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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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Most decent Thai women would not be sen dead with a Falang so make of it what you will. when she is talking with you

That is the entire problem here,

no one can properly define,

what a decent thai woman is.

I also noticed that Forbes Thailand, and many of the Hi Soceity magazines in BKK there are more and more Anglo men with sporting their Thai wives,

I guess they are just "escorts?"

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Most decent Thai women would not be sen dead with a Falang so make of it what you will. when she is talking with you

That is the entire problem here,

no one can properly define,

what a decent thai woman is.

You're welcome.

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Most decent Thai women would not be sen dead with a Falang so make of it what you will. when she is talking with you

What evidence are you basing that assumption on? IMO such assumptions are based on anecdotal evidence and are not a true reflection of reality. I know plenty of nice Thai girls who are not in the game are happy to be seen dating a farang. Women are the same all over the world.

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Most decent Thai women would not be sen dead with a Falang so make of it what you will. when she is talking with you

What evidence are you basing that assumption on? IMO such assumptions are based on anecdotal evidence and are not a true reflection of reality. I know plenty of nice Thai girls who are not in the game are happy to be seen dating a farang. Women are the same all over the world.


It is preposterous that "decent" thai women won't be seen with a foreigner, when they proudly walk with them in every fashion mall in town,

It would be more accurate to say they wouldnt be seen without their Louis Vuitton bag, and their foreign born man.

In the end, they dont give a shit what their friends think when they are enjoying the fruits

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In any western country to accept money for sex will be considered prostitution. But in Thailand this is quite different. In Thailand its generelly not accepted for a girl to have sex with someone she isnt married to, or to have a one night stand, a short term relationship or similar. On the other hand - if the sex is payed for its much more likely accepted than if not. Thats the moral and etichs in Thailand.....

If I read you correctly, then most of the girls we interact with, are indeed prostitutes,

its just that some also have day jobs.

I have no idea to whom you interact with - but if youre paying money to a woman for having sex with you - you can make the maths yourself... ;-)

And if a girl have a daytime job I guess the need taking pay for sex more or less disappears...

The need for money for sex does not dissapear because they have a day job.

the day job is for appearances and family, the hope for advancement and a better future

the night job, is for her, while she is waiting for the above to materialize

as a former NYC and Miami taxi driver, I can assure you of the many women I knew, who I saw at night, and we were both surprised to see each other, but kept their discretion, as usually they were friends, or we were friendly, and more importantly, why lose a paying customer, I didnt care what they were doing

If a woman have a decent paid daytime job - I can see few if any reason to sell sexual services at night.... After all more than 99 % of daytimeworkin woman in western countries doesnt sell sexual services at night. An odd exeption one will find here and there - but still.....

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Good one.... It looks like a large majority of normal Thai girls are used to the money for sex exchange from the college days. A friend of mine owned a building from which he rented rooms to female college students. 70% of the rents were paid by older men who were not their parents. In a way, in the extremely consuming society where we live, this does not surprise me. It becomes socially accepted, to the point where love, sex and money all mix. My guess would be that this girl has done it before and will continue doing it until she is on a long-term lease (kind of like the car). Definitely do not expect that you are going to have your "normal" relationship for free. You will pay for everything. Consider the p4p proposition. It may be cheaper. After all, the only free sex is the one you pay for. How much did your friend offer her, just out of curiosity?

Absolutely correct. Those older men are called "papa". In this case the papa's know and pay for a girl that "belongs" only him.

There is a second system in this student "game":

Some (many) students are well organised during there presence at the uni! There are phone numbers "in the air" you can call and the organizer choose a disponible girl-student for you and tell you the room number in a Guesthouse.

But please understand: How they can afford an I-pad or studying at the university to get a Bachelor, onored with thousend of others at BKK by somebody of the King-family? And afterwards open a Noodle shop to make good money or getting work at a 7/11 for bad money in a freezing A/C ambient. 55555.

It seems many many Thai Visa Members are living phisically in Thailand for years and never are in contact with the reallity, mentually still in their Home Countries, but knowing every Bar in town, perhaps!

Same same but different for non Thai Visa Members like ambassadors, Consuls and the foreign press.giggle.gif

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I can't believe the thread has gotten this far tbh. If you sell your body you are a hooker end of. There are no caveats or exceptions no matter how good the underlying reasoning for doing so.

..and if you buy from the seller, you are an "Hookee", and the "Hooker" has successfully baited you and your wallet.

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I can't believe the thread has gotten this far tbh. If you sell your body you are a hooker end of. There are no caveats or exceptions no matter how good the underlying reasoning for doing so.

..and if you buy from the seller, you are an "Hookee", and the "Hooker" has successfully baited you and your wallet.

Hookee....funny....about baited your wallet.....not sure about that. Few and a few have suffered ...only a few though i guess.

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I can't believe the thread has gotten this far tbh. If you sell your body you are a hooker end of. There are no caveats or exceptions no matter how good the underlying reasoning for doing so.

..and if you buy from the seller, you are an "Hookee", and the "Hooker" has successfully baited you and your wallet.

Hookee....funny....about baited your wallet.....not sure about that. Few and a few have suffered ...only a few though i guess.

not to argue but,

Hookee? wouldnt that refer to the "prospective" hook, and once the hooker has you on the line, you are then "hooked?"

idk, I didnt mind when I was being fished,

in fact, it was kind of nice, and once hooked, well, another matter entirely

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Thai culture is 'Tit for Tat' - exchanges.

A woman will not give in for nought (friendship), but for something substantial.

Example: Rama IV was offered young women every time he stepped into public, with the result that he had 65 (or more) wives and as many children.

In exchange, every donating family received somethng substantial - usually some well paying public office.

Even today, Lao Farmers exchange their daughtes for monetary compensation.

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Haven't bothered reading can predict the likely tone of most replies.

My answer is:

Who cares? Nothing wrong with sex work, if it pays enough most people would say yes, just they're never offered that much.

If you personally have something against it and would deny yourself the opportunity to get to know someone just because they make that kind of choice then fine, that's your choice but don't judge her as if she's a bad person for making her own personal choices in the matter, not as if it hurts anyone.

And I have no idea why you would feel the need to even ask such advice in a public forum where everyone's got their own ideas, obviously only you can know for yourself where you stand on such an issue.

Its a lazy choice typical for the region

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if true, Wym would be in Lao

Don't you know by now, I only rent, never buy.

Can't afford their rates anyway. No different from poor Thailand, Burma and Cambodia the same.

Don't want that kind of responsibility, better they just stay a while and then move on of their own volition.

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Give a man a fish, he can feed his family for one day.

GIve a man a Thai women, he can feed his family for an entire lifetime?

I think i will never become immune to the talk of buying/selling female flesh, as if one were discussing picking up a pint of milk from the local grocery shop.

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If a woman have a decent paid daytime job - I can see few if any reason to sell sexual services at night.... After all more than 99 % of daytimeworkin woman in western countries doesnt sell sexual services at night. An odd exeption one will find here and there - but still.....

Decent paid - how long is a piece of string? They want their iDevices, nice clothes, shopping just for fun, maybe some travel, saving for a nice car maybe, parents want to upgrade the house; most office girls make 14-20K, at least in BKK these days barely covers survival doesn't it - or perhaps you haven't tried to live on that little, I know some here spend that much on restaurants each month.

Just because you don't think these aren't "good reasons", it's not up to you, up to each of them. And yes, relatively few actually do it, but even a small percentage ends up being many hundreds of thousands.

I can't believe the thread has gotten this far tbh. If you sell your body you are a hooker end of. There are no caveats or exceptions no matter how good the underlying reasoning for doing so.

Feel free to define your terms as you see fit, as long as you don't claim it's all "immoral" or something.

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I like living in Thailand.

There are many things here I am vocally against. And I still like it.

But one thing I really hate is farangs bashing Thais for what is not Thai specific.

Any female in any country gets sex for money.

Some take cash. We call them prostitutes. They are the more honest ones. They get their agreed fee and never bother you again.

Others take a ring, a signed contract, a house, and life maintenance. We call them housewifes. They are less honest taking everything, before and after divorce.

The third category ( vast majority in the West) are after the best of both. First screw around than get married and screw around again. We call them many different names.

I really have seen all of the above.

Now tell me what being a young girl with or without Uni degree, with or without car, screwing one farang found on Internet and screwing another one who 'chat her up' in person and paid cash

has to do with being THAI?

I disagree. I view it primarily as a cultural phenomenon. Among a large segment of the Thai population, concepts such as morality and ethics are either not recognized as being legitimate paradigms, or these considerations are patently ignored, with a particular demographic of Thai people deciding, if money is being made, nothing else matters. While this behavior is not restricted to Thai culture- it is often found in places where people have very limited knowledge of History/culture/Philosophy, etc., and in places where people exhibit a high level of Nationalism and feelings of cultural superiority. How many times have we seen Thai people extort their own countrymen and say, charge 3 times what something is worth? Very rarely will someone from their social group question their morality or ethics, choosing rather to believe that the seller “was lucky”, and that the buyer “chose” to buy at that price. The Thai cultural system often functions to allow it's adherents to avoid confrontation, reflexive thought, guilt, and accountability. There is a tremendous amount of latitude in Thai society because the laws are rarely enforced and Police are easily paid off. This often renders legal and ethical value systems irrelevant. When there are no repercussions for a particular action, there will be little or no fear of engaging in that action. Limited education and experience, coupled with lax enforcement of the law, exasperated by limited access to resources and the naïve nature of the Thai psyche, often result in sendind Thais into a feeding frenzy in which western ideas of morality, compassion, responsibility and the notion of fair play, have absolutely no meaning.

I respect your right to disagree. Have no problem with this.

Having to my name two degrees and a Diploma from two Universities (both not Thai) must point out that your choice of words

paradigm, philosophy, latitude, psyche - will lose you many understanding members. You have lost me for one (tongue.png ).

My concept was clearly and simply put - ALL females take money for sex in one or another form. And it has nothing to do with 'THAI' but with Biology.

Some overconfident members here even claimed they would do it for 1,000,000Bt. Once again they overlook Biology.

If I chose to put money on the table and offered them the oldest, ugliest and diseased female - they would have lost for the reason of no erection.

But many females in a reversed situation would be able to perform. And this is true for any country.

You may disagree again. Let us agree on disagreeing to prevent bickering. Respects. biggrin.png

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Fer chrissakes, do I have to send you letterhead ?

I'm not quoting some dumbass ESPN doofus here.

No idea what your current location nor ESPN have to do with anything.

"When I was at university" sounds British and stuck up to an American who hasn't traveled much.

We generally say "when I was in college" even if it happened to be at a uni.


Note the second definition, which if you check out the meanings of the abbreviations, means "college and university are interchangeable terms in the US".

Want more or are you gonna fuggedaboudid?


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if true, Wym would be in Lao

Don't you know by now, I only rent, never buy.

Can't afford their rates anyway. No different from poor Thailand, Burma and Cambodia the same.

Don't want that kind of responsibility, better they just stay a while and then move on of their own volition.

I guess I mis read that, I thought there was a warranty return policy

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It is preposterous that "decent" thai women won't be seen with a foreigner, when they proudly walk with them in every fashion mall in town,

It would be more accurate to say they wouldnt be seen without their Louis Vuitton bag, and their foreign born man.

In the end, they dont give a shit what their friends think when they are enjoying the fruits

That may be true once they've established a secure relationship with a relatively high-status catch commensurate with their own class and/or concern for face.

But if you spent much time working in offices and universities, you'll quickly find out that casual acquaintances and co-workers will be very reluctant to go out just you and her because of what people will think.

Even what totally random strangers might think is very important to Thais.

You quickly learn not to put them on the spot once you've been taken aside and had it discreetly explained to you, always go out in a group not looking like a couple.

If you do have a budding romance going, then if she's at all interested you can find a way to arrange to meet at the restaurant rather than travelling there together.

Then again I'm not young & hansum, YMMV.

But it is a real thing, far from preposterous - please do try to keep in mind your very limited range of experience.

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Give a man a fish, he can feed his family for one day.

GIve a man a Thai women, he can feed his family for an entire lifetime?

I think i will never become immune to the talk of buying/selling female flesh, as if one were discussing picking up a pint of milk from the local grocery shop.

youre paying in the west as well.......and usually more for less in terms of quality ....

youre probably new here if you dont understand how it works yet but it costs money

to maintain any relationship ........when you get older you might understand .... :)

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It is preposterous that "decent" thai women won't be seen with a foreigner, when they proudly walk with them in every fashion mall in town,

It would be more accurate to say they wouldnt be seen without their Louis Vuitton bag, and their foreign born man.

In the end, they dont give a shit what their friends think when they are enjoying the fruits

That may be true once they've established a secure relationship with a relatively high-status catch commensurate with their own class and/or concern for face.

But if you spent much time working in offices and universities, you'll quickly find out that casual acquaintances and co-workers will be very reluctant to go out just you and her because of what people will think.

Even what totally random strangers might think is very important to Thais.

You quickly learn not to put them on the spot once you've been taken aside and had it discreetly explained to you, always go out in a group not looking like a couple.

If you do have a budding romance going, then if she's at all interested you can find a way to arrange to meet at the restaurant rather than travelling there together.

Then again I'm not young & hansum, YMMV.

But it is a real thing, far from preposterous - please do try to keep in mind your very limited range of experience.

I admit to having only 6 mo. in country,

but I also lived almost 5 of them, near Fashion Island and the Promenade, where I found more than enough Anglo-Thai couples to speak with while shopping, and I didnt see anyone being embarrased by being seen with their Anglo partner. In many cases, we found things to speak of as it is easy to recognize a fellow NY person, and that usually started the conversation, but I will agree, my field was small, and not the typical meeting scenario.

Of the many thai men I encountered as well as thai females, no one ever treated us as though my soap star was a working girl, as she didnt think or carry herself as one,

not that has any meaning

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Give a man a fish, he can feed his family for one day.

GIve a man a Thai women, he can feed his family for an entire lifetime?

I think i will never become immune to the talk of buying/selling female flesh, as if one were discussing picking up a pint of milk from the local grocery shop.

youre paying in the west as well.......and usually more for less in terms of quality ....

youre probably new here if you dont understand how it works yet but it costs money

to maintain any relationship ........when you get older you might understand .... smile.png

total agreement on the value of the relationship versus the cost in the west,

dinner alone in the west is 3,000 to 4,000 baht

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That may be true once they've established a secure relationship with a relatively high-status catch commensurate with their own class and/or concern for face.

But if you spent much time working in offices and universities, you'll quickly find out that casual acquaintances and co-workers will be very reluctant to go out just you and her because of what people will think.

Even what totally random strangers might think is very important to Thais.

You quickly learn not to put them on the spot once you've been taken aside and had it discreetly explained to you, always go out in a group not looking like a couple.

If you do have a budding romance going, then if she's at all interested you can find a way to arrange to meet at the restaurant rather than travelling there together.

Then again I'm not young & hansum, YMMV.

But it is a real thing, far from preposterous - please do try to keep in mind your very limited range of experience.

I admit to having only 6 mo. in country,

but I also lived almost 5 of them, near Fashion Island and the Promenade, where I found more than enough Anglo-Thai couples to speak with while shopping, and I didnt see anyone being embarrased by being seen with their Anglo partner. In many cases, we found things to speak of as it is easy to recognize a fellow NY person, and that usually started the conversation, but I will agree, my field was small, and not the typical meeting scenario.

Of the many thai men I encountered as well as thai females, no one ever treated us as though my soap star was a working girl, as she didnt think or carry herself as one,

not that has any meaning

I'm specifically talking about TGs whom you're not (yet?) dating, met in a professional setting (not sex industry, not socially), and specifically NOT couples that already know each other.

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Give a man a fish, he can feed his family for one day.

GIve a man a Thai women, he can feed his family for an entire lifetime?

I think i will never become immune to the talk of buying/selling female flesh, as if one were discussing picking up a pint of milk from the local grocery shop.

youre paying in the west as well.......and usually more for less in terms of quality ....

youre probably new here if you dont understand how it works yet but it costs money

to maintain any relationship ........when you get older you might understand .... smile.png

total agreement on the value of the relationship versus the cost in the west,

dinner alone in the west is 3,000 to 4,000 baht

some people are completely missing the giant pink elephant in the room so its a waste ot time even trying to explain .........

i cant help but laugh when i hear a new farang claiming that hes " never paid for it in his life " etc etc etc

ever had kids ,gfs,wives ,mistresses ,ever payed rent or mortgage ? ever paid for flowers ,jewellery ,meals ,cinema or theare tickets holidays ,furniture ,birthday presents ,christmas presents ,valentines gifts,cars ,houses ,clothes ........

,dear lord, i could type all day about the cash wasted/spent/blown on women allover the world since i was a teenager until now but im sure you get the message

" never paid for it " oho really ?????

the same fools have probably paid more $ for $ on their last gf or marriage than my last 20-50-100 etc yet they like to shout about

the virtues of western women and how far beneath them thai women are for accepting money for such things as time /companionship or sex ..............lol

the old phrase "cant see the wood for the trees" comes to mind .........:D

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That may be true once they've established a secure relationship with a relatively high-status catch commensurate with their own class and/or concern for face.

But if you spent much time working in offices and universities, you'll quickly find out that casual acquaintances and co-workers will be very reluctant to go out just you and her because of what people will think.

Even what totally random strangers might think is very important to Thais.

You quickly learn not to put them on the spot once you've been taken aside and had it discreetly explained to you, always go out in a group not looking like a couple.

If you do have a budding romance going, then if she's at all interested you can find a way to arrange to meet at the restaurant rather than travelling there together.

Then again I'm not young & hansum, YMMV.

But it is a real thing, far from preposterous - please do try to keep in mind your very limited range of experience.

I admit to having only 6 mo. in country,

but I also lived almost 5 of them, near Fashion Island and the Promenade, where I found more than enough Anglo-Thai couples to speak with while shopping, and I didnt see anyone being embarrased by being seen with their Anglo partner. In many cases, we found things to speak of as it is easy to recognize a fellow NY person, and that usually started the conversation, but I will agree, my field was small, and not the typical meeting scenario.

Of the many thai men I encountered as well as thai females, no one ever treated us as though my soap star was a working girl, as she didnt think or carry herself as one,

not that has any meaning

I'm specifically talking about TGs whom you're not (yet?) dating, met in a professional setting (not sex industry, not socially), and specifically NOT couples that already know each other.

in that case,

my level of knowledge is almost zero,


I was never introduced to any of her real friends, even though a few of them knew about me, but I do not know how much of that had to do with me being american, or her not being sure I was staying, and then she would have to explain what happened, thus accordingly to your terms, I was "unsecured"

in either case, she was right, as I did end up leaving her,

but, it wasnt for the reasons she thinks entirely, although, she does know most of them, and the ones I didnt mention, I do not know that she can change,

so, I leave it "up to her"

but, "down to me"

Edited by Scarpolo
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Every woman who has sex with men, has sex for money.

It is never free.

The cave girls would trade it for a chunk of meat or a fish.

In modern times....

Maybe a nice dinner and a few drinks?

Maybe a holiday together?

Some want cash.

Others charge you all the money you earn for the rest of your life!

Yes, the ones you marry are the most expensive.

Better to give a young, sweet, pretty one some cash and then move on to a new one when you are ready.

It just makes more sense doing it that way.

Maybe it's a farang thing, or maybe a Western thing.

But I have had sex with women that made more money than I did, and another that flew from Hong Kong to spend a week with me, and another where we would head off to my apartment after work for a midnight quickie.

News flash, women like sex also.

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Most decent Thai women would not be sen dead with a Falang so make of it what you will. when she is talking with you

What evidence are you basing that assumption on? IMO such assumptions are based on anecdotal evidence and are not a true reflection of reality. I know plenty of nice Thai girls who are not in the game are happy to be seen dating a farang. Women are the same all over the world.

Likely many conservative Thai women want to be careful about getting involved with a tourist.

But I see many farang / thai couples. Along with every other race.

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