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Mozilla chief resigns over same-sex marriage controversy


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Read the article and find out. wink.png

The article written by C-FAM. No agenda there... lol

Mission Statement

C-FAM's Mission

To defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate.

C-FAM's Vision

The preservation of international law by discrediting socially radical policies at the United Nations and other international institutions.

C-FAM's Core Values

Fidelity to the teachings of the Church



Truth telling

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Read the article and find out. wink.png

The article written by C-FAM. No agenda there... lol

Mission Statement

C-FAM's Mission

To defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate.

C-FAM's Vision

The preservation of international law by discrediting socially radical policies at the United Nations and other international institutions.

C-FAM's Core Values

Fidelity to the teachings of the Church



Truth telling

Besides the obvious, "Fidelity to the teachings of the Church", which others do you disagree with?

Edited by chuckd
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Read the article and find out. wink.png

The article written by C-FAM. No agenda there... lol

Mission Statement

C-FAM's Mission

To defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate.

C-FAM's Vision

The preservation of international law by discrediting socially radical policies at the United Nations and other international institutions.

C-FAM's Core Values

Fidelity to the teachings of the Church



Truth telling

Besides the obvious, "Fidelity to the teachings of the Church", which others do you disagree with?

Is that not sufficient?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Same thing would have happened to the poor fella had he come out as a holocaust denier.

Not the same. People wouldn't be whining about it.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yeah, that's why I used it as an example -people wouldn't be whining about it. Interesting that.

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Read the article and find out. wink.png

The article written by C-FAM. No agenda there... lol

Mission Statement

C-FAM's Mission

To defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate.

C-FAM's Vision

The preservation of international law by discrediting socially radical policies at the United Nations and other international institutions.

C-FAM's Core Values

Fidelity to the teachings of the Church



Truth telling

Besides the obvious, "Fidelity to the teachings of the Church", which others do you disagree with?

I was simply pointing out that as as the 'Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute' they have an agenda.

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The one thing that's predictable about threads like this is how those who tell us to show tolerance no matter the circumstances quickly become intolerant when faced with a bit of intolerance themselves. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

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Yes because at this point in U.S. history it is still socially acceptable to oppose equal civil rights for LGBT Americans.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The financial sponsors of the LGBT movement in America, The Bank of America, Coca Cola, BP, NIke amongst others are responsible for some of the greatest civil rights abuses on minority groups possible. Talk about using dirty money to get your own goal achieved. At least Eich's money was his own, Every $1000 the LGBT receive from their 'sponsors' is from the fingers of child workers at slave labour rates in foreign climes and the outright rape of the environment. Way to go LGBT ! Still, as long as you can get equal tax and health benefits for gays who want to be married who the hell cares about the staring kids and the planet. As long as it happens outside the USA it's not your problem or your concern I guess.

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I was simply pointing out that as as the 'Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute' they have an agenda.

They have an agenda and the mainstream media have a different one. whistling.gif

Can you provide some evidence of that rather than just a smiley?

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Yes because at this point in U.S. history it is still socially acceptable to oppose equal civil rights for LGBT Americans.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The financial sponsors of the LGBT movement in America, The Bank of America, Coca Cola, BP, NIke amongst others are responsible for some of the greatest civil rights abuses on minority groups possible. Talk about using dirty money to get your own goal achieved. At least Eich's money was his own, Every $1000 the LGBT receive from their 'sponsors' is from the fingers of child workers at slave labour rates in foreign climes and the outright rape of the environment. Way to go LGBT ! Still, as long as you can get equal tax and health benefits for gays who want to be married who the hell cares about the staring kids and the planet. As long as it happens outside the USA it's not your problem or your concern I guess.

This is like the third time or so you've launched this absurd dirt slinging attack on LGBT civil rights supporters that has pretty much NOTHING to do with the LGBT civil rights issues. I would say sure, lets talk plenty about those other very important human rights issues, CHILD LABOR, SLAVE LABOR, and last but not least ENVIRONMENTAL RAPE on a thread that is actually about those issues. But this one isn't. Your transparent game is just to smear dirt on the LGBT civil rights movement any dishonestly sleazy way you can ... it doesn't wash and you are NO gentleman.

IF you actually believe you've made an effective hit on GLBT civil rights supporters with this Coke/BofA/Nike meme gambit fine ... you've ALREADY repeated the same thing multiple times. Weird and offensive to human rights supporting GLBT people message transmitted ... and again, and again ...

In case anyone is confused being for GLBT civil rights does not equate to being pro:




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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes because at this point in U.S. history it is still socially acceptable to oppose equal civil rights for LGBT Americans.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not quite. It's socially acceptable to find it unacceptable that someone might resign because of being against equal civil rights for LGBT. But it would be socially acceptable that someone might resign for voicing holocaust denial. The difference between the two posiitons is really that people find equal civil rights anathema. They might not say it outright (the might have to resign) so they do it in the next best possible way by abhoring the fact that someone might resign or have to resign because of having such views. The reason? Well, that's because they hold precisely the same views but don't want to say it. Hence the bitching about it.

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Yes because at this point in U.S. history it is still socially acceptable to oppose equal civil rights for LGBT Americans.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The financial sponsors of the LGBT movement in America, The Bank of America, Coca Cola, BP, NIke amongst others are responsible for some of the greatest civil rights abuses on minority groups possible. Talk about using dirty money to get your own goal achieved. At least Eich's money was his own, Every $1000 the LGBT receive from their 'sponsors' is from the fingers of child workers at slave labour rates in foreign climes and the outright rape of the environment. Way to go LGBT ! Still, as long as you can get equal tax and health benefits for gays who want to be married who the hell cares about the staring kids and the planet. As long as it happens outside the USA it's not your problem or your concern I guess.

Wow! I know that we're responsible for the floods that have swept the UK recently but I didn't realise that we're also responsible for child poverty and slave labour too. And all for wanting the same legal rights as everyone else. Bummer eh!

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Read the article and find out. wink.png

The article written by C-FAM. No agenda there... lol

Mission Statement

C-FAM's Mission

To defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate.

C-FAM's Vision

The preservation of international law by discrediting socially radical policies at the United Nations and other international institutions.

C-FAM's Core Values

Fidelity to the teachings of the Church



Truth telling

Besides the obvious, "Fidelity to the teachings of the Church", which others do you disagree with?

Is that not sufficient?

Not to a large percentage of the world's population.

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Yes because at this point in U.S. history it is still socially acceptable to oppose equal civil rights for LGBT Americans.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The financial sponsors of the LGBT movement in America, The Bank of America, Coca Cola, BP, NIke amongst others are responsible for some of the greatest civil rights abuses on minority groups possible. Talk about using dirty money to get your own goal achieved. At least Eich's money was his own, Every $1000 the LGBT receive from their 'sponsors' is from the fingers of child workers at slave labour rates in foreign climes and the outright rape of the environment. Way to go LGBT ! Still, as long as you can get equal tax and health benefits for gays who want to be married who the hell cares about the staring kids and the planet. As long as it happens outside the USA it's not your problem or your concern I guess.

This is like the third time or so you've launched this absurd dirt slinging attack on LGBT civil rights supporters that has pretty much NOTHING to do with the LGBT civil rights issues. I would say sure, lets talk plenty about those other very important human rights issues, CHILD LABOR, SLAVE LABOR, and last but not least ENVIRONMENTAL RAPE on a thread that is actually about those issues. But this one isn't. Your transparent game is just to smear dirt on the LGBT civil rights movement any dishonestly sleazy way you can ... it doesn't wash and you are NO gentleman.

IF you actually believe you've made an effective hit on GLBT civil rights supporters with this Coke/BofA/Nike meme gambit fine ... you've ALREADY repeated the same thing multiple times. Weird and offensive to human rights supporting GLBT people message transmitted ... and again, and again ...

In case anyone is confused being for GLBT civil rights does not equate to being pro:




No, it doesn't you are right. It is just who the organization is funded by, to much more than the tune of $1000. How on earth can you call this a 'dirt slinging attack' when you launched the same on Eich. Eich funded Prop8 to the tune of $1000, the BOA, Coke, Nike and BP fund LGBT to the tune of MUCH more, what is wrong with that? Perfectly on thread. The reason you have 50K posts is you have an opinion on everything, and when cornered you always cry foul, as you are doing now. Try using intellect without shouting in capitals and screaming off topic when you are stumped.

At no point have i said members of LGBT support child labour, slave labour and the rape of the economy, but that is where the money comes from that is supporting your cause, and of course those doing the funding are doing it for one reason only, to increase their corporate revenue, which means a greater demand for child labour, slave labour and damage to the economy. Ironic isn't it, and when faced with that fact rather than do something about it, you turn your back on those minority groups who are suffering even now, you ignore them. A bit like putting your fingers in your ears and going la la la because you don't want to hear it. Eich is a saint in comparison to the corporate sponsors of LGBT. Go for your goal put stop using dirty money to get there. There must be a bundle of wealthy gays willing to support LGBT surely. Dig around if you dare and see the truth. You cannot change the truth Jingthing, but the truth can change people ;)

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Yes because at this point in U.S. history it is still socially acceptable to oppose equal civil rights for LGBT Americans.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The financial sponsors of the LGBT movement in America, The Bank of America, Coca Cola, BP, NIke amongst others are responsible for some of the greatest civil rights abuses on minority groups possible. Talk about using dirty money to get your own goal achieved. At least Eich's money was his own, Every $1000 the LGBT receive from their 'sponsors' is from the fingers of child workers at slave labour rates in foreign climes and the outright rape of the environment. Way to go LGBT ! Still, as long as you can get equal tax and health benefits for gays who want to be married who the hell cares about the staring kids and the planet. As long as it happens outside the USA it's not your problem or your concern I guess.

Wow! I know that we're responsible for the floods that have swept the UK recently but I didn't realise that we're also responsible for child poverty and slave labour too. And all for wanting the same legal rights as everyone else. Bummer eh!

Well if you didn't know it is about time you looked at who gives LGBT their money, you are keen enough to see who donates to Prop 8 !

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There he goes again.facepalm.gif

Mr. Not a Gentleman is trying to HIJACK this topic into a gay lobbying funding topic which he WANTS to talk about, but again, that is not the topic here.

This is the primary lobbying organization for GLBT issues in the USA:


How is it funded? I know many donations from everyday people. I don't know what percentage are corporate sponsors. How picky should such lobbying groups be about where the money is coming from? I don't know. I kind of thought pretty much all these lobbying orgs FOR ANY CAUSE take money from almost anybody, no matter how dirty, with the possible exception of Nazis. Should gays be more picky than other lobbying groups just to be PC? It's a good separate issue, probably apt for the GAY FORUM ... not this topic.

I hereby formally welcome Mr. G to start a topic like this on the gay forum. It seems it should be him as he is so very interested in it.

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Yes because at this point in U.S. history it is still socially acceptable to oppose equal civil rights for LGBT Americans.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The financial sponsors of the LGBT movement in America, The Bank of America, Coca Cola, BP, NIke amongst others are responsible for some of the greatest civil rights abuses on minority groups possible. Talk about using dirty money to get your own goal achieved. At least Eich's money was his own, Every $1000 the LGBT receive from their 'sponsors' is from the fingers of child workers at slave labour rates in foreign climes and the outright rape of the environment. Way to go LGBT ! Still, as long as you can get equal tax and health benefits for gays who want to be married who the hell cares about the staring kids and the planet. As long as it happens outside the USA it's not your problem or your concern I guess.

Wow! I know that we're responsible for the floods that have swept the UK recently but I didn't realise that we're also responsible for child poverty and slave labour too. And all for wanting the same legal rights as everyone else. Bummer eh!

Well if you didn't know it is about time you looked at who gives LGBT their money, you are keen enough to see who donates to Prop 8 !

Who is this LGBT you keep talking about? Is it some great monolithic organisation? Is it like the Borg or the 4400? I've certainly never been asked to join or contribute to it. I just want the same rights as everyone else. Is it wrong of me to want that?

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There he goes again.facepalm.gif

Mr. Not a Gentleman is trying to HIJACK this topic into a gay lobbying funding topic which he WANTS to talk about, but again, that is not the topic here.

This is the primary lobbying organization for GLBT issues in the USA:


How is it funded? I know many donations from everyday people. I don't know what percentage are corporate sponsors. How picky should such lobbying groups be about where the money is coming from? I don't know. I kind of thought pretty much all these lobbying orgs FOR ANY CAUSE take money from almost anybody, no matter how dirty, with the possible exception of Nazis. Should gays be more picky than other lobbying groups just to be PC? It's a good separate issue, probably apt for the GAY FORUM ... not this topic.

I hereby formally welcome Mr. G to start a topic like this on the gay forum. It seems it should be him as he is so very interested in it.

Of course it is on topic, if you want to talk about the anti gay lobbying funding (aka Eich), particularly concerning equality, then surely the gay lobbying funding issue deserves equal scrutiny in the same debate. We are after all looking at equality, and you have just said the most extraordinary things!

How picky should such lobbying groups be about where the money is coming from?

Well you seem to be being pretty picky about where the Prop 8 lobby got their money from 6 years ago!

Why the personal attack? I have an argument against what you are saying and suddenly (for the second time this page) I am 'not a Gentleman'. Just as you have no idea of who Eich really is as a person yet you claim to despise his politics because he donated $1000, you have no idea who I am yet resort to personal attacks. As I said Jingthing, try and argue intellectually and look out for one of those anger management classes, they could add years to your life!

I have no wish to start any topics on the Gay forum, but if you knew how many gays have sent personal messages to me to say people like you are causing the problems and they want to distance themselves from gays who comment such as you, then you would really have to take a breath and think about your method of debating these issues surrounding Eich and Prop 8.

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Wow! I know that we're responsible for the floods that have swept the UK recently but I didn't realise that we're also responsible for child poverty and slave labour too. And all for wanting the same legal rights as everyone else. Bummer eh!

Well if you didn't know it is about time you looked at who gives LGBT their money, you are keen enough to see who donates to Prop 8 !

Who is this LGBT you keep talking about? Is it some great monolithic organisation? Is it like the Borg or the 4400? I've certainly never been asked to join or contribute to it. I just want the same rights as everyone else. Is it wrong of me to want that?

Absolutely not wrong at all, and I want you to have those rights, but lets stop vilifying people who may not agree, particularly for religious reasons. My God, I can't get a creationist to believe the planet is more than 6000 years old (and there is a LOT of them), how do you think I can persuade them that same sex marriage is ok? It is not going to happen any time soon. You fight for equality by making sure that you are meticulous with your application of equality. You make friends, lots of them, and THEY WILL support you, instead of alienating a group because of activist behaviour from a few (one on this thread for example). I am completely on YOUR side, 100%. What I am against is the positive discrimination displayed by a few and the drama queen outrage, evidence of which is plentiful on this thread.

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Eich was offered a job with Mozilla. After he'd joined they discovered that he'd previously contributed to a cause which they thought would be bad for their current business and possibly make him unpopular with their employees. They asked/forced him to resign. That's it. A business decision. Nothing more - nothing less.

All the rest is the media latching onto something they knew they could blow up into a major story and all the agenda-driven organisations on both sides of the argument doing the only thing they know.

Personally I don't give a shit whether Eich runs Mozilla or sweeps the streets but I do find it quite amusing to be chided for my lack of tolerance when I occasionally throw a minor tantrum rather than follow the teachings of that great philosopher and my own personal hero Rodney King laugh.png

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Just a quote. Suggest people sincerely interested in this issue read the entire article from the leading U.S. GLBT political lobbying organization:


In an age of corporate beliefs in “authentic leadership,” the fact that Mr. Eich took time out of his day and money out of his checkbook to defeat marriage equality in California most certainly is an insight into his authentic self. In other words, this is not an opinion that surfaced through nuanced and long conversations. It was decisive action aimed at restricting the rights of a minority group.

Nationally the question of basic rights for LGBT people is not a "to-may-to/to-mah-to" breezy difference of opinions.

Amongst the general public, marriage equality is less and less an abstract idea but instead has the very human faces of LGBT family members, friends and colleagues. To label it a simple matter of differing views is just too minimizing.

Without the prodding of LGBT interest groups, Mr. Eich’s Board peers resigned and others expressed their lack of confidence in his ability to lead.

Marriage equality and LGBT equality under the law have the support of the majority of Mozilla’s tech peers, along with hundreds of major businesses that have publicly weighed in at the state level, before the Supreme Court last year and via public coalitions to support legislation. The issue is one of smart business to many prominent corporate leaders, in addition to being the right thing to do.

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Predictable, I suppose, but here it is. Extremely homophobic web reaction directed at Mozilla Corp. in response to the Eich affair:

Homophobes Drop Firefox in Protest of Mozilla CEO Ouster
A staggering 86 percent of the comments on Mozilla's Firefox Input feedback forum are negative, citing Brendan Eich's ouster as CEO as proof that the progressive company is intolerant.


Side note -- I love CHROME!

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Predictable, I suppose, but here it is. Extremely homophobic web reaction directed at Mozilla Corp. in response to the Eich affair:

Homophobes Drop Firefox in Protest of Mozilla CEO Ouster
A staggering 86 percent of the comments on Mozilla's Firefox Input feedback forum are negative, citing Brendan Eich's ouster as CEO as proof that the progressive company is intolerant.


Side note -- I love CHROME!

But you were all for dropping Firefox if he had not resigned!! I do not agree with his ousting is that negative? but I am not a homophobe. Why not just give it a rest!

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I haven't used Firefox for years! "You were all"facepalm.gif , where do you get this stuff, dude? Gays are not a monolith.

Give it a rest? Apparently masses of vicious homophobes are posting hate speech quite unrest-fully on the Mozilla site. Just reporting the truth. Hopefully, that can be handled.

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