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I could get an ice-cream machine for free.

Now I know that normal ice cream is a nuke for every diet, but I think if this is a must.

Well I don't like sweet very much so the sugar isn't a big issue (but maybe still a small one).

These bodybuilder protein drinks, both chocolate and vanilla mixed with fat free milk taste good and you don't feel the lack of fat. Has someone an idea if you could make a ice cream based on that or something similar?

Something that tastes like good ice cream but in fact is mostly water and protein instead of sugar and fat? Healthy but still tasting good?

Of course I would be OK to add egg if it fits in or anything else with low fat, or high value fat.

Any chance?

(I would carry the ice cream machine from Austria to Thailand so if it is hopeless I keep it in Austria and forget about it) It is one with a own fridge unit...so one of the more expensive but still "non-professional" one.

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Add artificial sweetener, berries, and possibly natural cocoa to Greek yoghurt. Done.


I thought already for the yoghurt, made some myself...take fat free milk, put in a spoon full of alive yoghurt, wait....

While it is great value food, I don't like it too much. Well I can eat but I prefer to avoid it.

But maybe with sweetener and fruits/cocoa it is a different thing....will try it. Thanks


Add artificial sweetener, berries, and possibly natural cocoa to Greek yoghurt. Done.


I thought already for the yoghurt, made some myself...take fat free milk, put in a spoon full of alive yoghurt, wait....

While it is great value food, I don't like it too much. Well I can eat but I prefer to avoid it.

But maybe with sweetener and fruits/cocoa it is a different thing....will try it. Thanks

It's a different thing.

Forget that fat-free obsession, too.



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  • 2 months later...

OP, I wouldn't use an ice cream maker to make healthy food.

I would make fruit smoothies and drink your protein drinks for that.

Use the ice cream maker to make yourself an occasional decadent treat.

I don't think one can make good ice cream without the cream either!


"Something that tastes like good ice cream but in fact is mostly water and protein instead of sugar and fat? Healthy but still tasting good?"

If you are insulin resistant or don't like sugar get over your fatphobia. Fat is your friend. If you cut out sugar you can't replace it all with protein. You need fat. Make your ice cream without sugar and using less milk (10 - 12 teaspoons sugar per liter) and more cream (no sugar but still has carbohydrate) and enjoy it.


I agree that frozen yogurt is a healthier alternative. Ice cream is fast and sugar; there's just no way around it. Take out the fat and you've got ice milk, which is not bad but you won't get that satisfying creamy "mouth feel" that you get with ice cream. You could cut down a bit on the fat by making a milkshake: couple of spoons of ice cream + milk + blender.

A better option might be sherbet or sorbet. Fewer calories from fat, and more fiber (from whatever fruit is used to flavor it) and vitamin C.

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Mango season is in full swing..get some.

Pop over to Sumatra and get some fresh vanilla pods.

Find some good fresh cream (dairy product not the band)

and make yourself an indulgence! Screw cancer.

Mango vanilla home made ice cream is delicious.

And after having the ice cream, if worried about

getting fat...exercise!


Does anyone have any good recipes for sorbet? Low sugar, or maybe no sugar? Here in the tropics we have a lot of great fruit. And some of us do not eat much dairy, for a variety of reasons. So, a natural, home made tropical fruit sorbet seems like such a natural. And yet, it is incredibly difficult to find. Most of the ones I do find are either junk quality, or overpriced, such as the Haagen Daz stuff. And ideas, or recipes? Thanks.


In the UK I had an omega juicer, one of these:


Chop up bananas and freeze them, then run them through that juicer and out pops "ice cream" made from 100% banana. Tastes amazing, better than most ice cream. You can put chocolate, peanut butter or other frozen fruits through with it to add more flavours.

No use to you but I'm just saying.


Hey guys, how did we get from a recipe for healthy ice creak to a milk war?


This thread has now been un-hijacked and all the off topic posts removed. Please stay on topic.

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I tried to make some healthy ice cream for a while but always ran into the same problem. Any "healthy" i.e. not fat loaded recipe must be eaten immediately after preparation. I was never able to make anything that I could freeze and then scoop later. It seems that is when the fat is most important as it helped the mixture maintain some scoopability. If I was going to do it again I would do a sorbet type option and maybe add some alcohol to keep it a bit slushy and spoonable.


Make whatever you like but do not use sweeteners, they are really bad for your health. Use pure coconut sugar instead. It's full of minerals and doesn't have the same detrimental effect on insulin levels as processed sugar. Fat it not an issue for health, it's carbohydrates, sugars, fructose and processed foods that are. Don't overdo the protein either. Alternatively, make a sorbet with coconut sugar, any form of fruit and mix in whisked egg white to get it smooth. Make sure your eggs are organic. Lots of recipes on the web and delicious on a hot day...


I borrowed this from someone in Hong Kong, she has 2 children and doesn't want all of the crap that comes in ice cream these days.

200g pitted dates, chopped
1 cup full cream milk
2 cups heavy cream
6 egg yolks
Pure vanilla extract
Blend all ingredients then place in a saucepan on low heat. Stir continuously until the mixture thickens slightly and coats the back of a spoon. Do not boil or it will split. Strain the mixture (to avoid "fligs" which Mr Three may not like - the dates have given all their sweetness already). Chill, then churn in an ice cream machine..

excuse my ignorance but i've never heard of coconut sugar.as I have lot's of coconut trees on my land would

it possible to make it myself

It could be PALM SUGAR.

a recipe dating back to 1942, on a book by the mother of my grandmother.

vanilla ice cream:

1 liter of milk (skim or not)

8 egg yolks

120 grams of sugar.

3 or 4 vanilla pods or 3 or 4 teaspoons of real vanilla extract;

- Put the vanilla seeds with the bark in a pan (cut vanilla beans 2, remove the seeds inside with a knife) add milk and broth first, stop cooking.

If you can infuse overnight is better.

Otherwise, after 15 minutes remove the cloves and spread the Chinese milk.

beat the yolks with the sugar until bleaching.

put your past to heat milk, add egg yolks, mix well Decant the mixture to the saucepan and cook over low heat until slightly thickened (it should be able to make a clear line by swiping your finger on wooden spoon).

Put in the ice cream, wait for it to cool, then the freezer or freezeur.

same recipe for chocolate, melt 250 grams of milk chocolate (dark, if possible, but depending on your tastes)

Some people use egg whites beaten stiff to alleviate the ice, but to put that once cooling and before putting the ice cream maker road.

For me, I use egg whites to make a lemon tart with lots of meringue on top.

une recette qui date de 1942, sur un livre de la mère de ma grand'mère.

glace à la vanille :

1 litre de lait (écrémé ou pas)

8 jaunes d'oeufs

120 grammes de sucre.

3 ou 4 gousses de vanille ou 3 ou 4 cuillerées à café de vraie vanille liquide;

- mettre les graines de vanille avec l'écorce, dans une casserole (couper les gousses de vanille en 2, retirer les graines à l'intérieur avec la pointe d'un couteau) ajouter le lait et au premier bouillon, stopper la cuisson.

Si vous pouvez laisser infuser toute la nuit, c'est mieux.

Sinon, au bout de 15 minutes retirer les gousses et passer le lait au chinois.

battre les jaunes avec le sucre jusqu'au blanchissement.

remettre votre lait passé à chauffer, l'ajouter aux jaunes d'oeufs, bien mélanger, transverser le tout dans la casserole et faire cuire à feu doux jusqu'à un léger épaississement (il faut pouvoir faire un trait net en passant votre doigt sur la cuillère de bois) .

Mettre dans la sorbetière, attendre que cela refroidisse, puis le congélateur ou le freezeur.

même recette pour le chocolat, faire fondre 250 grammes de chocolat dans le lait (noir, si possible, mais c'est suivant vos goûts)

Certains se servent des blancs d'oeufs montés en neige pour alléger la glace, mais à mélanger qu'une fois le refroidissement et avant de faire fonctionner la sorbetière .

Pour moi, les blancs d'oeufs me servent pour faire une tarte aux citrons avec beaucoup de meringue au dessus de la crème. .

Toutes mes excuses auprès des modérateurs si je poste dans les deux langues, mais mon anglais est exécrable.

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I find that blending bananas with a little lemon or orange juice, a little sweetener of your choice, then freezing it makes a lovely sorbet. If you want it like ice cream just blend it beiefly after freezing. Would probably work well with milk added too but I haven't tried that.


In the UK I had an omega juicer, one of these:


Chop up bananas and freeze them, then run them through that juicer and out pops "ice cream" made from 100% banana. Tastes amazing, better than most ice cream. You can put chocolate, peanut butter or other frozen fruits through with it to add more flavours.

No use to you but I'm just saying.

I have always known those as a "frappe" and they are absolutely delicious and taste like ice cream.


Really, "healthy ice cream" is an oxymoron. Why? Just enjoy a small amount of really good ice cream and a nice long walk. Good food, drink, and exercise, enjoy everything in moderation. I know easy to say but still true.


Personally I thnk that ice cream should be an occasional treat, I make it with egg yolks, sugar, milk and cream - to make a custard( flavoured with vanilla pods) or sometimes add crushed strawberries .

It's not exactly the most healthy thing!

But every now and then won't do much harm.

Otherwise some of the commercial frozen yogurts are not bad, the number of web sites with recipes these days is amazing so am sure you could find a successful recipe.


Remember that you need 220 in Thailand. You may need a transformer.

The internet is your friend for recipes.

The machines with the freezer are great. continuous batch with many flavors as you go.

Start the machine filling only 1/2 full, this stuff grows. You'll get the amount right quickly.

If the machine is cold, start the paddle before adding more to the empty freezer or it will freeze to the sides and it's a helluva mess getting it going again.

Sometimes it's hard to find heavy or whipping cream, Makro usually has a brand or two.



OP, I wouldn't use an ice cream maker to make healthy food.

I would make fruit smoothies and drink your protein drinks for that.

Use the ice cream maker to make yourself an occasional decadent treat.

I don't think one can make good ice cream without the cream either!

But why can't you freeze the smoothies or protein drink and let them taste like a decadent treat?


I find that blending bananas with a little lemon or orange juice, a little sweetener of your choice, then freezing it makes a lovely sorbet. If you want it like ice cream just blend it beiefly after freezing. Would probably work well with milk added too but I haven't tried that.

That icecream machine I didn't get, but I get a second chance now....has a kind of rotating part that slowly mixes while freezing it. So it should be more cream like than being 1 stone like piece of ice.


Make whatever you like but do not use sweeteners, they are really bad for your health. Use pure coconut sugar instead. It's full of minerals and doesn't have the same detrimental effect on insulin levels as processed sugar. Fat it not an issue for health, it's carbohydrates, sugars, fructose and processed foods that are. Don't overdo the protein either. Alternatively, make a sorbet with coconut sugar, any form of fruit and mix in whisked egg white to get it smooth. Make sure your eggs are organic. Lots of recipes on the web and delicious on a hot day...

sugar is sugar, no matter from what plant it comes. Egg white gives me some concerns about Salmonella.


"Something that tastes like good ice cream but in fact is mostly water and protein instead of sugar and fat? Healthy but still tasting good?"

If you are insulin resistant or don't like sugar get over your fatphobia. Fat is your friend. If you cut out sugar you can't replace it all with protein. You need fat. Make your ice cream without sugar and using less milk (10 - 12 teaspoons sugar per liter) and more cream (no sugar but still has carbohydrate) and enjoy it.

Well as middle age man who tries to build muscle, I find it pretty difficult to get my 2 gram protein per kg bodyweight on an amount of food that rather let me reduce size than getting fat. Specially when drinking alcohol there isn't too much space anymore for fat or carbohydrates....And icecream is something you eat additionally to the normal food.


Make whatever you like but do not use sweeteners, they are really bad for your health. Use pure coconut sugar instead. It's full of minerals and doesn't have the same detrimental effect on insulin levels as processed sugar. Fat it not an issue for health, it's carbohydrates, sugars, fructose and processed foods that are. Don't overdo the protein either. Alternatively, make a sorbet with coconut sugar, any form of fruit and mix in whisked egg white to get it smooth. Make sure your eggs are organic. Lots of recipes on the web and delicious on a hot day...

sugar is sugar, no matter from what plant it comes. Egg white gives me some concerns about Salmonella.

Not quite true h90.

Not all sugars are the same and using coconut sugar has certainly improved my fasting insulin and sugar levels.

Fructose is your real problem as are artificial sweeteners.

As for Salmonella, that's why I recommend organic eggs as they're less likely to be a problem.


Make whatever you like but do not use sweeteners, they are really bad for your health. Use pure coconut sugar instead. It's full of minerals and doesn't have the same detrimental effect on insulin levels as processed sugar. Fat it not an issue for health, it's carbohydrates, sugars, fructose and processed foods that are. Don't overdo the protein either. Alternatively, make a sorbet with coconut sugar, any form of fruit and mix in whisked egg white to get it smooth. Make sure your eggs are organic. Lots of recipes on the web and delicious on a hot day...

sugar is sugar, no matter from what plant it comes. Egg white gives me some concerns about Salmonella.

Not quite true h90.

Not all sugars are the same and using coconut sugar has certainly improved my fasting insulin and sugar levels.

Fructose is your real problem as are artificial sweeteners.

As for Salmonella, that's why I recommend organic eggs as they're less likely to be a problem.

Fructose syrup is a bigger problem, true.

But on the other sources: if it is Glucose+Fructose or Sucrose than it is normal table sugar no matter from which plant it was made.

True or not on the organic eggs I don't know....at least they taste better.

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