nature. The centaur is thought to symbolize the development of the human soul. It symbolizes the animal natures and desires of man, as well as its spiritual aspirations. In Greek mythology, centaurs were adventurous, brave, and wise; they were also given to brawling and uncivilized behavior.

Bugger, thanks for that, my bad but in that case as the horse is the rear end we can substitute goat poo with horse sh*t

Edited by seajae
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Thaksin is a megalomaniac, with dysfunction disorder (post#5), he is a narcissist (post#7): golly, I didn't know we had so many experts in Psychiatric conditions posting on Thai Visa!

You see I genuinely thought that they just didn't like him!

Edited by JAG
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Thaksin is a megalomaniac, with dysfunction disorder (post#5), he is a narcissist (post#7): golly, I didn't know we had so many experts in Psychiatric conditions posting on Thai Visa!

You see I genuinely thought that they just didn't like him!

Some people just see more than others I reckon... Just goes to show that red-tinted glasses are bad for the eyes (among other things).

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The reference to horoscopes and star signs is very telling. The Nation reporter brings no credit on themselves or the content of the story for invoking such.

IMHO it seems that there are old money voices and resources railed against a populous becoming more and more educated.History is littered with tales of the peasants rising up against the aristocracy. As I see it, said big wigs will lose their metaphorical heads if this rivalry of law court / media manipulation (?) versus a popularly elected government continues. We have just seen the voices of 20 million voters overturned by the voice of a nine man electoral commission, and as far as I can see no electoral laws were broken. A free and fair election designed to clear the political air was derailed by those capable of using people in a small number of provinces to muddy the waters. A re-run of ballot in just those areas seems the most sensible outcome, and far less costly to a strained national budget..

I can almost hear the rattle of a rusty guillotine being wheeled out.

Perhaps in this vein could someone please elaborate on the structure of the Thai Senate. I'm informed there are 76 appointed positions in a house of 150 seats. Is this true. Some I spoke to felt that there was little point in voting because of this structure.

"History is littered with tales of the peasants rising up against the aristocracy"

That is what happening right now, the peasants are rising up against the aristocracy, the Shinawatra aristocrazy.

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Try as they have, with every illegal action they could possibly think of, this one, very astute and level headed lady still occupies the highest political office in the land.

Many in her shoes would have long ago wilted or made a political miscalculation that would have hastened their ousting, but not the Divine Miss Y - she has outsmarted, outwitted and outplayed them all.

If she keeps this up, historians will be referring to Thaksin as only the second most popular and successful PM in Thai history.

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Try as they have, with every illegal action they could possibly think of, this one, very astute and level headed lady still occupies the highest political office in the land.

Many in her shoes would have long ago wilted or made a political miscalculation that would have hastened their ousting, but not the Divine Miss Y - she has outsmarted, outwitted and outplayed them all.

If she keeps this up, historians will be referring to Thaksin as only the second most popular and successful PM in Thai history

Yea, but only in Your Dreams, post again when the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. ...................coffee1.gif

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Try as they have, with every illegal action they could possibly think of, this one, very astute and level headed lady still occupies the highest political office in the land.

Many in her shoes would have long ago wilted or made a political miscalculation that would have hastened their ousting, but not the Divine Miss Y - she has outsmarted, outwitted and outplayed them all.

If she keeps this up, historians will be referring to Thaksin as only the second most popular and successful PM in Thai history

Yea, but only in Your Dreams

he feels better, anyway jerk.gif

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I hear Dubai is a pretty nice place to live!

It's where the world's rich, elite, high society people like to gather.... the most luxurious place in the world.

Where else would a champion of Thailand's downtrodden poor live? biggrin.png

Thaksin is Robin Al-Hood.


I thought he was Robbin All-Thais

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Dr. Thaksin is a narcissist and doesn't see how his actions destroy other people's lives; including the life of his youngest sister, Yingluck. In Thailand, there is a phenomenon called, 'nong'. Nong is the youngest sibling and they grow up sheltered from the world and protected and spoiled by the older siblings. The do not know how to take care of themselves or learn responsibility. As nong, Ms Yingluck is very inexperienced in life and has always been protected. Nong is a double-edged sword in that Ms Yingluck cannot refuse older brother Thaksin when he asks her to represent the family's interest as his 'clone' PM. She, also cannot refuse to appoint those he wants her to appoint and to promote his policies. Because of the way Thai society defines the role of 'nong', Ms Yingluck is truly a puppet in every sense of the word. She doesn't have enough life experience to stand on her own and she cannot say no to her brother. Dr. Thaksin has mercilessly exploited his youngest sister to the detriment of her and the country. She will not be able to use 'nong' as a defense and will suffer whatever the law deals to her. It is a tragedy. A narcissist with billions of dollars on a power trip. This saga is a long way from over and fifty years from now will be a favorite subject of television serials.

The truth be told if my older brother had given me 600 million baht I would go to jail for him also. As long as my kids ended up being free of the obligation.

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Setting the groundwork for another judicial coup, I see. Screw real democracy; only the elite should rule. Blah, blah, blah...

Don't think there will be a coup Prayuth has held out against that one for sometime now, Screw democracy Well!!.... Is democracy a 1 size fits all option in every nation on this planet? not likely:

Ukraine, Turkey, Egypt, China, Vietnam, Hell even Iran and Russia a few years ago. The ELITE Oh Boy I am sick of this grossly overused term, has anybody who has used this term on TV been down to a protest site or seen a protest march? You do not see pampered old "elites" swinging their bling bling handbags around their wrists rather ordinary office workers, nurses, long haired pleng Pheua shee wid types and no rolexes to be seen.

And I'll leave to Pierre-Joseph- Proudhon to sum my feelings on democratically or any other types of Government

To be governed is to be watched over, inspected, spied on,

directed, legislated, regimented, closed in, indoctrinated,

preached at, controlled, assessed, evaluated, censored, com­manded;

all by creatures that have neither the right, nor wis­dom, nor virtue...

To be governed means that at every move,

operation, or transaction one is noted, registered, entered in

a census, taxed, stamped, priced, assessed, patented, licensed,

authorized, recommended, admonished, prevented,

reformed, set right, corrected.

Government means to be sub­jectcd to tribute, trained, ransomed,

exploited, monopolized, extorted, pressured, mystified, robbed;

all in the name of public utility' and the general good. Then, at the first sign

of resistance or word of complaint, one is repressed, fined,

despised, vexed, pursued, hustled, heaten up, garroted,

imprisoned, shot. machine-gunned, judged, sentenced,

deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed, and to cap it all. ridiculed,

mocked, outraged, and dishonoured. That is government, that

is its justice and its morality!

Pierre-Joseph- Proudhon

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YS was always going to run into trouble as a puppet for TS as neither care about Thailand and have no regard for the countries laws. They are just in it for their own financial gain.

I fully agree,

I guess blood is thicker than water....... They are both a disgrace in my eyes......laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png


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