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Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters march in Bangkok


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Another FINAL PUSH what a looser, nasty man that

I think you will find that over the coming weeks, he will be seen as a winner, and Thaksin will be the loser.

If you can't handle that fact, then I think it is time you made the decision whether Thailand is going to be a good place for you to live.

Same with the other Thaksin apologists. If you don't support proper democracy, then Laos is not that far from here, the cost of living is cheaper, the beer better.

Unfortunately you will have to suffer coming to Thailand on your visa runs.

Not only that, but Laos is likely to be a freer, more democratic and tolerant country than Thailand if Sutheps mob get their way.

By the way, are you a reincarnation of PepperMe?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well folks. As we can,only jab at eachother think about this. If this goes to white and people attack eachother... The army may have to step in. The army may split due to differences within. Then that could cause civil disobedience beyond anything ever seen before. My little two cents says this is why prayuth has done nothing more than posture so far. The army in Isan is red and they feel,they ... The reds.., are being targetted personally.

This ain't over yet. The fat lady is not even tuning her voice

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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This one could be described as the mother of all mega flops. Do we wait until it's Suthep and the guards left, or does someone need to call time ? The latter IMHO

why are you being unrealistic. Crowds are huge. What makes you so,negative? Failed marriages???

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

Because he supports (Sick infatuation) a corrupt govt that is going to get their asses handed to them , starting monday with YS.

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Go on with this nonsense.

The rich influence people always can leave Thailand, the ordinary people from North to East to South can't. They will suffer as always.

You think protesting is nonsense? You think that all of these people are rich and powerful? Well, let me inform you. I know of some poor farmers (non rice growers) who are in that crowd. These are people who want peace in their land and want to see change. These poor farmers that I know dislike the money politics as exercised by Thaksin and his crew. They want change. That's why they are there.

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Almost 2 hours in since the front marchers took off and there are still hundreds of thousands of marchers still waiting at Lumpini to start marching.

The wife is still waiting to get into the park area let alone start in the procession.

This is going to be the biggest yet.

Nice to hear a bunch of them went to Nontaburi and booted the red terrorist out from the NACC... Lets hope they hold that area till at least Tuesday.

Obviously there are never enough to have most votes in the Election.

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So, in a country with a population of approx 66.7million, if he is lucky to get 1 million (.015%), he thinks he speaks for the "majority" of the Thai people?

Gotta love Thai logic and "new math". coffee1.gif

Don't be stupid, you will NEVER get a whole country out to a march.

Nut don't deny a million turning up as nothing, and also your maths are totally wrong.

With your rational thinking (laughing).. Then with all this MASSIVE red shirt support for the government, where are their HUGE rallies like this?

5000 last week in Pattaya, 3000 in Ayuttaya, and they were all paid.

Hardly representitive of the huge support for the Thaksin regime that people like you constantly brag about.

Your last sentence cracks me up, as you automatically assume that I am a Thaksin supporter, or which I am NOT.

You also exhibit the inability to denote sarcasm in the words of others, thereby revealing your lack of deduction powers.

You should ask your mother if it is okay for you to post something before you do it.

Have a nice day wai2.gif

Maybe you need to check the accuracy of your maths before you ridicule others. Or was that part of the 'sarcasm" and wit too?

Maybe the inability to detect intended sarcasm is reflection on your ability to convey what you are thinking into writing. That the trouble with web forums (and emails too) - not always easy to get the intended emotion through.

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Another FINAL PUSH what a looser, nasty man that

I think you will find that over the coming weeks, he will be seen as a winner, and Thaksin will be the loser.

If you can't handle that fact, then I think it is time you made the decision whether Thailand is going to be a good place for you to live.

Same with the other Thaksin apologists. If you don't support proper democracy, then Laos is not that far from here, the cost of living is cheaper, the beer better.

Unfortunately you will have to suffer coming to Thailand on your visa runs.

Not only that, but Laos is likely to be a freer, more democratic and tolerant country than Thailand if Sutheps mob get their way.

By the way, are you a reincarnation of PepperMe?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sutheps mob (Suthep's mob)???? Not a mob. This is a bunch of people who want a government that is accountable to the people. All of the people. Not a government only accountable to an exiled criminal on the run.

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Go on with this nonsense.

The rich influence people always can leave Thailand, the ordinary people from North to East to South can't. They will suffer as always.

You think protesting is nonsense? You think that all of these people are rich and powerful? Well, let me inform you. I know of some poor farmers (non rice growers) who are in that crowd. These are people who want peace in their land and want to see change. These poor farmers that I know dislike the money politics as exercised by Thaksin and his crew. They want change. That's why they are there.

Indeed. Thaksinomics at its best. The Shins increase their wealth 450% during the period his sister's regime is in office. Everybody else - well er, someone has to pay for it!

Wonder how much the clan family pot would've increased if they'd got their sticky fingers on the 2,2,trllion?

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Pdrc and the Dems are not the same body. This is a suthep event, hopefully the last. Nothing to do with the Dems.

Just because the EC insists on the law being followed does not mean they are not neutral. Despite what PT thinks they and the senate are not obliged to bend to their will. Not every institution is the DSI.

are not the same body? The names are different to protect the innocent,they go hand in hand.Remind me again what party Suthep belonged to before he "resigned". Next you will be saying the red shirts have nothing to do with PT

I say let the fools from both sides have a massive punch up.......idiots fighting for their corrupt masters.

Resigned. Left. Went his own way. No longer member.

Got it?

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Pdrc and the Dems are not the same body. This is a suthep event, hopefully the last. Nothing to do with the Dems.

Just because the EC insists on the law being followed does not mean they are not neutral. Despite what PT thinks they and the senate are not obliged to bend to their will. Not every institution is the DSI.

are not the same body? The names are different to protect the innocent,they go hand in hand.Remind me again what party Suthep belonged to before he "resigned". Next you will be saying the red shirts have nothing to do with PT

I say let the fools from both sides have a massive punch up.......idiots fighting for their corrupt masters.

Obviously you can't remember the last election, where the protesters....than called PAD but largely the same people called for NOT voting for the Democrats as all the parties are the same junk.

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This one could be described as the mother of all mega flops. Do we wait until it's Suthep and the guards left, or does someone need to call time ? The latter IMHO

why are you being unrealistic. Crowds are huge. What makes you so,negative? Failed marriages???

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

Is losing contact with reality the same as being unrealistic? He just can't accept that the whole of Thailand doesn't adore dear leader big T and the utopia his one state kleptocracy would provide.

BBC World News says thousands of anti PTP protesters took to the streets again - and had nice pictures of them too. Didn't seem to be a flop according to them.

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so how many thousands against 20mln voters, millions, who were prevented from voting and millions intimidated by armed and violent mob?

If you want to quote stupid and irrelevant figures then you should refer to the majority of voters that DIDN'T vote for Yingluck

The Democrat Party hasn't won a general election since 1992. That's almost as long as the last time Arsenal won a Cup (1994). That's pretty sorry and sad.

And that is why they are following the PDRC protest, boycott election, block election, hope that the military and judiciary will put them in power pathway.

If we cut through all the bullshit, the exaggerated claims of numbers on marches, the calls for reforms, the discussion forums in Lumpini Park, the academics proposals and dodgy opinion polls, and here on TV the allegations, pseudo political science discussions, florid paens of praise for the courts and"independent agencies", allied with some very strange statistical analysis of what little is known about the results of the last (impeded) election then we can be sure of one thing. The establishment wish to reclaim power from an elected government which they loathe. They know they can't win an election, they're shit scared of facing an election and so they have to, will, take power with out an election.

And this process is enthusiastically supported by many on this forum.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nah, they just dont like people trying to sneak through shit like amnesty etc..

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Pdrc and the Dems are not the same body. This is a suthep event, hopefully the last. Nothing to do with the Dems.

Just because the EC insists on the law being followed does not mean they are not neutral. Despite what PT thinks they and the senate are not obliged to bend to their will. Not every institution is the DSI.

Abhisit has followed his former deputy Suthep's choices step for step, I don't see an inch between them, different in name only.

EC tried to mediate between PDRC and the government. Their constitutional role say their duty is to deliver elections and be neutral among political parties, PDRC is not a political party, it has no business in the election. It was about the biggest violation of a duty I've ever seen, not just negligent, far beyond that.

I also don't see any work in preparing for a fresh election. They're clearly not going to hold an election in the foreseeable future, no registrations are taking place, no ballots, their duty under 236/6 of the constitution is:

(6) to order a new election or a new voting at a referendum to be held in any or all polling stations when there occurs convincing evidence that the election or the voting at a referendum in that or those polling stations has not proceeded in an honest and fair manner;

The court voided the whole election, the whole election needs re-run, yet they're not doing that in violation of their duty under constitutional law.

As to the senate, they are not the senate, they are the half senate. The unelected part with close links to the Democrats. Kamnoon Sidhisamarn proposed only yesterday to use the Thawil Pliensri case as the quickest way to get the PM and Pheu thai out. Not even a veneer of fairness, simply trying to find a quick coup route before the rest of the senate resumes.

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Go on with this nonsense.

The rich influence people always can leave Thailand, the ordinary people from North to East to South can't. They will suffer as always.

The "ordinary people" get what they vote for and if Yingluck; rich and influential, would simply leave the country we would all be far better off.

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so how many thousands against 20mln voters, millions, who were prevented from voting and millions intimidated by armed and violent mob?

These are more civilized and orderly than Red Shirt. It shows the level of education. for my money I rather the educated people make decisions than uneducated at anytime

i love the "Too Stupid to Vote" argument. They always set the IQ bar a couple of points below thier own level.

and as you speak about IQ Dr Brucie.... your "thier" should be spelt "their" must also be a "Too Stupid to Spell" argument..! clap2.gif

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Pdrc and the Dems are not the same body. This is a suthep event, hopefully the last. Nothing to do with the Dems.

Just because the EC insists on the law being followed does not mean they are not neutral. Despite what PT thinks they and the senate are not obliged to bend to their will. Not every institution is the DSI.

Abhisit has followed his former deputy Suthep's choices step for step, I don't see an inch between them, different in name only.

EC tried to mediate between PDRC and the government. Their constitutional role say their duty is to deliver elections and be neutral among political parties, PDRC is not a political party, it has no business in the election. It was about the biggest violation of a duty I've ever seen, not just negligent, far beyond that.

I also don't see any work in preparing for a fresh election. They're clearly not going to hold an election in the foreseeable future, no registrations are taking place, no ballots, their duty under 236/6 of the constitution is:

(6) to order a new election or a new voting at a referendum to be held in any or all polling stations when there occurs convincing evidence that the election or the voting at a referendum in that or those polling stations has not proceeded in an honest and fair manner;

The court voided the whole election, the whole election needs re-run, yet they're not doing that in violation of their duty under constitutional law.

As to the senate, they are not the senate, they are the half senate. The unelected part with close links to the Democrats. Kamnoon Sidhisamarn proposed only yesterday to use the Thawil Pliensri case as the quickest way to get the PM and Pheu thai out. Not even a veneer of fairness, simply trying to find a quick coup route before the rest of the senate resumes.

I am no fan of the pdrc or election prevention. Always made that clear. However the constant attempts to paint suthep's plans as the democrats and the EC as biased because they follow the law and not PT's will are just wrong.

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Just got back, I couldn't find them this time.

Did you get the wrong link? i clicked on it and got the low angle shot from BlueSky

I think you meant this photo?


I make it (36+10) * 2 across, 100 deep in the main block, = 9200, plus some bits on the arms, say 2000 in the left, 1000 in the top, 1000 in the right (I'll assume people behind the trees), and a bit along the bottom...

About 14000.

That'll get you about 25% of one seat in parliament.

If you think that's only 14,000 people in that particular picture then you need to go back to school and study maths-with-statistics. In that small picture alone there is way above 200,000, and that is a small picture of the grander turn out in full. Close on 1M or above shall be accurately assed soon, but won't be announced by the PTP, for sure. Wait for Chalerm to say, "Easy day, only 5,500 turned out," and then Jatuporn announcing, "We will see 10 million in BKK on 5th April." 555...

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So, in a country with a population of approx 66.7million, if he is lucky to get 1 million (.015%), he thinks he speaks for the "majority" of the Thai people?

Gotta love Thai logic and "new math". coffee1.gif

Redo you maths, a 10 year old could do better. As for the others that clicked like - they better check their math skills as well.

And to be fair, you should be comparing eligible voters not the population - seems there are 48.77M eligible voters so that make the percentage approx. 2% -- 13.4 times your calculation.

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Here's the thing. Support Suthep or not, prior to today, he "boasted", more than once, that today's rally would be the "biggest ever". In my personal opinion, he's definitely missed the mark on that one.

You could be right about this is not the biggest show of support ever. However after 4 months of continuous protesting and givin the fact is is near 40 c in the shade walking over 15 km. in the sun, it is pretty impressive.

IMHO it has nothing to do with Suthep, this and all previous protest marches has to do with people sick and tired of the way this country is and has been governed, and want something better without a Shin or its clan in that equation.

Then let them vote on it, prove beyond all reasonable doubt that this is indeed what the "Majority" want.

Where does this idea keep coming from? ohmy.png

That some magical majority is required for people to protest the rampant corruption tearing their country apart? It's bizarre, it's beyond even Thai thought. The next time your wallet is stolen, you expect the police to ask for 38 million witnesses? It's the same stuff as saying any politician who manages to cheat, buy, steal the biggest number of votes can enjoy unlimited legitimate corruption.

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Relax, the day is over. The PDRC has gone back to Lumpini. Norhing achieved except for a nice tan. The Dem meeting is done and their stand is still the same as before i.e. no move till Suterp order. Let's enjoy Sunday free from politics. Next week will be the event changer.

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March seems to be stalling at Si Ayutia/Pria Thai junction. Suthep and about 1000 protesters are nearing Royal plaza, then a big gap to the main march which is very big 9over 10,000) people. There is some kind of holdup at the Junction.

Are you close by and can see all of this?

Some people keep stating that Numbers are not important, oh really, why is then you use the very same numbers to state there's now a majority who want reforms before elections ??

The true numbers are from all across Thailand in either a non impeded referendum, or unimpeded election, then the numbers will be more significant, until then, it's spin, spin an more spin.. If you have a Majority, prove this by letting the elections run.. if not.. well the wheel will keep on turning and nobody will go anywhere fast and the people who's opinions do matter, as in the Thais, will still not get their say.

I have told Dr. Bruce a million times not to exeggurate.

I think the biggest exaggeration is his assumption of a title. "Dr" of what, exactly? I suppose he might be a challenged sociologist at best.

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Blockage has cleared now, it was another march joining from Si Ayuthia and they had a discussion on who was to go firt. The march is moving very quickly now to catch up.

Rubbish.... as from 12.14 there were stll 2 sections yet to start marching.

Anyone else in the Lumpini area that can tell us who is lying here???

Anyway, let's wait till next Saturday to see what the PRO GOVERNMENT can reply with.

Oh I forgot, the UDD would first 'monitor' this rally and then make their decision.

Meaning, they will call it off because the support for the government can no way beat the support for the anti-government movement.

Not even 10% of it.

Right on. It was just announced the rally is exceeding 3 million anti-govt protestors. I believe this exceeds any previous protest, as Suthep predicated.

I estimated 14000 from the nation photo:


I'm curious what is Bluesky telling their viewers?

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So, in a country with a population of approx 66.7million, if he is lucky to get 1 million (.015%), he thinks he speaks for the "majority" of the Thai people?

Gotta love Thai logic and "new math". coffee1.gif

Redo you maths, a 10 year old could do better. As for the others that clicked like - they better check their math skills as well.

And to be fair, you should be comparing eligible voters not the population - seems there are 48.77M eligible voters so that make the percentage approx. 2% -- 13.4 times your calculation.

Redo your math. wai2.gif

Edited by rabas
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How about letting the Thai people speak for themselves through either a referendum or an election instead of having a small minority group in Bangkok speak on their behalf without their consent..

Win the Majority through a referendum /election and you can reform away till your little hearts content, until then, stop dictating as to what the rest of the country wants, without letting them prove it !!

The Majority hasn't spoken, if anything they're saying nothing as they're fed up being stuck in limbo, with neither side willing to negotiate or withdraw demands, they didn't vote as there was no point, everyone knew the elections would be voided, so again stop assuming a non vote is a no vote, if you're so confident you're the majority ..prove it, hold the referendum/election and silence the critics once and for all wink.png

I have no objection to a referendum. In my opinion (I know the saying about opinions) the Thai people are so divided and now resorting to all kinds of violence on both sides a referendum should be held to determine if the majority of the populace want reforms before there is an election with the results binding. If they want reforms first so be it. If they want elections first so be it. In order for this to succeed both pro and anti government supporters must agree to abide by the decision of the people.

I think you are correct about people being stuck in limbo. I live in a red area and the people here are saying they are fed up with politics and corrupt politicians. Based on what I hear from the locals who are red supporters I believe the reforms before elections would be the people's choice.

What I do object to is the current ruling party pushing full speed ahead with elections without any consideration given to reforms first. It appears they are afraid of losing the next election if reforms come first. And even if they commit to reforms after the election, they have less than a pristine record of moral character when it comes to honesty.

I'd have hit the like button but have used up all my quotes, thank you for your answer, to be honest I and like many others here don't actually have dogs in this fight, and get waaaaaay too emotional when it's not actually up to them to change how Thai ploitics are run, that is down to the Thai people themselves and to the expats who have the right to vote, everyone else seems to be jumping up and down and getting very animated over something that they have zero control over..

I have never been hindered nor maltreated or subjected to any bad practices by the current Government they've done nothing personal to me, so I neither love nor hate them, It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if Yingluck was ousted tonight, tomorrow or in a week or a month,but I'd rather see it done through the population's choice, and that's simply to vote her out, it's as obvious as the nose on ones face that she's not for moving, so everything is being done through the courts and she will more than likely succumb to a judicial coup.. perpetrated by a minority, then the troubles will really begin, as what's good for the goose will be good for the gander, even disbanding the PTP/UDD will not stop the Thaksin supporters in their tracks, the key to progress is winning over the entire population, and this is what I've been questioning all along, how do you know you're winning them over? Give the country a chance to vote through a referendum, and if you get that Majority, then brilliant, you've got 12 months to deliver on your promises or you're out!! Doesn't get any simpler.

They, the PDRC have had since November to know what these reforms are, and how they will be implemented, and as long as they're not taking away the rights of the people, so they don't need 12-18 months, they had 6 months already in which to have a head start. wink.png

Again, good post wink.png

Thanks. Same here concerning never been hindered or maltreated by this or any other government in the years I have been here. As for the term judicial coup, it is used so much by posters here when they don't have a real rebuttal to a particular post. When the courts make a decision based upon the law and factual evidence, some posters immediately fall back on judicial coup. Frankly I am bored beyond measure of seeing this. No offence intended and hopefully none taken.

As for winning over the entire population I think Suthep whether one likes him or not has raised an awareness of the Thai people both pro and anti government. I also think if the PTP are placed back in power they will continue as before disregarding and going after people who disgree with them. Tharit and Chalerm are perfect examples. A leopard cannot change its spots. A wise man once said you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. It is my hope that Thai people will come know the truth and be set free from unscrupulous rulers. Thus my reasoning for a supporting a referendum on reform before elections.

I think that most TVF members have never really suffered under the administration to be honest, if you pay taxes, you pay them, no matter whose in power.

Without a doubt Suthep has raised awareness, but I stopped believing his cause when the disruptions to the early voting and the day in question itself, it took on a very militant approach, and lost it's fun loving carnival approach.. if people want to vote, then let them..

I too am for referendum before reformation, that way you get to know just how effective Sutheps awareness campaign has been, the trouble with him is like most politicians he's prone to exaggeration, his protest numbers have been way off, and his constant final pushes are getting tiresome, and I still maintain that he underestimated Yinglucks resolve in thinking she'd crumble within weeks.. he and many members here were very wrong on this, but what i very apparent is that she will not succumb to the electorates choice, it will be the courts who will decide.

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