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UK Holiday Visa - Some Advice Please!

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Hi everyone,

This is my first post here and i'd really appreciate your thoughts on this.

I am currently preparing docs for my G/f's visitor visa, i am flying to BKK on the 10th April with all the docs, the online app is done and her appointment is booked at the embassy for when i am there.

Here's a summary of our position for context, if you need more background info then feel free to ask

She is a 22 yrs old full time student at a private uni in bangkok, soon to finish her 2nd year of a 4 year bachelors in business administration. Her degree is in English so she is fluent. Me and her parents pay her fees 50/50 (120,000 baht per year) but her parents support all her living and studying costs. I very occasionally send her a bit of cash (4000 baht etc) via western union for some bits and bobs. She has no kids, never been married, doesnt work of course and has no assets or savings.

I met her 12 months ago and next month will be my 4th visit to see her, we'll be spending song kran with her family in khon kaen (i met them all last time i came too)

We chat loads on line and skype etc as usual. She has a 3 month break from uni coming up and we want to bring her for a 12 week holiday, 25th May -? 17th August. I Will be fully sponsoring her for all costs.

We've discussed getting engaged in December 2014 and then married in Dec 2015, but largely dependent on first living together for a few months, her seeing if she likes england and meeting all my friends and family etc. She cant visit in Summer 2015 as she has to catch up on some study modules to graduate in summer 2016, so this is the only time she could see my family before a proposed wedding in Dec 2015.

Right onto my dilemma regarding proof of address in the uk.....

Problem 1)
I am currently in a rented apartment, i have a copy of the tenancy which states the contract ends in late June 2014. My g/f is due to stay with me from 25th May -> 17th August. I'm currently close to making an offer on a flat, which i hope to complete mid june, worst case scenarios are either i just extend the tenancy rolling for a month or i do another 6 month let somewhere else. Either way financially its not a problem, obviously i am not going to end up on the street! but i definitely wont have a clear position for her visa app in a few weeks time.
So the way i see it i have 3 options (any other thoughts?)
1) I just provide the tenancy agreement and a utility bill with no additional comment on end date in supporting letter
2) I provide the tenancy and in my covering letter I try to explain the circumstances in full (ultimately i cant say for sure where we will be living from late June - 17th august of course)
3) I provide alternative proof of address docs e.g. council tax + utility bill and its on all my bank statements and payslips of course. Whilst this means the tenancy end date isnt visible, i've no idea if they would decline it for not providing the tenancy! I cant find any guidance that advises if this doc is needed by sponsor

Problem 2)

It has been suggested that i should get a letter from the landlord advising they are happy for g/f to stay with me. Their current position is they wont provide it, but have confirmed verbally that this is not a problem!? How big a deal is this, should i push back harder to get it in writing?

Thank in advance for your help, i only have 10 days to sort this out now!


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To be quite honest proof of accommodation in the UK for a visit visa isn't a major issue, and neither is a letter from your landlord, landlords are a tad nervous in writing such letters for fear of breaching Immigration Rules.

I would provide a copy of your current lease, and explain your position briefly in your covering letter.

The most important thing for your girlfriend to do is convince the ECO of her reasons to return and for that details of her studies should be fine, evidence of the time she has already studied, details of the Universities summer break and evidence that she is expected back to continue her studies.

You seem aware that evidence of affordability is essential, you have already described the reasons for such a long trip but you might want to add details of what she intends to do in the UK for that length of time, are you at work?

Enjoy Khon Kaen over Songkran, we're actually flying up there ourselves.

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Thanks for the reply TOG,

I'm preparing the covering letter this weekend, i'll post it up when its ready for your thoughts if you dont mind. Also A few more Q's on this and some of your points, any feedback appreciated

1) Passport copy and Visa stamps

I am going to the post office today to get these certified - i assume this is ok?

Obviously this wont show my visit for song kran with her family, i'll be submitting photos from song kran 2014 which wont tie up to the visa stamps. I think these photos are pretty powerful, i have a couple of ideas

A) Provide proof of flight itinerary for this visit to tie in with the photos

B) get the passport copies recertified in BKK with the latest stamp

2) Her reason to return

We are focusing on 2 areas, firstly the tuition costs (very expensive by thai standards) which her family have invested in to send her to uni, of which she is only half way through. It would cause serious defamation to her family if she didnt complete her course. the docs we are providing for this are

Certificate from Uni of course (2nd year of 4 year course)

Statements showing individual modules for each of the 4 semesters so far and proof of payment (60,000 baht per semester)

Bank book showing payments from her family to fund living and student costs (12000 baht PCM)

Character ref from one of her tutors

Secondly, our longer term plans are to get engaged in Dec 2014, Married in Dec 2015, then intend for her to apply for spouse visa in Jun 2016 after she has graduated, clearly overstaying a visa here would put all of this in jeopardy.

3) On financials for a 3 month holiday, yes i work FT with a big firm as a product manager, i have no dependents so a good level of disposable income and a decent current account balance. I put £200 per week in the visa app for her living costs + £700 for her flight which comes in at ~ £3000 total. None of this needs to come from savings as i have ~£1000 a month in disposable, but they are available if needed.

4) On itinerary, i will be at work mon - Fri 9-5, our plans are to spend weekends meeting friends and relatives and city breaks. i have 2 one direction tickets for the 1st june, which she is crazy about lol. I have 6 weeks of holiday per year which resets from 1st July so we'll spend a few weeks on proper tourism, obviously we intend to do all the london siteseeing, hopefully including wimbledon as she is a tennis fan and probably a trip up to scotland. Finally it's my bday in July and her's in August so we will be spending these together too :-)

Any thoughts appreciated, sorry this is a bit of a long read!


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1 - You don't need to get your passports certified at the Post Office, not sure if they even offer that service, but it's not required, you can sign them.

It's not a bad idea to cross reference photos, but don't overwhelm the ECO with too many pictures.

Not sure that you need previous itineraries, you passport has all that information.

2 - I think her reasons to return are pretty sound, just ensure that the ECO is left in no doubt that there is an expectation she will return to carry on with her studies and that the trip is not in school time.

I think you pretty much have things covered, just make sure that the ECO doesn't think she is going to left to her own devices whilst you are at work, it is a pretty long holiday and she might get a bit cheesed off at home all day.

Maybe best not to mention the One Direction tickets :-)

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2 - I think her reasons to return are pretty sound, just ensure that the ECO is left in no doubt that there is an expectation she will return to carry on with her studies and that the trip is not in school time.

When my step son visited us while he was at university he obtained a letter from them confirming when he was due back.

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1 - You don't need to get your passports certified at the Post Office, not sure if they even offer that service, but it's not required, you can sign them.

It's not a bad idea to cross reference photos, but don't overwhelm the ECO with too many pictures.

Not sure that you need previous itineraries, you passport has all that information.

2 - I think her reasons to return are pretty sound, just ensure that the ECO is left in no doubt that there is an expectation she will return to carry on with her studies and that the trip is not in school time.

I think you pretty much have things covered, just make sure that the ECO doesn't think she is going to left to her own devices whilst you are at work, it is a pretty long holiday and she might get a bit cheesed off at home all day.

Maybe best not to mention the One Direction tickets :-)

Thanks TOG and 7by7

I didnt have time to get to the post office today anyway unfortunately, document prep took longer than i expected!

Do you mean i can sign them myself? if so what exactly do i need to write?

Thanks for the tips, i've now drawn up my document list, do you mind casting an eye over it all and let me know if i'm missing anything obvious? So much to do i'm just worried i've missed something (or if there's stuff i should omit then pls advise)


passport copy + visa stamps

flight for me to BKK & internal flights for me and her to khon kaen for song kran

3 photos, 1 of which is with all her family for song kran

Skype chat records - 15 pages (too long?)

Line Chat records -22 pages (way too long i'm sure! This was just 1 day's chat from each month for the last 9 months - total chat in word was 650 pages lol)

6 months bank statements - originals


6 months pay slips

1 Direction ticket email confirmation

3 Western union transfer email receipts

Tenancy agreement

Council Tax statement

Letter from flatmate happy for g/f to stay (his name is on the joint tenancy



Visa App

Flight to England email quote with BA - price as per visa application

Passport photos (2 or 4?)

Proof of BKK student address (will be translated in BKK)

Proof of study certificate showing she is in 2nd year in 4 year bachelors in Business administration

Statement of all 4 semesters (2 per year) so far, with costs paid (60,000 baht per semester) + modules/credits

Letter from Tutor, confirming 2nd year ends 16th May, 3rd year starts 20th August

Uni calendar printed from website, again showing dates of holiday

bank statements 6 months (not sure she can get these, is bank book ok? Also we think these would show khon kaen address)

Thai electoral role equivalent for khon kaen address - translated in BKK (Is this needed? this address isnt on visa app, but may be on bank statement)

Thats the list i have considered, any thoughts appreciated :-)

i hope to have the covering letters from me and her in the next few days and i'll post them up when ready if you dont mind

Best wishes


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Yes, your list seems fine, where you supply original documents, bank statements, pay slips and the like, make sure you also supply copies, they will/should keep the copies and return the originals.

Your chat records do seem a bit excessive, though I've seen worse, I'm assuming you're just supplying the time and date of call, not the details. Are all the calls initiated by you?

Your girlfriends bank book will be fine, some banks will supply a printout of recent transactions, Schengen ask for this but my partner has only ever supplied her pass book and copy for her UK visas.

By all means post your covering letters, don't make them too long, make them snappy and to the point, the ECO will only glance at them if all the other evidence is there.

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Do you mean i can sign them (passport copies) myself? if so what exactly do i need to write?


Coply each page, even the blank ones, and on each copy write:-

"I (full name) certify that this is a true copy of page (number) of passport (number).

Signed and dated."

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Thanks both,

I only have originals for the bank statements and council tax on my docs side

P60 and payslips are all printed e-slips

My company BSkyB dont provide posted slips, they stopped years ago, is this a problem?

Also my tenancy is a copy, the letting agents have the only original remaining and they definitely wont give it me for this

Thank you


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Will your employer sign the e payslips as true copies? If not, self certify them as for your passport and highlight the salary payments on your bank statements.

You don't need your P60 nor council tax bill for a visit visa application.

Not sure what you mean by "my tenancy is a copy" as I though by law you had to have an original copy signed by you and the landlord or letting agent on the landlord's behalf. If you don't have this, ask the letting agent to certify the copy.

Remember, when submitting original documents, if you want them back submit copies as well.

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Not sure what you mean by "my tenancy is a copy" as I though by law you had to have an original copy signed by you and the landlord or letting agent on the landlord's behalf. If you don't have this, ask the letting agent to certify the copy.

On reflection; you don't actually need your tenancy agreement. A simple letter from you describing the property and who else lives there plus, if they are willing, a letter from your landlord confirming she can stay there and that there is room for you is sufficient. I live in a rented property and that is all I provided when successfully sponsoring visit visas for my step son and sister in law.

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Thank you 7by7 thats really useful to know, i will omit the tenancy now and describe the property in the cover letter as you suggested. My landlord wont write a letter for me, but my flat mate will also provide a quick cover letter that there is room etc

TOG: yes the skype list is just details of the start/stop of all calls, they are probably 50/50 initiated by me and her

I am writing the cover letters this afternoon so i will post on here this evening

best wishes


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Yes, your list seems fine, where you supply original documents, bank statements, pay slips and the like, make sure you also supply copies, they will/should keep the copies and return the originals.

Your chat records do seem a bit excessive, though I've seen worse, I'm assuming you're just supplying the time and date of call, not the details. Are all the calls initiated by you?

Your girlfriends bank book will be fine, some banks will supply a printout of recent transactions, Schengen ask for this but my partner has only ever supplied her pass book and copy for her UK visas.

By all means post your covering letters, don't make them too long, make them snappy and to the point, the ECO will only glance at them if all the other evidence is there.

Not sure what you mean by "my tenancy is a copy" as I though by law you had to have an original copy signed by you and the landlord or letting agent on the landlord's behalf. If you don't have this, ask the letting agent to certify the copy.

On reflection; you don't actually need your tenancy agreement. A simple letter from you describing the property and who else lives there plus, if they are willing, a letter from your landlord confirming she can stay there and that there is room for you is sufficient. I live in a rented property and that is all I provided when successfully sponsoring visit visas for my step son and sister in law.

Here is my support letter, formatting looks a bit weird here.

What do you think?







Friday 11th April 2014

The British Embassy,

14 Wireless Road Lumpini,

Pathum Wan,




Dear Entry Clearance Officer,

RE: Visa Application XXXXXX

I am writing to you in support of the above UK visa application of my girlfriend Miss XXXXX YYYYY, DOB 14th August XXXX, Thai passport number XXXXX.

I am a British national citizen of UK passport number XXXXX and my DOB is 20th July XXXX. My address and telephone numbers are at the top of this letter.

We intend for XXXXX to spend her 12 weeks summer holiday visiting me, arriving in the UK on the 24th May 2014 and departing on the 16th August.

Our Relationship

I first met XXXXX in April 2013 whilst on holiday in Thailand and we immediately connected and spent all of my holiday together. When I returned to the UK, our relationship grew strongly and we spoke on skype and Line nearly every day, which has continued for the last 12 months. I have since returned to Thailand 3 more times to visit her, meeting her extended family for the first time in December 2013. I am currently in Thailand with her now for the 4th time and we have spent Song Kran together with her and her family in Khon Kaen

We are very much in love and have discussed longer term plans of engagement in December 2014 and then marriage in December 2015, of which her family approves.

My Financial Support & Accommodation

I earn £X per year as a product manager for HHHH, i have never been married and have no dependants, i will be supporting XXXXX financially for all costs during her stay, including but not withstanding: living costs, travel and return flights.

I have budgeted £200 per week for food and living costs during her stay and received a quote from British Airways of approximately £700 for her flights on the days we propose.

I clear £XXXX each month in wages and after settlement of all my monthly bills I have £1,000 a month spare for food and disposable income. I also have over £XXXXX in my current account, therefore i am fully capable of supporting her financially for the duration of her 12 week stay.

She will stay with me in a large 2 bed/2 bathroom apartment in Leeds, which i share with a friend Mr David BBBBB, who is happy for her to live here during her holiday. David is separated from his wife and his 2 young children stay here 2 nights a week, they have seen XXXX on skype many times and are very much looking forward to meeting her.

Her itinerary

The main purpose of her visit will be to spend quality time with me and meet all my friends and family, we will also do plenty of tourism during the weekends. I will generally be working Monday-Friday but I receive 30 days holiday per year, plus bank holidays and lieu days, so we plan to spend longer periods visiting London, the Scottish highlands and various other attractions.

She is a huge fan of the band one direction and i have purchased 2 tickets to seen them in Manchester on the 1st June.

It is my birthday on the 20th July and hers on the 14th August so we are very much looking forward to spending both of these together too.

Having met her family twice, it is very important to us that she gets to meet my family before our proposed engagements and future wedding.

Her reasons to return

XXXXX is currently studying for a bachelors degree in business administration at Assumption University, where she is about to finish her 2nd year of a 4 year course. Her family have invested a considerable amount of money in her education so far and it would cause significant loss of face to her family if she did not return to finish her course. Whilst I have provided support for 50% of her tuition fees since we met, approximately £1,000, her parents provide her with all other financial support for fees and all of her monthly living costs, approximately £6,000 to date.

With our longer term plans to get married in December 2015 and then apply for a settlement visa in the UK from May 2016 once she has graduated, if she over stayed her visa on this occasion it would put all of this in jeopardy.

I include the following supporting documents in relation to this application

1. A copy of my passport

2. A copy of visa stamps for my 4 visits

3. 6 months original bank statements

4. 6 months payslips

5. My P60 for tax year ending April 2013

6. Original Council Tax Statement for proof of address

7. A letter from my housemate confirming she can live with us.

8. A small sample of photo’s together

9. A record of all Skype Calls

10. A sample of Line messages

11. A copy of internal flights together when visiting her in thailand

12. 1 Direction Tickets for June 2014

13. Western union receipts

Yours faithfully




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and her letter is done too now, again any thoughts appreciated

Miss XXX

Phone: XXXXX
Thursday 17th April 2014

Dear Entry Clearance Officer,

RE: Visa Application YYYYYYYY

I am writing to provide some additional information in support of my UK visa application for a 12 week holiday to visit my boyfriend Mr XXXXXX from the 24th May 2014 until 26th August 2014.

I am 22 years old thai national full time student, currently just about to finish the 2nd year of my 4 year Bachelor of Business Administration degree at Assumption University in Bangkok. Whilst my studies are in English and i am fluent, my boyfriend has provided some help in preparation of this letter, but these are all my own words.

I met XXX 12 months ago whilst he was on holiday in Thailand, i was also on holiday from university at that time. After XXX returned to England we continued our relationship via skype and online chat, we have spoken every day for the last 12 months. XXXX has visited me on 3 further occasions and I introduced him to my family for the first time in December 2013.

My parents fully support me financially for my costs of living with approximately £260 per month. They also pay my tuition fees which are around £2400 per year. XXXX has also contributed to my tuition fees and occasionally sends me some money via western union. The largest amount being £1,000 in March 2014 which we are using as spending money on his current visit, spending Song Kran with my family.

XXXX will fully support me financially during my holiday in England, during which time I am really looking forward to meeting all of his friends and family and getting to experience what it might be like to live in England ahead of future plans. My degree is in English, therefore i am already fluent, but this holiday will help me to further understand the English language and assist my studies when i return to Thailand.

We have discussed plans to get engaged in December 2014 and married in December 2015, before applying for a settlement visa in May 2016 once i have graduated. In the summer holiday of 2015 I will be required to attend additional classes in order to gain enough credits to graduate in 2016. This means that this proposed holiday is the only time i will be able to visit the UK and spend time with all of his friends and family before our proposed wedding.

I fully appreciate that XXXX will be working in the daytime, i have no concerns over this, we have many plans of what we will be doing together in his freetime, including visits to London and all around the UK visiting his friends and family. I am a big one direction fan and we have tickets to see them in June which i am very excited about.

I understand that the UKBA’s main concern is likely to be my reason to return to Thailand. I can honestly say that overstaying or otherwise breaching the visa would be completely unthinkable to me, not only would it cause serious grief to my family, who have contributed so much financially towards my education, but it would also jeopardise all my future plans to later marry XXXX and apply for a settlement visa, with the qualifications needed to be able to have a good career in the UK.

I have enclosed the following documents as supporting evidence for my application:

1. My passport
2. 6 months bank book - translated
3. Proof of current student address – translated
4. Proof of my university course
5. Proof of fees paid to university
6. A letter from my tutor confirming my attendance and holiday period
7. My university calendar showing term dates for semester 2 (2013/14) & semester 1(2014/15)

Yours faithfully




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@ charmsticks, your letter seems fine, just a couple of comments.

You may want to delete the sentence "I have budgeted £200 per week for food and living costs during her stay and received a quote from British Airways of approximately £700 for her flights on the days we propose", I think you have already proved that the trip is affordable, this is going into unnecessary detail.

You say that you will be staying in a two bedroom apartment, you might want to explain if it's rented in your name, a joint tenancy with David or are you a lodger? You've mentioned a note from him confirming he's content for her to stay there, maybe just mention it in your covering letter. I think you were right in not mentioning your possible move of home.

Your girlfriends letter is absolutely fine, in my opinion, who knows maybe the ECO will be a One Direction fan and that will swing it. laugh.png

Maybe just change UKBA to UKVI, this is their new title.

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The only thing i can see thats missing to answer your question is that You dont mention Your age, only your Friends.

In my opinion it's of no relevance, the dates of birth are in the passports and on the application form.

Good point though, maybe lose it in the letters.

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Its aimed at Old Portugese Angolan Africans bringing in Child Brides. Nothing archaic about it.thumbsup.gif

As interesting as that is, the OP is not a Portuguese Angolan African, his girlfriend isn't a child bride and they aren't planning to go to Portugal, so not really relevant in this case, but thanks for sharing.

If any other poster has relevant advice for the OP, I'm sure he would be delighted to hear from you.

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@ charmsticks, your letter seems fine, just a couple of comments.

You may want to delete the sentence "I have budgeted £200 per week for food and living costs during her stay and received a quote from British Airways of approximately £700 for her flights on the days we propose", I think you have already proved that the trip is affordable, this is going into unnecessary detail.

You say that you will be staying in a two bedroom apartment, you might want to explain if it's rented in your name, a joint tenancy with David or are you a lodger? You've mentioned a note from him confirming he's content for her to stay there, maybe just mention it in your covering letter. I think you were right in not mentioning your possible move of home.

Your girlfriends letter is absolutely fine, in my opinion, who knows maybe the ECO will be a One Direction fan and that will swing it. laugh.png

Maybe just change UKBA to UKVI, this is their new title.

Thanks OTG

I'll make those amends as you suggest, good points

Fingers crossed!

I'll let you know how I get on in a few weeks, hopefully with good news :-)


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Well set out, i see that she says she is coming for 12 weeks, and you state you have 30 days holiday, have you any holidays booked during the period she will be here, i did not see that, it is only a small point. maybe i misread the letter.

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Well set out, i see that she says she is coming for 12 weeks, and you state you have 30 days holiday, have you any holidays booked during the period she will be here, i did not see that, it is only a small point. maybe i misread the letter.

Thanks for the feedback howerde, if you didn't quite get it then it is possible an ECO won't either so I will elaborate a little more on this

Basically I plan to use around 2 weeks hols plus 1 weeks lieu time when she is here, we will be going to the usual touristy places, London, Scotland etc

Obviously we will also go away most weekends seeing friends and family etc

When I am working she will just be at home, probably watching tv, playing games and chatting to friends on line tbh lol

My dad is retired and will likely spend a lot of time with her in the day if she is bored, I didn't want to put that in as I thought it's just more complication, I'd probably get him to provide a support letter if I did, which seemed overkill

Happy to hear your thoughts though?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

Just thought i'd like to share some good news, the missus picked up her passport today at VFS with the Visa stamp, i've just booked her flight for next weekend :-) :-)

Really happy, thanks so much to everyone on here for their help and support, especially you 7by7 and theoldgit, really appreciated. So glad i found this forum!

If anyone wants to use any of the advice on this thread for others then feel free, hopefully its of use to someone else someday in a similar position :-)

thanks and best wishes


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