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What are you willing to give up for $3,000,000 cash?


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I used to ask people what body part they were willing to give up for 1,000,000 USA. But that was 20 years ago, so at least 3,000,000 now. I got some interesting answers.

I would give up an eye for $3,000,000 cash. I have found many would give up a finger or toe. Not many would give up an arm or leg, I wouldn't.

So what would you be willing to do for $3,000,000 cash?

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My TV login.

An eye? Really??? Never, ever would I do that. You only need an accident to take the other one and you are stuffed.

Maybe I get lucky and the accident is on the side where I gave up the eye.

It's never going to happen that someone offers that kind of money for a body part. You are right, one bad accident and I would be stuffed. But what are the odds of that type of accident?

But I never knew the number of eye problems people get over 60 years old. Both my mother and father had / have macular degeneration along with other less serious problems.

I only need cataract surgery, which I might get in Bumrungrad hospital, or maybe in the USA. I ready had eye surgery in Bumrungrad for an epi membrane. The result of that type of surgery is the formation of a cataract.

So I sort of get the feeling what it is like to live with only one eye, though really my vision on one eye is only poor right now.

Once I get the cataract surgery I should be OK for 20 more years. Likely I will get it done in both eyes even though really I only need it in one eye.

When I was 40 I wouldn't have made that trade, an eye for $3 million. At 61, I have less to lose. :)

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Federal Schedule
Federal workers are covered by the Federal Employee Compensation Act (FECA). FECA's schedule is broken down into about 20 different body parts and how many weeks of benefits may be paid for each of those body parts. For example, a lost:
Arm is paid 312 weeks' compensation
Leg is paid 288 weeks' compensation
Hand is paid 244 weeks' compensation
Foot is paid 205 weeks' compensation
Thumb is paid 75 weeks' compensation
First finger is paid 46 weeks' compensation
For the sake of things though, a website compiled info from FBI and other government reports on how much different body parts have sold for on the black market. Here is a list on what body parts go for on the black market.
Kidney, $262,000 in the U.S., $62,000 in China, $15,000 in India.
Liver, $157,000.
Heart, $119,000.
Small intestine, $2,519.
Pair of eyeballs, $1,525.
Coronary artery, $1,525.
Gallbladder, $1,219.
Skull with teeth, $1,200.
Scalp, $607.
Spleen, $508.
Stomach, $508.
Hand and forearm, $385.
Pint of blood, $337 in the U.S., just $25 in India.
Skin, $10 per square inch.
Read More: How Much Is Your Kidney Worth On The Black Market? | http://rev967.com/how-much-is-your-kidney-worth-on-the-black-market/?trackback=tsmclip
Is that three million pre-tax? ;)
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