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Thai editorial: Locating the brake for our runaway gravy train


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Locating the brake for our runaway gravy train

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The courts and other independent agencies of scrutiny are under attack; can reforms bring a halt to rampant corruption and abuse of power in Thailand?

The Anti-Corruption Organisation of Thailand (ACT) has suggested that reform be undertaken in five areas under its master plan for graft-busting: the rule of law and the judicial process, civil and social participation, social morality, transparency, and the roles and accountability of anti-corruption agencies.

The group proposes that each political party should adopt clear policies to rid the country of corruption. It has called for a national anti-graft network to be set up, with regular public campaigns that promote moral standards and condemn corrupt practices. The ACT also wants more transparency in government projects and the use of state funds. At the same time, state agencies responsible for fighting corruption should be armed with more resources, while their personnel and witnesses should be guaranteed the full protection of the state.

Pramon Sutivong, the ACT chairman, says the chronic and worsening problem of corruption is a massive drain on the state budget, crippling our economy as well as our moral standards. Those found guilty of violating anti-corruption laws should face more serious penalties, says Pramon, whose home came under attack from gunmen in February.

Most citizens agree that corruption is a societal disease that attacks our moral and financial health. But for certain others, especially those in office, opportunistic greed simply overwhelms any sense of right and wrong. One result is that many of us who have to deal with officialdom feel it is acceptable to pay "under the table" for favours and better services. If we don't pay up, we know we will be left behind while others willingly "grease palms" to get ahead.

This ingrained culture of queue-jumping must be discouraged if we want to rid Thailand of corruption. The battle should begin early in life, with a concerted effort to instil the virtues of honesty and civil responsibility in young children - an example set by developed nations where corruption is notably less of a problem. This approach is advocated by Elodie Beth, the United Nations Development Programme's anti-corruption adviser for Asia-Pacific. The UN agency has led the way by setting up the Thai Youth Anti-Corruption Network.

Developed nations suffer less from corruption not because they have fewer corrupt lawmakers and greedy officials. Rather, they have stronger and more efficient systems of scrutiny that discourage dishonesty among their politicians and bureaucrats.

In Thailand there have been attempts to weaken the checks-and-balances system with accusations that the courts and other independent agencies of scrutiny are biased. Judges and agency members have faced intimidation, including verbal threats and grenade attacks on their offices.

As in any democracy, we need an efficient system of oversight that prevents abuse of power by any one group in society. And, if our desire for a healthy democracy is genuine, the responsibility for scrutiny should extend beyond the courts and independent agencies to the mass media and, just as importantly, the general public.

"Who watches the watchmen?" the ancient Romans asked. The answer is that all of us share the responsibility of remaining vigilant if we want to see transparent, fair and efficient exercise of power in Thailand.

-- The Nation 2014-04-03

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The root cause of the problem is that the vast majority of Thais want moral standards for the others , but not for themselves. And everybody wants no responsibility and accountability for themselves at all.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by hanuman2543
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The Thai anti corruption agency is one of the least effective agencies ever created, since the beginning of mankind. They NEVER go after any bigwigs. They never pursue the corruption within the police ranks. They never pursue anything of significance. Only tiny cases that mean little.

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Only thing to do is invite an outside country, say, Singapore or Denmark, to serve as anti-corruption overseers.

Seems to me that many years ago Indonesia used to have an arrangement w/ a European country for oversight of the ports & docks.

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You will know when Thailand is serious about stopping corruption. Laws will be put in place to give a newly created organization of non-partisan and non-corrupt officials the power to "follow the money" and laws that allow authorities to force disclosure, by the party or parties being investigated, as to where the money came from. Once this is in place and working then reform could well become a reality. Unfortunately, I don't think you will ever get agreement on creating such an organization. Non-corrupt officials just don't exist.

All I have ever read is how everybody wants to stop corruption and graft, but never any specifics as to how they will do it. There is only one way, by "following the money" and being able to bring the discoveries it into the light-of-day so everyone can see it with heavy use of media.

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Locate the brake on the runaway gravy train ?

Was one ever fitted ?


Yes, but the political party patronage system ... in which it is more profitable for you as a politician to work for the interests of the political party you join than the people you supposedly serve.... which makes it in your interest to serve your PARTY over your CONSTITUENTS.....is the problem.

So to apply the "brake" to the runaway train you must......

abolish ALL political parties for a term of at least 5 years and make ALL politicians run on their own merit and at their own expense to be elected for that 5 year period.

Look carefully at not only the Thai political system, but also the U.S.A. and the U.K. and you will see the root problem of corruption is exactly the same .....party politics and political parties.

Or as I said above , the "political party patronage system".

But I doubt that will happen soon ..... either in Thailand or in other "democratic" countries.


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Eliminate/revise the defamation and libel laws so that the truth can be spoken and names named and shamed.

this is the absolute key, but many (eg politicians) dont seem to want it; turkeys and christmass comes to mind.

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Eliminate/revise the defamation and libel laws so that the truth can be spoken and names named and shamed.

this is the absolute key, but many (eg politicians) dont seem to want it; turkeys and christmass comes to mind.

So how is that different to any other government?

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They could do with this guy:


Policies include

  • The blusukan culture, the manner in which Jokowi made impromptu visits to certain areas to hear directly from the people their needs and criticisms.
  • Prohibiting his family members from bidding for city projects.
  • Healthcare insurance program for all residents

He's likely to be the next Indonesian president

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no theres no brake just a runaway gravy train they all want to pile onto and trample those not onboard into the dirt

Understandably, the driver of the runaway 'gravy train' is in court in a wheelchair defending her inability to apply the brakes.

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They could start by using the "unusually wealthy" method the USA uses ti catch drug dealers.

If you are a government official making 40,000 baht a month there is no way you should have a 10 million baht house and an 8 million baht car unless you can show you inherited a large amount.

They should start at the top of all government agencies and work their way down.

They should also apply this rule to all politicians. If you want to run for public office then all of your wealth comes under scrutiny.

The punishments need to mean something. A 2 year jail term that is then suspended is no punishment for stealing several million baht.

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