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Would these shock horror tactics would work on the Thai’s?


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I see so many people around Pattaya on their mobile telephones as they are driving or riding motorbikes. The fact is they are not given the proper training to even undertake one task at a time properly, let alone attempting to multitask while they are in control of a vehicle.rolleyes.gif

I wonder if these kinds of shock horror television adverts would work on the Thai’s to dissuade them from doing this?

Edited by Asiantravel
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The problem is, as 'OMG' suggests, that carelessness is nearly impossible to eliminate, because it's human nature. Teenagers nearly all 'KNOW" that they are indestructible; therefore, it's OK to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

That said, every effort to increase their awareness of the very real dangers of driving carelessly (as well as other dangers of life, like drugs, etc.) is worth it. As the cliche goes, "If it saves one life, it's worth the effort."

I must add, however, that here in Pattaya, the most common danger is not from using cell phones. It's from the "normal" driving of motor bikes. There is little or no regard for traffic laws, or, for that matter, COMMON SENSE in operating motor bikes. Unfortunately, I have to say that a great many falangs tend to adopt the same discourteous and dangerous driving habits as the Thais! (I can't speak for the rest of Thailand, though I suspect that it's the same.)


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The problem is, as 'OMG' suggests, that carelessness is nearly impossible to eliminate, because it's human nature. Teenagers nearly all 'KNOW" that they are indestructible; therefore, it's OK to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

That said, every effort to increase their awareness of the very real dangers of driving carelessly (as well as other dangers of life, like drugs, etc.) is worth it. As the cliche goes, "If it saves one life, it's worth the effort."

I must add, however, that here in Pattaya, the most common danger is not from using cell phones. It's from the "normal" driving of motor bikes. There is little or no regard for traffic laws, or, for that matter, COMMON SENSE in operating motor bikes. Unfortunately, I have to say that a great many falangs tend to adopt the same discourteous and dangerous driving habits as the Thais! (I can't speak for the rest of Thailand, though I suspect that it's the same.)


Evidently motorcyclists using mobile phones has been seen as a bigger problem in Bangkok and Phuket in the past.

But I maintain because of the growing numbers they will also need to do the same here

PHUKET police will crack down on people using mobile telephones as they ride motorcycles and drive cars from May 8.The campaign is part of a national focus to improve road safety, especially on motorcycles.


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The problem is, as 'OMG' suggests, that carelessness is nearly impossible to eliminate, because it's human nature. Teenagers nearly all 'KNOW" that they are indestructible; therefore, it's OK to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

That said, every effort to increase their awareness of the very real dangers of driving carelessly (as well as other dangers of life, like drugs, etc.) is worth it. As the cliche goes, "If it saves one life, it's worth the effort."

I must add, however, that here in Pattaya, the most common danger is not from using cell phones. It's from the "normal" driving of motor bikes. There is little or no regard for traffic laws, or, for that matter, COMMON SENSE in operating motor bikes. Unfortunately, I have to say that a great many falangs tend to adopt the same discourteous and dangerous driving habits as the Thais! (I can't speak for the rest of Thailand, though I suspect that it's the same.)


Evidently motorcyclists using mobile phones has been seen as a bigger problem in Bangkok and Phuket in the past.

But I maintain because of the growing numbers they will also need to do the same here

PHUKET police will crack down on people using mobile telephones as they ride motorcycles and drive cars from May 8.The campaign is part of a national focus to improve road safety, especially on motorcycles.


That's good news, despite my obvious scepticism about the duration of such enforcement by the Thai police. I still go with the belief that some enforcement and education is better than none, and I'd like to see the Pattaya police follow the example of the Phuket police.

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Highly doubtful that it would make any difference whatsoever here in Thailand. The cigarette packs show the horrors of smoking unadulterated & it does not seem to even phase the people that are buying the packs of smokes. To common belief here : It will never happen to me . That is why on the Thai driving test video they embellish the hothead Hiso instead of showing the actual gore like in the U.S. video's red asphalt that show brain buckets & other body parts smeared all over the road leaving one go Oh My God I don't want to do that & become like this guy or gal. Instead they aspire to be the Mafioso Hiso like the dweeb in the video.

Edited by Beardog
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Do you ever glance at Thai news media...papers and tv news are filled with gory pictures and videos of horrible accidents due to driver negligence daily. Doesn't seem to have much affect. And you can cease and desist from gratuitous Thai bashing...stupid careless drivers are found the world over, as your own video arrests.

Not the same thing. The simple pictures that you refer to don't do anything and are obviously ineffective. Some do believe in the power of a film like this because they can tap into a range of feelings of the person who contributed to the accident. People tend to care more about what others think, particularly in this country, so to tapping into guilt, shame or pride can really resonate.

And I don't consider it to be gratuitous Thai bashing when you read that Thailand is ranked 2nd out of 193 countries where you are most likely to die in a car accident.

The topic obviously has to keep being discussed because it's not going get any better soon.

It doesn't take much observation to see the number of cars on the road is steadily increasing while the infrastructure is clearly insufficient to cope with such numbers.

You can see the large areas of the major shopping centres regularly occupied with new car sales promotions so it's just going to keep getting worse.


I'm all for any efforts to try to reduce the road carnage in Thailand. If you want to try, more power to you. But if there's one thing I've learned with age is not to think about think about things I can't change, especially in a country where I'm officially a political non-person and have no say in running the country.

My solution is: I'm in the process of buying a new car with 6 airbags :)

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I don't think these ads would have any impact what so ever on the average Thai. Rules are broken all day and all night for much more serious offences, so for using the mobile phones whilst driving or riding, that just won't register with them.

I might add that in my home country these ads don't work either. On a 5 km drive I am guaranteed to see someone on the phone somewhere and the fines there are heavy and enforced but it still goes on.

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Well I would like to it might help... although are they deterred by seeing the results of their negligence?

There seems to be more of a morbid curiosity!

Most of those I see playing with their phones while driving (car and motorbike) are crawling along quite slowly so are more a danger to others than themselves.

Tinted windows and poor policing means that will unlikely ever be a deterrent.

And of course the added danger of texting while driving can be offset by amulets hanging on the rear view mirror, images on the dashboard and body tattoos that make you invulnerable.

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It wont make any difference if you show all the Thais in Thailand this type of video. They are Thai and they believe that Buddha is watching over them and what will be will be.

When I was working in Algeria I showed my Algerian subordinates a similar video and pictures, and they accused me of tempting fate, and I got told I should never show them things like this because Alla is watching out for them, and again they believe its Allas wish when their time is up.

Just learn to accept that this is the way they drive here, and if you don't like it don't drive here.

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"I wonder if these kinds of shock horror television adverts would work on the Thai’s to dissuade them from doing this?" - No! - It rather looks as if you've never picked up a Thai newspaper watched Thai TV or got a Thai driving licence.

Edited by wilcopops
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"I wonder if these kinds of shock horror television adverts would work on the Thai’s to dissuade them from doing this?" - No! - It rather looks as if you've never picked up a Thai newspaper watched Thai TV or got a Thai driving licence.

Thailand is ranked 2nd out of 193 countries where you are most likely to die in a car accident.

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I'm pretty shure it will help to show this on Television, especially between the Soapseries they show everynight, and they have to repeat it time after time.

Maybe you are right, maybe it would make some difference if they would do this like you say, at least it would be worthwhile trying.

They should also start anti littering campaigns (keep Thailand beautiful, clean and smell good) wai.gif

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Do you ever glance at Thai news media...papers and tv news are filled with gory pictures and videos of horrible accidents due to driver negligence daily. Doesn't seem to have much affect. And you can cease and desist from gratuitous Thai bashing...stupid careless drivers are found the world over, as your own video arrests.

I have to agree with you about, stupid, careless drivers/riders being a world wide problem.

However, having visited most places around the world, I am sad to say that Thailand is one of the worst as far as driving is concerned

. Thais, even the best educated and most civil of people under other circumstances, seem to be "transformed" the moment they take to the roads. I think they all believe they are bullet-proof, as the statistics will ATTEST!

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I think all of us are horrified by the daily road toll here and find it hard to understand why such carnage. I for one stopped taking interprovincial buses some time ago. The Thais and their media have no qualms about showing very explicit death scenes be they motor accidents, murders, suicides etc., etc. So I don't think it would make one iota of difference. I think the Thais are basically nice people who, at times do dopey stuff and road manners and driving is a case in point. it seems the concept of... 'What would happen if ?'...does not exist in their minds. Similarly, they seem to be incapable of joining the dots... look at any Thai TV soap opera and we have the 'bitch mother from hell'..talking to herself (the audience actually) to make sure that any subtextual cues or implied plot is fully understood. Maybe there is a Phd study in here somewhere to work out if the Thai understanding of cause / effect and forward planning is as developed as we would wish.

Or maybe their road statistics are a product of them believing that the 'Buddah with 1000 eyes' on the dashboard will protect them.... I dunno !!!

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I'm pretty shure it will help to show this on Television, especially between the Soapseries they show everynight, and they have to repeat it time after time.

Maybe you are right, maybe it would make some difference if they would do this like you say, at least it would be worthwhile trying.

They should also start anti littering campaigns (keep Thailand beautiful, clean and smell good) wai.gif

I have lived for more than 10 years in Phuket, in those years there was attention for that problem and big littering campaigns also in the Phuket Gazette, without any results, I don't know now but in that time there ware big signs in the English language, but I think it was not necessary for the foreigners......

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I just saw a motorbike taxi on the rama II highway that goes to Asoke driving with one hand and with the phone on the other one in what looks to be a happy conversation while the woman in the back was improperly sitting side ways and didn’t care about the 70Kmh driving ignorant and his conversation.

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but no one even the authorities themselves don't believe ln it..

In my town, the cops don't bother with wearing helmets, opting for their "smart" BIB hats, which presumably exudes more authority.

A few months ago, I did an illegal u-turn right by a sign that indicates no u-turn. My bad. I was feeling a little guilty, until I noticed the cop right behind me doing the same thing. I thought he was doing it in order to follow me and pull me over, so I just automatically pulled over to the shoulder and stopped. Nope. He sped on by after his own illegal u-turn.

I asked a classroom of university students why they regularly flouted traffic laws. Their response was that it was a silent protest against the BIB culture in Thailand. If this is true, they're not thinking "I'm breaking the law--so what?" They're thinking "I'm sticking it to the BIB once again!" Enlightening to me, at least.

Edited by Fookhaht
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