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Out to Lunch; Entire Country Shuts for One Hour a Day


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OP - you not been to Spain/France/Italy?

Apart from your Toyota repair, what's wrong with an hour lunch at the same time? Quite social and communal I say.

Perhaps you are starting a TV fire and winding everyone up, or another foreigner wishing everything was like home.

A bit like those Americans (you know the type) who travel the world comparing cheeseburgers in every city. You know who you are.

You you you you you you you you you you

Still waiting for a defense on the abysmal Thai work ethic

Well, I am not going to defend it, but I can explain how they think about it. Just like in a lot of other countries that are more collectivist, Thais place a high value on the group and doing things together as a group. Maintaining those relationships is more important to them than almost everything else. This is related to all the face stuff, but I am not going to go into that.

Actually, understanding that this is how they think will make a lot of stuff that happens here more understandable, from the top to the bottom of the society. Business--yes, doing business, but group cohesion matters more. School--yes, study, but being a tight group of students with a proper subordinate relationship with the teacher is more important. Being right or wrong--Ok, but the more important thing is maintaining the harmony of the group according to the status of the people involved. Could go on--but you get the point.

Anyway, not apologizing for it or even saying it is or fun--usually it isn't. But, if you can't come to terms with how people here see the world and how they prioritize things, it will be an uphill battle all the way.

On a side note, just don't plan on doing anything during that time. Also, I find that afternoons are actually better, as most Thais get up at 5 or 6 and really live most of their day in the AM. So, in a strange way, going around 2PM usually turns out better than going at 8AM, when all the eager beavers will be lined up.

Well, good luck and remember--Thais will change when they become the engine of change within their own society. Not much we can do about it.

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