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Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters march in Bangkok


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so how many thousands against 20mln voters, millions, who were prevented from voting and millions intimidated by armed and violent mob?

This Drum has already been beaten....how about making a new sensible comment.

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How much are these 'protesters' being paid a day?

My Thai wife and 28 friends got 28,4 million baht to protest

they will buy out 12 villages in Issan and make them Den retreats

wake up my friend no one could afford to pay this many people for 1 simple demonstaration even at 500 baht ahead

Next question

how much where you paid to ask the question ?

and are you a PTP Plant ?

Yet when it's the reds you think differently right?, actually one or two here could pay for such protests for months, and probably are.

wish I could dream like you can

I would give all the money to the poor farmers in our area

please show me a link where you would do the same

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Errr no the idea comes from the amount of people who keep making claims that the majority want reforms before elections without having put that out there to the populus, I could quite easily say the majority of Thai's think I'm a super sexy hunky bastard based on the 100 women I asked in the Mall in Korat "Do you think I'm super sexy" and 51 said yes.. could I make the claim based on my results that the majority of Thai women think I'm sexy? Hardly!!

I think one of them might have gone off with my wallet after I paid them 100 baht each to vote for my popularity mind you!! wink.png

The problem with your analogy is that it always tends to be the ones who cheat steal and lie their way through life that end up with the power wink.png Every promise a politician makes such as I'll reduce taxes by 1% is also vote buying wink.png as it's been pointed out to me before, vote buying isn't just about handing out cash for a X , and as I said earlier too, how many times does this happen annually that it is of benefit to the voter, 300-500 baht 2-3 times a year isn't a life changing amount.

You do realise that also every party has handed over cash for votes in the past too, and that many consensus's have also said that vote buying doesn't actually have a significant impact on the over all bigger picture..

Now, if my wallet was stolen in a nightclub, with 1000 people there it would be a fair bet that they'd ask a considerable amount if the same thing happened to them and did they spot anyone acting suspicious wink.png They certainly wouldn't be going outside and asking anyone in the other bars and clubs if they seen who stole my wallet would they? Using my wallet is such a poor example as the wallet might have been empty as I blew the contents on Grey Goose, and would I really care if the wallet was stolen? I'd just buy another one the next day.

I never carry anything of importance in my wallet apart from hard cash, I don't take any cards out with me, and don't take any ID that can't be replaced, I carry paper copies and my driving licence and that's it, and if I lost the licence it would be a show stopper either.. so unfortunately using my wallet as an analogy was pretty pointless. wink.png

Fat Haggis,

how can you be *for* something when nobody has said what that *something* is. As soon as you define that something, and it's different from the imagined something in their heads, how could they have been *for* it in the first place. So they didn't really ask even the 1300 people they polled.

Then there's the implicit false assumption game, a favorite of push pollsters

"Would you support a neutral PM to heal the divisions in Thailand" Yes/No?

The question includes an assumption that there is a 'neutral', and that this "neutral' can heal the divisions in Thailand! What a joke.

This has got one to be for the books.

One red shirt TROLL jackin another red shirt TROLL. Did I spell Hyena right?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep announces intention to fight to eliminate Thaksin's regime

BANGKOK: -- People's Democratic Reform Committee spokesman secretary general Suthep Thaugsuban made an announcement at the Royal Plaza to reaffirm the PRDC's commitment to fight to eliminate the Thaksin regime.

He said the regime was a danger of the country. He said the PDRC would join hands with the people to fight to reform the country so that the nation would have genuine democracy for the real benefits of the people.


-- The Nation 2014-03-29

Didn't he said that 4 months ago?

Your post is well taken so I'd only point out to others that the word in the first graf is "reaffirm," yet the headline says "announces intention" etc.

Another instance of the Nation botching up its own story. Using "announcement" in the first graf also proved too much for them to manage well in both the lede graf and in the header, as journalists say in their own jargon..

Better would have been something like: "Suthep reaffirms fight to eliminate Thaksin's regime," which anyway would be OTT for any respectable newspaper to write. Saying "Thaksin's regime" makes the Nation sound like the PR office of the PDRC and the DP.

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Now is the moment to tune to Bluesky and hit record.

suthep and his guards walking homeand there are so few people that they are having to make the way through traffic.

BlueSky are having to use tighter and tighter shots just to avoid the wide open empty spaces.

you mean this one? https://twitter.com/vapee/status/449804117913767936/photo/1 in Thai but I guess it says something like you are full of it?

That is not the only shot they showed but it will do. How many people do you think are there. When it panned out to show all of the gaps I estimated that it was oabout 10,000?

10,000? But you just wrote 750 max! So which is it "doctor" 10,000 or 750?

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I have no objection to a referendum. In my opinion (I know the saying about opinions) the Thai people are so divided and now resorting to all kinds of violence on both sides a referendum should be held to determine if the majority of the populace want reforms before there is an election with the results binding. If they want reforms first so be it. If they want elections first so be it. In order for this to succeed both pro and anti government supporters must agree to abide by the decision of the people.

I think you are correct about people being stuck in limbo. I live in a red area and the people here are saying they are fed up with politics and corrupt politicians. Based on what I hear from the locals who are red supporters I believe the reforms before elections would be the people's choice.

What I do object to is the current ruling party pushing full speed ahead with elections without any consideration given to reforms first. It appears they are afraid of losing the next election if reforms come first. And even if they commit to reforms after the election, they have less than a pristine record of moral character when it comes to honesty.

I'd have hit the like button but have used up all my quotes, thank you for your answer, to be honest I and like many others here don't actually have dogs in this fight, and get waaaaaay too emotional when it's not actually up to them to change how Thai ploitics are run, that is down to the Thai people themselves and to the expats who have the right to vote, everyone else seems to be jumping up and down and getting very animated over something that they have zero control over..

I have never been hindered nor maltreated or subjected to any bad practices by the current Government they've done nothing personal to me, so I neither love nor hate them, It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if Yingluck was ousted tonight, tomorrow or in a week or a month,but I'd rather see it done through the population's choice, and that's simply to vote her out, it's as obvious as the nose on ones face that she's not for moving, so everything is being done through the courts and she will more than likely succumb to a judicial coup.. perpetrated by a minority, then the troubles will really begin, as what's good for the goose will be good for the gander, even disbanding the PTP/UDD will not stop the Thaksin supporters in their tracks, the key to progress is winning over the entire population, and this is what I've been questioning all along, how do you know you're winning them over? Give the country a chance to vote through a referendum, and if you get that Majority, then brilliant, you've got 12 months to deliver on your promises or you're out!! Doesn't get any simpler.

They, the PDRC have had since November to know what these reforms are, and how they will be implemented, and as long as they're not taking away the rights of the people, so they don't need 12-18 months, they had 6 months already in which to have a head start. wink.png

Again, good post wink.png

Thanks. Same here concerning never been hindered or maltreated by this or any other government in the years I have been here. As for the term judicial coup, it is used so much by posters here when they don't have a real rebuttal to a particular post. When the courts make a decision based upon the law and factual evidence, some posters immediately fall back on judicial coup. Frankly I am bored beyond measure of seeing this. No offence intended and hopefully none taken.

As for winning over the entire population I think Suthep whether one likes him or not has raised an awareness of the Thai people both pro and anti government. I also think if the PTP are placed back in power they will continue as before disregarding and going after people who disgree with them. Tharit and Chalerm are perfect examples. A leopard cannot change its spots. A wise man once said you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. It is my hope that Thai people will come know the truth and be set free from unscrupulous rulers. Thus my reasoning for a supporting a referendum on reform before elections.

I think that most TVF members have never really suffered under the administration to be honest, if you pay taxes, you pay them, no matter whose in power.

Without a doubt Suthep has raised awareness, but I stopped believing his cause when the disruptions to the early voting and the day in question itself, it took on a very militant approach, and lost it's fun loving carnival approach.. if people want to vote, then let them..

I too am for referendum before reformation, that way you get to know just how effective Sutheps awareness campaign has been, the trouble with him is like most politicians he's prone to exaggeration, his protest numbers have been way off, and his constant final pushes are getting tiresome, and I still maintain that he underestimated Yinglucks resolve in thinking she'd crumble within weeks.. he and many members here were very wrong on this, but what i very apparent is that she will not succumb to the electorates choice, it will be the courts who will decide.

and I still maintain that he underestimated Yinglucks resolve in thinking she'd crumble within weeks

We can agree to disagree on this point. I think it has little or nothing to do with her resolve. I believe she is not allowed to walk away or crumble as you say, by her brother. I also believe that if an election was held tomorrow she would not win if there was a viable opponent.

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For being accused of being a troll, I'm sure getting a few likes.. personally I don't really care about people opinions of me, when it comes down to Thai Politics, this is down to the Thais and not the farangs who think they know better, because their home nations are run so much more efficient and just for you ductman, I'm more of a follower of Abhisist, and would prefer he grew a spine and stepped up and took the initiative.. buy hey, always good when people make assumptions , you do know what they say about that?? ;)

I just don't like how Suthep's gone about things and championing anti corruption when he's been neck deep in it is the cherry on the top, but that's okay isn't it ??

Corruption no matter how big or small has to be treated with the same contempt.. no amount is acceptable.. especially when you're using it as a slogan to bring down a caretaker Government.

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Well it's clear that you have nothing better to do than trying to count people on a picture. And now that you showed everybody your amazing skills can you tell me what point you try to make?

Or are you still p*ssid of that the pro goverment demonstraters can not get more than 2000 - 3000 people to show up?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I thought that was obvious.

1) I firstly wanted to see how big the protest was, to gauge if Suthep has backing. No he doesn't.

2) I wanted to them compare that to the claims, 1 million, 3 million?... from this I can show the basic dishonesty of these people.

3) I wanted to describe the basic mob counting techniques, so people have their own tools for estimating, independent of me.

4) I wanted to put the size of the mob in perspective. i.e. Yingluk won 59400 votes per seat on average at 2011 election, hence this group at 14k is 25% of one seat.

I also wanted to point out that in a metro city of 14.5 million people, 14,000 / 14.5 million = 0.097%, all these people are just a hop away from the protest and yet they didn't back Suthep.

99.9% of Bangkok people did not go to that protest.

I'm suggesting that the backers of Suthep had better realize this coup has no future, and they would be ill advised to go through with it.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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For being accused of being a troll, I'm sure getting a few likes.. personally I don't really care about people opinions of me, when it comes down to Thai Politics, this is down to the Thais and not the farangs who think they know better, because their home nations are run so much more efficient and just for you ductman, I'm more of a follower of Abhisist, and would prefer he grew a spine and stepped up and took the initiative.. buy hey, always good when people make assumptions , you do know what they say about that?? wink.png

I just don't like how Suthep's gone about things and championing anti corruption when he's been neck deep in it is the cherry on the top, but that's okay isn't it ??

Corruption no matter how big or small has to be treated with the same contempt.. no amount is acceptable.. especially when you're using it as a slogan to bring down a caretaker Government.

After reading your last 8 posts I suggest you have the lemon juice removed from your eye.

This one is my favorite.


Apologies as I normally stick to the politics, but I could not let this one go...


Edited by djjamie
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So, in a country with a population of approx 66.7million, if he is lucky to get 1 million (.015%), he thinks he speaks for the "majority" of the Thai people?

Gotta love Thai logic and "new math". coffee1.gif

It's not a math issue. How many people support an issue and don't march? How many people support an issue and do march? I suspect that 1 million people marching represents considerably more than the rumoured 8 million that voted Pheu Thai Party on Feb 2. If I cared enough, there is probably research around that would let one calculate the number.

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Let's put this to rest when anointed PDRC mouth piece Bangkok Post reported that today protestors are only in ten of thousands and much less than previous rallies. Bottom line, the protest is losing steam and losing supporters and fading fast. Nobody believe a word from Suterp and his final push. Call that too many times like calling wolf.

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But the benefactor(s) of the Reds can afford to pay all the tens of millions of PTP/UDD supporters for a single day @ 300-500 baht? whistling.gif

There's already a poster here from a red area who said his village received nothing...

It's not the vote buying that needs to change, it's the village life culture that needs to change, as in the head man ruling the roost, and telling everyone what they can and cannot do, but isn't his the same as a mayor? He runs the towns as they see fit along with his chambers?

What the issue here is that many of these villagers are life long friends with these head chaps, and if it comes down to loyalty towards him, or a completely unknown Politician, where do you think they'll lean towards ? This has been the culture for Generations, how does one go about changing that ??

When have there been 10's of millions of PTP/UDD supporters marching or at a rally at any time in the history of Thailand? I'm confident the answer is never.

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So, in a country with a population of approx 66.7million, if he is lucky to get 1 million (.015%), he thinks he speaks for the "majority" of the Thai people?

Gotta love Thai logic and "new math". coffee1.gif

If 1 million out of 66.7 million equates to .015%, then 'your' unusual mathematical calculation could easily confuse a Thai kindergarten student.

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You know, I talk a lot of sht about these people;
walking around in the street, not really doing anything productive to further their cause- just taking up space. And I still think that's true- for all their effort I don't believe they've accomplished anything lasting with their marches.

But, when you think about it, that's really sad.
Whatever their specific politics, they have shown a ton of resiliency and demonstrated their ability to mobilize en masse when called, despite very real and constant threat of violence. I actually hate to see all that potential go to waste.

Just imagine the great things these people could do, if only their leader actually had a respectable plan- beyond making lot of noise and nuisance.

In the absence of true leadership, people will follow even a mad dog into the streets.

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Let's put this to rest when anointed PDRC mouth piece Bangkok Post reported that today protestors are only in ten of thousands and much less than previous rallies. Bottom line, the protest is losing steam and losing supporters and fading fast. Nobody believe a word from Suterp and his final push. Call that too many times like calling wolf.

Bangkok Post is now a pro pdrc paper? Any paper prints some you news you don't like and they automatically become pro pdrc mouthpiece? Jesus.

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Well it's clear that you have nothing better to do than trying to count people on a picture. And now that you showed everybody your amazing skills can you tell me what point you try to make?

Or are you still p*ssid of that the pro goverment demonstraters can not get more than 2000 - 3000 people to show up?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I thought that was obvious.

1) I firstly wanted to see how big the protest was, to gauge if Suthep has backing. No he doesn't.

2) I wanted to them compare that to the claims, 1 million, 3 million?... from this I can show the basic dishonesty of these people.

3) I wanted to describe the basic mob counting techniques, so people have their own tools for estimating, independent of me.

4) I wanted to put the size of the mob in perspective. i.e. Yingluk won 59400 votes per seat on average at 2011 election, hence this group at 14k is 25% of one seat.

I also wanted to point out that in a metro city of 14.5 million people, 14,000 / 14.5 million = 0.097%, all these people are just a hop away from the protest and yet they didn't back Suthep.

99.9% of Bangkok people did not go to that protest.

I'm suggesting that the backers of Suthep had better realize this coup has no future, and they would be ill advised to go through with it.

One more point, and this should be obvious to everyone.

Bangkok is supposed to be a Democrat yellow stronghold. Yet 99.9% of Bangkok did not go to these protests.

Bangkok will be Pheu Thai seats at the next election.

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Go on with this nonsense.

The rich influence people always can leave Thailand, the ordinary people from North to East to South can't. They will suffer as always.

The "ordinary people" get what they vote for and if Yingluck; rich and influential, would simply leave the country we would all be far better off.

Who are you to think you can advocate a Thai leave the country? Are you Thai? Even if you were Thai, that would be a completely wrong idea unless the Thai chose to leave free of duress or coercion.

Thaksin choose to leave Thailand under duress, but with a lot of ammart knowing it, popping champagne corks and cheering in their estates.

Just who are you to say a Thai should leave Thailand for any reason, involuntarily or otherwise?

Mr T left voluntarily, promising to return after the Olympics. Of course he did not return, was sentenced in absentia, & did not bother to appeal. Then again the case where he was sentenced to 2 years in jail was small bikkies compared to possible jail time for more serious charges. There have been others before him from the 1997 financial crisis such as Saxena who is now back after years of extradition proceedings & another, I think his name was Pin, the head of a large finance company which went bust & probably causing financial hardship to 1,000s of people, he is now back a free man after the statute of limitations expired.


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"Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters march in Bangkok"

>This is not anti-Govt.

>This is anti-democracy

>This is pro-coup

>Those seeking to power their way into governance via non-electoral means, are not protesters....Protesters by definition are 'against something"...These people are 'for' something.

That said, it is pitiful seeing them run about the streets, when very obviously should be expressing themselves at the ballot box and in parliament.

Everyone to their own I guess. To see an electoral minority seek to assert itself over an electoral majority is folderol.

Without playing the numbers game with these people today, it can be safely said they would be dwarfed by the electoral majority should they gather at one place, on one particular day.

In fact, wouldn't an electoral majority dwarf the entire city of Bangkok? It would also be more people than would fit into my living room. Bet you didn't know that!

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Let's put this to rest when anointed PDRC mouth piece Bangkok Post reported that today protestors are only in ten of thousands and much less than previous rallies. Bottom line, the protest is losing steam and losing supporters and fading fast. Nobody believe a word from Suterp and his final push. Call that too many times like calling wolf.

Bangkok Post is now a pro pdrc paper? Any paper prints some you news you don't like and they automatically become pro pdrc mouthpiece? Jesus.

I guess when they allow Veera to run his mouth every week, they deserved to be called pro PDRC. As a major mass media, BP should present more objective article like by Khun Voranai and Songkran.

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Elections are the only way to solve this. Yingluck called one after the protests put pressure on her....and suthep with the courts nullified it. I think there is definitely evidence that the PTP's support was wavering at the the time. The dems may not have taken all their votes but the farming folk may have voted for other parties. Dems could have had a shot. The longer this drags out the more the red shirts will solidify and back Yingluck and Thaksin, and they have the numbers despite the big marches that occasionally happen in BKK. The "bkk shutdown" along with physically blocking people from voting were colossal blunders by the dems and suthep.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Pdrc and the Dems are not the same body. This is a suthep event, hopefully the last. Nothing to do with the Dems.

Just because the EC insists on the law being followed does not mean they are not neutral. Despite what PT thinks they and the senate are not obliged to bend to their will. Not every institution is the DSI.

are not the same body? The names are different to protect the innocent,they go hand in hand.Remind me again what party Suthep belonged to before he "resigned". Next you will be saying the red shirts have nothing to do with PT

I say let the fools from both sides have a massive punch up.......idiots fighting for their corrupt masters.

Resigned. Left. Went his own way. No longer member.

Got it?

I have been close to the Democrat Party leaders for 30 years and Suthep is a friend. The truth is that Suthep was persuaded to lead the PDRC to help the Democrats strategy to regain power. In order to do that, he had to resign from the Democrat Party on paper, as the Democrat Party could be dissolved should legal action be taken against them for organising the protests themselves. Hence Suthep established the independent PDRC.

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Well it's clear that you have nothing better to do than trying to count people on a picture. And now that you showed everybody your amazing skills can you tell me what point you try to make?

Or are you still p*ssid of that the pro goverment demonstraters can not get more than 2000 - 3000 people to show up?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I thought that was obvious.

1) I firstly wanted to see how big the protest was, to gauge if Suthep has backing. No he doesn't.

2) I wanted to them compare that to the claims, 1 million, 3 million?... from this I can show the basic dishonesty of these people.

3) I wanted to describe the basic mob counting techniques, so people have their own tools for estimating, independent of me.

4) I wanted to put the size of the mob in perspective. i.e. Yingluk won 59400 votes per seat on average at 2011 election, hence this group at 14k is 25% of one seat.

I also wanted to point out that in a metro city of 14.5 million people, 14,000 / 14.5 million = 0.097%, all these people are just a hop away from the protest and yet they didn't back Suthep.

99.9% of Bangkok people did not go to that protest.

I'm suggesting that the backers of Suthep had better realize this coup has no future, and they would be ill advised to go through with it.

One more point, and this should be obvious to everyone.

Bangkok is supposed to be a Democrat yellow stronghold. Yet 99.9% of Bangkok did not go to these protests.

Bangkok will be Pheu Thai seats at the next election.

Ahh, your ability to use figures and numbers to further an argument is second to none.

Here is another one along those lines.

73% of the population ate carrots between 1850 and 1910 yet 100% of them are now dead. So carrots kill people. A bit extreme I know, but I am making a point.

thaksin said during the last bkk governor elections that a lamp post would beat a DEM…In other words he said Bangkok will be a Pheu Thai seat at the next election…Guess what..thaksin was wrong.

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But the benefactor(s) of the Reds can afford to pay all the tens of millions of PTP/UDD supporters for a single day @ 300-500 baht? whistling.gif

There's already a poster here from a red area who said his village received nothing...

It's not the vote buying that needs to change, it's the village life culture that needs to change, as in the head man ruling the roost, and telling everyone what they can and cannot do, but isn't his the same as a mayor? He runs the towns as they see fit along with his chambers?

What the issue here is that many of these villagers are life long friends with these head chaps, and if it comes down to loyalty towards him, or a completely unknown Politician, where do you think they'll lean towards ? This has been the culture for Generations, how does one go about changing that ??

When have there been 10's of millions of PTP/UDD supporters marching or at a rally at any time in the history of Thailand? I'm confident the answer is never.

I never said anything about marching, I should have been more clearer, it was in relation to being paid to do anything in support of the PTP and in particular being paid to vote..

Apologies if that's what you interpreted it as ;)

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Mr T left voluntarily, promising to return after the Olympics. Of course he did not return, was sentenced in absentia, & did not bother to appeal. Then again the case where he was sentenced to 2 years in jail was small bikkies compared to possible jail time for more serious charges. There have been others before him from the 1997 financial crisis such as Saxena who is now back after years of extradition proceedings & another, I think his name was Pin, the head of a large finance company which went bust & probably causing financial hardship to 1,000s of people, he is now back a free man after the statute of limitations expired.

The "ordinary people" get what they vote for and if Yingluck; rich and influential, would simply leave the country we would all be far better off.

Who are you to think you can advocate a Thai leave the country? Are you Thai? Even if you were Thai, that would be a completely wrong idea unless the Thai chose to leave free of duress or coercion.

Thaksin choose to leave Thailand under duress, but with a lot of ammart knowing it, popping champagne corks and cheering in their estates.

Just who are you to say a Thai should leave Thailand for any reason, involuntarily or otherwise?


and, what is your view on the perpetrators of the Trat attack? Still can't answer it I see...

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Well it's clear that you have nothing better to do than trying to count people on a picture. And now that you showed everybody your amazing skills can you tell me what point you try to make?

Or are you still p*ssid of that the pro goverment demonstraters can not get more than 2000 - 3000 people to show up?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I thought that was obvious.

1) I firstly wanted to see how big the protest was, to gauge if Suthep has backing. No he doesn't.

2) I wanted to them compare that to the claims, 1 million, 3 million?... from this I can show the basic dishonesty of these people.

3) I wanted to describe the basic mob counting techniques, so people have their own tools for estimating, independent of me.

4) I wanted to put the size of the mob in perspective. i.e. Yingluk won 59400 votes per seat on average at 2011 election, hence this group at 14k is 25% of one seat.

I also wanted to point out that in a metro city of 14.5 million people, 14,000 / 14.5 million = 0.097%, all these people are just a hop away from the protest and yet they didn't back Suthep.

99.9% of Bangkok people did not go to that protest.

I'm suggesting that the backers of Suthep had better realize this coup has no future, and they would be ill advised to go through with it.

One more point, and this should be obvious to everyone.

Bangkok is supposed to be a Democrat yellow stronghold. Yet 99.9% of Bangkok did not go to these protests.

Bangkok will be Pheu Thai seats at the next election.


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Let's put this to rest when anointed PDRC mouth piece Bangkok Post reported that today protestors are only in ten of thousands and much less than previous rallies. Bottom line, the protest is losing steam and losing supporters and fading fast. Nobody believe a word from Suterp and his final push. Call that too many times like calling wolf.

Lets put this to rest! Its been 4 months since this has started, and still there are 10's of thousands that come out. After 4 months of of crazy traffic and business loss they still come out in the thousands?

Why? why would people do that?

Nobody likes Suthep, but they still come out to support him and oppose this govt. Why????

Its really not hard to understand, they dont support Suthep, they oppose this government and what it stands for. It could be Satan himself leading these protests and people will follow. They are just sick and tired of the Shin clan dictating their lives and want to rid this plague from their lives.

I can agree with you that the are people the are just sick and tired of the Shin family and there are also people who love them. That's reflected in all election. Taksin related parties do not get all the votes. People choose who they like in an election. Suterp isn't even allowing people to chose and insist on an unknown, untested and illegal appointed people council to govern for a period of time. That is like throwing yourself into a pool of piranha.

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Well it's clear that you have nothing better to do than trying to count people on a picture. And now that you showed everybody your amazing skills can you tell me what point you try to make?

Or are you still p*ssid of that the pro goverment demonstraters can not get more than 2000 - 3000 people to show up?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I thought that was obvious.

1) I firstly wanted to see how big the protest was, to gauge if Suthep has backing. No he doesn't.

2) I wanted to them compare that to the claims, 1 million, 3 million?... from this I can show the basic dishonesty of these people.

3) I wanted to describe the basic mob counting techniques, so people have their own tools for estimating, independent of me.

4) I wanted to put the size of the mob in perspective. i.e. Yingluk won 59400 votes per seat on average at 2011 election, hence this group at 14k is 25% of one seat.

I also wanted to point out that in a metro city of 14.5 million people, 14,000 / 14.5 million = 0.097%, all these people are just a hop away from the protest and yet they didn't back Suthep.

99.9% of Bangkok people did not go to that protest.

I'm suggesting that the backers of Suthep had better realize this coup has no future, and they would be ill advised to go through with it.

One more point, and this should be obvious to everyone.

Bangkok is supposed to be a Democrat yellow stronghold. Yet 99.9% of Bangkok did not go to these protests.

Bangkok will be Pheu Thai seats at the next election.

Ahh, your ability to use figures and numbers to further an argument is second to none.

Here is another one along those lines.

73% of the population ate carrots between 1850 and 1910 yet 100% of them are now dead. So carrots kill people. A bit extreme I know, but I am making a point.

thaksin said during the last bkk governor elections that a lamp post would beat a DEM…In other words he said Bangkok will be a Pheu Thai seat at the next election…Guess what..thaksin was wrong.

Carrots do not kill people. Trying to undermine democracy and elections, does kill parties at elections.

One is not linked, the other definitely is linked.

BKK Governor is suspended BTW for election irregularities, Pusadee Tamthai is taking over.

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Pdrc and the Dems are not the same body. This is a suthep event, hopefully the last. Nothing to do with the Dems.

Just because the EC insists on the law being followed does not mean they are not neutral. Despite what PT thinks they and the senate are not obliged to bend to their will. Not every institution is the DSI.

are not the same body? The names are different to protect the innocent,they go hand in hand.Remind me again what party Suthep belonged to before he "resigned". Next you will be saying the red shirts have nothing to do with PT

I say let the fools from both sides have a massive punch up.......idiots fighting for their corrupt masters.

Resigned. Left. Went his own way. No longer member.

Got it?

I have been close to the Democrat Party leaders for 30 years and Suthep is a friend. The truth is that Suthep was persuaded to lead the PDRC to help the Democrats strategy to regain power. In order to do that, he had to resign from the Democrat Party on paper, as the Democrat Party could be dissolved should legal action be taken against them for organising the protests themselves. Hence Suthep established the independent PDRC.

Why would legal action be taken against organising protests? It is not illegal to do so.

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