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I had used the accounting firm to get the company profile from Department of Business Development to apply for electricity which was more than 90 days overdue and that require a new application, and that costed me 2000 baht, plus another 3-4k to the PEA.

Due to the incorrect information given to me by the water company's staff, which was 6 months from date of payment, instead of from date it was cut, I now have to reapply again to pay extra 4k for their mistake, so I am thinking of d.i.y., and my question is how to apply for DBD documents d.i.y.? Can banks do this?

And secondly, how to possibily apply it in thai name, so to pay for domestic rate? I don't know how it was done but I know it can be done.

Btw, this if for a house registered in company's name.


I have no direct knowledge with respect to your Q.

However you mentioned that your house was in a company name. This could be the source of the problem.

My understand is that the land should be in company name -but the house should be in owners name.

Which means you will already have a house book (Blue or Yellow as appropriate.

Perhaps you could clarify .


The house is in company's name, not quite sure about the land and the house thing, it was all done in the accounting & law firm, Have a blue book. Water was previously applied through company, but now since need to reapply all over again, I might as well find out how it could be done to pay at domestic rate. Maybe it couldn't be done, but no harm trying.


Its either a company or a domestic circumstance.

From what you state it is 100% company-so as such you will pay company rates for power and water.

The Q is- is it worth the cost and effort to legally separate the land from the house?

If it were separate, and in your name, then domestic rates will apply.

It may be a good idea if you understood more ' about the land and the house thing'


You have to obtain an "update" of you company in order to conduct any business with any government entities (water, electric, etc) This cost me 1,000 for my accountant / lawyer (you can get this update yourself by visiting the DBD office, hopefully someone can give you the location in the Pattaya area)

As far as the water company is concerned they will not allow you to have the water account in your name, it must be in the company name. They have no problem doing a direct debit from your named bank account but the bill is going to be in the company name so that they can charge you the commercial rate. The only way around this is to lease the house to someone else and have them apply for water as an individual

The electricity company doesn't care as much since everyone pays the same rate, the only difference being how much you use controls your rate but they too require the account to be in the company name

Phone, cable and Internet will give you an account in your name with just your passport and that is the reason why those accounts are the most popular to show a residence address

BTW: The Blue house book is just used to designate the official address of the house as issued by the tesabahn and has nothing to do with the the ownership of the land the house sits on. You must have the Blue book to prove to the utility companies that there is really a house at that location, as well as to receive residential mail service there


Thanks for both of the replies.

Ok, can any of the shareholders in the company apply it in their name? Presetly it is own by 1 foreigner 49%, and 2 thais 51%. I guess foreigner is not allowed to apply in his/her own name right?

The only way around this is to lease the house to someone else and have them apply for water as an individual

Do you mean by renting it out? What about a bogus lease agreement, do they ever come by and check?


We are not allowed to discuss illegal activity here at TV, take that as an answer.

Just remember that the water company is in business to maximize profits and to what lengths they are ready to go to maximize those profits is any ones guess

And no, only the company director can apply and sign for utilities in the company name, not in an individuals name


OK, thanks for the info, I think I will just have to apply it in company's name.

Does anyone have any idea where is Pattaya DBD office?

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