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There have always been constant comparisons drawn between Bangkok and KL. The general impression that I have received from visitors and the general media (& the images that ones sees around), is that KL is a lot better.

It's cleaner, a lot more organized (with no street vendors blocking the sidewalks), better infrastructure, better skyline, shopping?

Barring nightlife, I think KL scores above Bangkok on all accounts.

I guess the the general consensus will rule in my favour.

I would like to hear different opinions.


I have to agree with most of the above.

Hotels in KL are much more expensive than Bangkok.

There's not much in the way of shopping and the much advertised KLCC at the twin towers is worth seeing but otherwise expensive, generally upmarket, European designer shops.

Nothing much is walking distance from anywhere else either.


Sin taxes are outrageous for SE Asia. Hotels are way more expensive and not much better shape. Maybe the staff is slightly better but only 'cause Thais don't understand you. If they did they would bend over backward. Malaysians are fixed.

I lived there for 10 years. The experience left a bad tast in my mouth. Figuratively for the wise asses on this venue.


Went there last year for a couple of days. The Petronas Towers are magnificent and there's some nice hills, the rest of the city is OK. The nightlife is dreadful, the general atmosphere quite boring and I had my camera snatched. Never been robbed anywhere else. No plans to go again any time soon.

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Downtown KL, Chinatown used to have something going for it....25 years ago or more. Then the developers moved in and razed much of it to the ground. Soulless now.

" There have always been constant comparisons drawn between Bangkok and KL. The general impression that I have received from visitors and the general media (& the images that ones sees around), is that KL is a lot better."

​Who has been making these constant comparisons ? New one on me.

" I guess the the general consensus will rule in my favour."

Thanks for the best laugh this week on TV clap2.gif

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30 years in SE Asia, been to kl once for 3 days (2 years ago) never will go back,

its souless

its in the middle between Bangkok and Singpaore and i prefer both of these

I have been several times, and KL is a terribly unimpressive city. The aquarium, and the botanical gardens are world class. But, other than that, not much to do, boring in general, and little action. People are cool but the food in BKK is better, as is the action, and it has a lot more soul and personality. If you like super clean cities without a real soul, KL is your kind of place.


Kuala Lumpur is not safe crimes rates increase like rocket as government import many Indonesia workers, it does not control like Singapore,

It's not safe walking in dark streets with gold chain, police cannot do anything about it resident have to pay hire security in their resident, Thailand still the best and secure walking at night nobody care the gold chain on your neck,

If you try to walk like these in Manila, KL, Jakarta you will loved Bkk the most.

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30 years in SE Asia, been to kl once for 3 days (2 years ago) never will go back,

its souless

its in the middle between Bangkok and Singpaore and i prefer both of these

Actually KL was OK 25-30 years ago. Nowadays though...you're correct Richard...

Souless. What once gave KL its "soul" is now destroyed in favour of cement, glass,

steel & ripoff taxi drivers. The quality of grub has even slid down the mountainside

and currently resides somewhere between mediocre and too greasy to eat. Beer's

are still nice & cold, well mostly but not all over and they're bloody expensive every-

where...even in mom & pop shops. I'm currently in KL working the MH370 fiasco

and as another poster mentioned above...it will be nice to leave.On the other hand,

Penang is quite OK in my books...but KL ain't Penang & v.v.


Bangkok is more exotic and unique. KL is more multicultural.

KL has a better variety & quality of international food. Bangkok has great Thai food.

KL is a bit more expensive and somewhat cleaner. Bangkok is cheaper & has better value hotels.

No language barrier in KL as almost everyone speaks English rather than Thai-glish.

Sightseeing & nightlife, no contest, Bangkok wins hands down.

I would say for most people, Bangkok is a better travel destination. But KL is enjoyable for what Bangkok isn't.

Right on the money description. I would just like to add great transportation for KL.

But BKK has that feeling of chaotic, smelly, overcrowded, third-world city feeling that offers more of an

"ethnic" experience for tourists. I've had friends who loved and friends who

couldn't wait to get out of BKK. So it depends on the person and what he's looking for.


In KL I don't like the shopping, don't like the town, don't like going out in the evenings. Arguably had some of the best Chinese and Japanese food there but it was in 5-star hotels and cost an arm and a leg.

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Been there quite a few times, the last few only because I had to. Agree with most others, hotels way (way) less value than Thailand. You'll pay maybe US$60-70 for comparable Thai accommodations at $20-25. More English, less friendliness, more tension. Part of the latter is the official favoritism to the "Sons of the Earth", ethnic mainly Muslim Malay. Malay citizens of Chinese and Indian descent, for instance, cannot own land. They otherwise get crapped on, pretty good. Thus on occasion they break out the water canons to hose down the pissed off Indian-Malay guys.

In general I would describe the citizen vibe as more *uptight* than other parts of SE Asia. In a few cases, for no apparent reason, kind of hostile.

And, right, the sin tax in Malaysia is absurd. Beer is bad, booze is a joke. But you can hop to Langkawi. Entire island is duty free, pretty much, no sin tax.

I'm not seeing any comparing KL to BKK going on. Completely different cities.


I got mugged in KL but never in Bangkok.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Two of my workmates were mugged in KL - apparently in the middle of the day in the main city area. One is Malay. Both on hols and both women. Got there jewellery. Personally, I think KL is a place to avoid. Give me BKK with it's street energy and roadside stalls - I love it.

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Not sure it's fair to compare KL wich is a relatively small city (1.6 million) to Bangkok which is a major city (9 million official figure but in truth closer to 15 with alot the people still registered in their home province). For me Bangkok wins hands down in all areas but I might be a bit biased having lived there 11 years. I have only been to KL about 5 or 6 times and never by choice.


having lived in bkk for years and now iivng in kl for a year, i would say most definately bangkok is far superior in many ways. kl is a stinking fetid rathole full of rapists,thieves and scumbags.one cannot walk along the street with their spouse without being harrassed by indian cockroaches.no woman is safe after dark or even during the day.kl has nothing to offer at all.families get mugged at night even with small children.i am currently looking to have my condo lease taken over and to get the hell out of kl. as a christian and a white man in kl i am looked down on as dirt, and as my fiance is malay the people here treat us rather poorly.as far as i am concerned i cannot wait to move back to thailand and leave that city to slide into the sea.

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having lived in bkk for years and now iivng in kl for a year, i would say most definately bangkok is far superior in many ways. kl is a stinking fetid rathole full of rapists,thieves and scumbags.one cannot walk along the street with their spouse without being harrassed by indian cockroaches.no woman is safe after dark or even during the day.kl has nothing to offer at all.families get mugged at night even with small children.i am currently looking to have my condo lease taken over and to get the hell out of kl. as a christian and a white man in kl i am looked down on as dirt, and as my fiance is malay the people here treat us rather poorly.as far as i am concerned i cannot wait to move back to thailand and leave that city to slide into the sea.


Yeah, but that Indian chow: mmmm-mmmm-good! You just gotta hit the places with the non-rapist waiters.


Where will you go in KL besides Batu Cave, Twin Tower, Central Market, Chinatown. Just can't think of anymore attractions. Nearest beach is Port Dickson which is dirty and not very safe. Yes certainly boring even for me who stayed in KL for 10 years. Oh, the police are very corrupted too. Plus the airport is like 40 km away from the city is a negative.


Been there on a number of occasions.. Seriously don't like the place.. A mix of Malaysians, Chinese and Indians. A right mix of unfriendly nationals..

Been Muslim the beer is expensive and the final mega annoyance is their ripoff / dishonest pricing..

You see prices like 25++ etc. Was in a bar and fancied a Guinness - saw a price 20rg but the bill was nearer 25 with taxes and service charge.. Ever Starbucks don't display final price... Awful place


30 years in SE Asia, been to kl once for 3 days (2 years ago) never will go back,

its souless

its in the middle between Bangkok and Singpaore and i prefer both of these

I agree with this. I've been twice for a few days and can't think of anything good to say about it. I could never live there. Bangkok is much more interesting. I think shopping, nightlife, and everything else is much better in Bangkok, and so are the people.

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