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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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Oldster: Miss, would you have sex with me for $100,000?

Young lady: Well................Okay.

Oldster: How about $20?

Young lady: What do you think I am, some kind of a whore?

Oldster: We have already established that. Now we are just haggling over price.

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Oldster: Miss, would you have sex with me for $100,000?

Young lady: Well................Okay.

Oldster: How about $20?

Young lady: What do you think I am, some kind of a whore?

Oldster: We have already established that. Now we are just haggling over price.

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So now a clarity edit is an issue for you ?

Really REALLY desperate arncha. ;- ))))

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

You DID NOT edit for clarity ,you edited to add another paragraph .....ive already quoted it so dont LIE and make yourself look dumber (if possible )

btw - what was wrong with your clariity the first time ? steam coming out your ears as you bashed the keyboard and then realised you

had typed a load of garbage and tried to save face by adding more garbage biggrin.png

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Actually I was referring to a time more like 5,000 years ago in what is now called China. How this all plays out in the contemporaneous time period is that the male ego seeks to dominate and subjugate females in a way that would seem to legitimize that these particular males are actually Alpha/prime breeding stock. Given the fact that societies have become striated and factionalized- these breeding/mating behaviors have become somewhat obsolete. I think that's the flavor of what I am seeing in these posts. On the one side we have people demonizing the typical western female and the legislation that allows her to take your money, steal you shit with impunity- therefore emasculating any sense of Alpha male thing that you thought you might have had- and then the- Gee- let's let third world dingbats choose to sell their asses so we can feel the playing field is level and we can maybe regain some level of self worth.

Then there's the reality. Our lives are worth 2 cents here. We are only as viable as our last bribe, and the last time we threw some coin down to keep ourselves above the fracas.

We all try to say how it's all so wonderful here- but all of us must know- that our positions here are tenuous, based somewhat on who we know and what relationships we have been able to maintain.

and it could all come crashing down tomorrow.

You gotta make your bed right here.

Edited by bobthomas
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So now a clarity edit is an issue for you ?

Really REALLY desperate arncha. ;- ))))

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

You DID NOT edit for clarity ,you edited to add another paragraph .....ive already quoted it so dont LIE and make yourself look dumber (if possible )

btw - what was wrong with your clariity the first time ? steam coming out your ears as you bashed the keyboard and then realised you

had typed a load of garbage and tried to save face by adding more garbage biggrin.png

So now you're on to that last refuge of the ill-educated and intellectually bankrupt.

The personal insult.

You have taken my explanation, groundlessly asserted that it's not true and then based on your assertion (no facts) . . . .your assertion and tried to smear me as a liar.

You argue like an American talk-show fool. Maury, Oprah, Montell . . . Jerry Springer.

And THIS is what you guys bring to EVERY discussion.

I am off to the agricultural forum in search of a bee-keeping thread.

Failing that, it will be a re-read of that dog-hide to golf-glove article in yesterday's news.

Maybe there'll be some tanning tips there.

'Cause speedtipler, ole fella? . . . . . . you jus' bin skinned alive.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Marry ANY woman in the world and then tell her after a couple of years, that you have decided to stop working and let her bring in the money. Then see what happens. All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You want to be sure not to marry a prostitute, then marry a nun. If you are lucky, she might be feed up with the primitive and simple life as a nun and want to live a little. But then again, she becomes a prostitute after leaving the church... ;-) So you need to marry her while still being a nun and ensure she remains one, to be 100% sure you are not marrying a prostitute. Good luck with that!

I have a friend who is single and very rich. His biggest problem is finding a life partner. Why? Because he never knows if the girl really likes him or his money. He gets loads of sex, but has a serious problem finding real love. But why do you think he gets loads of sex? For sure it is not his good looks or amazing personality.

So the only way you can really "test" your girlfriend is by burning all you money and her agreeing to financially support you both. Good luck with that too! But then you become a prostitute yourself.

(PS: Instead of burning your money, you could use them on prostitutes. Just in case your girlfriend says "no" to supporting you. Because it will become much harder to get sex and/or a girlfriend, when you have no money and live on the street.)

Basically, most things in life is one way or the other connected to money... with sprinkles of real "feelings" in between. For sure without money, there would be a lot less sex in this world.


Edited by khunpa
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You can be wherever you like in Asia. That's the point. Also a good reason not to buy. I rent a nice joint in bkk central. Its about 7300 baht all up each month. I just leave it and spend few weeks here and there. I think you (scarpolo) might like hua hin. Sand is white and fine and beach not to bad. Its not up to USA or AU. ,but its not too shabby.

I just took option on a small cottage on water. Its anyway yes not cheap but 30k a month. Cha Am is nice but very quiet. Actually there is big music gig on beach tonight there. Bring your guitar

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Marry ANY woman in the world and then tell her after a couple of years, that you have decided to stop working and let her bring in the money. Then see what happens. All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You want to be sure not to marry a prostitute, then marry a nun. If you are lucky, she might be feed up with the primitive and simple life as a nun and want to live a little. But then again, she becomes a prostitute after leaving the church... ;-) So you need to marry her while still being a nun and ensure she remains one, to be 100% sure you are not marrying a prostitute. Good luck with that!

I have a friend who is single and very rich. His biggest problem is finding a life partner. Why? Because he never knows if the girl really likes him or his money. He gets loads of sex, but has a serious problem finding real love. But why do you think he gets loads of sex? For sure it is not his good looks or amazing personality.

So the only way you can really "test" your girlfriend is by burning all you money and her agreeing to financially support you both. Good luck with that too! But then you become a prostitute yourself.

(PS: Instead of burning your money, you could use them on prostitutes. Just in case your girlfriend says "no" to supporting you. Because it will become much harder to get sex and/or a girlfriend, when you have no money and live on the street.)


are you on drugs?? That's the biggest load of tripe I have ever heard. Go and see sunglasses for a week and see how you fare or still better like my female friend in HCM working long hours cooking for $120 a month. Oh and one day off each month. You self rightious creature.

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It's a pretty simple formula really. If you just want to have a good time here- you just rent- you can bugger off at any time and be none the less for wear and tear. That's what I thought, and then fast forward 3 years and it's 1.5 M baht for rent. In those days I could have bought 5 condos on the beach in the place I now live. But the formula remains the same- if you have people you want the properties to go to- you buy. and you then get a bigger place- and some space for your progeny.

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Marry ANY woman in the world and then tell her after a couple of years, that you have decided to stop working and let her bring in the money. Then see what happens. All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You want to be sure not to marry a prostitute, then marry a nun. If you are lucky, she might be feed up with the primitive and simple life as a nun and want to live a little. But then again, she becomes a prostitute after leaving the church... ;-) So you need to marry her while still being a nun and ensure she remains one, to be 100% sure you are not marrying a prostitute. Good luck with that!

I have a friend who is single and very rich. His biggest problem is finding a life partner. Why? Because he never knows if the girl really likes him or his money. He gets loads of sex, but has a serious problem finding real love. But why do you think he gets loads of sex? For sure it is not his good looks or amazing personality.

So the only way you can really "test" your girlfriend is by burning all you money and her agreeing to financially support you both. Good luck with that too! But then you become a prostitute yourself.

(PS: Instead of burning your money, you could use them on prostitutes. Just in case your girlfriend says "no" to supporting you. Because it will become much harder to get sex and/or a girlfriend, when you have no money and live on the street.)

Basically, most things in life is one way or the other connected to money... with sprinkles of real "feelings" in between. For sure without money, there would be a lot less sex in this world.


Have you been spending your last 25 years in a cave? Away from the rest of the world. Most women are working and bring in money to her family just like her husbund.

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Marry ANY woman in the world and then tell her after a couple of years, that you have decided to stop working and let her bring in the money. Then see what happens. All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You want to be sure not to marry a prostitute, then marry a nun. If you are lucky, she might be feed up with the primitive and simple life as a nun and want to live a little. But then again, she becomes a prostitute after leaving the church... ;-) So you need to marry her while still being a nun and ensure she remains one, to be 100% sure you are not marrying a prostitute. Good luck with that!

I have a friend who is single and very rich. His biggest problem is finding a life partner. Why? Because he never knows if the girl really likes him or his money. He gets loads of sex, but has a serious problem finding real love. But why do you think he gets loads of sex? For sure it is not his good looks or amazing personality.

So the only way you can really "test" your girlfriend is by burning all you money and her agreeing to financially support you both. Good luck with that too! But then you become a prostitute yourself.

(PS: Instead of burning your money, you could use them on prostitutes. Just in case your girlfriend says "no" to supporting you. Because it will become much harder to get sex and/or a girlfriend, when you have no money and live on the street.)

Basically, most things in life is one way or the other connected to money... with sprinkles of real "feelings" in between. For sure without money, there would be a lot less sex in this world.


Have you been spending your last 25 years in a cave? Away from the rest of the world. Most women are working and bring in money to her family just like her husbund.

Nope, I have lived in the real world for quite some time.

Basically EVERY relationship is based on expectations of some kind and many times that involves money - one way or the other.

If money was no issue in relationships, then dating sites would not have income and education fields for people to fill out. And the divorce rates would fall drastically all over the world.

Don't believe me? Tell you wife that you plan to stay on the sofa and watch F1 for the next 5 years or go out and gamble away all your money away. Then see how much love and caring about you, is left after that. Or tell your wife that you want to live as a homeless person with her and wander the streets.

People who think money is not an important factor, are living in a illusion.

Edited by khunpa
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Marry ANY woman in the world and then tell her after a couple of years, that you have decided to stop working and let her bring in the money. Then see what happens. All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You want to be sure not to marry a prostitute, then marry a nun. If you are lucky, she might be feed up with the primitive and simple life as a nun and want to live a little. But then again, she becomes a prostitute after leaving the church... ;-) So you need to marry her while still being a nun and ensure she remains one, to be 100% sure you are not marrying a prostitute. Good luck with that!

I have a friend who is single and very rich. His biggest problem is finding a life partner. Why? Because he never knows if the girl really likes him or his money. He gets loads of sex, but has a serious problem finding real love. But why do you think he gets loads of sex? For sure it is not his good looks or amazing personality.

So the only way you can really "test" your girlfriend is by burning all you money and her agreeing to financially support you both. Good luck with that too! But then you become a prostitute yourself.

(PS: Instead of burning your money, you could use them on prostitutes. Just in case your girlfriend says "no" to supporting you. Because it will become much harder to get sex and/or a girlfriend, when you have no money and live on the street.)


are you on drugs?? That's the biggest load of tripe I have ever heard. Go and see sunglasses for a week and see how you fare or still better like my female friend in HCM working long hours cooking for $120 a month. Oh and one day off each month. You self rightious creature.

I would call myself a realist.

And I guess you are homeless and being supported by your girlfriend working for USD 120/Month? Right?

Would she had even talked with you, if you had been sitting on the street begging?

Edited by khunpa
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Have you been spending your last 25 years in a cave? Away from the rest of the world. Most women are working and bring in money to her family just like her husbund.

In Southern Asia, Western Asia, and Africa, only 20% of women work at paid non-agricultural jobs. Worldwide, women's rate of paid employment outside of agriculture grew to 41% by 2008.


What kind of lighting and plumbing is in your cave?biggrin.png

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You can be wherever you like in Asia. That's the point. Also a good reason not to buy. I rent a nice joint in bkk central. Its about 7300 baht all up each month. I just leave it and spend few weeks here and there. I think you (scarpolo) might like hua hin. Sand is white and fine and beach not to bad. Its not up to USA or AU. ,but its not too shabby.

I just took option on a small cottage on water. Its anyway yes not cheap but 30k a month. Cha Am is nice but very quiet. Actually there is big music gig on beach tonight there. Bring your guitar

7300 is pretty good,

I would want to live by the beach though


Ill be in florida for a while

I was bored in bkk

Edited by Scarpolo
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I haven't read the all of it. but saying, "argue like an American". I fell that's a bit skewered. Some Americans argue well.

Damned straight they do.

That's why I gave examples. Those TV shows. I know you read them.

Too many people go on in the fashion of people on those shows. I think you know the type.

And yes. Many many Americans argue and debate to exquisite effect.

It's usually done with all the facts and the scientific method.

And no political agenda and be opinion and no groundless assertions and no name calling.

Thank you for your comment.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Good one.... It looks like a large majority of normal Thai girls are used to the money for sex exchange from the college days. A friend of mine owned a building from which he rented rooms to female college students. 70% of the rents were paid by older men who were not their parents. In a way, in the extremely consuming society where we live, this does not surprise me. It becomes socially accepted, to the point where love, sex and money all mix. My guess would be that this girl has done it before and will continue doing it until she is on a long-term lease (kind of like the car). Definitely do not expect that you are going to have your "normal" relationship for free. You will pay for everything. Consider the p4p proposition. It may be cheaper. After all, the only free sex is the one you pay for. How much did your friend offer her, just out of curiosity?

Absolutely correct. Those older men are called "papa". In this case the papa's know and pay for a girl that "belongs" only him.

There is a second system in this student "game":

Some (many) students are well organised during there presence at the uni! There are phone numbers "in the air" you can call and the organizer choose a disponible girl-student for you and tell you the room number in a Guesthouse.

But please understand: How they can afford an I-pad or studying at the university to get a Bachelor, onored with thousend of others at BKK by somebody of the King-family? And afterwards open a Noodle shop to make good money or getting work at a 7/11 for bad money in a freezing A/C ambient. 55555.

It seems many many Thai Visa Members are living phisically in Thailand for years and never are in contact with the reallity, mentually still in their Home Countries, but knowing every Bar in town, perhaps!

Same same but different for non Thai Visa Members like ambassadors, Consuls and the foreign press.giggle.gif

Where can we get those phone numbers?


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Good one.... It looks like a large majority of normal Thai girls are used to the money for sex exchange from the college days. A friend of mine owned a building from which he rented rooms to female college students. 70% of the rents were paid by older men who were not their parents. In a way, in the extremely consuming society where we live, this does not surprise me. It becomes socially accepted, to the point where love, sex and money all mix. My guess would be that this girl has done it before and will continue doing it until she is on a long-term lease (kind of like the car). Definitely do not expect that you are going to have your "normal" relationship for free. You will pay for everything. Consider the p4p proposition. It may be cheaper. After all, the only free sex is the one you pay for. How much did your friend offer her, just out of curiosity?

Absolutely correct. Those older men are called "papa". In this case the papa's know and pay for a girl that "belongs" only him.

There is a second system in this student "game":

Some (many) students are well organised during there presence at the uni! There are phone numbers "in the air" you can call and the organizer choose a disponible girl-student for you and tell you the room number in a Guesthouse.

But please understand: How they can afford an I-pad or studying at the university to get a Bachelor, onored with thousend of others at BKK by somebody of the King-family? And afterwards open a Noodle shop to make good money or getting work at a 7/11 for bad money in a freezing A/C ambient. 55555.

It seems many many Thai Visa Members are living phisically in Thailand for years and never are in contact with the reallity, mentually still in their Home Countries, but knowing every Bar in town, perhaps!

Same same but different for non Thai Visa Members like ambassadors, Consuls and the foreign press.giggle.gif

Where can we get those phone numbers?


I have a couple, but I am not sharing... sorry :-)

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Seriously I don't know why we from the west aka farang can be so bloody rightious, come here and give opinions on what girls do and do not do here.

We prob all have advantage. I went to expensive private school. Thanks mar and papa. Stuff around with medicine. Went into building. In AU I pay my painters $50 an hour. Then have to pay their super. I would love you all to go sell shrimp on pattaya beach or sunglasses for a week in soi 4 Nanna.

Stop evaluating these women. Stay here with manners. Stop whinging if your that STUPID to get ripped off. Have a beer kiss a girl and get con with life

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All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You are really weird.

Okay, if I am weird then tell me your own expectations of someone that you would wish to spend your life with... (I am guessing you are a women)...

Would you prefer your partner to have a good education, a good income and be a good provider?


Would you prefer a homeless very poor guy, that you had to take care of financially?

You see the thing is that in reality, you would never look at the homeless guy as a potential partner, although this guy might be a really nice guy. You will look at what your partner can contribute the the relationship also from a financial perspective. If you partner turns out to be a lazy guy just lying on the sofa with no income, you would most likely leave him.

If you see that as weird, then it is because you are not connected to the real world and have never been truly poor. So from a financial perspective and taking relationship into account, then we are all more or less prostitutes. How many couple do you not think is out there, who are sick of each other, but stay only together because of financially security. I tell you there are A LOT!

I would also bet you that most women and men, would say "Yes" to having sex with a total stranger for USD 1 mill.

Edited by khunpa
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Marry ANY woman in the world and then tell her after a couple of years, that you have decided to stop working and let her bring in the money. Then see what happens. All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You want to be sure not to marry a prostitute, then marry a nun. If you are lucky, she might be feed up with the primitive and simple life as a nun and want to live a little. But then again, she becomes a prostitute after leaving the church... ;-) So you need to marry her while still being a nun and ensure she remains one, to be 100% sure you are not marrying a prostitute. Good luck with that!

I have a friend who is single and very rich. His biggest problem is finding a life partner. Why? Because he never knows if the girl really likes him or his money. He gets loads of sex, but has a serious problem finding real love. But why do you think he gets loads of sex? For sure it is not his good looks or amazing personality.

So the only way you can really "test" your girlfriend is by burning all you money and her agreeing to financially support you both. Good luck with that too! But then you become a prostitute yourself.

(PS: Instead of burning your money, you could use them on prostitutes. Just in case your girlfriend says "no" to supporting you. Because it will become much harder to get sex and/or a girlfriend, when you have no money and live on the street.)


are you on drugs?? That's the biggest load of tripe I have ever heard. Go and see sunglasses for a week and see how you fare or still better like my female friend in HCM working long hours cooking for $120 a month. Oh and one day off each month. You self rightious creature.

I would call myself a realist.

And I guess you are homeless and being supported by your girlfriend working for USD 120/Month? Right?

Would she had even talked with you, if you had been sitting on the street begging?[/quote

Again you need help. For your info I was originally was a quack. Took over fathers building business upon his passing when I was 26. Not super rich but could buy you 5 times over. Get a life and stick to the OP

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Seriously I don't know why we from the west aka farang can be so bloody rightious, come here and give opinions on what girls do and do not do here.

We prob all have advantage. I went to expensive private school. Thanks mar and papa. Stuff around with medicine. Went into building. In AU I pay my painters $50 an hour. Then have to pay their super. I would love you all to go sell shrimp on pattaya beach or sunglasses for a week in soi 4 Nanna.

Stop evaluating these women. Stay here with manners. Stop whinging if your that STUPID to get ripped off. Have a beer kiss a girl and get con with life

LOL! Private Schools, taking over daddy's business... You sure sound like someone with a lot of life-experience.

Ever tried to do something by yourself in life or have nothing? Try that, and you might understand why your USD 120/Month girlfriend in HCM likes you. I doubt you would last 2 hours selling sunglasses from a street shop.

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I always believe that a person's actions defines them best. Words, reasons, excuses mean nothing.

In this case, poor or rich, educated or uneducated, accepting an invitation to hook up based on a cash proposition says much about their integrity or lack of it as in this case.

Sadly in Thailand it is becoming a common value amongst women that providing sex and companionship for monetary gain is OK as long as its NOT done as a full time job (otherwise your a hooker). Sort of like the no harm no foul philosophy.

I'd stay away.

I agree with the first part, but see no connection with the second.

Agreeing to provide sex for money is not in any way indicative of a lack of integrity. Manipulation and lying to get money yes, but straight P4P providers can in my experience have a lot MORE integrity in that arena than straight girls.

And exactly, it's "no harm no foul", there is no harm done, consenting adults etc what could you possibly see as being "wrong" about it from an ethical POV? I just don't see it. . .

youre paying in the west as well.......and usually more for less in terms of quality ....

youre probably new here if you dont understand how it works yet but it costs money

to maintain any relationship ........when you get older you might understand .... smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

Nearly 10 years in Thailand and still young.

Doesnt cost me to maintain a relationship (financially), and never will.

I contribute, but no, doesnt cost money for me to maintain a relationship.

Hey Speedo, you do know Lara's a woman right?

Reading the bullshit about how all women are paid for one way or the other etc, is annoying.

Ie: you pay someone money for ANYTHING, be it sex, a service, or your milk from the 7/11, then that is a direct transaction. A clear transaction where you state what you want and you pay the amount in order to receive it.

In a relationship there is give and take, compromises and mutual benefits (or at least there should be).

THis means that if a man pays for something (in money terms), he is showing his partner that he appreicates what she does for him (and being romantic or sweet..pr sorry ..and blah blah ..lots of things ). In turn, his partner does things for him.

THis is called mutual showing of care, NOT a business transaction.

If you cant see the difference, then frankly you are lost.

And that is EXACTLY the nature of every long-term P4P relationship I've had for over ten years now.

The difference is it starts out as explicitly a transaction, then evolves over time into what you're talking about. I take care of you, you take care of me.

Sure I'm more in control than most western women would put up with. And she knows she has a baseline allowance that allows her to support her parents and buy nice clothes smartphone etc without having to ask me every time.

But the fundamental underlying relationship - as you say if it's going to last - is exactly what you're talking about. Just that so many closed-minded people refuse to believe this can happen when you start off on a completely transactional basis.

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If the OP is only looking for sex himself it really don't matter. If he is looking for a gf or wife keep looking .... Too many good girls in Thailand so why take a chance.

Why does a girl's choice of job determine whether she's "good" or not? Haven't you read the Bible?
It is a matter of odds. I would feel more confident and think I would have a better chance of having a good relationship with a girl who did not sell her body. I think and feel she would be more true to herself and me.

As stated before, I just don't trust girls who sell themselves.

If you want to marry a girl who does then marry one, as they say in Thailand " up to you".

I voice my opinion, you can agree or disagree.

Now, of course more people probably "went to calage" than went to UNIVERSITY and I'll grant you the "usage" point for that reason. I'm sure American Creationists and calage dropouts are enthusiastic blurrers of the distinction.

Yes of course common usage dictates what is correct in language.

English doesn't have a "Académie Française" to attempt to officially moderate the language.

And anyway, I gave you a clear link that refutes your opinion to Cambridge's dictionary service - that's pretty authoritative if you want to believe in a central authority.

I'm not claiming anyone calls the overall uni "Harvard College", I'm saying the normal US usage is to talk about "where I went to college", or even "where I went to school" when talking about tertiary education.

And that's among professional sophisticated writers and speakers that were educated in the best institutions in the world.

Some of which may well have worked for ESPN or in the Bush administration, those are just weird contexts AFAIC.


Sorry I struck such a nerve with your pathological hatred of all things British BTW.

Edited by wym
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Well well....you are questioning this girls morals and YOU got a BUDDY to chat her up...because you don't have the courage balls whatever to do it yourself and of course your background is REALLY clean....get of your high horse...how dare you be critical of her with your double standards.......

What's it's like to be as perfect as you WOW..........if a woman offered YOU a large amount of money to sleep with her YOU WOULD.....oh that's right you don't have balls because you can't talk to this lady yourself.....

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I agree with the first part, but see no connection with the second.

Agreeing to provide sex for money is not in any way indicative of a lack of integrity. Manipulation and lying to get money yes, but straight P4P providers can in my experience have a lot MORE integrity in that arena than straight girls.

And exactly, it's "no harm no foul", there is no harm done, consenting adults etc what could you possibly see as being "wrong" about it from an ethical POV? I just don't see it. . .

Hey Speedo, you do know Lara's a woman right?

Reading the bullshit about how all women are paid for one way or the other etc, is annoying.

Ie: you pay someone money for ANYTHING, be it sex, a service, or your milk from the 7/11, then that is a direct transaction. A clear transaction where you state what you want and you pay the amount in order to receive it.

In a relationship there is give and take, compromises and mutual benefits (or at least there should be).

THis means that if a man pays for something (in money terms), he is showing his partner that he appreicates what she does for him (and being romantic or sweet..pr sorry ..and blah blah ..lots of things ). In turn, his partner does things for him.

THis is called mutual showing of care, NOT a business transaction.

If you cant see the difference, then frankly you are lost.

And that is EXACTLY the nature of every long-term P4P relationship I've had for over ten years now.

The difference is it starts out as explicitly a transaction, then evolves over time into what you're talking about. I take care of you, you take care of me.

Sure I'm more in control than most western women would put up with. And she knows she has a baseline allowance that allows her to support her parents and buy nice clothes smartphone etc without having to ask me every time.

But the fundamental underlying relationship - as you say if it's going to last - is exactly what you're talking about. Just that so many closed-minded people refuse to believe this can happen when you start off on a completely transactional basis.

Well, you can call it what you want. To me, we are all prostitutes one way or the other, when it comes to relationships. We all want something from our partner and we all at some point use sex to get it or show that we want to stay in the relationship. If the relationship turns bad, we often stick with it and try to make it better, although our actions in that time are not always, what we really want in that moment. Often we know it is hopeless, but we need time to get the courage to move on in life.

That is also why, I respect e.g. bargirls just as much as anyone else in this world. Most ended up working there for a reason and only very few do it out of pleasure and enjoyment. Many Farang customers will state that is not true, because they will claim the girl says otherwise. But I see it as a way for the girl mentally surviving. I do not know any truly happy bargirls - do you? Because the fact is that bargirls would not be bargirls, if they had other decent options or ways to make money to e.g. take proper care of their children. In fact, I see the clients of prostitutes (who are mostly married), to be the ones who are the weakest and most lost with themselves. At least the prostitutes have a reason, which is make money to pay rent, school fees, medical bills etc. They are in "survival mode", while the clients are mentally not happy, since they need to buy an illusion of people liking and wanting to have sex with them.

While the OP is afraid of his Thai-girlfriend being a prostitute, I am pretty sure he himself would sleep with any attractive woman that offered him sex and not think twice about it. The thing is that society would define him as a stud and the girl offering sex as a slut. That combined with the fact that we all give and take for our own benefit, makes us no better that any bargirl or prostitute in this world. Therefore we are in my eyes all prostitutes in one way or the other.

Edited by khunpa
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