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Where to buy Colloidal Silver please


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Please could anyone help me with this, if you're aware of where I can go to purchase Colloidal Silver in Bangkok. I have found a web site operating here, claiming to be in Phuket, but the product is of low grade with low PPM. Thanks, it is quite urgent.

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Suggest you use the energy you are putting into sourcing silver in a more worthwhile way like some good exercise.


One should alway be skeptical of opinions on naturalistic cure offered by MDs such as Brent A. Bauer, M.D.

His article is easily debunked.

MDs believe they are omniscient, yet have minimal/no training in naturalistic cures.

According to a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association,

'MD directed therapies' is the third commonest killer, behind cardiovascular disease and cancer.

I have many MDs among family and they all have poor health.

They all buy into their own BS.

MDs don't cure chronic diseases, merely treat them...much more profitable that way.

America spends increasingly obscene amounts on health care yet the population's health goes down, down, down.

Don't trust MDs for anything beyond acute care services... maybe.

Silver colloids had been effectively used for centuries until 'big-pharma' hegemony emerged.

As a physiotherapist I agree that exercise is essential for optimal health.

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Posters are reminded of Health Forum rule #3:

"aggressive attempts to persuade other members to either adapt or abandon alternative vs. modern forms of treatment will not be permitted. Experience has shown that this invariably leads to arguments and flame fests that serve no useful purpose."


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Sorry; I retract: "Don't trust MDs for anything beyond acute care services... maybe."

& believe they are omniscient, yet

Go ahead and trust MDs. Don't be skeptical.

Better they make decisions about your health than you.

JAMA is likely mistaken in listing their therapies as 3rd leading COD.

Big pharma has your best interests in their heart as well.

Profits are secondary.

The government through the FDA controls this stuff.

Don't worry that they are funded by big pharma, they are still impartial enforcers.

You'll be fine.

My other statements are factual, and readers should infer whatever they choose OR NOTHING AT ALL from them.

Above are my opinions only.
You are better off ignoring them as most everyone does.
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