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Did Anyone Here Retire To Thailand With A Western Wife Or Girlfriend?


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Did anyone here retire to Thailand with a western wife or girlfriend? I am trying to figure out how much of the total attraction of Thailand for retires is the women. I am recently retired. I have read about the low cost of living, superior medical and dental care and laid back lifestyle of Thailand for retires. However, I notice that most of the men here have Thai wives and girlfriends.

I am not married but have lived with the same woman for years and even though she is working now I would probably eventually be bringing her there with me. Has anyone here done that? How did it work out?

I went to Costa Rica a few months ago, checking it out as a retirement paradise. It was OK but had a lot of problems. Most of the men who were happy down there had Costa Rican wives or girlfriends, and that was the real reason they were happy, more than Costa Rica itself. That is the kind of thing that you don't read in the guide books but only find out from visiting. Is it the same with Thailand?

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The best advise for moving to any country is really loving that country. I also visited Costa Rica and found it big bore and just about the blandest food in the world. Yes, I think a retired expat could be happy with their farang spouse, as long as you love your spouse and have determined that you also love Thailand. So spend some time in Thailand and decide how you feel about it.

That said, have you considered Argentina?

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Argentina...... Great country, beautiful women but expensive.

Great place to vacation...........

Expensive? Have you been since the financial meltdown?

A typical meal there at a middle class steakhouse in an upper class barrio,

huge salad, bread, huge slab prime Argie bife de chorizo steak, bottle of excellent Malbec red wine, huge dessert of two crepes stuffed with fresh dulce de leche , including tip -- UNDER 10 dollars.

And the Italian ice cream is better than in Italy. Condos are similar price to Bangkok and fully legal to buy a house or condo.

Edited by Thaiquila
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If I was in the OPs situation, 'Thailand would not be a consideration but certainly Argentina would in a heartbeat. I agree that Costa Rica is pretty lame. I have never known anyone, I mean not one person who lives here with a farang partner. No one molfraire

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I know a number of expat couples (where both are foreigners) who live/are retired in Thailand, they seem happy enough. A great many live in Bangkok and tend to be in the Pro-expat society, working with or retired from multinationals with branches in Thailand.

My guess is they made a joint decision to move to Thailand/stay after and assignment, worked it out together - That would be the advice I'd give the OP.

The advice I would give any foreign woman moving to Thailand with her foreign husband would be the same I give foreign men making the same move.

Leave your capital back in Farang Land where it is under control of farang land laws..... The same advice, but doubly so.

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If I was in the OPs situation, 'Thailand would not be a consideration but certainly Argentina would in a heartbeat. I agree that Costa Rica is pretty lame. I have never known anyone, I mean not one person who lives here with a farang partner. No one molfraire

I been to argentina, its a hel_l hole

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If I was in the OPs situation, 'Thailand would not be a consideration but certainly Argentina would in a heartbeat. I agree that Costa Rica is pretty lame. I have never known anyone, I mean not one person who lives here with a farang partner. No one molfraire

Argentina - beautiful place but about as stable as an active volcano.

Forget about living the life of Riley there, being a 'farang', as you look just like the rest of the population. Forget about the easy ladies and the good weather all year round. Try getting away with la cabeza grande there . . .

I spent some time in Chile, and Argentina is always like a tinderbox.

(True, though - the wine is excellent)

Yes, I know two couples - both Caucasian - living/having retired in Thailand. monochaser, it seems, moves in different circles.

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I went to one meeting of the Chiang Mai Ex Pats club here and saw 6 or 7 couples who are living in Chiang Mai together. Maybe it was just that meeting.

The majority of the people were single old guys and then three or four couples who had Thai wives but they had lived in Farang land long enough to be Farang and about 3 or four with Farang wives.

Considering that only a small minority of the Farang living in Chiang Mai go to that meeting I would say there are a lot of Farang couples living here. I think it would be pretty easy to hook up with some other couples here and ask them.

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I came to Thailand 15 years ago with my farang wife. We married 1967 so we thought Thailand would be our paradise. To me it still is - but to my ex-wife it is not. We divorced 2001. The reason we both said was that we drifted apart. Why - according to my opinion it was mostly because my exwife missed seeing her children and specially grandchildren as often as she wanted. My opinion is that this is what many farang women over 50 feel after retiring full time here.

My experience is that it is today much more commen for farang copules to live here more or less full time. As there are many other couples in the same situation it has got easier to socialise with people sharing the same interest and having the same background. To my pleasure I see many couples where both of them seem to enjoy life here.

Yes - I am today married again and to a thai woman. To my surprise our marriage has been accepted also farang couples without exceptions as far as I know. We have a big difference in age which has not been a problem as well - not to us and not to our friends.

But once more make sure you are both aware of what it means to live far away from children and grandchildren. Your wife should know about this in advance and please respect what she thinks even if you disagree.

Good luck!

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If I was in the OPs situation, 'Thailand would not be a consideration but certainly Argentina would in a heartbeat. I agree that Costa Rica is pretty lame. I have never known anyone, I mean not one person who lives here with a farang partner. No one molfraire

Argentina - beautiful place but about as stable as an active volcano.

Forget about living the life of Riley there, being a 'farang', as you look just like the rest of the population. Forget about the easy ladies and the good weather all year round. Try getting away with la cabeza grande there . . .

I spent some time in Chile, and Argentina is always like a tinderbox.

(True, though - the wine is excellent)

Yes, I know two couples - both Caucasian - living/having retired in Thailand. monochaser, it seems, moves in different circles.

yes we move in radically different circles for sure. you know a whopping 2 farang couples while I know zero, that's pretty significant. On the topic of Argentina, you mentioned forget about the easy ladies; it would seen that the OP was not concerned about that factor as he was moving here with his farang wife so a factor like that would be a positive for that couple, at least for his wifey. And speaking a normal language would be a huge positive as well. I have never been to argentina but would be very open to checking it out. I know that thaiquila heaps the praise on the place

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My gut feeling is that if you are gay you think most retire's are gay.

If you are married to a Thai then then most retire's are married to a Thai

If you are a farang couple then most retire's are farang couples.

I think retire's split into 50% gay, 25% married to younger Thai's and the rest married Thai's ages back or are farang married couples.

What does that make me????

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Sorry for all the off topic stuff about ArgieLand. I did suggest it for a married farang couple. It is easy to get a pension based visa there and it is true they are a very proud people and do not have millions of commercial sex workers throwing themselves at every male foreigner that crosses their paths. They are also the most anti-American nation I have ever been to, but become very warm and sympatico on an individual basis.

If it is OK with the mods, here is a link: www.baexpats.com

Edited by Thaiquila
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My gut feeling is that if you are gay you think most retire's are gay.

If you are married to a Thai then then most retire's are married to a Thai

If you are a farang couple then most retire's are farang couples.

I think retire's split into 50% gay, 25% married to younger Thai's and the rest married Thai's ages back or are farang married couples.

What does that make me????

Is it possible to be single and not fit into the categories you've listed above. :D:o

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My husband and I have decided to retire in Thailand, and we are both farang. We like it there; it feels much more like home to us than the US does. The kids are grown, and we chat online almost daily; the grandkids are growing up talking to grandma on video chat. We are close, but we don't actually spend much time together due to geographic separation already. It won't be much different in Thailand.

The farang ladies who miss their children and grandchildren to the point of wanting to leave Thailand have defined themselves too narrowly as "mother and grandmother." They need to have an identity of their own. A woman in retirement needs interests and hobbies just as a man does. Of course she will miss her family, but within reason. If not, I suspect she was far too deeply involved in her children's lives instead of her own, living vicariously through them. That's so common in American women.

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My husband and I have decided to retire in Thailand, and we are both farang. We like it there; it feels much more like home to us than the US does. The kids are grown, and we chat online almost daily; the grandkids are growing up talking to grandma on video chat. We are close, but we don't actually spend much time together due to geographic separation already. It won't be much different in Thailand.

The farang ladies who miss their children and grandchildren to the point of wanting to leave Thailand have defined themselves too narrowly as "mother and grandmother." They need to have an identity of their own. A woman in retirement needs interests and hobbies just as a man does. Of course she will miss her family, but within reason. If not, I suspect she was far too deeply involved in her children's lives instead of her own, living vicariously through them. That's so common in American women.

Great and refreshing attitude Cathy :o

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If I was in the OPs situation, 'Thailand would not be a consideration but certainly Argentina would in a heartbeat. I agree that Costa Rica is pretty lame. I have never known anyone, I mean not one person who lives here with a farang partner. No one molfraire

Argentina - beautiful place but about as stable as an active volcano.

Forget about living the life of Riley there, being a 'farang', as you look just like the rest of the population. Forget about the easy ladies and the good weather all year round. Try getting away with la cabeza grande there . . .

I spent some time in Chile, and Argentina is always like a tinderbox.

(True, though - the wine is excellent)

Yes, I know two couples - both Caucasian - living/having retired in Thailand. monochaser, it seems, moves in different circles.

yes we move in radically different circles for sure. you know a whopping 2 farang couples while I know zero, that's pretty significant. On the topic of Argentina, you mentioned forget about the easy ladies; it would seen that the OP was not concerned about that factor as he was moving here with his farang wife so a factor like that would be a positive for that couple, at least for his wifey. And speaking a normal language would be a huge positive as well. I have never been to argentina but would be very open to checking it out. I know that thaiquila heaps the praise on the place

You must trust me when I say we move in vastly different circles . . .

Whe speaking of Argentina I was commenting generically, otherwise why would I 'suppose' that the OP had a cabeza grande?

Highlighting the differences between the two countries would seem to be important, not whether your points of validity are addressed or not.

On a less confrontational note, Argentina has simply stunning scenery, and when you get to Cordoba or generally to the foot of the cordilleras . . . . breathtaking.

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Argentina...... Great country, beautiful women but expensive.

Great place to vacation...........

Expensive? Have you been since the financial meltdown?

A typical meal there at a middle class steakhouse in an upper class barrio,

huge salad, bread, huge slab prime Argie bife de chorizo steak, bottle of excellent Malbec red wine, huge dessert of two crepes stuffed with fresh dulce de leche , including tip -- UNDER 10 dollars.

And the Italian ice cream is better than in Italy. Condos are similar price to Bangkok and fully legal to buy a house or condo.

No to be honest, the last time was in 2000.

Hotel in Rosario cost me $200/Night dinner for me and my crew was around $30/Each.

When was the meltdown? I might have already come to Asia.....

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Argentina...... Great country, beautiful women but expensive.

Great place to vacation...........

Expensive? Have you been since the financial meltdown?

A typical meal there at a middle class steakhouse in an upper class barrio,

huge salad, bread, huge slab prime Argie bife de chorizo steak, bottle of excellent Malbec red wine, huge dessert of two crepes stuffed with fresh dulce de leche , including tip -- UNDER 10 dollars.

And the Italian ice cream is better than in Italy. Condos are similar price to Bangkok and fully legal to buy a house or condo.

No to be honest, the last time was in 2000.

Hotel in Rosario cost me $200/Night dinner for me and my crew was around $30/Each.

When was the meltdown? I might have already come to Asia.....

The peak of the crisis was in December of 2001. The entire middle class of Argentina became lower class. The currency used to be dollarized, pegged one to one with the dollar. Then it became over 3 to the dollar. Also, bank assets were seized. People were banging pots in the streets.

Recently, I rented a modest apartment there short term for 450 dollars a month in a ritzy neighborhood. If you could get the local long term rate (a challenge) it would be about 150 a month.

The crisis is over, but there are still great bargains in real estate, considering Buenos Aires is like the New York City of South America.

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I don't really see why being married with someone from your own country and living in Thailand is different from being married to (or in a LONG relationship with) a Thai person, or a person from some third locale.

In the end you're married, and living in Thailand. As opposed to the only other alternative, which would be remaining single.

I suggest finding a better perceived challenge to worry/ponder about.



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Most of the farang couples I know have a problem with the wife being jelous of the attention the husband gets from the girls, they try their best to hide it in public but they seperate in the end, some farang women stick to their husbands like glue giving them no time alone but that too is counter productive, taking coal to newcastle, is a good English expression.

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> Most of the farang couples I know have a problem with the wife being

> jelous of the attention the husband gets from the girls,

"Most of the Farang-Thai couples I know have a problem with the wife being

jelous of the attention the husband gets form the girls, they try their best to hide it in public but they seperate in the end, some Thai girls stick to their husbands

like glue giving them no time alone"

same same, n'est ce pas?

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I know a few retired farang couples here, but they have lifed in Asia for a very long time, since before they retired.

I guess a major problem for retired couples here in Thailand, who have not lived in the east before, is that the usual cultural events, such as classical concerts and good lectures are a rarety here, and if they happen, not very inspiring. In addition to that, it can be rather difficult to find friends and contacts.

I think it takes a couple which is very enterprising and energetic to retire here, and with enough cash to afford the conveniences they are used to in the west.

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I have lived over here long term with 3 different western women in the past. Not one of the relationships ended for the often quoted nonsense that she couldn't handle the attention the local girls gave/got to/from me. Simply because things fizzled out. It happens. One felt very isolated here as I was busy a lot of the time so went home, another just got the hump with me- probably the farting and snoring- and the final one got offered a job in India which she had aimed all her adult life towards getting.

My preference is Western Women so thats what I go for. Women are Women are Women no matter where in the world they are from. Trust me on this one.

You'll have the same hassles and the same happinesses with any woman. Take a Thai woman to England and that may not work out for much the same reasons a western woman may not get along in Thailand.

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