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Child serial killer "Nui" spared from death penalty


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If there is no such thing as 'protective custody' in the Bangkok Hilton,

This sentence might be easier and cheaper than putting this guy on death row, while achieving the same result...

As far as he could get from an honorable crime..... Inside, they are very effective at taking care of such people...

I saw the BBC documentary of BKK Hilton a few years back - they have a block of individual cells where they put prisoners that are either a danger to others (like guard killers) and that are in danger of being killed by inmates. Not nice though - ten by ten rough and bare concrete with cage front, slops bucket, bucket to wash from, standard prison cot, and no exercise.

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Ok. I don't know what is worse, death penalty or the rest or your life in a Thai prison. Inmates tend not to like children killers and abusers.

Not only that, but the poorer the inmate, the less favour he can buy. This guy looks set to nothing, its pretty well the bottom of

the can for him.. . .

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

So cut off his head & let medical science investigate his brain; simple!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The man is clearly sick. It's sad that he won't get the medical treatment he needs to confront his problems, and that he will have no chance of reform leading to his having a normal life outside prison.

Yeah, it's real sad. Let's spend taxpayers money on rehabilitation. "Reform"? If there was ever someone that needed to be bitch-slapped, you just went to the front of the list.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

YEAH RIGHT................And would you feel the same if one of the victims was a daughter of yours? I have 5 daughters and 4 grandaughters..............if it were me i would want to do the business on him myself...........slowly..........as an ex fireman i can stand the blood if he can stand the pain !

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

As I understand, there is no cure for psychopathy, unless you have some contrary evidence you’d like to supply… as for the other inmates i think they are no match for him. With regards to Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Not that your point escapes me but did they rape, toucher and then murder innocent young children?

Some did actually, not personally but their regimes. Hitler and his minion Dr Mengele with his bizarre medical testing comes to mind.

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Id pay money to the inmates now, to slowly sort him , do they have access to TV. Thailand is full of mental cases, some are better off on the inside than out , this bum toured round the country setting up equipment for bands, did none of his workmates not notice strange behaviour, come on 9 victims. No they probably did'nt why , cause they are bird brains as well.

Unusual behaviour in most advanced cultures would pick up on this type of animal , but sorry no chance here .

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If there'd be a god, wouldn't he do something with this freak?

I mean that we don't even have to write about him, because he'd lost his right being human.



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My final conclusion. If someone is capable doing such things. his/her life should be terminated, as sooner, as better for all tax payers.

It's all changing when it was YOUR OWN DAUGHTER,he had raped and killed.. wai2.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Just imagine the terror that these little girls went through and this grub gets off the death sentence just because he was a nice guy and told the police everything...............bless him.

I just do not get it ! sad.png

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but what would you suggest a solution be to "be kept safely away from the mainstream"?

Ship them off to an uninhabited island somewhere in the southern Hemisphere? wink.png

Thats too comfortable make it Siberia.

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My final conclusion. If someone is capable doing such things. his/her life should be terminated, as sooner, as better for all tax payers.

It's all changing when it was YOUR OWN DAUGHTER,he had raped and killed.. wai2.gif

And put it another way. Say your daughter went missing a few years back - you might go on searchi9ng for her for your whole lifetime; deals are made like this so that families can have peace. The names of those he killed and the places he dumped their bodies can mean so much more to families than to know the perp had been executed. This is not the west - he will die in prison, not get out in 10 years with good behaviour.

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So to get this right, the more you murder the lesser the sentence?

The message to all prospective serial killers out there, is to make sure the police only find one or two of your murdered victims, then confess to killing a lot more people, even if it`s not true or you don`t tell them where to find the bodies, and you won`t receive a death sentence.

Sounds like a good deal to me.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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just another opportunity for the ignorant to exercise their self-gratifying prejudices on TV

Wasn't your child that was murdered then? What is prejudiced about wanting to keep the world safe from evil people like this. He should be put to death.

Wilcopops, if this is not a troll post you need to take a long hard look in the mirror, you comment is absurd, I say lock you up with the child killer

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A Parent Of A Child Who Is Violated & Horrendously Murdered IN This Way NEVER Has Closure. The recovery Of The Body Brings Small Solace, Gives Them A Grave To Mourn Their Child At. But It Doesn't EVER Bring Closure. The Parents, Are Tortured For The rest Of Their Lives', with the unmanageable nightmares in their minds of the sheer terror that their child has gone through before death. The feelings of pain, guilt, anger, helplessness that they weren't there to prevent it, or protect them. It ruins there relationships with their other children, husbands, wife's, friendships & employment. The capture or punishment or jailing of their child's murderer, gives them some relief, knowing that they will not harm another child ever again, but most will say, they don't want to live in a world where this kind of evil Is Lives, whether behind bars or on the streets.. There Is never any Closure, only small increments of slow healing, that allows a parent to continue breathing, functioning, making it only just bearable to stand the pain each year brings, each birthday brings, each milestone that child would of reached. There Is NEVER any Closure, just a void in their mind, heart & soul, where that child should of been!

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If ever the death penalty is deserved, this piece of scum should be at the front of the queue.

Oh don't worry, I'm sure he has in fact been given the Death Penalty but the Court in its wisdom, has decided to allow him to suffer a little, before those who will inflict the suffering do away with him.

Tend to think his fellow inmates will take a rather dim view of what this putrid, festering bucket of slime has been doing.

One can only hope that it takes a very, very long time before they let him "slip away."

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so a person with lets say 10 gram of illegal narcotics can get death penalty, but a serial killer's life is spared??? they think they will cure him ? in thailand???????????

Killing him ensures they will never solve his other possible murders. Keeping him alive means maybe he will lead them to bodies and give family members some closure one day.

The other side of the coin is if he is executed he will never do it again and become a celeb,like we have in the west.They are 100% scum.I have 2 personal experiences how it destroyed families.So all you do gooders get on your bike and FO.For TV posters lacking in abbreviations,I will gladly fill you in.

Who is celebrated? You mean some of the people who turned out to be innocent and spent 15-25 years in prison?

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

You pre-emptively try to degrade those who do not agree with you by classifying them as "witch-hunters" - ie. people who are ignorant and would wrongly condemn you for your sermon. This is a transparent dodge which you apparently believe relieves you from the task of vindicating your nauseating little rendition, which makes no valid point. Your main buttress is that other people have not been called to answer for "vile acts against their fellow human beings." This is moot- You can argue accountability and plausibility for and against until the end of time with your historical figures. This article is not about someone who gave instructions to others or passively observed horrors in which he could have intervened. This "thing" called "Nui" was hands on rape and murder of children for his personal gratification.

Frankly I have doubts about your motives in posting. The thought that your are merely a despicable poseur who wishes to demonstrate that he is morally and ethically superior to others is ringing clear as a bell in my head.

PS. Your speak of a "global society" is nothing but more sanctimonious poseur trash- We have what we have today.

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How is this justice for the nine victims?...Sad for the families...being victimized a second time...

What about them? Do you know they want the death penalty? Maybe they want him kept alive so he can point police to his victims.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

is he on bail while he appeals the convictionfacepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif alt=facepalm.gif width=24 height=18>

Thailand hub of the truly bizarre

No,he's not a cop.

or well connected Ferrari driver... or a self confessed murder/TV star.

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

Psychopathy has been shown to be genetic and thus untreatable. If there is no way to treat the disorder, and no way to reform the psychopath what do we have on our hands? We have a dangerous man who will kill again, no doubt about it. So what is the point of preserving his life if society has to take on the burden of sequestering him, feeding him, even treating medical conditions if he becomes ill. A tumour is excised for the sake of the rest of the body, society needs to excise this part that is not only worthless, but dangerous and costs society to maintain.

I support capital punishment.

Having said that, the judge did hand down the death sentence but commuted it to life. Was he making a long-term investment in justice by sending out the message that confession will be rewarded? Perhaps.

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Confessed Serial Child Rapist-Murderer Jailed For Life

By Khaosod English


BANGKOK: -- Phra Khanong Provincial Court has sentenced the man accused of sexually assaulting and murdering a number of children to life in prison.

Mr. Nui, whose surname has not been registered in the national database, is convicted of premeditated murder and sexual assault for the death of the 6-years old girl nicknamed Nong Cartoon, who went missing last December and was found dead several days later in Bang Na district of Bangkok.

The suspect was arrested after CCTV footage showed him leading the girl away, and Mr. Nui confessed to his crime.

He was initially sentenced to death today, but the judge reduced his penalty to a lifetime jailterm due to his cooperative manner during the investigation.

Our correspondent added that Mr. Nui listened to the verdict without showing any emotion throughout the court session.

The father to Nong Cartoon later told reporters he is still saddened by the incident, and said his family would conduct a religious ceremony on 13 April to mark the 100th day of her passing.

Police investigation indicated that Mr. Nui might have been responsible for at least 10 other cases of sexual assaults of young children in many provinces. Among these victims, 4 have been murdered by Mr. Nui, according to his own confession and police investigation.

The case of Nong Cartoon also spurs the authorities to amend police procedures related to missing children, namely abolishing the requirement that parents could only report missing children after 24 hours have elapsed since the children were last seen.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1395988411


-- Khaosod English 2014-03-28

I realise photos can be deceptive, but looking at this photo and the CCTV photo, I get the feeling that they are two different men. Something about the shape of the head, neck and shoulders. Also the cctv guy looks a bit heavier, and has lighter skin.

It wouldn't be the first time someone has made a false confession. It wouldn't be the first time police have stitched someone up to get results.


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