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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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Based on how u wrote ur buddy chatted her up and offered her money why would se he not accept it if it was offered freely.

Having higher goals then prostitution for starters...

Why? What can anyone be that a prostitute can't? Can a prostitute be kind and courageous and just? Can a prostitute love her children and take care of her mother and father?

That is like saying having higher goals than a dentist? Meaningless.

having higher goals, is not what you are debating,

you are debating values and no one is arguing that

that prostitutes do not have love and self image issues though, is something that can not be argued. they do, and therein lies the problem, and why the job sucks them in, and doesnt let them out

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What the hell are you talking about? I swear half you fuxers on these boards seem like you're drunk or senile 90% of the time.

The most convincing trolls are intelligent.

Could it be that the OP is American in which case the aforementioned degree was attained at a college (known to others as a university?)

There are both in the US but from my read it's the girl with the BA.

Could be but virtually all colleges in the UK also now offer BAs.

Wooloo man is talking **** basically

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To answer the op's question. Yes, by definition she is. If you ask people from the US, England, France and most other leading countries they will say same. Thais might have another view. The only thing I can say is that they are what they are and not for marriage.... For fun only !!!

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So you would have no problem pursuing a relationship with a Thai girl who was willing to accept money for sex?

You're going to be a very lonely man in Thailand with that attitude.

There's plenty of girls in Thailand who don't have sex for money and get offended if you even offer. You're just too caught up with bar girls..

True enough .. but I often wonder what would happen if you offered "enough " I'm not talking first date but maybe 2 or 3 down the line!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So you would have no problem pursuing a relationship with a Thai girl who was willing to accept money for sex?

You're going to be a very lonely man in Thailand with that attitude.

There's plenty of girls in Thailand who don't have sex for money and get offended if you even offer. You're just too caught up with bar girls..

True enough .. but I often wonder what would happen if you offered "enough " I'm not talking first date but maybe 2 or 3 down the line!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They have made movies about almost all the tired old cliches yours is

Indecent Proposal


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So you would have no problem pursuing a relationship with a Thai girl who was willing to accept money for sex?

You're going to be a very lonely man in Thailand with that attitude.

There's plenty of girls in Thailand who don't have sex for money and get offended if you even offer. You're just too caught up with bar girls..

True enough .. but I often wonder what would happen if you offered "enough " I'm not talking first date but maybe 2 or 3 down the line!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

in most cases,

you would be dissapointed

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So you would have no problem pursuing a relationship with a Thai girl who was willing to accept money for sex?

You're going to be a very lonely man in Thailand with that attitude.

There's plenty of girls in Thailand who don't have sex for money and get offended if you even offer. You're just too caught up with bar girls..

True enough .. but I often wonder what would happen if you offered "enough " I'm not talking first date but maybe 2 or 3 down the line!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

in most cases,

you would be dissapointed

Depends what amount you consider "enough"

I think even "rich" would consider a money4sex deal if it made then "richer"

Of course, most people don't have pockets deep enough to play such games but if you offered a few million baht how many would say no? :-)

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So you would have no problem pursuing a relationship with a Thai girl who was willing to accept money for sex?

You're going to be a very lonely man in Thailand with that attitude.

There's plenty of girls in Thailand who don't have sex for money and get offended if you even offer. You're just too caught up with bar girls..

True enough .. but I often wonder what would happen if you offered "enough " I'm not talking first date but maybe 2 or 3 down the line!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

in most cases,

you would be dissapointed

Depends what amount you consider "enough"

I think even "rich" would consider a money4sex deal if it made then "richer"

Of course, most people don't have pockets deep enough to play such games but if you offered a few million baht how many would say no? :-)

every single girl who is not a whore,

will say no,

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So you would have no problem pursuing a relationship with a Thai girl who was willing to accept money for sex?

You're going to be a very lonely man in Thailand with that attitude.

There's plenty of girls in Thailand who don't have sex for money and get offended if you even offer. You're just too caught up with bar girls..

True enough .. but I often wonder what would happen if you offered "enough " I'm not talking first date but maybe 2 or 3 down the line!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

in most cases,

you would be dissapointed

Depends what amount you consider "enough"

I think even "rich" would consider a money4sex deal if it made then "richer"

Of course, most people don't have pockets deep enough to play such games but if you offered a few million baht how many would say no? :-)

every single girl who is not a whore,

will say no,

Offer them a mansion and a Ferrari and see what happens ..... ;-)

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every single girl who is not a whore,

will say no,

Offer them a mansion and a Ferrari and see what happens ..... ;-)

Yup, like I said everyone has a price!

Sent from my mobile, whatever mobile it is.

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It's called part-timing, She may or may not have a degree. She may or may not have a real job. I had a friend who used to sit in massage parlours & write these letters to other guys all over the world for the girls. He used to get freebies for it. It is not unheard of for internet dating sites to be used by hookers & also girls who want a holiday relationship with a farang. If it worked out for all parties they would take it further but a relationsship started on lies is not a good start. Chat up several on the net and make a short list. Make no promises but allow a week in Bangkok to meet them each for 2-3 days to see how they present. See them all and suss out who is lying & who seems straight. Do not push for sex on the first date. There is plenty of places you can get that. Be genuine with them & stay away from gold shops on a first (or second) date. Play it cool & you may find the girl of your dreams or just have a great time.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Its all about the same thing... Money - nothing else.

not really.. many bar girls are looking for good husbands as well... western whores are not.. A Western whore is a million times worse than a thai bar girl... because they truly only do it for the money even though they have the option to do other things.

There is nothing "wrong" with choosing to sell your body, nothing at all.

would you bring a girl who sells her body home to meet your mom? and tell her what she does for a living?

sure there is.. it just means that you're too worthless to do anything else.. Either because you are simply too stupid or too lazy or too greedy, or all the above, but either way... it still makes you look worthless.. like you're taking the easiest possible way out.

I don't care what anyone says... no self respecting human being, no matter what the culture or situation, sells their body for money. And that's why a whore is worthless.. because she has no self respect.

What a pompus git! What would you know about the every day struggle of young Thai women who never got the education you were lucky to get? Many have never had a job in their lives because they come from an area where there simply isn't any jobs. At least nothing that they would qualify to do. Did you know for example a well known fast food company in Bangkok won't even interview girls without a university degree? and that,s to sell poxy burgers over a counter.

Many Thai girls end up with a baby and a husband who has never worked in his life and never will. Eventually they break up and the girl barely 18 years old is left alone holding the baby and the responsibility of feeding clothing and educating the child. Milk alone for a 1 year old cost them about 72 baht per day and they have no income and some wouldn't know what 1000 baht note looks like. They eventually decide to go to BKK or wherever to try and get a job but there's nothing for them., Having never worked in their lives and competing against good looking educated Bangkok girls for jobs as a waitress, they have got no chance of being employed..............So they end up in a bar.

Many go there with the intention of working for drinks only but most end up meeting some guy they like so they go with him and the another and so on. Others get fired right in and couldn't care less if they go with 3 customers a day.

As someone already pointed out most of what they earn goes back home. Why? because they don't want their child to end up like them.

If they are the low lifes you make them out to be why don't they say stuff the kids stuff the parents and spend all their money on themselves?

I'd love to see you try and make a life for your self on some remote farm in bumfukidaho where the only thing the grow is weeds.

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Its all about the same thing... Money - nothing else.

not really.. many bar girls are looking for good husbands as well... western whores are not.. A Western whore is a million times worse than a thai bar girl... because they truly only do it for the money even though they have the option to do other things.

There is nothing "wrong" with choosing to sell your body, nothing at all.

would you bring a girl who sells her body home to meet your mom? and tell her what she does for a living?

sure there is.. it just means that you're too worthless to do anything else.. Either because you are simply too stupid or too lazy or too greedy, or all the above, but either way... it still makes you look worthless.. like you're taking the easiest possible way out.

I don't care what anyone says... no self respecting human being, no matter what the culture or situation, sells their body for money. And that's why a whore is worthless.. because she has no self respect.

What a pompus git! What would you know about the every day struggle of young Thai women who never got the education you were lucky to get? Many have never had a job in their lives because they come from an area where there simply isn't any jobs. At least nothing that they would qualify to do. Did you know for example a well known fast food company in Bangkok won't even interview girls without a university degree? and that,s to sell poxy burgers over a counter.

Many Thai girls end up with a baby and a husband who has never worked in his life and never will. Eventually they break up and the girl barely 18 years old is left alone holding the baby and the responsibility of feeding clothing and educating the child. Milk alone for a 1 year old cost them about 72 baht per day and they have no income and some wouldn't know what 1000 baht note looks like. They eventually decide to go to BKK or wherever to try and get a job but there's nothing for them., Having never worked in their lives and competing against good looking educated Bangkok girls for jobs as a waitress, they have got no chance of being employed..............So they end up in a bar.

Many go there with the intention of working for drinks only but most end up meeting some guy they like so they go with him and the another and so on. Others get fired right in and couldn't care less if they go with 3 customers a day.

As someone already pointed out most of what they earn goes back home. Why? because they don't want their child to end up like them.

If they are the low lifes you make them out to be why don't they say stuff the kids stuff the parents and spend all their money on themselves?

I'd love to see you try and make a life for your self on some remote farm in bumfukidaho where the only thing the grow is weeds.

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