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You seem to have made a good buy, but don't think prices

of eggs are coming down,the boss paid 30bht for smalls,

large were 35 -38 bht, prefer the small as they always

seem fresher,bigger ,faster turnover. where did you buy

at those prices ?.

regards Worgeordie


In the alley of the market behind the Tesco Express on the SE corner of the Suthep/Canal Rd. intersection. Alley off Suthep, just east of Tesco. It seems to be a fairly high volume operation. I hadn't seen them below 30 in a while, I was curious. Excellent quality, and I prefer the not so big ones, too.


Is this .4 of a Baht per egg we are talking about?

Would not know ,don't have my calculator handy,we are talking

about price per 10. is that a problem for you ?

regards Worgeordie


Is this .4 of a Baht per egg we are talking about?

Whilst your maths is spot on, what you are missing is the fact that people don't normally buy eggs individually. This is practically the equivalent of buy 10 eggs get 1 free!

You'd have to be addled not to appreciate that. I'm going to scramble to get there before this offer closes.

It's a pity the bars aren't making a similar offer on beer. They'd be mobbed.


This is important. As it is when cooking oil can be found at 32B a litre, my wife buys 10 bottles, saving 20B. A few weeks ago I found 30 eggs in the fridge, 100B then for 30 apparently. When they got to nearly 5B an egg, she nearly bought a couple of chickens for the yard.


Some of the street food places start the night out with five racks. It's good for them and the customer. Another street vendor sells 2 egg omelettes for 17 thb w/rice. Good deal.


I am so glad the rich worry about the price of eggs.

I bet their Electric Bill is less than 400 Baht a month

Yes I bought, size 0 yesterday for 30bt, those were the biggest and most expensive.....so I got 20

and my electric bill last month was 300bt, really don't need to be running 20 garden lights and floods every night though, so wasteful.


I am so glad the rich worry about the price of eggs.

I bet their Electric Bill is less than 400 Baht a month

Yes I bought, size 0 yesterday for 30bt, those were the biggest and most expensive.....so I got 20

and my electric bill last month was 300bt, really don't need to be running 20 garden lights and floods every night though, so wasteful.

wow cheap up there. always buy by the tray, yesterday the tray of '0' biggest size were 109 baht, down from 124 baht


What happens to us all in Thailand - did you ever hear men talk about the price of eggs in your home countries??? Beer maybe, but no clue about the price of eggs surely?

Cannot be the sun, must be the pollution. cheesy.gif

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I don't know why you complained about the price of eggs, when I look the price in Canada they 94 baht for the small and 117 baht for the big ones and that is for 12, so 26 and 30 baht is pretty cheap.


What happens to us all in Thailand - did you ever hear men talk about the price of eggs in your home countries??? Beer maybe, but no clue about the price of eggs surely?

The price of eggs and wet fish is of no great concern to me, but coming from a working class large family it was certainly of great concern to my mother and other housewives in the olden days. Men were well aware of the price of beer and cigs, but not much else. I'm a bit like that.

On the few occasions I go shopping I can honestly say I wouldn't notice if eggs were 20 or 30 or 40 baht. Whatever price they are, if I need some I buy them. If they've gone up, down or sideways it's generally by a small amount and unlikely to now be out of my budget. Fresh produce varies in price throughout the year for various reasons and whatever today's price is, it's generally not much difference in price from one store to another or from one market to another. If I want to buy bread or toothpaste or whatever, if there is a promotion, or one brand cheaper than another, I'd take the chance to save a few baht, but I wouldn't remember what that cheaper price was because I don't make a point of remembering, probably because I have other things on my mind.

When I see men discussing the price of eggs I can't help imagining them as being Les Dawson dressed as Cissie. That my sound harsh, but I can't help it. I don't condemn them, I just find it odd, and of course, any mental images of Les Dawson are always going to raise a smile. Norman Evans, the guy that did "over the garden wall" was the inspiration for Cissie and Ada, I'm sure, so he comes to mind too.


Sounds more like Alzheimer's has made your cognitive skills so weak that you can't remember the price of an item for the whole three minutes it takes you to shuffle to checkout. A high anti-depressant intake explains using 200 words to attempt to make one simple point.

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Well, I got my own chickens and the production always drops in the hot summer weather as well as the price of chicken food increasing. Sorry to say that the price will not drop for a few more months.

I don't raise my few chickens for profit, but for freshness as you can see how the 'pros' handle their eggs.............leaving them in the back of a pickup truck in 40+ degree weather cooks the eggs before they get to market.

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Well, I got my own chickens and the production always drops in the hot summer weather as well as the price of chicken food increasing. Sorry to say that the price will not drop for a few more months.

I don't raise my few chickens for profit, but for freshness as you can see how the 'pros' handle their eggs.............leaving them in the back of a pickup truck in 40+ degree weather cooks the eggs before they get to market.

doesn't do much for the beer, either.

Sounds more like Alzheimer's has made your cognitive skills so weak that you can't remember the price of an item for the whole three minutes it takes you to shuffle to checkout. A high anti-depressant intake explains using 200 words to attempt to make one simple point.

If 200 words is too much, I'll give you the simple version.....

Other than here on Thaivisa, I've never, ever in all my life heard men discussing the price of eggs.

I'm not even sure if I've heard women either. It doesn't bother me but I do find it funny, for the reasons I've already mentioned.

The shuffling comment was a good one, inaccurate as it may be. I've just completed two sets of singles tennis against a Thai lad half my age. 1 set all, rain stopped play. That's shattered a few illusions, I'm sure. I wouldn't know an anti-depressant if I saw one. no need for them. You seem to know all about them.

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Well, I got my own chickens and the production always drops in the hot summer weather as well as the price of chicken food increasing. Sorry to say that the price will not drop for a few more months.

I don't raise my few chickens for profit, but for freshness as you can see how the 'pros' handle their eggs.............leaving them in the back of a pickup truck in 40+ degree weather cooks the eggs before they get to market.

The local chicken ranch.


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Appears some get upset discussing prices......... best remember that some/lots here are on a Pension, the exchange rate is a lot less then it used to be, so 5 baht on just a single item is a savings =many100's of baht per week

If some don't like to know the price of Eggs how about Cauliflower ? Supermarket price 79 baht, local Village market 26 baht, or what about a Doughnut ? 15 baht or taste just the same for 5 baht...... Big bunch of local Bananas or for same price pack of 4..... at moment 3 KG big ripe Mango = 100 baht, soon will be 5 KG for 100 baht.........If you know the prices you save 100's of baht.......... Myself no idea the price of beer but appear many drink so you could have a few more if you saved on everyday stuff

Just saying

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Are you comfy? I hope so because this answer may be more than 200 words and I know you have problems with that.

I'll come clean. I'll tell you why I visit this forum....... Because it fascinates me and amuses me. There are so many weird, angry , miserable, petty , boring , dysfunctional people here it amazes me. And before everyone gets offended, there are some interesting, intelligent and caring people here too. I think it's great what the likes of Nancy L is trying to do for the local expat community, and only wish that I could be as kind and generous. However, as much as I might admire people like her, it's the nutters that brings me here.

I have developed a theory that plenty of the angry posters are actually suffering from a mental disorder ...... Culture Shock. Their choice of words is often very telling, for example oz893 or whatever his number was, saying that people have 'fled' to Laos and Vietnam or wherever. Fled? He means 'left' of course but for someone that is finding it difficult to adjust, 'left' doesn't express their feelings, so it becomes 'fled'. Another example, is that when someone is overcharged by a small amount, it becomes 'rip off' or better still 'scam'. How can you be scammed or ripped off for 5 baht? People refer to the night bazaar as a 'tourist trap' . The same pattern, using words that suggest paranoia. The night bazaar is a place where people offer goods for sale at a price that they think will maximise profits, and that everyone is free to accept, bargain or walk away from. where is the trap? In peoples minds. I could go on, but do it yourself, look at some of the angry posts here and see how trivialities become grossly exaggerated with paranoid-like language.

So that's the sick ones. Then we have the people who are so bored or maybe boring that they post such inane stuff it beggars belief. As someone already pointed out, why are grown men discussing the price of eggs? Did they ever discuss things like this back home? I hope not.

Assuming that someone manages to eat 10 eggs a week, what difference does it make if they cost 30 baht or 26 baht? None whatsoever to anyone on this forum., including the Op and his supporters. 4 baht a week! Similarly, the price of vegetables. Who cares what they cost, they're cheap anyway, and the fact that they go up and down is no big surprise to anyone.

If you were sat in a pub and someone next to you started talking about the price of eggs what would you be thinking? "Lost his marbles poor soul" , "piss off mate, go and annoy someone else"? I can't say because , fortunately, it's never happened to me. But what I can say is this, it fascinates me. I'm thinking "why is this guy talking about a trivial price change, in an insignificantly cheap product? He would never do that back home, so why does he do it here?".

It's no different to the guys I mentioned in another post, who have loads of money but choose to drink Archa beer, even though they think it's horrible, because it's cheap. Those guys step off the plane back home, go to a pub and ask for a pint of 'best'. They step off the plane in Chiang Mai and ask 'how much is a big Leo?' . Did they ever ask how much is a beer in a pub back home? no, never. So the difference in their behaviour here fascinates me. It doesn't bother me in the least but I am interested to figure out, Why the change?

That's how I explain to people why I read ThaiVisa. As we all know , most people loathe it. Sure, you can get some useful answers to your questions, but the nutters! Who are they, where did they come from, what's wrong with them? Sorry guys, you fascinate me and very often amuse me.

As regards to your replies, I think you should know....... The thoughtful, interesting or amusing ones are fine, but sorry guys, the insults and slurs or daft posts don't really matter. If you don't like me it really doesn't bother me because what anonymouse people think of me is not important. You've tried suggesting I'm senile, and then gay, what is your next little nugget? I can't wait. If you want, I'll click 'like' too.

On the plus side, you did get me thinking about Les Dawson and Norman Evans, and that is a very big plus. A bit annoying for you though, it seems. I suppose it's the fact that their characters are old women.

Hi Joe, I find it quite sad that the only reason you come on to ThaiVisa and the Chaing Mai

forum,just to be amused and fascinated,to not contribute anything constructive to the posts

but only find fault and pour ridicule on the posters who may only be trying to seek help,find

an answer,if this kind of post (and they seem quite a few) are not of interest to you,why bother

posting about others in such negative ways.

Instead of finding fault in others (,you are very good at that,) maybe you should look inward at

yourself,just to make sure you are not the one with problems.I am sure a psychiatrist would have

a word for it,this post is not to put you down,but to ask you to seriously, take a hard long look in the mirror.

regards Worgeordie

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Is this .4 of a Baht per egg we are talking about?

Whilst your maths is spot on, what you are missing is the fact that people don't normally buy eggs individually. This is practically the equivalent of buy 10 eggs get 1 free!

You'd have to be addled not to appreciate that. I'm going to scramble to get there before this offer closes.

It's a pity the bars aren't making a similar offer on beer. They'd be mobbed.

How is his maths "Spot on"? When I was at school, 34 divided by 10 was 3.4 not 0.4! (and you have been here too long if you need a calculator to divide by 10 :D)

I am currently paying 97 baht for 30 (palette) for number 2 (prefer number 2 as the 1 and 0 sizes tend to have thin shells which break the yolk when cracking). This from my local Mom n Pop store who get straight from the farm. been up and down all year and last year too - worst was 107/30 that I remember, best 95/30. Two years ago was just before the floods it was 65/30 - never gone back down since the floods (when they were being sold to Bkk for a premium and were getting rare up here outside of supermarkets/7-11s).


I went again, today. 25-30 for 10. It's actually the alley just east of the 7-11 on Suthep about 60 m east of Tesco Express. Cucumbers are 15 thb per kg on one side of the market, and 25 on the other. Bag of baby red onions was 10. A rack of 17 bananas was 20.

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