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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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But being the careful person I am But with my twisted mind I was curious as to what her true character might be so I figured a good nasty way to find that out would be to run a little test trick on her and see how she would react...So one glorious day I had my buddy chat her up... basically he offered her a sum of money ( a fairly large amount many could hardly refused) in exchange for sex.. and she accepted...

Even in Thailand there are woman who are not just trying to catch a man for his money and it's not unreasonable for a man to prefer them over the golddiggers. YES...

On the other hand asking a friend to offer a girl a fairly large amount of money in exchange for sex is proof of a totally pervert mind. Dot.coffee1.gif

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Every woman who has sex with men, has sex for money.

It is never free.

The cave girls would trade it for a chunk of meat or a fish.

In modern times....

Maybe a nice dinner and a few drinks?

Maybe a holiday together?

Some want cash.

Others charge you all the money you earn for the rest of your life!

Yes, the ones you marry are the most expensive.

Better to give a young, sweet, pretty one some cash and then move on to a new one when you are ready.

It just makes more sense doing it that way.

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"if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex...."

Then she's a prostitute.

All the silly use of semantics in this thread is proof that if you stay Thailand long enough, it can make you stupid.

Wow...a prostitute nothing less...biggrin.png

For the puritans on TV who forgot it...

...we are in a Buddhist country were sex had never been a sin that could throw us in hellcoffee1.gif

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Could it be you're too lazy to look up the difference?

Many - probably most - Americans use the words "college" and "university" interchangeably. It does not matter what some article claims on the Internet.

And the article states that a 4 year college or University grant a Bachalors degree ( BA) however Universities grant advanced degrees such as PHD or Masters

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But being the careful person I am But with my twisted mind I was curious as to what her true character might be so I figured a good nasty way to find that out would be to run a little test trick on her and see how she would react...So one glorious day I had my buddy chat her up... basically he offered her a sum of money ( a fairly large amount many could hardly refused) in exchange for sex.. and she accepted...

Even in Thailand there are woman who are not just trying to catch a man for his money and it's not unreasonable for a man to prefer them over the golddiggers. YES...

On the other hand asking a friend to offer a girl a fairly large amount of money in exchange for sex is proof of a totally pervert mind. Dot.coffee1.gif

The internet might not be the best place to look for a soul mate, for either the man or the woman.

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I like living in Thailand.

There are many things here I am vocally against. And I still like it.

But one thing I really hate is farangs bashing Thais for what is not Thai specific.

Any female in any country gets sex for money.

Some take cash. We call them prostitutes. They are the more honest ones. They get their agreed fee and never bother you again.

Others take a ring, a signed contract, a house, and life maintenance. We call them housewifes. They are less honest taking everything, before and after divorce.

The third category ( vast majority in the West) are after the best of both. First screw around than get married and screw around again. We call them many different names.

I really have seen all of the above.

Now tell me what being a young girl with or without Uni degree, with or without car, screwing one farang found on Internet and screwing another one who 'chat her up' in person and paid cash

has to do with being THAI?

I disagree. I view it primarily as a cultural phenomenon. Among a large segment of the Thai population, concepts such as morality and ethics are either not recognized as being legitimate paradigms, or these considerations are patently ignored, with a particular demographic of Thai people deciding, if money is being made, nothing else matters. While this behavior is not restricted to Thai culture- it is often found in places where people have very limited knowledge of History/culture/Philosophy, etc., and in places where people exhibit a high level of Nationalism and feelings of cultural superiority. How many times have we seen Thai people extort their own countrymen and say, charge 3 times what something is worth? Very rarely will someone from their social group question their morality or ethics, choosing rather to believe that the seller “was lucky”, and that the buyer “chose” to buy at that price. The Thai cultural system often functions to allow it's adherents to avoid confrontation, reflexive thought, guilt, and accountability. There is a tremendous amount of latitude in Thai society because the laws are rarely enforced and Police are easily paid off. This often renders legal and ethical value systems irrelevant. When there are no repercussions for a particular action, there will be little or no fear of engaging in that action. Limited education and experience, coupled with lax enforcement of the law, exasperated by limited access to resources and the naïve nature of the Thai psyche, often result in sendind Thais into a feeding frenzy in which western ideas of morality, compassion, responsibility and the notion of fair play, have absolutely no meaning.

Edited by bobthomas
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College educated, has a bachelors degree...

Did your friend gain a B.A. from college?

how is that relevant to anything

It's relevant because a B.A. would be gained from a university.

Your story doesn't add up.

Nice try.

Not true. A BA degree can be earned in a college as well, and this not only in Thailand, but also in the UK. What level this degree is is another story...

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To be honest all my ex wives accepted money from me and i had sex with them ,smile.png

ive lived in 16 countries and spent time in many more

nearly all the casual relationships/ long term gfs /wives / bits on the side etc accepted something over the course of the relationship

maybe not cash in itself but things that costed me cash etc food ,drinks ,bills ,rent ,perfume ,jewellery ,holidays .........it just comes naturally to women to expect men to pay for stuff ..........

in thailand it maybe be more blatent ,you give me 1000thb i will your brains out until the sun comes up kinda thing but in the west it would

cost that much and more to see a movie ,have a dinner ,drinks ,almost anything etc long before the sex .......and western women arent even poor as in most of them get the same salary as their male counterparts .......

of course thai girls want a new iphone /nice apartment /car as well if possibole ,what girl from any country wouldnt ?

Edited by speedtripler
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College educated, has a bachelors degree...

Did your friend gain a B.A. from college?

how is that relevant to anything

It's relevant because a B.A. would be gained from a university.

Your story doesn't add up.

Nice try.

Not true. A BA degree can be earned in a college as well, and this not only in Thailand, but also in the UK. What level this degree is is another story...

A BA degree has different levels?

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First OP, tell us what website and what her username is.

Secondly, so far she only accepted money for sex in a cyber chat. She did not actually have sex with your buddy, yet.

I for one understand OP's approach. Not that I would do it also.

There is nothing wrong with people accepting money for sex.

But OP just does not want that type of person.

Fair enough.

OP should also understand that at this stage he is just a virtual boyfriend prospect to her.

They've never met in real yet, so she is not exclusively chatting with him.

So unless the two of them (OP and the girl) have been together and dating exclusively for a few weeks or month,

he cannot expect her to only be involved with him, in whatever way.

Now, if they had been dating some time already and were 'officially' boyfriend and girls, and she would

still accept his buddy's offer..................

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Every woman who has sex with men, has sex for money.

It is never free.

The cave girls would trade it for a chunk of meat or a fish.

In modern times....

Maybe a nice dinner and a few drinks?

Maybe a holiday together?

Some want cash.

Others charge you all the money you earn for the rest of your life!

Yes, the ones you marry are the most expensive.

Better to give a young, sweet, pretty one some cash and then move on to a new one when you are ready.

It just makes more sense doing it that way.

There is a difference which is if you are in an actual relationship you will not be paying for the deed each time. In a relationship you contribute to other things but that's a given and has been that way for a long time. I think these sorts of comments are an easy quick dismissal for guys who have failed miserably to hold down a relationship. Could you imagine a women wanting to be with a guy who spent absolutely no money on her at all? Exactly.

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The General Manager of a golf course was confused about paying an invoice, so he decided to ask his secretary for some mathematical help

He called her into his office and said, 'You graduated from University and I need some help.

If I were to give you £20,000, minus 14%, how much would you take off?'
>The secretary thought a moment, and then
replied..............'Everything but my earrings

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The General Manager of a golf course was confused about paying an invoice, so he decided to ask his secretary for some mathematical help

He called her into his office and said, 'You graduated from University and I need some help.

If I were to give you £20,000, minus 14%, how much would you take off?'

>The secretary thought a moment, and then

replied..............'Everything but my earrings

nice 1st post .......:)

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"with a Thai girl... a poor girl..... should there be more leeway given with something like this? Or should this be the end of the road her?"

If she actually has a college degree and a job at a company, she is not "poor".

She is, however, evidentally a prostitute (and as such, probably likewise not "poor").

I would not necessarily assume the bit about the BA is true. And the "company" may well in fact be a bar or massage parlor.

Whether or not this should be the end of the road depends on you and what you want.

If you are looking for a serious relationship with a "nice" woman, keep looking. She is not it.

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College educated, has a bachelors degree...

Did your friend gain a B.A. from college?

how is that relevant to anything

It's not relevant. That's the point. You're the one who wrote it ... nobody else cares.

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Food for thought:

A friend of mine living in Samui refused to have anything to do with bar girls and was looking for a "good woman" - on visiting his bank one day he took a fancy to the Bank Manage and asked her out on a date over a period of a few weeks the dates were getting more and more amorous and they eventually ended up in bed as the love making got more and more intense and he was about to make the final plunge she said "STOP" what's the matter he asked she said I want 5000bht but your a Bank Manager yes she said but I do'nt have sex for nothing!! True story.

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I am probably in a minority here but for me it would be OK to accept some money as a part consideration of spending time with you. It all depends on HOW it is done. I think it's just fair if for example the girl is a student and the guy earns a good living (that would be the normal case) If these things were handled a little easier, we would all avoid lots of frustration and would, and that is important, contribute to dry out criminality

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You would be surprised of how many "B.A.-students" hang around in bars (or call it disco or club) to earn extra money...

In the tourist areas it is a very LOW %. Theres the ones they claim they are uni students but unable to give simple information / answers about their school or studies (I inquire in near native thai) Then theres the ones that got a Ramkamhaeng University ID card . It is an open university and famous for students dropping out or never showing up in the first place. Law school excluded.

In tourist ares the only credible real uni students tend to be some of the hired coyote or beer company girls promoting a business or product.

Perhaps in thai areas, pubs the situation is different.

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Another way to look at it is, If, in your country there was an Office girl, with a degree, works in an office, earning $50,000, was propostioned with a one night bonk for $5000. you can bet your bottom dollar, most would say yes.

How do you know these things? Are you a genius or do you just make it up? And what is "most"? 51% or more?

Edited by HerbalEd
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Food for thought:

A friend of mine living in Samui refused to have anything to do with bar girls and was looking for a "good woman" - on visiting his bank one day he took a fancy to the Bank Manage and asked her out on a date over a period of a few weeks the dates were getting more and more amorous and they eventually ended up in bed as the love making got more and more intense and he was about to make the final plunge she said "STOP" what's the matter he asked she said I want 5000bht but your a Bank Manager yes she said but I do'nt have sex for nothing!! True story.

that is exactly what I describe as, a prostitute, with a day job.

thanks for the timely example

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More dribble to get you idiots going. Total made up BS. It worked on you mindless idiots.

before you call someone else an idiot, perhaps work on getting your usage right, its DRIVEL. not dribble.

read a book sometime.

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You Played the Game ,i been there long time ,had it all once ,now nearly all gone ,maybe like many ,but i did wise up in the end before it was to late ,and did find lady thats no to bad ,and now she works and have a normal ish life in the west ,my first trip to thailand was to meet a girl ,i said to myself been around the world few times street wise ,what harm could happen to me ,now half million short ,lucky still little left for my old age ,those thai girls ,but what fun ,and some up and downs on the trip

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You would be surprised of how many "B.A.-students" hang around in bars (or call it disco or club) to earn extra money...

In the tourist areas it is a very LOW %. Theres the ones they claim they are uni students but unable to give simple information / answers about their school or studies (I inquire in near native thai) Then theres the ones that got a Ramkamhaeng University ID card . It is an open university and famous for students dropping out or never showing up in the first place. Law school excluded.

In tourist ares the only credible real uni students tend to be some of the hired coyote or beer company girls promoting a business or product.

Perhaps in thai areas, pubs the situation is different.

You funny guy. Not go to right clubs at correct times of the year and right days of week. Or maybe walk down wrong streets after bus arrives from Bangkok.

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What the hell are you talking about? I swear half you fuxers on these boards seem like you're drunk or senile 90% of the time.

The most convincing trolls are intelligent.
Could it be that the OP is American in which case the aforementioned degree was attained at a college (known to others as a university?)

Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Brown, Rice, UCLA, etc. are never referred to as "colleges"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Another way to look at it is, If, in your country there was an Office girl, with a degree, works in an office, earning $50,000, was propostioned with a one night bonk for $5000. you can bet your bottom dollar, most would say yes.

How do you know these things? Are you a genius or do you just make it up? And what is "most"? 51% or more?

i think we can guess that unless someone looks like the elephant man ,most thai or any other girls would consider a quick bang for a shitload of money .......especially if its discreet and nobodys ever going to know the differnce ??

she can still keep her current bf/lover/husband/sponsor or keep looking to marry prince charming when he finally arrives etc .......

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