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Suthep says PDRC to launch an offensive next week


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Suthep is correct in stating that the people are the real owners of the country. The people have spoken through numerous polls from different agencies all having stated the same thing. Elections after reform. Polls have been used since the 1820's to survey a populations opinion between elections. For around 200 years people have turned to polls and extrapolated the information for their needs. Over 200 years all over the world polls are used and they have worked, they have given a strong indication of what the peoples opinion is, but in one pocket of the globe and miraculously only during thaksins tenure are polls not a true indication of the peoples opinion. Why? Simply because that opinion does not suit the PTP agenda. After thaksins tenure the polls will go back to normal again.

So Suthep you're on the right track and the voice of the people can be muffled as it was when an amnesty bill was passed against their wishes, but rest assured their voice cannot be silenced.

And as the polls have indicated and as the failed election has indicated, you do stand behind the majority until a referendum states otherwise.

It saddened me to see that the voice of the majority is respected when it suits a PTP agenda, but is ignored and excuses made up when it does not suit the PTP agenda. That is not democracy.

You do realise that an election is the ultimate poll?

Yes and thanks for highlighting the obvious. Polls however have been used successfully between elections since the 1820's to judge the citizens opinions. With the last election in Thailand being in 2011 and the devastating un-democratic impact the PTP have had on society the 2011 election is no longer an indication of the PTP's popularity thus why society have polls.

Going by the latest polls the PTP are as popular as the last failed election indicated.

Before the 2011 election the polls favored the PTP and thaksin which was to be expected and it was reflected when looking at the 2011 election results. The polls in other words where correct.

The only poll I have seen fail to predict the results was the bangkok governor election which the DEM's finished up winning. The polls all pointed to the PTP candidate winning. Of course I won't say that is a PTP slanted poll. That is just silly.

I look forward to a referendum on the "reform before elections" question to solidify what polls have been successfully predicating for over 150 years.

Edited by djjamie
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the voice of the people can be muffled as it was when an amnesty bill was passed against their wishes,


Your ignorance knows no bounds. The amnesty Bill was comprehensively defeated in the Senate.

In complete contrast to your troll rants and madman Suthep, the rejection of the Amnesty Bill was an example of a functioning democracy succesfully representing the electorates wishes. The government put something dodgy forward and it was crushed in a legitimate and democratic way.

There was never any need for this nonsense, what was needed was a strong opposition to win over the hearts and minds of the electorate and throw the government out.

What Thailand had before was far from perfect (high corruption and rice schemes spring to mind) but it was an elected government nonetheless and far better than anything that clown Suthep has to offer and where we are now with the economy about to enter a recession.

Edited by tullynagardy
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Suthep is correct in stating that the people are the real owners of the country. The people have spoken through numerous polls from different agencies all having stated the same thing. Elections after reform. Polls have been used since the 1820's to survey a populations opinion between elections. For around 200 years people have turned to polls and extrapolated the information for their needs. Over 200 years all over the world polls are used and they have worked, they have given a strong indication of what the peoples opinion is, but in one pocket of the globe and miraculously only during thaksins tenure are polls not a true indication of the peoples opinion. Why? Simply because that opinion does not suit the PTP agenda. After thaksins tenure the polls will go back to normal again.

So Suthep you're on the right track and the voice of the people can be muffled as it was when an amnesty bill was passed against their wishes, but rest assured their voice cannot be silenced.

And as the polls have indicated and as the failed election has indicated, you do stand behind the majority until a referendum states otherwise.

It saddened me to see that the voice of the majority is respected when it suits a PTP agenda, but is ignored and excuses made up when it does not suit the PTP agenda. That is not democracy.

But does Suthep even know that people actually live north of Bangkok ?

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Well this is the current mob strength (about 200-300 tops). He has 2000 guards apparently, but I don't know where they are because the mob is a few hundred here so I assume the majority of them are guarding Suthep:


Zombie coup.... zombie coup need brains..... brains.....BRAINS!

Maybe that's just the Guards Muster Parade and their getting their orders for the march of all marches tomorrow?

Just see if you can count proprly tomorrow. I believe the 2000 3000 guards is a deliberate great exaggeration to keep the red ants away.

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Suthep is correct in stating that the people are the real owners of the country. The people have spoken through numerous polls from different agencies all having stated the same thing. Elections after reform. Polls have been used since the 1820's to survey a populations opinion between elections. For around 200 years people have turned to polls and extrapolated the information for their needs. Over 200 years all over the world polls are used and they have worked, they have given a strong indication of what the peoples opinion is, but in one pocket of the globe and miraculously only during thaksins tenure are polls not a true indication of the peoples opinion. Why? Simply because that opinion does not suit the PTP agenda. After thaksins tenure the polls will go back to normal again.

So Suthep you're on the right track and the voice of the people can be muffled as it was when an amnesty bill was passed against their wishes, but rest assured their voice cannot be silenced.

And as the polls have indicated and as the failed election has indicated, you do stand behind the majority until a referendum states otherwise.

It saddened me to see that the voice of the majority is respected when it suits a PTP agenda, but is ignored and excuses made up when it does not suit the PTP agenda. That is not democracy.

You do realise that an election is the ultimate poll?

Well, in last election only 1/3 of eligible voters choose one of the 53 political parties. 2/3, the majority did not vote, were vote-no ballots or invalid.
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Suthep is correct in stating that the people are the real owners of the country. The people have spoken through numerous polls from different agencies all having stated the same thing. Elections after reform. Polls have been used since the 1820's to survey a populations opinion between elections. For around 200 years people have turned to polls and extrapolated the information for their needs. Over 200 years all over the world polls are used and they have worked, they have given a strong indication of what the peoples opinion is, but in one pocket of the globe and miraculously only during thaksins tenure are polls not a true indication of the peoples opinion. Why? Simply because that opinion does not suit the PTP agenda. After thaksins tenure the polls will go back to normal again.

So Suthep you're on the right track and the voice of the people can be muffled as it was when an amnesty bill was passed against their wishes, but rest assured their voice cannot be silenced.

And as the polls have indicated and as the failed election has indicated, you do stand behind the majority until a referendum states otherwise.

It saddened me to see that the voice of the majority is respected when it suits a PTP agenda, but is ignored and excuses made up when it does not suit the PTP agenda. That is not democracy.

Yo, brother, I'm sure you remember just how the people of OZ felt when their vote was ignored and Gough Whitlem was removed from office, didn't go down well huh? you can't fool all the people all the time but some still try ( Suthep)...

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Well this is the current mob strength (about 200-300 tops). He has 2000 guards apparently, but I don't know where they are because the mob is a few hundred here so I assume the majority of them are guarding Suthep:


Zombie coup.... zombie coup need brains..... brains.....BRAINS!

Maybe that's just the Guards Muster Parade and their getting their orders for the march of all marches tomorrow?

Just see if you can count proprly tomorrow. I believe the 2000 3000 guards is a deliberate great exaggeration to keep the red ants away.

It could also keep the protesters away too if they fear violent clashes

"Can I go and watch the big big big final final mother of all Rallies tomorrow mummy? "

" No!! Its far too dangerous, there's 3000 armed guards, they must be expecting a big fight, stay at home and watch this classic Charlie Chaplin movie with me. it's called the Great....(interrupted)..... "

Sigh..." alright mummy, you made your point"

"Good now away and tell yer pop to stop cleaning that RPG thingy in the kitchen!! "

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Suthep is correct in stating that the people are the real owners of the country. The people have spoken through numerous polls from different agencies all having stated the same thing. Elections after reform. Polls have been used since the 1820's to survey a populations opinion between elections. For around 200 years people have turned to polls and extrapolated the information for their needs. Over 200 years all over the world polls are used and they have worked, they have given a strong indication of what the peoples opinion is, but in one pocket of the globe and miraculously only during thaksins tenure are polls not a true indication of the peoples opinion. Why? Simply because that opinion does not suit the PTP agenda. After thaksins tenure the polls will go back to normal again.

So Suthep you're on the right track and the voice of the people can be muffled as it was when an amnesty bill was passed against their wishes, but rest assured their voice cannot be silenced.

And as the polls have indicated and as the failed election has indicated, you do stand behind the majority until a referendum states otherwise.

It saddened me to see that the voice of the majority is respected when it suits a PTP agenda, but is ignored and excuses made up when it does not suit the PTP agenda. That is not democracy.

Yo, brother, I'm sure you remember just how the people of OZ felt when their vote was ignored and Gough Whitlem was removed from office, didn't go down well huh? you can't fool all the people all the time but some still try ( Suthep)...

So far I have had comparisons to AFL, darts, the UK, America, PNG and soccer when arguing a Thai political argument. Today it is Australian politics as a defense ...

When Australia has an accused terrorist, accused mass murderer, convicted criminal fugitive that is unelectable running the country we can make comparisons…Until then, don't compare apples to oranges.

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We need another Final Push. Haven't seen one in a few days

It is the final sentence of the OP that is ominous.

Even if you are a Suthep cheerleader you should have a "Plan B". If you have not got one, you have not got a plan and then you will be up the creek without a paddle. Lest you forget, especially you Suthep cheer leaders, this guy does not like you or want you in HIS country. I suggest you use your grey matter over the weekend!

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Is this not what he's been doing for the past 4.5 months???

Who's the People he keeps referring to? That will be the minority till a referendum proves otherwise Khun Suthep please!

One 93 year old general and a group of his proteges. Whenever you see false-flag handgrenade attacks, you know its military types behind it.

His final push next week, presumably refers to the soft coup attempt:

NACC meets PM on Monday/ PM gets suspended / coup Senate then appoints their stooge/ stooge dismantles the democracy.

The Democrats have a meeting today and tomorrow, so I assume Suthep is trying to ensure they can't go the democracy way and try to get elected, hence the rhetoric. He's trying to burn their bridges for them, even before they have the meeting.

Addressing a crowd of supporters [2000 paid guard] at Lumpini park Thursday night, the PDRC secretary-general said that the people would “seize back the sovereign power” [seize from voters] so that a people’s government and a people’s assembly could be set up to start the reform process [make the senate full unelected and stuff the courts with more cronies] which would take one and a half years [measured in Thai time] after which an election [Crimea style] would be held.

Whoa! I was with you until the Crimea Style bit, there was nothing wrong with the Crimean elections/referendum, 135 observers from Europe said so. Your posts are usually spot on, please don't let the western propaganda fool you.

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The U.S. ambassador to Thailand recently affirmed that this protest is both a right and is peaceful. She also quoted John Kerry when he said that democracy is not determined just by elections but by transparency, the rule of law, strong institutions, and an independent judiciary. Yingluck is under an impeachment investigation for corruption and lack of transparency. Yingluck and Phue Thai have consistently defied the rule of law, and have joined the UDD chorus in opposition to the independent agencies. In fact, Surapong recently wrote to the UN asking it to admonish the Constitutional Court and the independent agencies. Pheu Thai won the election in 2011 with 48.41 % of the vote, but have failed to deliver on any of the other tenets of democracy - transparency, recognition of the rule of law, and respect for an independent judiciary. In fact, they want to change all of that. By securing a parliamentary mandate the public entrusted them with respecting the rule of law. Instead, they took their parliamentary majority and rammed through - through unconstitutional means - an amnesty bill designed to pardon one specific billionaire as well as over 25,000 other people convicted of corruption. They used their parliamentary majority to pass a 2 trillion baht infrastructure bill through unconstitutional means in order to bypass normal parliamentary oversight and debating channels. They used their parliamentary majority to administer a rice scheme that contained massive corruption and graft, and they have done everything in their power to prevent the oversight of those misdeeds to take place. In short, they used their parliamentary majority for illegal purposes. The hard-core Pheu Thai supporters say " Then why not let the voters decide ? If they don't like that kind of administration they won't vote for it. If, on the other hand, they feel their constituencies have enough goodies, then it's perfectly OK if the administration wants to do all those other things. " In other words, from the hard-core Pheu Thai supporters point of view - if the people say if once you're in power you want to abuse parliamentary rules, pass massive amnesty bills, construct projects with massive graft and corruption, and dismantle the checks and balances of the judicial system, that's alright with them, as long as their districts are taken care of. The hard-core Pheu Thai argument - in all its glory - comes down to this utter absurdity. If the people vote you in, you can commit any imaginable crime, and dismantle the checks and balances of the judicial system to boot. As Nixon once famously said " If the president does it, then it's not illegal ". Incidentally, he was impeached for abuse of office.

"She also quoted John Kerry when he said that democracy is not determined just by elections but by transparency, the rule of law, strong institutions"

I really don't think we need to take advice from this fool. This is the man who supports the destruction of democracy in the Ukraine, this is the man who supports despots such as the Saudi and Bahrain governments. No lessons in democracy needed from this man thank you.

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Suthep is correct in stating that the people are the real owners of the country. The people have spoken through numerous polls from different agencies all having stated the same thing. Elections after reform. Polls have been used since the 1820's to survey a populations opinion between elections. For around 200 years people have turned to polls and extrapolated the information for their needs. Over 200 years all over the world polls are used and they have worked, they have given a strong indication of what the peoples opinion is, but in one pocket of the globe and miraculously only during thaksins tenure are polls not a true indication of the peoples opinion. Why? Simply because that opinion does not suit the PTP agenda. After thaksins tenure the polls will go back to normal again.

So Suthep you're on the right track and the voice of the people can be muffled as it was when an amnesty bill was passed against their wishes, but rest assured their voice cannot be silenced.

And as the polls have indicated and as the failed election has indicated, you do stand behind the majority until a referendum states otherwise.

It saddened me to see that the voice of the majority is respected when it suits a PTP agenda, but is ignored and excuses made up when it does not suit the PTP agenda. That is not democracy.

I've just held a poll in my house, turns out I'm the most handsome man in the world.

By the way, care to share some links to all these polls.

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